Sigurd Rascher Click image for large view | |
of Death and Life.
The Nuclear Crisis
Note: Footnote references made in
the accompanying text refer to the bibliography at the end of
the article.
Longer than
is known, man has striven to augment his muscular strength through
the efforts of his mind. He tamed animals to help him pull, push,
carry, lift; he made tools to extend the efficiency of his hands; he
used water and fire to transform surrounding matter. Hand and head
worked together. Rise and fall of local civilisations often depended
on the success or failure of such endeavors. For millennia sources of
kinetic energy were wind and water, sail and waterwheel. Energy can
be taken from water in that phase of its cycle in which it is subject
mainly to gravity, i.e. when it falls. Only because in the other part
of this cycle the opposite force prevails, can this be so. Should
this cycle come to a standstill, not only would this be the end of
energy we obtain from water, but the end of most life on earth as
well, since air and water movements are among the fundamental life
phenomena of this planet. In falling, water does not decay; its
substance is not changed. Fundamentally different is the process of
burning. Through it, matter decays and the form, given to it by
earlier life-processes, is dissolved. Light and warmth become free;
the latter is often changed, though only partially, into energy,
whereas the former is rarely used. Less well formed matter remains —
ash, smoke, etc. Forces, once active in the process of life,
are vehemently severed from matter for the production of energy. The
residues are lifeless. With the invention of the steam engine it
became possible to produce large quantities of energy. This process,
however, is inefficient and wasteful. It produces ashes, smoke, soot,
gases, heat, toxic substances, dirty industrial cities and general
pollution. At best, only two-thirds of the energy released through
the combustion of coal is used, generally much less.
knowledge of the earth and its substances gave man other materials
for the production of energy: oil and natural gas; both, like coal,
residues of former life processes.
the practical use of electricity (invention of generator and electric
motor) made the conversion of this energy into electric current
possible. With this a development began that pushed a materialistic
civilisation into dependence on a force man knows well how to use but
as yet hardly understands. One of the typical features of this force
is that its nature and far-reaching significance is little
understood. Yet it has permeated today's industrialized society
to such a degree that this society would soon come to a standstill
without it. Small wonder that the producers of electricity have
almost a stranglehold on such an industrialized society, a hold that
reaches deep into its political life.
drive to utilize matter more and more has brought us quite
consequently into the “Atomic Age”. We easily overlook
the fact that this age began many decades ago. Mankind as a whole,
however, only became aware of it in 1945. Yet as early as 1904 Rudolf
Steiner predicted that man would soon be able to release the energy
of the atom and that this development, in connection with human
egotism might bring upon us extremely precarious consequences. We
need not look into the future for them.
grasp the significance of nuclear power plants, we need to know that
they were developed from an aggregate that had been constructed for a
warship. But the ship was not built as originally planned. What to do
with the expensive reactor? It was erected as an electrical power
station in Shippingport, Pa., still under the management and control
of the navy. We must furthermore know that six to nine nuclear
reactors near Richland, Wash., functioned for many years for the sole
purpose of producing plutonium. Everyone knows that this substance is
the main ingredient of “The Bomb”, of which many
thousands are now stockpiled in various countries. This then is the
origin of the “Peaceful Atom” —
truly a macabre background, matched by an equally promising
future, that makes anyone who knows some basic details in this field
shudder. Of the many consequences we have to face, let us consider
only three: radiation — atomic waste — catastrophe. Each
of these is so enormous that man can not cope with it. What does this
mean? Radiation is produced in every fission process. Small
quantities in a small research reactor, huge quantities, surpassing
those produced by an exploding bomb, by today's commercial
power station reactors. Most of this radiation is contained, but not
all. Some of it escapes, some is released routinely into air, water,
soil, notably with the official permission of the governmental
agencies licensing such establishments: in the USA, the Atomic Energy
Commission. Quite correctly the AEC informs us: “Nuclear power
reactors also add waste heat and low levels of radiation to the
environment.” [see
Note 1] We are, of course, constantly assured by
persons “in charge” of such problems that only minute,
altogether insignificant amounts of radioactivity are released. Why
then in a hospital are even a few milligrams of radium shielded by
lead though its radioactive potency is much less than that of many
isotopes, i.e. radioactive substances which are byproducts of
man-made fission? And why is a nuclear power plant on the Hudson
river officially permitted to emit annually 16 million curies.
