The Bladder and Kidney Process
3rd October 1947.
This morning we will try to understand a
little why yarrow is to be enclosed in the sheath of a deer's
bladder, and why this preparation should be hung up for the whole or
most of the summer so that the sun shines on it, and then, in winter,
put into the ground, so that only after a year's circle, is the whole
thing ready to be used.
It is the first herb-preparation with which
Rudolf Steiner deals, and if you read what he has to say in this very
important Fifth Lecture of the Agriculture Course, you begin to
realise more and more how full of secrets this whole preparation is,
and how Rudolf Steiner speaks about the yarrow in a way which gives
indications but no more. He deals also with the bladder itself in a
way which gives certain indications but leaves it to the pupils of
Spiritual Science to grow more and more aware of the importance and
meaning of such an organ.
All organs are a kind of scripture, and to
understand the kidney, liver, heart or lung, one has to learn to read
these letters which are written by the formative forces in Nature.
You have to study the pure facts, and then see if these pure facts
assemble themselves under certain headings so that at length you may
be able to decipher the first word, and can listen to it.
What we shall try to work out this morning I
consider only as a very first step. I shall have to approach it from
various directions which may seem to be independent of one another,
to begin with, but perhaps in the end you will have a certain
impression of what it means to put a stag's bladder around a plant
like yarrow.
I should like to start with a few
observations which I have made during my many years as a doctor,
especially during the years when I was dealing with many more
patients than I have now. If I had a difficult case I used to watch
the urine. If one takes the urine of a human being and leaves it
standing vary quietly, not touching it or moving it at all, for 24 or
even 48 hours, so that it is able to develop all that is in it, it
opens up, certain substances fall out, certain clouds arise. You
realise more and more that in the urine there works actually the
inner weather of your patient. It shows you what 'weather' he had in
himself — a rainy day, a cloudy day, sunshine or a thunderstorm —
just before he passed the urine. But you also see that urine has
certain connections with the atmosphere around so that a cloudy day
outside reveals much more quickly a cloudy day within, and a sunny
day outside reveals a sunny day within. Now this is not only a
picture, but something one can watch. One can see that one's own
weather is as changeable, as unforeseen, as quick in motion as the
weather outside, and our urine is a perfect mirror of this
‘inner weather.’
The urine is gathered together in the
bladder, and passed out of the body into the surroundings. What kind
of organ is this bladder? I will try to go a few steps into
embryology, and I am sorry that I have to go so far away from what
you think agriculture is. When you follow up the development of the
bladder in the course of human embryology, you find something which
corresponds exactly to the development of the bladder
throughout the whole animal kingdom. If you study the primitive
intestines, you find that in all lower mammals, up to certain groups,
there is no differentiation between the last part of the intestine
and the bladder: the bladder and the rectum are one.
In the course of evolution, as well as in
the course of embryological development, a septum gradually develops
which brings about a division between the lowest part of the
intestines and the bladder, so that in the end you have the bladder
as a separate organ.
(Fig. 3.)

Figure 3
Click image for large view |
If you open up the front part of the abdomen
of an adult, you can see the bladder from in front, and then you will
find that from it a kind of cord goes up just underneath the skin
right to the point where the navel is. This cord apparently has no
function, but when we were embryos the cord was a tube which issued
from the navel, and, following the navel cord, ended in a
tiny vesicle, the allantois. This is true of man, but if you follow
up in lower animals, such as birds:, what the allantois is and what
it means, you will find the following:
In a bird's egg, filled with a growing
embryo of a bird, you will find that a great part is covered with an
organ which provides for the breathing of the embryo, and this organ
is again the allantois. — The same organ which develops into the very
small vesicle in the higher animals.
(Fig. 4.)
In the whole of embryonic development there are sheaths surrounding the
growing body of the embryo, and these are much mere complicated than the
sheaths used in agriculture. The allantois is one of them.

