AST time we tried to consider the question of
the whence and the whither of man, the question of his origin and of
his goal, and we saw how man stands in relation to the whole
evolution of the earth, indeed, of the cosmos, how he is so bound up
with the earth, the natural kingdoms and the hierarchies that he
cannot be described apart from them.
The picture which
I have given of this development is so inadequate that I should now
like to return to it, in order to introduce into it certain aspects
which are of the greatest importance for evolution as a whole, and
which are of the greatest significance for us to-day, for they were
decisive for the whole of the evolution through which mankind has
gone, and in which it now stands.
For evolution did not happen so simply and
smoothly as we have described. In order to have a foundation upon
which to work, I indicated only roughly and incompletely the
greatest events and realities of evolution. I spoke of how the first
physical substance, as far as the old Saturn, the first form of our
earth, had brought it, was warmth. That which already then existed of
man, the physical body, or at least the preparation for that out of
which our present physical body evolved, consisted of warmth. I
mentioned the work, which, during the Saturn time, the higher
spiritual hierarchies did on this physical body, who passed over with
Saturn into a period of spiritualisation, where they themselves
reached a higher stage of evolution. The human and physical bodies
also reached a higher stage of evolution, so that on the old Sun, the
second embodiment of our earth, the physical body was able to take up
an etheric body. But not all the beings reached their goal in those
times. Of the Sons of Personality, we said that on old Saturn they
had worked through their human stage which means that in that time
they had reached an ego-consciousness. To this goal, however, all
Sons of Personality had not reached, and so at the end of the Saturn
evolution not all the physical human bodies were sufficiently worked
upon that they could take on the etheric body, on old Sun. At the end
of the Saturn evolution Saturn, and the beings connected with it,
entered a condition of spiritualisation, and after this period they
reappeared in a new form of physical existence. The Sun evolution
really began then. Here evolution is checked through the remaining
behind of some of the Sons of Personality. There were such Sons of
Personality as had reached their human stage on old Saturn, and who
could now advance to a higher stage of evolution. But there were also
such Sons of Personality as had not yet attained their goal, who
could not yet advance to a higher stage of
their development. Corresponding to those were two different
kingdoms, one kingdom capable of taking up an etheric body, and
another which was not so far, which, on old Sun, as on old Saturn,
consisted only of a physical body. Besides these were normal
archangels who, during the Sun period had reached the human stage,
and also such archangels as had not reached this goal. Now if we
consider the old Moon, the third embodiment of our earth, we find the
condition of things very complicated. Here the angels should have
gone through their human stage, and reached an ego-consciousness. The
normal angels were sufficiently far advanced. But there were also
angels who had not reached this high stage of evolution, and besides
these were archangels who now belatedly unfolded their ego
consciousness, and such as were not yet so far. There were even
Sons of Personality, who, on old Moon, were not yet so far as to work
through their human stage. But alongside were Sons of Personality who
had reached their human stage. So, too, with the human beings. Some
of them were so able to take up an astral body. These human beings
stood at the stage of the present animal kingdoms. Others could only
now take up an etheric body and stood at the stage of the present
plant kingdom. There were also human beings who, even as on the old
Saturn, consisted only of a physical body, and who stood at the stage
of our mineral kingdom. All these held-back beings and kingdoms make
for a tremendous slowing down of evolution. The human physical bodily
nature can always form itself only out of the substance which the
earth supplies at its existing stage of evolution. Therefore physical
human beings carried through the substances of the held-back kingdoms
also. So it came about that on old Moon these bore a Saturn and a Sun
nature. The nature of man was, so to speak, cleft in two. And through
this holding back of the different beings and kingdoms there came
about still another result. The substance of old Moon became
gradually too coarse for the most highly developed beings. A cleft
was made in the Moon embodiment. A part of its substance and
beings divided itself off from the Moon body; out of one planet came
two. The beings of the higher hierarchies made of this separated
planet their dwelling place, and it appeared as a reborn but finer
sun. The other planet, as old Moon, remained populated by the human
beings, the two lower kingdoms, and by certain of the higher beings.
Through this separation the higher hierarchies were freed from the
Moon beings and the densified Moon substances They were now
untrammelled in their own evolution and could progress unhindered in
their own being. They therefore attained to a greater power, and sent
their forces to the Moon beings from without, from the Sun.