[“curie” is a
radiation unit, i.e. the amount of radiation, emanating from one gram
of radium through the disintegration of 37 billion atoms per second.]
[see Note 2]
If only 1%, or one tenth of 1%, of this amount of radioactivity reach
the biosphere, it still is not insignificant! Nor does it seem to be
inconsequential that, as the AEC reported as early as 1969, “some
4 billion gallons of radioactive wastes have been produced and
disposed of over the past 20 years.” [see
Note 3] The enormity of the above statement
becomes clear when we know that the world supply of radium is only
about 3000 grams, representing a potential of 3000 curies. [see
Note 4] And remember, there are more than a few
nuclear reactors in the world today!
is known that radiation causes various kinds of cancer and other
ailments, as well as genetic damage. It is also known that the
effects of radiation are in direct proportion to the amount received;
but it has yet to be proven that even the smallest doses cause no
harmful results. The American Public Health Association, Inc. states:
“Radiation hazards are real. Public exposure to radiation is
increasing. Each exposure adds to the body's burden of insults
or stresses.” [see
Note 5] That is: radiation is cumulative! To this
the Federal Radiation Council adds: “Every use of radiation
involves the possibility of some biological risk either to the
individual or his descendants.” And although some isotopes lose
their destructive potency within seconds of being produced, others
keep it for hours, days, years, centuries and millennia. Plutonium
loses only half of its potency in more than 24,000 years. It will
take more than 100,000 years before it is harmless to man. Immediate
death, caused by man-made radiation in the biosphere, is not the
problem today. But vital statistics show already —
and the “Atomic Age” has just begun —
an increase in the rate of cancer, infant mortality, still
births and genetic deformities in the vicinity of a nuclear power
plant here and there. No less disturbing are the results of studies,
lasting over 6 years, conducted by Drs. Gofman and Tamplin of the
AEC's own research team. In their books Population Control
through Nuclear Pollution and Poisoned Power the situation
is eloquently described. And in Earth Day — The Beginning
we read from the same authors: “As
a minor digression, let us also recall that radioactive substances
emit ionizing radiations, capable of instantly or slowly destroying
virtually all forms of life.” All too well does this accord
with the wisdom of Dr. Walter Russell, whose profound knowledge of
matter and the forces active in it enabled him to predict by many
years the discovery of Deuterium, Tritium, Plutonium & Neptunium
— only with other names.
He wrote in 1957: “We are planning to use the most deadly,
destructive force of Nature to enrich our lives, without knowing its
deadly power to destroy every organic living thing on this planet,
even to the last grass blade, the last drop of water and the last
breath of oxygen in our atmosphere. If man knew the Why and What of
radioactivity he would not dare use it.” [see
Note 6] One year earlier the German biologist H.
V. Brondested wrote: “It is the biologist's duty to warn
and to counsel for the utmost caution. It is certain that, should the
frequency of mutations increase, society will not be able to cope
with this development. And if in the future this will be the case,
there will be so many tragedies that future generations will curse
the present one for not recognizing clearly the ability of radiation
to cause mutations.” [see
Note 7] And Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Nobel Laureate
in genetics, warned that a coming generation might have to spend $10
billion annually on account of genetic damages. Large groups of
physicians in this country as well as in Europe speak out against the
proliferation of nuclear power. Still, some of the most far-reaching
decisions in this field are made by men with next to no knowledge in
it; said President Nixon recently on a visit to Hanford, Wash.: “I
mentioned a moment ago how all this business about breeder reactors
and nuclear energy is over my head. That was one of my poorest
subjects, science. I got through it but I had to work too hard. I
gave up when I was a sophomore.” [see
Note 8]
might well ask what, in spite of such devastating information,
propels the further development of this technology. Could it be that
the editor of the N.Y. Times (July 23, 1972) hinted at an answer to
this question under the headline “Halting Nuclear Spread”?
He wrote: “By 1976 about one-fourth of the countries in the
world will have large nuclear reactors in operation for the
production of electric power and thus a significant potential for
making atomic weapons. Apart from the five nations armed with nuclear
weapons — the United States Russia, Britain, France and China
— some 27 other countries will be producing plutonium as a
by-product of electric power generation, enough of it to make at
least 900 Hiroshima bombs a year.” A promising accomplishment!
the problems of energy production, that of unavoidable residues
is urgent today. Wind and water alone give us energy without
burdening us with wastes. We remember that these elements and their
movements are among the basic phenomena of this planet's life.
