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Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Section Name Rudolf Steiner e.Lib

Schiller and Our Times

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

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Schiller and Our Times

On-line since: 30th April, 2018

The following are authorised translations at
present available of

Rudolf Steiner's Works on Goethe.

They are to be obtained at the following prices from the Rudolf Steiner Centre at 27, Clareville Grove, London, S.W.7:

Goethe's Conception of the World, price 6/6.

Goethe's Standard of the Soul, price 1/6. (This little book includes Goethe's Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily, and is of great assistance to students who are reading the Mystery Dramas of Rudolf Steiner).

Goethe as Founder of a new science of Aesthetics.

The Riddle in Goethe's Faust (exoteric and esoteric), 2/6.

Other works are in course of translation.

Printed in Great Britain by Lawrence Bros. (Weston-super-Mare) Ltd.,
North Street, Weston-super-Mare.

Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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