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Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: The Computer and the Incarnation of Ahriman: 1. Introduction
    Matching lines:
    • because of its relation to the spiritual being here called Ahriman. In
    • nature of the relation between the computer and the being Ahriman.
    • work, people complain that they are being dehumanized, reduced
    • to a number or a machine, being made servants of inhuman
    • computer do something, and end up being absorbed by its doing
    • This experience of having the tables turned on one is being
    • What troubled me was that I felt my reasoning powers being
    • special because of its relation to the spiritual being here
    • Zoroastrian god of darkness, the being eternally opposed to the
    • the sway of this being Ahriman in the course of the last two
    • spiritual being and electronic technology, or even just attempt
    • nature of the relation between the computer and the being
    • Human Beings, 1950-1954
  • Title: The Computer and the Incarnation of Ahriman: 2. Methodology
    Matching lines:
    • because of its relation to the spiritual being here called Ahriman. In
    • nature of the relation between the computer and the being Ahriman.
    • supersensible beings without a physical body in the ordinary
    • ) This has already been mentioned, and far from being a defect,
    • theory being built up, they are ignored by the reader and by
    • goes from being largely absorbed with the facts to being
    • normal condition of an adult human being. Now ask the question:
    • as being immediately there, nothing more than sound or light
    • waves (which are also a part of it) being required to bring it
    • convey to him as being the ground of reality. The world of the
    • being appropriate, namely, showing that the differences are not
    • as being authority-ridden, we would be unable to construct
    • what was simply attitudes towards facts (the attitudes being
    • the supersensible beings which will be mentioned in this book,
    • question of occult worlds and unseen beings. What we say is
    • world is populated by living beings. But an occult world of
    • living beings is not intrinsically more difficult to justify
    • used to having our occult world populated by living beings; we
    • between being truthful but unclear and illogical, and clear and
    • higher order of being than plants; they add a qualitative
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Computer and the Incarnation of Ahriman: 3. Premises of History/Demonstration
    Matching lines:
    • because of its relation to the spiritual being here called Ahriman. In
    • nature of the relation between the computer and the being Ahriman.
    • we usually think of it there is no room or place for any beings
    • draw a connection between such a being and the world, evidently
    • being which holds the world, which is then cast into a state of
    • being. Unity prevails if one manages to climb back up the
    • being, and is a door through which knowledge of the things
    • it is experienced by every human being; it describes how a
    • potential human being is inserted into the created
    • right. In order for a potential human being to become a part of
    • of nothingness and into simple being, into what is for us the
    • their being joined or even truly communicating.
    • being); man is separated from his own self (the separation of
    • being grows fragmented and separate.
    • tells us that the ahrimanic beings
    • deterministic. There are ways of being intelligent that are not
    • nature,” and since the ahrimanic beings used their
    • capacity “to unite with their own being the sum-total of
    • created world of the being in two forms: macrocosmic and
    • any mortal, being actually a part of that structure. When
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Computer and the Incarnation of Ahriman: 4. History of the Incarnation of Ahriman in its Macrocosmic Aspect
    Matching lines:
    • because of its relation to the spiritual being here called Ahriman. In
    • nature of the relation between the computer and the being Ahriman.
    • from a contrasting point of view. No argument is being made to
    • embodied the pole of spirit, neither being higher or lower than
    • the other. When we picture Ahriman as an individual being, we
    • the being. We should be able to characterize these objects,
    • characteristics include being constructed out of familiar
    • and ended up being used in Albany, New York. Apparently the
    • At that time, a battle between the being Michael (the
    • with Ahriman being cast out of the heavenly spheres to the
    • such an unusual thing, being found in all animal nerves. But in
    • of the telegraph, which led to electricity-bearing wires being
    • world-wide sensation, which led to Edison's being dubbed the
    • substantial embodiment (electricity), the result being unified
    • This possibility is currently being pursued at a more primitive
    • The point being
    • ability to imitate the human being. In particular, the
    • sustaining the being of Ahriman. We are not reducing the human
    • manifestations of the polarized cosmic beings Ahriman and
    • figure of Ahriman himself. What is now being dreamed by
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Computer and the Incarnation of Ahriman: 5. From the Beginning of Time to the End
    Matching lines:
    • because of its relation to the spiritual being here called Ahriman. In
    • nature of the relation between the computer and the being Ahriman.
    • a state of being. But we — humans — are beings. So
    • being, a
    • being.
    • state of a human being, that state continually undergoes
    • us and acquire an altered state of being. All degrees of
    • the state of our being. They differ not in whether attention is
    • The human being
    • alteration of the human being in the direction of hell took
    • shared a residence with God and the human being. In the second
    • They were expelled from the “Edenic” state of being
    • into the “fallen” state of being, the
    • human state of being was broken and access to one of the pieces
    • degeneration deepened as the human state of being
    • The being who appeared as a serpent was not yet in the earth,
    • Word offered to each human being power to become a child of
    • being incorporated into practical computers. Its basis, their
    • foothold in our being, and now is building a new world of its
  • Title: The Computer and the Incarnation of Ahriman: Contents
    Matching lines:
    • because of its relation to the spiritual being here called Ahriman. In
    • nature of the relation between the computer and the being Ahriman.
  • Title: The Computer and the Incarnation of Ahriman: Cover Sheet
    Matching lines:
    • because of its relation to the spiritual being here called Ahriman. In
    • nature of the relation between the computer and the being Ahriman.
  • Title: The Computer and the Incarnation of Ahriman: Notes
    Matching lines:
    • because of its relation to the spiritual being here called Ahriman. In
    • nature of the relation between the computer and the being Ahriman.

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