In this article we will try to bring into contact three
spheres which we are not accustomed to relate to one another. These
are: the world of matter, particularly of the metals, the world of the
stars and planets and the human organism. There does not appear to be
any relation between these three spheres for our common considerations,
nor for any scientific observations, and yet we find that there are
relationships between the cosmos and the earth, between earthly matter
and the human organism. It is only our one-sided observations and
explanations which hinder us from finding out how these apparently
different spheres are related and interwoven with one another. Many
things can be explained when we study these connections, which before,
seemed utterly inexplicable.
In the book dealing with
the metal silver and the moon, we explained in detail the effect of
the various phases of the moon on silver salt solutions.
Each change in the moon is recorded in solutions containing silver.
In the books dealing with
the influence of the moon on plant growth, we could demonstrate with
ample material, how the process of germination and growth in various
plants reacts to the different phases of the moon.
We even extended our experiments 16 metres below the surface of the
soil to study this interesting phenomenon, which is of great importance
to agriculture. It has been stated beyond any doubt that there is a
definite relationship between the moon or the moon forces, and the metal
silver, and we may also say that the moon forces are interwoven with
many phenomena in the realm of fluidity, wherever we meet a process of
life, or growth. It is no longer a theory, we can prove with innumerable
experiments, that the metal silver especially, is connected with the
moon; that means we can prove that a connection exists between a specific
earthly substance and a heavenly body.
A study of the qualities
of silver reveals some interesting facts. If silver is melted for instance
and then slowly solidifies again, a specific phenomenon may be observed
which does not occur when other metals are melted. The silver attracts
oxygen out of the atmosphere and contains this oxygen as long as it
is a molten liquid. When it solidifies, it expels the oxygen and in
doing so, the whole surface of the molten silver begins to move, to
splutter and the solidified metal looks very similar to a crater landscape
— like erupted volcanoes. A photograph of such a solidified piece
of silver compared with a photograph of the surface of the moon taken
with the help of a telescope, reveals great similarities.
One of the most remarkable
qualities of silver is its affinity to light. Silver compounds, silver
salts, are extremely sensitive to light and can therefore be used for
photographic purposes. The slides are covered with a thin film of silver
salt and exposed to the light. A chemical reaction takes place, the
silver returns to its metallic state. This only becomes apparent after
the developing process. The exposed slide contains the effects of light
on the silver salt. We develop these light influences in the dark room
with special developing and fixing solutions. The silver returns easily
to its metallic state, it is easily “reduced,” speaking
in terms of chemistry.
With silver we can make
the most perfect mirrors. It is a metal which reflects light in a most
perfect way; a looking glass, reflecting everything that stands before
On the other hand, if we
think of the experiments with filter paper
we see that silver is a metal which has in itself a hidden power of
formative force which we do not find in any of the other metals in the
same strength.Each day produces another picture, full moon and new moon
have specific characteristic expressions and if the experiments are
extended over many years, we find that even the years are different in
their effect on the silver solution.
The silver helps to reveal
the formative forces of other metal salts which are not so easily found
by using them alone. The strong reproductive and formative power of
silver helps all the other metals to reveal their specific forms. If
we bring together the immense amount of material we gathered through
many years of incessant study day and night, all the constellations
of Sun and moon, Mars and moon, Saturn and moon, Jupiter and moon, Venus
and moon, Mercury and moon and all the other qualities of this metal
which we mentioned above, then perhaps we might be allowed to say:
the silver acts in such a way that it represents what lives in the
light, it produces pictures of what acts in the light. And if we find
that this is connected especially with the moon, it may be justified
to say: the silver behaves like the moon in the cosmos. The moon itself
has the strange quality that it continually reflects the light which
comes from the sun and all the other planets. The moon is the great
photographer of the universe, it continually brings us back pictures.
