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Searching Rudolf Steiner Lectures by Location (Prague)

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    Query was: child

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Goethe's Relationship to his 'Faust'
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    • growing, sprouting, prospering not only during child
  • Title: Lecture: Waking of the Human Soul and the Forming of Destiny: Lecture I
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    • body; how the child sleeps, as it were, into the physical-earthly
    • world. We see that the life of the child in its relation with the
    • awakes. Threefold, however, do we find is that which the child
    • sense a human being always observes a child. But the full significance
    • points to a series of things that the child achieves at the same time.
    • The child enters into the world in such a way that it is in a state of
    • existence. This is what the child must first learn. Out of what the
    • striving that the child must exercise in order to gain the dexterity
    • child, in learning to walk, steps on the heel, the ball of the foot,
    • human being as childish thinking. Walking, speaking, thinking, —
    • the force is none the less within the child in the last after-effects
    • Thinking, as it flows out of the child, — one who observes the
    • which reappears in the thinking that the child acquires in the third
    • circulation. When that which there struggles out of the child,
    • Let us go back now to the first thing that the child learns: to walk,
    • the nature of conscience, the child places himself just as into the
    • are there at work when the child passes over from the creeping to the
    • darkness of the child's consciousness, lead us to a still loftier
    • cultivated in children. But through such thinking, which Goethe and
    • Beings. It is so very beautiful when the child has learned to think so
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Waking of the Human Soul and the Forming of Destiny: Lecture II
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    • thinking in the period of childhood, although this is lost in the
    • derived from the Gospels, that the child-like heart took possession
    • there was overshadowed also the child-like memory of the Palestine
  • Title: Karmic Relationships, V: Lecture I
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    • circumstances in which she gave birth to her child, and in order to
  • Title: Karmic Relationships, V: Lecture II
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    • this event. We may look right back into our childhood and we shall
  • Title: Truths and Errors: Lecture II: How Does One Disprove Spiritual Science?
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    • knows which big influence just the very first childhood
    • first childhood experiences take hold in the soul and that they
    • investigate the life of the child sufficiently to be able to
    • say how for the soul of the child the experiences of the first
    • childhood experiences if such things are brought forward like
    • parental couple has three, four children — every child is
    • children of a parental couple do not have the same qualities
    • appear with the children and thus the most different
    • one can show in such a way with children of different ages
  • Title: Truths and Errors: Lecture III: How Does One Defend Spiritual Science?
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    • features of the child certain trains gradually impress
    • This is not yet the case in the first childhood years. Since,
    • otherwise, the child did not need to attain many things by the
    • not need to educate the child. Only in the course of the first
    • during the early childhood. It becomes obvious to the spiritual
    • so you state that you behold a childish spiritual atmosphere
    • around the child head and that from this childish atmosphere,
    • work on the brain of the child, so that it can later become the
    • astral form surrounds the child head, slips into the inside to
    • childhood. Thus, you state that that which uses the brain is a
    • spiritual thing in childhood. It moves from without inwards, is
    • appears to the clairvoyant in the aura of the child, we have to
    • cultural region, for example, one child has an artistic talent,
    • life? What urges the adolescent child to such performances that
    • are given in our culture? That has developed beyond the child
    • for which it strives. The child has this or that ability, this
    • states. If such a child were not related to that which happens
    • cultural life. Hence, it is comprehensible that the child must
    • childish aura outwardly, which immerses itself in the inside to
    • human being learns as a child to say “I" to himself; that
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Mystery of Death: Lecture IX: The Relation of the Human Being to the Realms of Nature and the Hierarchies
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    • education. She was a simple human child — a farmer girl.
    • us that the clairvoyance of a nature child could be developed
    • Because the Maid of Orleans was such a nature child, one could
    • shaken my hand; it was a sunny very dear child. In that
    • it was lifted; and we recovered the dead child.
    • That was also the case concerning this child. The karma of this
    • child had run off. The removal van went there because of the
    • child. The spiritual beings who exist behind the secret
    • arranged the matter in such a way that the child could find its
  • Title: Mystery of Death: Lecture X: Central Europe between East and West
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    • for the external life, so to speak, if they are still childish
    • planted the tendency of materialism in the childish souls,
    • Robinson in the childish souls, they get the propensity
    • children instead of the ahrimanic Robinson, we bring
    • commensurate with it — never did my children read any
    • imagine, and one teaches it already the children at school,
    • One makes it clear to the children at school, while one does an
  • Title: An Occult Physiology: Lecture 3: Co-operation in the Human Duality
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    • of the child — namely, the rhythm of eating and drinking. Any
    • fastidiousness of many children who are simply given a thing whenever
    • destroy itself again. Saturn, or Kronos, devours his own children, so
    • picture, a symbol: “Kronos devours his own children!”
  • Title: An Occult Physiology: Lecture 6: The Blood as Manifestation and Instrument of the Human Ego
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    • bones in the human organism are in the early years of childhood still

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