Rudolf Steiner e.Lib
The Imagery of the Goetheanum Windows
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
The Imagery of the Goetheanum Windows
On-line since: 15th September, 2017
|  Diagram 4 Click image for large view [ +/- size controls in inset header ] | |
‘The outer world in resolution’
That man on earth on deeds of freedom
From out his Ego may decide,
And so fulfil the meaning of earth life,
He needs must have the aid of all the stars
Which spiritually ray forth from cosmic heights,
And form him as a microcosmic being.
It is the Heavenly Twelve
That from the Zodiac's diadem
Creates the body in twelvefold form,
From which his willing can be freed.
From out the Ram the world is speaking in my head:
“Oh man, grasp me within thy thinking!”
The Bull awakens speech within my larynx
That in the word unfolds for me the world entire;
And from the Twins the cosmic call resounds:
“Take hold of me with thy two hands!”
The Crab an inner man embraces in my breast
Which is replenished from the Lion's sphere
With force of life in the domain of heart.
The ripening power of fruit is given to my body
By the heavenly Virgin from the fullness of the stars.
The Scales they grant me equilibrium
Of forces holding sway in space.
The Scorpion gives me power of begetting.
Centaur, the Archer, works within the thigh
So that my steps may reach life's aim.
I thank the Goat that I can bend the knee
In reverence to the universe of God.
The Waterman, as once the Baptist,
Brings down the Spirit into human frame.
The Fish they plant me on my feet
And give me power to stand upright
So that on earth I may maintain myself.
It is the moon who in her cup of ether spheres
Receives me in my cosmic form,
In order to unite me with the earth.
The whole world works in one great harmony
In balance of its starry radiance
Reflected back within my limbs,
That from the substance of my body's being
The force of will can wrest itself
Which gives to the free I decision's power.
‘Man resolving’
The Being of Wisdom speaks to the Angelos of earthly man:
Receive in love the force of thought
Which, eagle-like, bestows on man
Entrusted to thy care the power of foresight,
Which he doth need on earthly paths
Devoid of light.
He fain would win this power himself
And so regard it as his own,
So that by dint of self-decision
He can direct himself to goals of life.
Thou shalt protect these goals for him,
Till such time as he decide
Freely to reach his own conclusion.
And now I see him, weapon at the ready
To win his destined prey.
‘He has willed.’
And now the shot rings out!
See the bullet in its flight!
Headlong the eagle sinks to earth.
He to man will now be bound
And even in dying grant him his own thinking.
So cosmic wisdom turns to earthly knowing.
We heavenly beings withdraw within our sphere
Leaving to man the freedom he desires.
from afar we look towards him:
Responsibility for his life's future
Henceforth is laid in man's own hand.
|  Diagram 5 Click image for large view [ +/- size controls in inset header ] | |
‘The world gives him the power of seeing’
The cosmic word from threefold source of Sun —
It pours in rhythms streaming
Through all the world and spends itself
In echoing creation's waves.
It manifests, in trumpet call
Of threefold Beings of the Spheres.
Their music universal Endows with light
Both Sun and Moon and Planets all.
And on and on the torrents of primeval light
Change and transform themselves;
Streaming from loving hands
Of Angel beings you can see them —
Beings who fashion them to cosmic images
As Eagle — Lion — Bull and Man.
To vision thus they show themselves.
The streaming light of sun turns to the Eagle's form;
The starry ether-stream becomes the Lion,
And moons they flow into the stature of the Bull.
In countenance of Man the three are one;
They stamp their signs upon his forehead,
And give to him the sense of Seeing
Which ever more, from outer seeing
Of our own world with sun and moon and stars,
Shall rise to power of inner Sight
Of Beings, who from founts divine
Form and maintain the world around,
Which to the human eye
Visibly is now unfolded.
‘And he sees’
Behold how lovingly, O man of earth,
The heavenly beings give thee eyes to see:
A Sun eye on the right, a Moon eye on the left
Is placed into thy countenance
By caring Angel hands,
So that within thy looking,
Outraying and receiving may be bound in one,
That on earth's path astounded thou perceives
How even on earth's dark ground
The light of stars shines forth.
‘And he develops seeing’ —
‘Und er macht sich sehend’
But thou shouldst also comprehend
What thou dost see;
For one part only of the world
Can the sensual eye of man behold.
The other part by inner effort
With spirit hands to grasp
He must endeavour.
These hands by spirit messengers are brought to thee
From spirit light of Sun and gleam of Moon,
So that thou mayest use them
When thou hast made thyself a seer
By grasp of Spirit in thy work of Soul.
Then wilt thou see, in Spirit aspect of the world,
How cosmic thoughts with fashioning power
Illuminate the dark of matter
With forms organic in their shape.
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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