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Query was: stand

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: On the Sheath: Lecture One: Horn and Antlers
    Matching lines:
    • would soon come to an end. A spiritual issue stands behind the
    • try to understand this spiritual issue. How is it possible that these
    • stands behind this?
    • Such processes must appear as a secret to those who cannot understand
    • be just the first few steps towards an understanding. We must bear
    • Because we can understand the horn only by looking at the antlers,
  • Title: On the Sheath: Lecture Two: The Bladder and Kidney Process
    Matching lines:
    • This morning we will try to understand a
    • understand the kidney, liver, heart or lung, one has to learn to read
    • standing vary quietly, not touching it or moving it at all, for 24 or
    • understand, therefore, that in a bird the allantois serves the
    • understand the direct connection between the allantois and the
    • Anatomically this is quite understandable.
    • understand why in the account of the Fall it is said that
    • understand the bladder of a stag. We know exactly how Rudolf Steiner
  • Title: On the Sheath: Lecture Three: Intestines, Mesentery and Digestion
    Matching lines:
    • very much aware of our lack of knowledge and understanding of
    • Therefore you will understand that when we
    • understand it in this way; nothing else.
    • and in what relation they stand to one another. Usually one has a
    • All the echinoderms stand under the sign of
    • the sign of Scorpio, and here stand all those animals which are
    • intestines with the earthly nutrition stream, you will understand
    • understand the whole setting and nature of chamomile I always think
  • Title: On the Sheath: Lecture Four: The Skull of the Vertebrates
    Matching lines:
    • skull cavity is something very special. To learn to understand what
    • One should learn to understand that the
    • animal, because in the whole order of organic forces, the bark stands
    • process. This of course is easy to understand if you can imagine how
    • the earth itself. So that we can easily understand that the nettle is
    • To understand this means of course much
    • carry as we learn to practice it and to understand it. This is the
    • they will not understand them.’ — This we should also learn to
    • them if they do not understand them. Only if we try as farmers to

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