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‘The world builds’
Man in
now has come to pass with me
That heavenly light about me shines?
Have I the threshold passed?
But no, I still can feel the breathing of my body
Which stayed behind in yonder chair
While meditating on the leading thoughts
That bind me to the stream of cosmic happening.
Then must it be the world of sleep
In which I now awake, across whose threshold
Thinking now has borne me.
This world of sleep, which lets the human being
Sink into unconsciousness each night,
Is now for me illumined:
From bodily being now are risen
Both soul and spirit, gazing back to their deserted home.
A countenance divine, transfigured all
By light of starry worlds,
In holy earnestness looks down upon
This human body, as if to penetrate its very ground,
Out of whose darkness a decaying bony skull
Lights up.
Death forces here are manifest,
Which in the body day by day
My waking I, destroying, nourishes;
Now the secret is revealed:
My waking consciousness lives by this dying
That leads my body towards death.
But now to this my weary fading body —
So to renew it — mine I and astral being
Send streaming radiance
From spirit light of Sun and Moon and Stars,
Creating it anew.
Thus on the human body works the world
In every state of sleep,
Since building it at life's beginning
When sleeping still it rests within the mother's womb.
The world of sleep is now revealed to me.
‘I behold, the building’
It is as if from sleep profound I half awake
And find myself stretched on the edge of an abyss.
Shrouded in night the rock-wall rises up behind me,
In which the might of death, that froze the rock,
Seems to grow even stronger in the depths.
It shows itself to me as skulls
Which near me, and hard under me beginning,
Inverted, -tower into the depths.
Is it the force of gravity, which orders space,
That shows itself within this image ?
But now I see beyond the gorge
In delicate light of dawn on yonder hill,
A wondrous temple, crowned with radiant dome,
To which a flight of steps ascends.
Above its portal living forms appear,
And human souls direct their gaze to it
From heights of spirit.
Though yet the threshold, inwards opening,
Be shrouded from my inner sight,
I do divine how forming life has here
O'ercome the force of gravity
That presses down to earth,
And wisdom-filled, with buoyant light,
Raising powers of death to living form
Before my eyes this temple has created.
Will the riddle of this building be unlocked for me?
‘And the building becomes Man’
The image undergoes a change.
What up to now was steeped in light
Is now nocturnal darkness.
Yet from the night that is about me
There shines in yonder place beyond the gorge,
Where I but now beheld the building's living forms,
A human countenance divine, both large and beauteous to
Transfigured quite by light of Spirit Sun,
Which from the heights above transcends the night.
From out his brow rays forth the living thought,
As if the tree of life had nurtured it, And from his eyes shines love
Give heed! My lyre echoes harmonies
That sound towards me from this Light of Love.
Behold, the rock as well, upon whose edge I raised myself,
Transformed to devachanic light!
In it I see in forms of youthful faces
How burgeons the idea of man,
Borne by the grail cup of the Moon.
The riddle now is solved — -
The threshold has revealed itself to me:
The Building becomes Man.