It is indeed a very strange phenomenon that the silver salt solution
has the power to produce “pictures.” If we try to understand
what happens, we can only come to the conclusion that a phenomenon similar
to photography is revealed here. In the ordinary photographic process,
the glass plate or film is coated with silver emulsion, then the object
we wish to photograph is placed between the photographic slide and the
light. The picture is taken in by the silver substance and later we
develop it in the dark room. In our experiments with Capillary Dynamolysis
we have again the silver salt solution, exposed to the sun so that the
silver is reduced (falls back to the metallic state); we notice this
by the brown colouring. During the daytime a straight horizontal line
is traced, during the night the rising process starts again and oversteps
the limit drawn during the day according to temperature, light and
humidity. In the morning we find a second border line, more or less
faint, and perhaps some structural lines going from the daytime rising
limit to the second border line. Then we put the picture in a darkroom
for some days and a slow developing process sets in. According to the
time of year it may take days or only hours until the picture is
“developed.” A continual metamorphosis of forms reveals
itself. A careful study convinced
us that although scarcely any repetition occurs, there is a definite
rhythmical process taking place. Each month has certain characteristics,
silver nitrate in May is different from silver nitrate in November.
This means that the moon is not the same in May as it is in November.
Who would deny this fact? And why is this so? Because the moon reflects
the light of the sun which in its turn stands in a different zodiacal
constellation for each of these two months. The silver salt solution
we have exposed to the sun during the day and to the moon forces during
the night (there need not be a direct influence of the moonlight) takes
a cosmic photograph. Something is taken in by the exposed filter
paper in which the silver salt rises and this something is developed
after some days. We cannot use developing solution or fixing salts in
our experiments, so our process of developing goes on and on, and after
a certain time the pictures are too dark — nearly black, and the
subtle nuances and colours are destroyed. However. we have kept
experiments from 1928 until today, that is 14 years and the forms are
still recognisable. It is a kind of archetypal photograph made by the
silver alone. No physical object is exposed to the photographic
apparatus, but influences which pass through the universe, which we
are unable to observe with our eyes, Show themselves through such a
substance as silver. So we find the silver, as a metal, representing
the formative force of the various seasons, the various moon phases.
We could enumerate many
of the chemical qualities of silver and if we compare them with the
phenomena we obtain with the help of this new science, developed in
the Biological Institute at the Goetheanum, Stuttgart, which is able
to reveal to us more than the common science of chemistry, and then
bring together all these phenomena, we reach a certain insight into
the coherence of silver and the moon.
We would like to mention
one more observation we came across in studying the experiments with
filter paper and silver salt solutions. It is not easy to take a good
photograph of these experiments. We tried all the different makes of
photographic plates, but the results were not quite satisfactory. The
copies proved to be too hard and many softer shades were completely lost.
Finally we decided to try the “wet” method of photography.
This means that we use a silver emulsion and coat our own photographic
plates immediately before exposing the pictures. This is a very delicate
process. The slightly moist glass plate is fitted into the photographic
apparatus, the picture is taken and so to say, inhaled by the moist
silver film which has been spread carefully over the perfectly clear,
dustless, polished glass. It takes rather a long time to get acquainted
with this method of photography and my assistant, Mr. W. Kaiser, took
a great deal of trouble to reach a certain degree of perfection. All
the photographs published in the book “Silver and the Moon”
have been photographed by this method. After a few months Mr. Kaiser
began to complain that the silver emulsion worked in a very irregular
way. He could not be quite sure about the exposure time, he had always
to change it. For some days or even for as long as a fortnight it worked
quite well then the developing time had to be readjusted or the strength
of the developing solution altered (this always happened with a new
bottle of the emulsion). We complained to the chemists who provided
us with the silver emulsion and were always told the same story that
the emulsion was in perfect condition. At last we discovered that
the silver emulsion changed according to the moon phases.
We think it justified to
say, from the immense amount of material we have collected, that the
connection between the moon and silver is scientifically proved beyond
any doubt. These facts, however, are still not officially acknowledged
by our present day science because there is a deep rooted antipathy
in our present scientific world conception to take into consideration
anything like a connection between heavenly bodies and earthly substances.
