This work is one of the most influential in history. The famous
phrase, "COGITO ERGO SUM" (I think, therefore I am) is a central
theme. Descartes' beliefs on that dual nature of mind and body,
and his emphasis on the role of doubt in all inquiry, formed the
basis for centuries of science and social thought.
This etext was created by Ilana and Greg Newby. They used a Mac
IIci and Apple One Flatbed Scanner donated by Apple. Caere text
scanning and character recognition software (OmniPage) was used.
Greg is a professor in the U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in
the Grad. School of Library and Information Science. Ilana is a
reference librarian at the Urbana Free Library. Thanks to Apple
and Caere for their donations and to the Computer Service Office
of the University of Illinois for their unofficial support.