Figure 4
Click image for large view |
As long as the human body is still unborn,
and has not become the house of the supernatural beings which are
coming down to earth, the allantois is, so to speak, the house and
dwelling place for the astral body. Our astral body is situated
around this organ during the embryonic period, and you will
understand, therefore, that in a bird the allantois serves the
breathing process during the development of the embryo within the
Take this into consideration when trying to
understand the direct connection between the allantois and the
bladder during the embryonic period.
Now I approach the subject from still
another direction. We have seen how in man or animal the bladder
develops from the intestine — this takes place in the lower part of
our body — but a similar partition also takes place in the upper part
with the development of trachea and lungs, which brings about the
whole foundation of the breathing process.
This breathing is not entirely cut off from
the intestines.
(Fig. 5.)
The bladder, however, is cut off entirely
from the intestines and only during the embryonic period has it still
a connection with the allantois. The bladder itself starts to develop
two tubes, one on each side, and these two tubes grow upwards and
start to divide into several smaller tubes. These two tubes are the
ureter, and they reach up into the hind parts of the abdomen and
there come into connection with a certain organ called the
metanephros. This is the organ which develops into the kidneys. The
whole urinary system, therefore, develops out of two parts, one part
being that which is cut off from the intestines and develops
two branches which grow upwards and reach the kidneys.
(Fig. 6.)

Figure 5
Click image for large view |
Where do the kidneys come from? If you study
the kidneys in the whole course of evolution (even if this is not so
noticeable in human evolution, it is clearly marked in the animal
kingdom) you find they are neighbouring organs to the ear. Gradually
they grow downwards from the ears and are first called pronephros.
Then they grow and develop into the mesonephros, and when they reach
the ureter, the urinary system is built up.

Figure 6
Click image for large view |
The urinary system is the organisation
within us which deals with the whole water-household in preparing
urine. If I were to ask you now what urine is, you would say the
urine is the mirror of the whole ‘weather’ processes with
in us. Do you know any kind of excretion which can be compared with
urine? The tears. If you study the excretory organisation of the
kidney, the bladder and the ureter, and the excretory organisation of
our tears, you find two completely corresponding systems.
Anatomically this is quite understandable.
(Fig. 7.)