This can be well understood if we bear in mind that our natural science,
which has been in existence since about the 16th century, is based on
the principle of denying the old traditions dealing with the coherence
of cosmos and earth, which were thought to be unscientific and mingled
with much superstition. Our present day natural science is born from
the necessity to direct man's gaze with the utmost precision upon the
earth alone and to look upon the whole cosmos in the same way, basing
all observations on the natural laws inscribed in the earth. On the
other hand we may say that with this special trend in natural
science we have reached a certain limit. We cannot go on! More and more
phenomena are discovered which point decisively to a connection between
the moon and various forces of nature. We have discovered that the moon
is strongly connected with everything liquid on earth, with the plant
organism as far as the plant is penetrated with juice, with the animal
organisation in as far as the circulation of the liquids is concerned
and also in connection with the fluids in the human organism. The best
known connection between earth and moon is in the phenomenon of the
tides; but this is explained in much too materialistic a way. Usually
it is thought that the moon causes the change in the water level on
earth by means of its attraction, by its force of gravity. We imagine
the force of gravity of the moon as being just the same as the force
of gravity of the earth and we think of the action of the moon as coming
from outside. It would be much better not to say: here is the moon and
there is the sea and there is a force acting from the moon upon the
water, but to imagine that all the forces which belong to the moon are
also to be found wherever there are liquids on earth. We must say
something which may sound paradoxical, but nevertheless it is true:
liquids are not earthly. We must discriminate between
solids and liquids. Everything that is solid is subject
to earthly laws. Liquids are in reality subject to other laws. Water
on earth is subject to laws which are somehow different from the common
earthly laws. The tides follow the rhythm of the moon, but not because
the moon draws the water from outside as if on a string, but in the
water there is hidden the same rhythm which is in the moon. It would
be a much sounder conception if we were to say: the moon is not only
there where we see it in the sky; its radius of action is much bigger
than the moon as a heavenly body. This applies also to all the other
heavenly bodies. There is more than we see with our eyes as the specific
planet, there exists the planetary sphere. For instance,
as the moon describes its course, it circumscribes a sphere. Lunar
influence extends throughout this “Moonsphere,” which
reaches far beyond the moon as a heavenly body.
With our present scientific
world conception, we are accustomed to reason in the following way:
— There is a heavenly body; it emanates something; the light comes
to us, but that is from far, far away. The light wanders through the
universe for thousands of light years, and at last reaches our planet
earth, but who knows whether there is still a star behind that light?
We keep aloof from the stars. It is very hard to comprehend that anything
so very far distant can have any material effects here on earth. If
we observe other influences, we want to know what they are. Someone
with the outlook of a modern natural scientist will ask, when referring
to the experiments carried out in the Biological Institute of the
Goetheanum, Stuttgart, “What are these influences you have
observed? Are they due to electricity or magnetism, or what else is it
that comes from the moon and brings about those phenomena in plants or
in the silver-salt solution rising in the filter paper?” People
always want to find something of a material nature behind the phenomena,
before they are satisfied that they are real. We are inclined to
recognise effects only if we can find the material cause. Scientists
say: “Hitherto, we have not found what is acting from the moon.
If we cannot reach a solution by means of chemistry or radiology we will
not consider it at all; we will have nothing to do with it!”
Experiments such as those
carried out in the Biological Institute would never be undertaken by
“official” scientists. It is not popular to start
experimenting with unknown entities and to try to find out the truth
by going on with experiments for many years, day and night. We want
to know before-hand what we are doing and what the result will be.
Take for instance the problem of an infectious disease. If there is
an epidemic somewhere, an expert bacteriologist will start to
investigate the bacterium which causes the epidemic. We think: if we
know the bacterium, the culprit that causes the disease, then we will
also find means to kill it, we will find a suitable therapy. Well, we
may study the bacterium for many years and perhaps may not even find
it at all. Then we say the bacterium is beyond the reach of the
microscope, we cannot enlarge it sufficiently, it is ultra-microscopic,
but it must be there and it must be responsible for the disease. But
may it not be possible to find the right therapy and cure the disease
whether or not a specific bacterium is discovered?
The truth is, it is not
so much the question of a proof that something emanates from the moon, on
the contrary, we have to discover that the sphere of action or influence
of the moon is everywhere on earth where there is liquid. The moon rhythm
is inscribed in the liquid itself. The tides are not there because the
moon attracts the water. At one time the moon was united with the earth
and then, everything was in a liquid state. When the moon separated
from the earth, solidification set in. What remained in a liquid state,
has kept the moon rhythm until today. The moon itself became solid,
but moves according to the same rhythms as the liquids upon earth. We
should learn to recognise that the fluid organism upon earth bears within
itself moon character, and not that it is attracted by the moon according
to Newton's theory of gravity. If we think that the same force which
makes the apple fall from the tree holds together the whole universe,
then nothing is left of a spiritual force. Napoleon once asked the great
astronomer Laplace, “Having studied so carefully the whole universe,
did you also find God?” Laplace had to answer, “Sire, I
have studied the whole universe but I never found God.” It is
only a question of how we study the universe. If we look only for the
mechanical laws, we can never find forces which reach beyond the sphere
of mechanics. We have to move on to the sphere of the moon influence.
