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Searching On the Sheath of the Preparation

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Query was: thing

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: On the Sheath: Lecture One: Horn and Antlers
    Matching lines:
    • have nothing to do with Spiritual Science.) The development after
    • The antlers surround something like an embryo. In the female uterus
    • something to this effect: ‘the rush of blood towards the
  • Title: On the Sheath: Lecture Two: The Bladder and Kidney Process
    Matching lines:
    • thing ready to be used.
    • picture, but something one can watch. One can see that one's own
    • bladder in the course of human embryology, you find something which
    • organ which provides for the breathing of the embryo, and this organ
    • breathing process during the development of the embryo within the
    • whole foundation of the breathing process.
    • This breathing is not entirely cut off from
    • astrality of the world, with the whole breathing process of the
    • cosmos. The cosmic breathing process is more and more replaced by the
    • nothing else but the expression of the astrality within us; of the
    • urine, because something comforting is put in front of the
  • Title: On the Sheath: Lecture Three: Intestines, Mesentery and Digestion
    Matching lines:
    • everything connected with the metabolism of the human being and the
    • Spiritual Science, if we are honest with ourselves, hardly anything
    • understand it in this way; nothing else.
    • And the mesentery, even for a professor of anatomy, is just nothing
    • kind of direction. (The German ‘Gekroese’ means something
    • In an animal, the intestine is nothing else
    • something completely different. When you study the whole comparative
    • They do not belong in any way to the outer world. These two things
    • a primitive animal which is nothing else but the outside, the
    • to speak, out of nothingness. You must imagine a convolution of cells
    • the animal body a new space which has nothing to do with outer space.
    • all the echinoderms — are actually nothing else but the most
    • amphibians. In these animals there is something which again shows the
    • is something quite different.
    • animals which for the first time in evolution develop breathing in
    • such a way that breathing becomes active, and in- and ex-haling
    • have a centre, and all the unfortunate things connected with our
    • from within — even if this is nothing else but ‘Crak ... Crak
    • barrier. Nothing can go outwards through the wall of the intestine.
    • chamomile something tries to fly away from the earth. It is
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: On the Sheath: Lecture Four: The Skull of the Vertebrates
    Matching lines:
    • It is perhaps a most remarkable thing to
    • places. There is only one great difference — that everything else,
    • skeleton there is something which replaces what previously was the
    • skull cavity is something very special. To learn to understand what
    • have the inner space of the etheric world, but it encloses something
    • which has not reached something, but it is on the way to reaching it.
    • human brain has become pure soils and nothing else. Whereas the
    • But there is something else relating to the
    • the compost heap, we create something very special. It is quite
    • I cannot go into details, but one thing I say. What makes the animal
    • impression is (I say it is only an impression and nothing more)
    • put into the soil, and the lung — the breathing, the ex- and
    • inserting the preparations, you actually create nothing else
    • one uses incense at the altar. You do something to call down the help
    • more. It means that if we do everything in a proper way, we help to
    • these things become a practice, but, where men are following this
    • we perform it. Something like the sprinkling of valerian, this

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