Rudolf Steiner e.Lib
Self Observation
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
Self Observation
On-line since: 31st October, 2016
What a stone does is due to forces external to itself. Of this
we are all of us completely certain.
I am knocked down by a car in the street, what happens to me is
the result, as things always are for the stone, of external
forces. Here too we all of us feel completely certain of our
argumentative ground.
the routine of our lives; in our opinions and habits and
behaviour; — if we are honest with ourselves, we are
obliged to confess that here also our activity is
quasi-mechanical. It may not be easy to elucidate them; they
reach us by devious, underground, untraceable routes; —
but it is influences outside ourselves that are the causes of
most of the things we do. I am still a stone.
Macbeth is contemplating the murder
of Duncan. He hears within himself the voices of angels
pleading with him to spare Duncan's life: —
“He's here in double trust;
First, as I am his kinsman and his subject,
Strong both against the deed; then, as his host,
should against his murderer shut the door,
bear the knife myself. Besides, this Duncan
Hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been
clear in his great office ...”
that fateful moment, Lady Macbeth enters, with her: —
“Was the hope drunk wherein you dressed yourself?”
her: —
“When you durst do it, then you were a man.”
Shakespeare makes us feel very intensely indeed — the
play turns on it — that Macbeth need not have listened to
Lady Macbeth; that if he wished, he could have acted from out
of his own deeper selfhood. In thus representing things, is
Shakespeare true to the facts of human psychology?
is required by the Diet of Worms to declare finally where he stands.
If he will recant, he has, as we say, everything to gain. If he
refuses to recant, he faces the fate of Huss and Giordano Bruno.
He passes a fearful night of struggle with himself, emerging from
it with: — “Hier stehe ich! Ich kann nicht anders! So
hilf mir Gott!” Was his decision “free?”
St. Francis at long last discloses to brother Leo the secret of
Perfect Joy; — “And if, constrained by hunger and
by cold and by the night, we shall continue to knock and shall
call and beseech for the love of God, with great weeping, that
he open unto us and let us in; and he, greatly offended
thereat, shall say: — ‘These be importunate rascals; I
will pay them well as they deserve’ and shall come forth with a
knotty club and take us by the cowl and shall throw us on the
ground and roll us in the snow and shall cudgel us pitilessly
with that club; if we shall bear all these things patiently and
with cheerfulness, thinking on the sufferings of Christ the
blessed, the which we ought to bear patiently for His love; O
Brother Leo, write that here and in this is the Perfect
Joy.” Is St. Francis here speaking of a certain authentic
possibility in Brother Leo and in every human being whom
Brother Leo represents?
cases such as these, — and in the corresponding
situations that come to all of us, — when everything
seems to be happening not outside ourselves but within; when
there are these acute and prolonged self-communings; when if we
are to achieve a victory, we feel we must supply from within
ourselves the motive-forces; — are these actions also the
actions of a stone?
With human behaviour in general we are not in this book
concerned. We are not asking the unaskable abstract question:
— “Is a human being free or unfree?” This
opening chapter is entitled, by Dr. Steiner: —
“Conscious Human Activity.” We are concerned
exclusively with human actions which seem — at any
rate — to be the effect of causes contained within
ourselves; with deeds of which the motive-forces seem to
lie in our own consciousness.
What direction our investigations must take accordingly becomes
plain to us. We turn to the study of human consciousness. What
does it mean when we say: “I think?”
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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