This sphere is not somewhere in the clouds, it is wherever there are
liquids. If we study physics, mechanics, hydro-mechanics, we notice
that in hydro-mechanics everything is different, all the laws are more
or less exceptions to the laws of mechanics: water is different in its
mechanics. In the formulae we have to add certain corrections if we
change from mechanics to hydro-mechanics. Why does water behave so
strangely? Because there are other laws acting in it than earthly laws.
In reality we have to alter all our thoughts about physics and chemistry.
Science today is based on the view that only earthly laws exist. Most
clever explanations are produced to explain any discrepancies. It is just
the same problem if we try to measure a circle. How can we do this? If we
take the diameter, we cannot measure the circumference of the circle.
We cannot measure a curved line with a straight one. We must find a
measure that is adequate for the circle. All the irrational things arise
out of the fact that we try to use a measure which is not adequate for
the object we wish to measure. That leads at last to the great world
riddles. What we try to reckon as moon rhythm and the tides, never fits
in perfectly because there is an inner rhythm. There is the real water,
there is the water which the chemist calls H2O and there is
still another water connected with the life processes. What we find in
the blood, in the protoplasm of all living organisms, follows different
laws from the water which is more inorganic, dead. The water which is
bound to life processes is subject to certain laws. Here great
difficulties arise for the physicist. Why does the juice rise in the
plants? In the whole sphere of growth, wherever something grows, the
juice rises. In earlier times people tried to explain this phenomenon
by the so-called “life force.” That is nonsense because that
which acts in “life” cannot be compared with
“force.” A living organism responds
to laws which are opposite to the laws of things which belong to the
earth. What belongs to the earth falls in the direction of the earth;
what is connected with life acts to the contrary so that it separates
from the earth, it does not condense itself towards the centre of the
earth like all earthly matter. Everything connected with life which
is bound to the liquid state, goes towards the periphery. The rising
of the juices in the plants is a law connected with the moon. The link
between the moon and plant growth is nothing else than the fact that
in the liquids the “moon” is present. We must enlarge our
conception of the moon. The sphere of the moon's influence is very much
larger than the moon itself.
Now we may proceed to look
for the sphere of the moon influence even in the human organism. Here
it is very important to recognise the fact that in the human organism
there is a force which always reproduces it anew. It is not only in
propagation that the human organism is reproduced. There are many
processes in the human organism which are reproductive and constructive;
they are continually renewing the organism in every human being. These
processes are active chiefly in the blood; they penetrate the whole
system. It should not be thought that the reproductive processes are
confined to certain parts of the human body, where the reproductive
organs appear physically, but the processes belonging to their specific
organs penetrate the whole organism. This phenomenon in the human being
is the same as that which is found in the heavenly bodies. The moon
stands in a certain place in the universe, but the influence of the
moonsphere extends from heaven to earth. The whole theory of the
hormones, the conception of inner secretion, if we take it quite
seriously, would lead us to the
point where we must say: an organ is not only there where we find it
physically, but in the whole organism. When the thyroid gland excretes,
its sphere of influence is distributed over the whole organism. We have
to discriminate between the organ itself and its sphere of influence.
