June 1970, I had the opportunity of visiting the bio-dynamic
farm and conference centre of Herr Wilhelm Rath at Farrach in
Carinthia, Austria, to attend a conference on the first and
second Goetheanum. Rex Raab was the main speaker and the
Goetheanum had kindly lent their excellent large-scale
photographs and diagrams of the two buildings.
of the first lectures I heard was by Wilhelm Rath, when he
showed slides of Assja Turgenieff's engravings of the coloured
windows of the first Goetheanum. After speaking briefly on each
window Herr Rath read the appropriate verse which he had
composed as a poetic elucidation to the window in question.
Having had a long-standing and deep interest in the subject and
also having been privileged to talk with Assja Turgenieff and
put a great number of questions to her, I was immediately
struck by the verses. For not only did they elucidate what I
was seeing — they spoke to the whole man, as true art
always does, not to intellect and conceptual understanding
book with the verses in German had been in my possession for a
little while, and turning to them in the days and weeks that
followed, I must have had such a burning desire to enable
English people with no knowledge of German to share in this
experience that time and again words and whole lines formed
themselves in English, and it needed little encouragement to
translate them all in the hope, indeed certainty, that with
their help the Goetheanum windows would do for many people what
Rudolf Steiner said they would: “open vistas into the
spiritual world.” [Understanding and enjoyment of the
pictures will be greatly enhanced if reading and looking is
shared by two people. A.W.M.]
While working on this preface the news came of Wilhelm Rath's
death on January 13th 1973, in his 76th year. I therefore feel
a very special obligation to complete this book and to offer it
to everyone in gratitude to, and in memory of, Wilhelm Rath.
The translations were completed before 1972 and were seen and
read by Herr Rath who was very glad to know that his verses
would now be available in English.
A. W.