Figure 7
Click image for large view |
This is the reason why the kidneys, starting
from the regions of the ears, gradually come down to meet what has
been separated from the intestines. The development of the kidneys is
exactly parallel with the development of the trachea and the
When we begin to take air into our body, not
as do the insects where air simply streams through, but in an active
process of inhalation and exhalation permeating the whole
substance of our organisation, then the kidneys which develop first
in the regions of our ears, gradually descend and reach what has
become the bladder. If you read these letters in the book of
comparative anatomy you can see the gradual penetration of our body
by the inner astrality.
Since the Fall, the astral body and our
higher being have more and more taken root in our body, and the
kidneys are the organs which pave the way for the entrance of the
astrality into our organism. The kidneys pull out astrality into our
body, and the bladder opens up and takes hold of this astrality. As
long as we are an embryo, the bladder, although more or less
connected with the kidney, is not connected with it functionally.
During this period the bladder processes are connected with the
Imagine the egg of a bird, say a hen.
Underneath the surface of the calcified shell with its hundreds of
pores, there is spread out the allantois. The allantois is the organ
which leads oxygen in and carbonic acid out. The allantois replaces
what is afterwards the lung. It is outside the body; it is a lung
which you have taken out and put, so to speak, around you. This lung
which you have around you, is now in direct contact with the whole
astrality of the world, with the whole breathing process of the
cosmos. The cosmic breathing process is more and more replaced by the
astral body of man himself.
With the first breath after birth, the
bladder opens up towards the kidney. The bladder is the organ in
which all our astrality is gathered up. Therefore the urine is
nothing else but the expression of the astrality within us; of the
‘weather’ in us. The kidney process is the organisation
which leads the astrality into our whole body. Now you will
understand why in the account of the Fall it is said that
‘their eyes were opened.’ Yes, their eyes wore opened and
their kidneys moved down.
These two organs are actually a double
mirror of the same process. You open your eyes and tears stream,
because the pain of seeing the Maya around us brings about the
weeping process within us. If you are completely overcome by the
Maya, if you feel oppressed by all that is around you, you even start
to weep so that other people know it. But our tears are constantly
flowing, and so is our urine. Our tears are flowing in seeing the
world around us; our urine is flowing through the astrality which
continuously brings about the destructive processes within our
The destructive processes actually create
continuously the ‘lower tears,’ those tears which have to
shed nitrogen, uric acid and all the other substances contained in
the urine. This has continuously to stream out, and for this there is
put at the disposal of the inner astrality an organ which originally
was united with the world astrality.
We are not continuously forced to pass
urine, because something comforting is put in front of the
urine, which still keeps within itself the memory of the world
astrality. This is the bladder. The bladder, comforting in its cosmic
roundness, keeps the urine so that we as human beings can
consciously control the output of urine. The bladder is an
organ which has still its cosmic memories but puts these memories at
the disposal of the human consciousness. Therefore it helps to
control the expressions of the inner ‘weather.’ If you
deal with children such as those we deal with in Clent or Camphill,
you will see how a child who is unable to control its inner
‘weather,’ is also unable to control its bladder; unable
to control its urine. Where the astral body is actually within us,
but is continuously given up to its own ‘weather,’ the
urine and even the comforting process of the bladder do not work
All this one has to learn when trying to
understand the bladder of a stag. We know exactly how Rudolf Steiner
describes this animal; how the deer is given up to the astrality of
its surroundings, being itself so nervous, so sensitive, so open that
through the antlers it is open to the whole cosmos around
You must imagine that the tops of the
antlers are continuously piercing through the Maya world, and
therefore bring this animal into direct contact with the astrality
around. In such an animal the world astrality and the inner astrality
come into a certain harmony. Outside weather and inside weather are
harmonised with the help of the antlers. Therefore in a deer the
bladder becomes the individualised expression of the world astrality.
It is this way that we have to look at the bladder and to see why it
is the bladder of the deer that is used.
Why do we put yarrow into it? The yarrow has
a peculiar regional distribution. It does not grow in America or
Australia. It grows in the whole of the Northern part of Europe and
Asia, in Siberia and follows a human track beyond the Arctic Circle.
Yarrow is a very tough plant, and also full of life. In Austria we
say ‘It grows under the tooth of an animal’ (Es waechst
dem Zahn der Tiere nach). It is so quick in growing that today it
might be eaten up and tomorrow it has grown again. If we study the
yarrow plant we see in its structure precisely the way in which the
ureter divides into the kidneys.
(Fig. 7.)
What does the yarrow seek? Rudolf Steiner
describes yarrow as one of the plants wherein the elemental beings
have in the most wonderful way distributed the sulphur and
potash process. The yarrow grows in the North, because this is the
region of ‘Nifelheim’ — the atmosphere of Atlantis before
the rainbow could be seen. As a remnant of this, yarrow still grows,
because this 'Nifel'-atmosphere is that in which astrality and
etheric forces are still united; where water and air have not parted;
where Noah could see the first rainbow. There is still this water
penetrating the air. Urine is the water which continuously
brings about the clearing of the air in us. Otherwise we should be
embedded in the atmosphere of ‘Ni1ifelhem.’
Yarrow is a plant which still belongs to
‘Nifelheim,’ and this you take and put into the bladder
and hang it up to expose it to the sun. Now you take this organ back
to its former place so that it can be surrounded by and embedded in
the world astrality which is filled with light and warmth. You take
the yarrow up to its atmosphere where it longs to be. I would even
say that the whole yarrow plant has no other task in the world but to
come into the stags bladder and to be hung up during the summer in
the atmosphere of light and warmth, there to take this summer
astrality and bring it down into the earth again and so complete the
What does yarrow do when you put it into the
compost heap? Rudolf Steiner says in the Fifth Lecture of the
Agriculture Course that it opens up the soil for all the cosmic
penetrations and radiations, for lead and tin and so forth. Thus it
can be taken up into the life of the plant. You take the bladder and
all its astrality and bring it back to its place with a plant which
is still connected with ‘Nifelheim;’ and this is the
right way for all the cosmic radiations down into the soil and the
dung heap.