We can, for instance,
extirpate the spleen, then many spleens are born out of the sphere of
influence belonging to this organ in the reticuloendothelial system. The
sphere is even more powerful than the organ itself. Other organs are
exhausted through their physical action, they cannot reproduce
themselves, if we have to extirpate them, as is the case with the
We have to realise that
in the human organism there is a kind of sphere of influence of all
the constructive, reproductive forces, which are continually forming
and reproducing the human body. In the process of propagation we bring
it to outward appearance, but the same process is continually working
in the human organism. There is one organ which does not accept the
force of reproduction, of propagation; this is the organ with which
we are spiritually productive, the brain. This organ
repeats within itself the whole organism. There is not a single part in
the human body which is not represented in the brain. The brain reflects
the whole body. We can see quite distinctly that the whole human organism
is repeated there. Everything that we find on the right side of the
body, is localised in the brain on the left side and vice versa. The
legs are above, the trunk below. If you imagine that a concave mirror
is fixed above your head, you would get such a reflection as we get
in our brain. The brain is a kind of concave mirror. To this fact we owe
our consciousness which is a phenomenon of reflection. We make something
conscious with the help of our brain, a strange organ which reflects
all our inner activities which are outside the brain. The brain itself
is quite inactive physically; it is a complete hollow or cavity as far
as physical activity is concerned, because in it only decaying substance
is deposited, which has no constructive power. It reflects the
force of reproduction. Speaking of memory we say it reproduces that
which is there. In the brain we have spiritual activity but this is
again a reflection of something which constructs the whole organism.
This is similar to the Moon activity in the universe. The moon itself
is burnt out cinder, with a volcanic surface. The moon reflects light,
the physicists say polarised light. The moonlight has specific qualities,
it is not the same as the sunlight, it is changed, it is a cold light
and somehow lifeless. What does it stimulate in the human being? It
stimulates fancies. It makes people, who are not quite healthy, walk
in their sleep. Sleepwalkers are not conscious, they have cut out their
brain consciousness. In this condition they do strange things, they
walk in a very skilful way, much more skilfully than they ever could
do when conscious. The moon urges the sleep-walker on, it acts on him;
he is not fully conscious, he is not free because the moon makes him
move. The sphere of the moon trespasses, cuts out that part which usually
reflects. Normal consciousness allows one only to have pictures. What
is in the human being are productive forces which renew matter, which
act in the warmth of the blood — all this may be compared with
the moonsphere.
The brain is also a kind
of burnt out cinder, like the moon substance, it is a dead organ, but
in as much as it is dying, it frees the spiritual life.
How can we make visible
the substance of nerves for instance, if we want to study microscopic
preparations of nerves or the brain? The best method is to dye the
substance with silver, which enters into the nerve substance and makes
it black so that we get a negative picture of the nerves. We owe it to
silver that our anatomists know what the brain looks like. The silver
enters the substance of the brain, which is penetrated by fat-like
substances, lipoids, it enters the organ to which it belongs. It is the
silver which dyes the “moon organ”, that is, the brain. The
brain, which is spiritually the most reproductive organ corresponds to
the moon outside. Everywhere else in the human organism where there is
no consciousness,
where unconsciously (but linked up with the liquids, with the warmth
of the blood) all the organs are continually rebuilt, where the human
being is revivified from within, all that constitutes the inner life
of man, through which he has the capacity of constantly rebuilding his
organism (also the possibility of propagation) all this, we might say,
belongs to the moonsphere. In looking at the human being, we have to
discriminate between the force that serves for propagation that a new
human being may be born, that is the force which serves to preserve the
human race and the other force which serves the purpose of the individual
so that a spiritual being can be “incarnated.” With animals
it is different, here we have only the force that serves for the
preservation of the species. In the productive processes of the human
being, that force acts which makes it possible that the human
organisation can become the bearer of the Spirit. In all this, a force
is acting in the human being which we could call the sphere of action,
the productive sphere of action, which is connected with the moon sphere
(not the moon as a heavenly body) and with the metal silver.
We do not find metallic
silver in the human organism. It is a poison. Wherever it enters the
human body it produces strange phenomena. Silver poisoning is a terrible
illness, it produces something which no other metal ever can produce.
The silver wanders through the whole organism and is then deposited
just underneath the skin, especially beneath the skin of the face. So
the human being is similar to a silver mirror, he has a grey silver
film spread out under his skin. The silver wanders towards the light
and becomes blackened. This silver poisoning or “aegyrosy”
does not prove fatal, but the human being keeps this strange colouring
of the skin for the rest of his life. Whenever silver enters the human
organism, it follows certain currents, through the blood towards the
periphery. When we study the metal lead and its relation to the human
organism we find just the opposite — the lead goes from the
periphery to the centre, whereas silver goes from inside towards the
periphery. The living brain does not take in the silver, the living
human organism deposits it under the skin and we know how much the skin
is connected with the whole life process. We judge from the complexion,
from the skin, from the “incarnation” the condition of all
the reproductive
processes of the human being. The skin is a kind of mirror which reflects
the conditions within. The skin is transparent and the blood can act
through the skin. Here we look at a sphere of action which constructs
the human organism from within towards the periphery, with the exception
of the brain. Where the brain is, we find the spiritual processes.
