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The Threefold Order of the Body Social - Study Series II

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

The Threefold Order of the Body Social - Study Series II

Two Addresses given by Dr. Steiner at Study Evenings in the Year 1920

On-line since: 31st December, 2012

The Threefold Order of the Body Social - Study Series II

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Lectures Section

In the social ferment of postwar Europe in 1919, Steiner presented his ideas about reforming the basis of society in three fundamental, autonomous spheres: economic, political/rights, and cultural. For a short time he worked to bring his ideas into practical application but it soon became impossible to bring about a 'threefold social order' and he withdrew from the outer work in this area. His ideas have been worked with over the decades since that time and have proved to be just as valid today as they were then.

By Rudolf Steiner

Translation by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood
From Bn/GA's 335 and 337

In the social ferment of postwar Europe in 1919, Steiner presented his ideas about reforming the basis of society in three fundamental, autonomous spheres: economic, political/rights, and cultural. For a short time he worked to bring his ideas into practical application but it soon became impossible to bring about a “threefold social order” and he withdrew from the outer work in this area. His ideas have been worked with over the decades since that time and have proved to be just as valid today as they were then.

In this second volume are presented two addresses given by Dr. Steiner at study evenings in the year 1920. The first lecture, given on September 15th, is from Bn/GA 335, and the second lecture is from Bn/GA 337.

This volume is presented here with the kind permission of the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.

Copyright © Unknown
This e.Text edition is provided through the wonderful work of:
The Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain
Rudolf Steiner House
35 Park Road
London, N.W.1.
Book Cover Image

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Thanks to an anonymous donation, this Lecture Series has been made available.


 Cover Sheet  
Lecture I: Influence of the human will upon the course of economic life September 15, 1920
Lecture II: On Propaganda of the Threefold Social Order June 09, 1920

Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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