When wood is burned, ash remains that contains many substances which,
in small quantities, are beneficial for plant life. Coal and oil,
being denser and heavier than wood, give us more heat per weight unit
but also residues that are good neither for plant, animal, or human
life. A good gardener avoids coal ashes in the garden. Yet a pile of
it is hardly a threat to our health, and nature will gradually spread
her green cover over it. Very different is the situation with
radioactive substances left over from any fission process. They are
residues of some of the heaviest substances on earth; to break these
up a great deal of force is needed. Fittingly, the term “smashing
the atom” was coined. That this process found its first
“practical use” for non-peaceful purposes should not
surprise us. On the contrary —
this was altogether in keeping with its actual “nature,”
which is deceptively covered up, but not changed, in the “Atoms
for Peace” program. The fission process in the reactor as well
as the reprocessing of the nuclear fuel burden us with vast amounts
of violent waste. So intense is the radiation emitted by this “hot
soup”, that a few quarts would suffice to kill millions of
people. It contains “several hundred to several thousand curies
per gallon” [see
Note 3] and must be stored safely for “600
to 1000 years”. [see
Note 9] Of this hot soup we have already 80
million gallons, stored in government-owned tank-farms. It must be
cooled and stirred permanently to prevent overheating. And so
inimical is this seething broth even to the best material that no
tank can hold it for more than a few decades, when it must be pumped
into a new one. Efforts to solidify the wastes and bury them in salt
mines have not been successful. Is the waste problem solved?
what are the radioactive by-products of fission? Of the many known
isotopes, let us have a look at only two: Strontium 90 and Plutonium
engineer at the AEC's Hanford reactors figured that 1 gram of
Strontium 90 would make the Columbia river with its daily flow of 53
billion gallons unfit to drink for 8 hours. [see
Note 6] I must admit that I can not relate 1/28
ounce to 53 billion gallons of water! Yet I want to grasp how potent
Strontium 90 is! Now, I have often filled a 5 gallon pail at an
ordinary faucet; at full stream it takes about one minute. That makes
60 pails per hour, i.e. 300 gallons —
and so forth. That tap should have been turned on long before
Cheops built the great Pyramid to dilute 1 gram of Strontium 90 to a
safe level!
toxicity of Plutonium has been given by experts as being up to 2
billion times that of chlorine. Of the latter ½% in the air is
fatal. Both substances are highly volatile. In other words, if both
were in spray-bottles, the poison in one single bottle of Plutonium
239 equals that in one billion (let us be conservative) bottles of
chlorine! 16 bottles can stand on one square-foot, 44,000 times that
many on one acre ... it takes
more than 1,400 acres of chlorine bottles to equal the poison in the
one Plutonium 239 bottle! Its name was well chosen. Small wonder that
Nobel Laureate Dr. Hannes Alfven said: “In a full-scale fission
program, the radioactive waste will soon become so enormous that a
total poisoning of our planet is possible.” [see
Note 10]
generous heritage for future generations.
is the third possible consequence of “nuclear power” more
comforting: catastrophe. Although a massive break, or meltdown, in a
“Nuke” is not very likely, it never was officially denied
as a possibility. Nor should we forget what could happen in a war or
through sabotage. In such a situation large amounts of radioactivity
could escape into the biosphere, killing thousands of people outright
and forcing the evacuation of large areas immediately and for a long
time; possible property damage up to $7 billion. (AEC Brookhaven
report) Existing evacuation plans for New York State are hopelessly
cumbersome, inadequate and inefficient. Yet their very existence is a
tacit admission that not all is well. Indeed, the AEC's
“Reactor Operating Experiences 69-9” states: “In
the recent past, there have been a number of occurrences at reactors
where human error resulted in undesirable situations. None of these
situations represented a threat to the health and safety of the
public. The absence of more serious effects is largely the result of
good luck.” [see
Note 11] Commendable optimism? Yes, and a grain
of realism, since without such “good luck” many
“occurrences” in reactors in the USA, in Canada, in
England, Germany, Switzerland could easily have become unprecedented
calamities. How long will our good luck last?
companies, well aware of this precarious situation, have refused to
insure us against its risks beyond a nominal sum of a few million
dollars. Therefore a law has been passed, putting the burden on the
shoulders of the person who is already forced to accept the risks:
the taxpayer! And the construction of more and more of these “nukes”
continues at an undiminished speed, in spite of radioactivity, in
spite of hazards, in spite of wastes, in spite even of their
unreliability and their enormous cost! Insanity? Who pushes this
us look at it from another angle.