It is just the same with
the moon. On the one hand we have the moon, but much more important
are the forces we find in the moon sphere which is spread out wherever
we find liquids. Again it is an interesting fact: the brain is the only
organ in the human being which floats in liquid. Because the brain is
lifted and loses weight, we are able to produce the power of thinking
out of matter. We could not think if the brain were not lifted through
floating in water. Comparing it with the animal brain, we might say
that the brain of an animal is like a boat stranded an the shore. The
whole human organism can become conscious because the brain is built
like an arch over the whole body.
It floats in liquid and liquids have different laws from solids. In the
human organism we have liquids, for instance the blood and in one place
the blood becomes quite clear like water and there the brain is lifted up,
loses the greatest part of its physical weight according to the principle
of Archimedes, floats and is able to produce thoughts. It is connected
with all the other parts of the body which are produced out of the blood
and therefore man is conscious. He can lift his whole body and there
on top floats the organ which controls the whole. The construction of
the human body in the lower regions is closely connected with the brain
above. The man-forming force which acts productively in the lower regions
is linked up with the brain, which rises above the whole organism and
emanates consciousness.
What represents moon activity
in the human being works in such a way that man rules over the impulses
of reproduction, whereas the animals are overruled by the moon. Man
severs this part and becomes the ruler of it; only when he falls ill
and unconsciousness begins to overpower him, we see the moon forces
reappear again. Conscious and unconscious moon activity must be kept in
balance. If we cannot keep the right balance between these two influences,
we are ill and are overpowered by the moon.
Here we find the possibility
of recognising how to use silver as a remedy, once we have found out
that silver is related to the moon. On the one side there is the productive
process, building up the whole human form out of the blood and on the
other we have the brain moon force plus moon
body. In the cosmos we have the moon as a heavenly body and
the moon sphere. Then we have the metal silver and we find out that
we must add to each substance its specific sphere of action. We find
this sphere when we dissolve the solid matter and bring it into the
liquid state, then we enter its sphere of action. Repeating this process
rhythmically, potentising, we enlarge this sphere of action. If we take
some substance in its solid state, it is quite earthly, but if we dissolve
the substance we bring it into the moon sphere. If we continue to dissolve
it in a rhythmical way, then it is as if we would draw bigger and bigger
circles from the moon or away from the earth in diluting the silver
substance more and more. We have to conquer the materialistic prejudice,
that the spiritual, the non-material, that which we understand by the
expression “force,” is not somewhere in the clouds. It is
also on earth but not in the solid, it is hidden in a realm which we
do not fully understand, in the liquids. We do not wish to speak here
about the gaseous state and how far this differs from the earthly, solid
one. Here we find laws which are dependent on the cosmos. The gases
do what they like, not what we want them to do according to our scientific
And a third thing we have
to take into account: the substance and its sphere of action which we
get by diluting the substance. We have three things to take into account
or rather six:
Cosmos |
1. The Moon
2. Its sphere of action:
the Moonsphere. |
Earth |
3. Silver
4. Its sphere of action:
solution of silver-salt, diluted rhythmically. |
Man |
5. The human brain
6. Its sphere of action:
built up from the circulatory system. |
These three: Cosmos, Earth and Man form together
a unity. It is our fault that we do not immediately see these
connections with our intellect. We have three different sciences instead
of one, we do not even try to find the connections, the inter-relationship
so that eventually we might obtain from the threefoldness a unity of:
Astronomy, Chemistry and Physiology of man. Our modern natural science
is just built on this principle of specialisation. Science only wants
to acknowledge as physiology what is enclosed in the human skin. Astronomy
is only that which we see in looking at the starry heavens. Chemistry
is only what we can observe in our test tubes. Physiology, astronomy
and chemistry have no common ground, therefore we have the chemist handing
over to the doctor remedies which have no sense whatsoever. There is no
real understanding between them. The doctor always studies the exceptions
to the rules which the chemist finds in his own sphere, because we have
not yet built up a physiological chemistry. We do not discriminate between
the anatomical organs and their respective spheres of action, which
are again related to astronomy and chemistry, because we have not yet
developed that science which would be able to bring together for instance:
silver, moon and brain.
