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Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Mans Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Mans Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds

On-line since: 29th July, 2004

Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Man's Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Lectures Section

Six lectures from: GA 211 The Sun Mystery ... Death, Resurrection Das Sonnenmysterium und das Mysterium von Tod und Auferstehung. Exoterisches und esoterisches Christentum GA 214 The Mystery of the Trinity and the Mission of the Spirit, Das Geheimnis der Trinitat. Der Mensch und sein Verhaeltnis zur Geistwelt im Wandel der Zeiten GA 218 Spiritual Relationships in the Human Organism, Geistiger Zusammenhaenge in der Gestaltung des Menschlichen Organismus. Formerly published privately for members. Translated from the German by George and Mary Adams from Shorthand Reports unrevised by the Lecturer.

By Rudolf Steiner

Translated by George and Mary Adams
Given at London and Oxford
Bn 218.4, and GA 211, 214, 218

Steiner reveals in this book the experiences we have after death, our spiritual connections with the planetary powers, and our preparations for reincarnation. With enlightening clarity, he shows us the vastness of our earthly and cosmic existence.

Six lectures from:

  • GA 211 The Sun Mystery ... Death, Resurrection
    (Das Sonnenmysterium und das Mysterium von Tod und Auferstehung. Exoterisches und esoterisches Christentum)
  • GA 214 The Mystery of the Trinity and the Mission of the Spirit
    (Das Geheimnis der Trinitat. Der Mensch und sein Verhaeltnis zur Geistwelt im Wandel der Zeiten)
  • GA 218 Spiritual Relationships in the Human Organism
    (Geistiger Zusammenhaenge in der Gestaltung des Menschlichen Organismus)

Formerly published privately for members. Translated from the German by George and Mary Adams from Shorthand Reports unrevised by the Lecturer. From Bn 218.4, GA 211, 214, 218.

Copyright © 1982
This e.Text edition is provided with the cooperation of:
The Rudolf Steiner Press
Book Cover Image

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For another version of this lecture series, see: Man's Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds

Thanks to an anonymous donation, this lecture series is now available.


 Cover Sheet  
About the Transcripts of Lectures
Lecture IThe Threefold Sun and the Risen Christ April 24, 1922
Lecture IIThe Cosmic Origin of the Human Form August 22, 1922
Lecture IIIMan's Life in Sleep and After Death August 30, 1922
Lecture IVLife in the Spiritual Spheres and the Return to Earth November 12, 1922
Lecture VLuciferic and Ahrimanic Powers Wrestling for Man November 16, 1922
Lecture VIChrist and the Metamorphoses of Karma November 19, 1922
Back Cover

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