“Atomic Age” is the result of the scientific and
technological development of the past few hundred years. In its
beginning, science enjoyed rather low esteem among many educated
minds because it was aimed at the knowledge of the physical world.
This world was then known to be the created world and a complete
understanding of it, it was realized, must necessarily include the
forces that created it. The knowledge of such forces gradually waned,
and the interest in man's physical surroundings commanded the
greater part of his interest until the forces that created it were no
longer understood, then denied, ridiculed and forgotten. The
knowledge of things (physical objects) grew proportionally.
however, all have two characteristics in common: they occupy space
and because they do so, they are divisible, that is: they decay. Such
decay appears in many forms and situations: a stone is eroded to
sand, a tree rots to humus, and man and animal die. Death is only
one, though a highly symptomatic, example of this divisibility common
to all things. Even man's body is a “thing” and
therefore subject to this phenomenon. However, only his body is; his
inner being is non-divisible, hence an in-dividual.
is a polarity of contraction and expansion, a basic phenomenon of all
life processes. Rudolf Steiner gave us the most far reaching example
of it in his cosmogony,
An Outline of Occult Science.
Note 12]
have here the grandiose description of the condensation of spiritual
force and substance into warmth, air, water and eventually into solid
matter. Some of the matter which has reached its densest state has by
itself begun a slow disintegration, clearly a reversal of this cosmic
process. Formative forces that once sacrificed themselves to build
matter, are slowly released again, free to be active elsewhere. And
since here their release is not due to actions of man, it is not
man's responsibility to engage and direct them; rather is it
his privilege if he freely decides to do so. Much good can so be
done. Altogether different is the situation when matter is forcibly
disintegrated by man. The results here are fundamentally different
from those following natural decay. To balance them, man needs to
exercise his noblest capability, that of making moral judgments.
polarity of contraction and expansion prevails from our first to our
last breath, it leads us through every single breath between them, it
lets our heart beat in systole and diastole. It is with us through
day and night, through summer and winter, in light and dark, from
birth to death. Yet these are only the smaller rhythmical phenomena
in a much wider polarity — that
between life in a physical body and a non-corporeal, spiritual
existence after death, lasting to the next physical birth. As the
heart can not stay alive without systole and diastole, man can
not live in the world of matter very long without at least a
knowledge of the existence that precedes and follows it.
polarity is nature's miraculous “open secret” in
order to create new life. In the plant world much of this new life
appears in the form of “new matter”, largely a result of
the interplay of terrestrial and cosmic forces through
photosynthesis. The amount of such “new matter” by which
our planet is enriched annually is so enormous that it is difficult
even to estimate it. It directly enables us to live on earth. We
would do well, gratefully to recognize this fact instead of taking it
more or less for granted.
since the thrust of “modern science” has for such a long
time been directed overwhelmingly towards the world of things, in
which a non-understood creative process (contraction) is balanced by
a no more understood process of death (expansion), it was logical and
consequent that man's interest gradually penetrated to the very
smallest components of this world of things. To divide them ever more
in order to find out their innermost secrets was therefore the
logical path of “natural” science. In doing so the
process of death became an accepted method of “investigation.”
What had been thought of as the non-divisible (a-tomos) basic
“building blocks” of matter, what had withstood repeated
attempts of splitting, now yielded to the attack of determined
physicists: “The atom has been smashed,” we were
triumphantly told. Indeed a very different approach from nature's
process of slow decomposition. Here we have violence, there gentle
preparation to nurture new life.
fission is, among man's scientific and technical
accomplishments, one of the strongest —
it probably is the strongest process and use of the
force of death. It is at the borderline between the physical and the
non-physical. To achieve it, man indeed uses things, i.e. some highly
complicated machinery. The resulting radiation, however, is a
sub-natural phenomenon and can not be observed by any of our senses.
