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Searching On the Sheath of the Preparation

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Query was: round

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: On the Sheath: Lecture One: Horn and Antlers
    Matching lines:
    • surrounded by another substance which is not used as a substance but
    • earth and cosmos, by being buried in the ground or being hung up in
    • The egg of an animal is laid on the ground, or in leaves, and is then
    • The antlers surround something like an embryo. In the female uterus
    • there is a physical embryo; the antlers surround an etheric embryo.
  • Title: On the Sheath: Lecture Two: The Bladder and Kidney Process
    Matching lines:
    • put into the ground, so that only after a year's circle, is the whole
    • impression of what it means to put a stag's bladder around a plant
    • certain connections with the atmosphere around so that a cloudy day
    • bladder, and passed out of the body into the surroundings. What kind
    • In the whole of embryonic development there are sheaths surrounding the
    • around this organ during the embryonic period, and you will
    • which you have taken out and put, so to speak, around you. This lung
    • which you have around you, is now in direct contact with the whole
    • because the pain of seeing the Maya around us brings about the
    • Maya, if you feel oppressed by all that is around you, you even start
    • world around us; our urine is flowing through the astrality which
    • roundness, keeps the urine so that we as human beings can
    • its surroundings, being itself so nervous, so sensitive, so open that
    • through the antlers it is open to the whole cosmos around
    • around. In such an animal the world astrality and the inner astrality
    • to its former place so that it can be surrounded by and embedded in
  • Title: On the Sheath: Lecture Three: Intestines, Mesentery and Digestion
    Matching lines:
    • certain notion, of what takes place within as well as around the
    • intestinal tube is surrounded by muscles and by connective
    • This is surrounded by the amnion which contains water. The nervous
    • wonderful image of the etheric forces freely working round some
    • out into the space around the intestines. This is rather as though
    • intestinal villi are like an udder) and there around is the mouth of
    • round.
    • earthly destructive surrounding, the wall of the
    • surrounded by the cosmic summer forces when the sun shines on to the
    • catch the ‘desires of the calcium’ and you surround them
    • ground with its leaves, and then with a very succulent stem it grows
  • Title: On the Sheath: Lecture Four: The Skull of the Vertebrates
    Matching lines:
    • around their stem. This is still just alive but on the way to become
    • system of the elements, you would see the iron surrounded by exactly
    • that every human being should ‘wear it round his heart.’
    • I would fully agree. If one only had this strength around one's heart
    • in-haling of the whole earth — is put around it. It is not an animal
    • organ, but the organ of the whole Mother Earth which surrounds the

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