Now let us take moon activity,
silver activity and the whole human productive activity which builds
up the human organism and creates new life. On the understanding of
these inter-relationships is based the true therapeutical handling of
these things in medicine. Of course it is possible to object that silver
is much used nowadays as a remedy. It is used in special diseases connected
with reproduction or as a disinfectant. But it is very strange that
small quantities of silver act more effectively than large quantities.
When small quantities which are beyond the reach of chemical tests are
used, the chemist cannot find silver but the bacteria feel the silver
influence, they are killed by silver in high dilution. These
micro-organisms have an immense power of reproduction, they grow and
multiply and wherever the human being cannot penetrate with his own
formative forces, the bacteria cut in. Silver, in a high dilution, which
we cannot trace with chemical tests, is able to stop these bacterial
On the other hand, we may,
with not so highly diluted silver, cure sleep-walking. In this case the
moon takes hold of the silver and frees the sleep-walker. Healthy people
do not succumb to the moon influence. The human being is built in such
a way that the planet and its influence and the opposite planets hold
each other in balance. In the animal kingdom it is different, there
we will always find that the one or the other is acting in excess.
In the human being they hold each other in balance. The freedom of the
human being, the fact that he is dependent on his own individuality
alone, when healthy, is due to the fact that in his organism the forces
of nature are abolished. Opposite forces are abolished, or rather are
held in balance with each other. Freedom is not a miracle in the creation
which cancels nature forces, but freedom is only there when nature forces
are mutually balanced in the human being, just like the weights on a
pair of scales. In the middle, the hypomochlion or fulcrum, there is
freedom, there the effects of the planetary system and the spheres of
action are mutually balanced. If this balance is somehow disturbed,
for example if the moon influence is too strong because the reproductive
force of the human being is too weak and the moon is constantly making
up the difference, then we can take silver as a remedy and the balance
is restored. Thus we can understand the reason why silver acts as a
remedy. There exists a specific process in the human organism which
we might call the “silver process” although there is no
metallic silver to be found in the body. But there is a process which
corresponds to the silver process; through silver or through the moon
certain processes can be stimulated in the human being. In the cosmos,
what we, with our limited intelligence think consists of manifoldness,
is united. If we look at the surface of the moon, or silver, or the
brain, it is just the same. The one is in the cosmos, the second is
on earth and the third in the human being. Man in his inner being has
completely emancipated himself from earthly laws because he is a cosmos
himself, a microcosmos. We must only learn to bring these three things
together, that is we must unite astronomy, physiology and chemistry.
Of course it is possible to study them as specific branches of science,
it is not necessary to efface the borderlines, but having drawn the
border lines, we must also create communications.
We must learn to think
differently. The best experiments, even if they prove beyond doubt all
these assertions, do not help us. They are not acknowledged because in
our present scientific world conception, the thoughts do not yet exist
which make it possible to accept these statements. We must form new
thoughts, we must try continually to bring together different spheres,
different branches of science. We will only be able to understand how
substances act in the human organism, if we can think of them together
with the influence of the planets, the cosmos and the human organism.
We must try to find the way to a living conception of the connections
between Cosmos, Earth and Man.
1. Silver and the Moon, L.
2. Agriculture of Tomorrow,
E. & L. Kolisko. Moon and Plant Growth, L. Kolisko, 1936.
3. For details of these filter
paper experiments see Agriculture of Tomorrow, Part II, Chapter
XXII where the “new science” of Capillary Dynamolysis
is fully explained.
4. Das Silber und der Mond.
Experimentelle Studien aus dem Biologischer Institut am Goetheanum
von L. Kolisko, Orient-Occident Verlag Stuttgart, Den Haag, London
5. See “The Threefold
Human Organism” — E. Kolisko.
6. Zoology for Everybody —
Eugen Kolisko.