Therefore it is easily bagatellized by the promoters of this
technology. That a manifestation of the force of death can not be
used in any manner without also bringing various degrees of death to
those who are in its path needs no elaboration. It has been
documented with painful thoroughness. It is now necessary that we
understand that this death force can never be beneficial to mankind.
on this planet would not be possible without the forces, and,
equally, without the elements, of life. Most obvious of these are air
and water. Both have for long ages given us energy without polluting
the earth; and since their cyclic movements are endless, we need not
fear an end of the energy we can get from them. We should, however,
try to make much more efficient use of them. What we have grossly
neglected so far — probably
because we were interested more in the force of death than in that of
life — is light ...
yes, the “simple” light from the sun. There is
hardly more than a beginning of research into how to produce “solar
power.” Some very successful pilot plants have been built to
concentrate sun-heat for a pollution-free energy source; buildings
can be heated with it. Grumman Aerospace has plans to convert
sunlight directly into electricity, and so forth. [see
Note 13] All of these are much more progressive
than the archaic method of nuclear power stations: make heat —
boil water — make
steam — turn shaft —
to electric generator. Except for the fifth step this is
basically the same that Watt & Stevenson used some 200 years ago
... how antiquated a method!
Different only is the method of producing heat, and at what a ghastly
price and risk: deathly radiation, unmanageable wastes and potential
disaster. Equally important: can we not even think of an energy other
than that of electricity to help us with our daily chores? Can we not
investigate this most common of activities, the light-force:
photosynthesis, a force we have barely thought about in this
connection? Through this process in green plants uncounted billions
of tons of “new matter” are produced annually on earth!
Might this not yield us, beyond food and fuel, beyond home and
health, even clean energy as well? In a report of the National
Science Foundation of June 7, 1972, [see
Note 14] the word photosynthesis does appear. But
only in connection with various applications of old and well-known
methods. What is needed is an altogether new direction and thrust in
thinking, a searching for the doings of life forces on and around our
earth, instead of once more re-searching the interplay of “things.”
Is it not clear by now that natural science, as it has evolved over
the past few centuries, is limited in the scope of its investigations
predominantly to the field of physical things; that is, to the
investigation of such objects and phenomena as will decay eventually,
as are time-bound? What a narrow horizon: physical matter and
existence to which our time concept applies. (It is indeed proper to
speak of fission as a “timely” discovery!) If mankind is
to survive the next few decades as a civilized society, it is
necessary now to widen the scope of science to include first
and foremost the study of life-forces manifest in nature and man. In
his book Man or Matter, Ernst Lehrs concludes the chapter on
“Radiant Matter” with the following sentences: “The
insight we have gained into the nature of electricity and magnetism
has led us to the realization that with every act of setting
electromagnetic energies in motion we interfere with the entire
levity-gravity balance of our planet by turning part of the earth's
coherent substance into cosmic ‘dust.’ Thus we may say
that whenever we generate electricity we speed up the earth's
process of cosmic ageing. Obviously this is tremendously enhanced by
the creation of artificial radioactivity along the lines recently
discovered, whereby it has now become possible to transmute chemical
elements into one another, or even to cancel altogether their
gravity-bound existence.
see things in this light is to realize that with our having become
able to rouse electricity and magnetism from their dormant state and
make them work for us, a gigantic responsibility has developed for
mankind. It was man's fate to remain unaware of this fact
during the first phase of the electrification of his civilization; to
continue now in this state of unawareness would spell peril for the
human race.” [see
Note 15] Lehrs speaks of a needed new awareness.
Max Born — teacher of
Robert Oppenheimer, Edvard Teller and many other famous nuclear
physicists — was equally
outspoken. “It is of critical importance that our generation be
able to “re-think” (umzudenken). Should it not be able to
do this, the days of civilized humanity are numbered,” [see
Note 16] said Born in 1955. Nor had Albert
Einstein any doubts about the situation: “Our world faces a
crisis as yet unperceived by those possessing the power to make great
decisions for good or evil. The unleashed power of the atom has
changed everything save our modes of thinking, and thus we drift
toward unparalleled catastrophe.” Elsewhere he said “We
need an essentially new kind of thinking if mankind is to stay
alive.” [see Note
10] Did he not know that Rudolf Steiner had given
us this new kind of thinking even before the Theory of Relativity was
announced in 1905? A thinking not limited to an awareness of things
and their interplay, however complicated, but one able to grasp and
recognize the forces that created them and still are active in them;
a thinking that allows us to become aware of these forces in an
altogether concrete manner, yet not patterned on the thinking of
concepts of a physical nature —
yes Nature, because now in our thinking we need to rise above
her. This alone will enable us to recognize the “nature”
of fission as a death force and give us the moral strength to make
the decision not to use it, neither in war nor in peace. Otherwise
the spiritual being that gives men the impulse to promote a nuclear
development in an electrified civilisation will remain unrecognized.
important this is was pointed out by Rudolf Steiner when he said that
it is one of the secret aspects of the spiritual world, that evil
forces can retain their power only as long as we are not conscious of
them. The development of consciousness, of the awareness of certain
evil spiritual forces can be compared to the daylight, dispelling
evil spirits. Rudolf Steiner suggested that we make as strong and as
clear an inner picture of these inimical forces as we possibly can so
that we learn to recognize them. Then we find that we are also
creating a counter-picture of them in our mind, and this acts like
the light, forcing them to flee. The power of Light! It gives life to
our planet, it warms our hearts, it illuminates our minds! Might it
not be that the supreme force in the world also will give us renewed
energy, if we but resolve to cooperate with it!
[A bold
number in brackets at the end of an entry refers to a corresponding
footnote in the text. Click it to read the text.]
Bryerton, Gene.
Nuclear Dilemma,
Ballantine Books, N.Y. 1970.
Curtis, R. & Hogan, E.
Perils of the Peaceful Atom,
Doubleday, 1969.
Eggers, A. J. Jr.
(National Science Foundation) comm. on Interior & Insular Affairs,
U.S. Senate, June 7, 1972.
Public Exposure to Ionizing Radiations,
American Public Health Association 1958.
Nuclear Power and the Environment,
AEC Division of Technical Information 1969.
Reactor Operating Experiences,
AEC in Congressional Record, March 22, 1972.
Consolidated Edison Co. of N.Y. (Indian Point 3) Docket No. 50-286,
AEC Secretariat ARC-R 193/6.
Watch on the AEC,
Citizens Energy Council, 113 2nd St. N.E., Washington D.C., April 15, 1972.
Energy Crisis,
Nuclear Information Center, 2604 24th St., N. Arlington, Va. 22207,
Feb. 15, 1970.
Solar Energy A Viable Alternative,
Grumman Aerospace Corp., Bethpage, N.Y. 11714.
Fox, Charles H.
Radioactive Wastes,
U.S. AEC Division of Technical Information, 1969.
Gravel, Senator Mike,
Congressional Record, April 30, 1970.
Lehrs, Ernst.
Man or Matter,
Harper Bros., N.Y., 1958.
Rapoport, Roger.
The Great American Bomb Machine,
E. P. Dutton, N.Y., 1971.
Russell, Walter & Lao.
Atomic Suicide?,
University of Science and Philosophy, Swannanoa, Waynesboro, Va. 1957.
Steiner, R.
An Outline of Occult Science.
Sternglass, E. J.
Low-Level Radiation,
Ballantine Books, N.Y., 1972.
Tamplin, A. R. & Gofman, J. W.
Poisoned Power,
Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pa., 1971.
Population Control,
Nelson-Hall, Chicago, 1970.
Earth Day — The Beginning (Collection),
Bantam Books, 1970.
Brendested, H. V.
Das Atomzeitalter und unsere biologische Zukunft,
Vandenhock & Ruprecht, Goettingen, 1956.
Hageman, E.
Kernreaktoren sind lebensgefaehrliche Strahlungsquellen,
Beitraege zu einer Erweiterung der Heilkunst,
Arbeitsgemeinschaft anthroposophischer Aerzte, Weffingstr. 24,
Hemleben, J.
Biologie und Christentum,
Verlag Urachhaus, Stuttgart.
Hessenbruch, H.
Das Geheimnis der Materie anders gesehen,
Oda Verlag, Koeln, 1959.
Jaeckel, E.
Toedlicher als die Bombe,
Drei Eichen Verlag, Munchen, 1968.
Knauer, H.
Ueber die Entfesselung der ‘Atomkraefte’,
Das Goetheanum, 27 Juni, 1954.
Atomenergie, Das Goetheanum, 23 October, 1955.
Welchen Einfluss hat die radioaktive Strahlung auf Mensch und Erde?,
Das Goetheanum, 4 November, 1956.
Schultz, E. H.
Vorkommnisse und Strahlenunfaelle in kerntechnischen Anlage,
Verlag Earl Thiemig Munchen, 1966.
Schuepbach, W.
Biologic an der Grenze,
Verlag die Kommenden, Freiburg i.Br. 1965.
Schwab, G.
Morgen holt dich der Teufel,
Verlag Das Bergland Buch, Salzburg/Stuttgart, 1968.
Aerzte-Memorandum betreffend die Errichtung von KernspaltungsKraftwerken,
Oesterreichische Aerztezeitung, Wien, 25 Oktober, 1970.