Towards the end of
the Moon evolution the two planets were once more united into one.
Then this planet entered again with the human kingdom, the lower
kingdoms and the hierarchies into a condition of spiritualisation
After this intermediate time the beings who had shared in the
developing processes on Saturn, Sun and Moon reappeared with new
capacities, and man also was now so far evolved that, during the
period following the Moon evolution, the period of our Earth of
to-day, he could rise to the ego consciousness. Through the work of
the hierarchies standing above man, the physical, the etheric and the
astral bodies were raised to a higher state of evolution, so that in
the course of its evolution this physical bodily nature of man was so
far that an ego could be breathed into it. In three preparatory
stages the physical bodily nature was prepared to take up the ego.
The first preliminary step can be described as a repetition of the
Saturn at a higher stage, for work was done by the hierarchies during
this period as during the Saturn time, only on thephysical body of
man. When this physical body in its development had reached so far
all the beings and the earth with the different natural kingdoms
entered again a period of spiritualising. After this interval the
etheric body was built up during a time which is a kind of repetition
of the sun evolution. Again, after an intermediate period there
came one similar for the astral body, in a kind of repetition of the
Moon evolution.
These three
preparatory periods are called in Spiritual Science the Polaric, the
Hyperborean, and the Lemurian times. During the first period, the
Polaric time, that of the Saturn repetition, we still have one
planet, the Earth. The natural kingdoms and all beings and
hierarchies were still within the Sun body, they were still one with
the Sun. In the second period the Hyperborean, that of the
repetition of the Sun, there slowly began to appear a break
between Sun and Earth, and the Earth became only loosely connected
with the Sun. Then followed the third period, the Lemurian, that of
the Moon evolution. At this time the two planets really became
separated from one another. In this third time the ego first began to
stream into man.
Still another thing happened in this third
time. After the Sun, with the most highly developed hierarchies, had
separated from the Earth, the substances of the Earth grew ever
denser and denser, and as the physical bodily nature of man consists
always of the substance of the contemporary planet, the human body
became coarser. With that there began a change of consciousness for
man. He must now change between a time in which he lived within his
physical body and another time in which he lived free of his body.
During the time in the physical body he was more and more cut off
from the spiritual worlds, and from the hierarchies, and only when in
a condition free of the body did he regain a consciousness of the
spiritual worlds and beings. The hardening process in which the Earth
had developed because the highest hierarchies had driven out their
finest substances, became worse and worse so that finally the human
ego could no longer seek out and dwell within these hardened physical
bodies. Then these higher beings who had remained near the Earth drew
out of the Earth mass coarser or finer substances to form
corresponding dwelling places, and took with them human beings
according to their corresponding stages. Thus arose the planets
of our solar system. These gradually became the dwelling places of
those human souls who had on the earth no further possibility of
incarnating. In the further course of earth evolution the number of
human forms became ever fewer, until the high spiritual beings under
the guidance of their most mighty leader drew the Moon, i.e., the
densest, coarsest substance away from the earth, and with that the
Earth evolution was led over a critical point. The Earth now stood in
a balance between Sun and Moon. So the necessities for the evolution
of man were again placed upon the earth. Human souls again approached
and could again dwell in the human bodies, which again became finer
and finer.
To this third Lemurian period there followed,
after an interval of spiritualisation, the fourth period, the
Atlantean. In this time man bound himself more and more with the
earth, and therewith his condition of consciousness underwent a
further change. The more he became bound up with the earth, the more
he lost his connection with the hierarchies standing above him.
Finally, he put himself quite outside, on the physical plane. Then
the door into the spiritual world was closed. Only when in a
condition of freedom from the body did he find his connection with
the hierarchies immediately above him. Then followed the fifth period
of the Earth's evolution — the post-Atlantean period, our
present time. Man was quite cut off from the spiritual worlds, but
from the older times there remained to him something which worked in
him like a memory of the spiritual worlds. In the post-Atlantean
civilisation there gradually entered through knowledge and the
religious consciousness everything which man had experienced in
earlier periods of evolution. He had once lived through periods in
which he stood in an ever-differing relation to spiritual worlds and
the hierarchies. Then in the post-Atlantean times he went through all
these periods again, but in his knowledge and in his religious
consciousness. We find in the different forms of religion of the
post-Atlantean civilisations the memory of earlier conditions once
lived through. In the first post-Atlantean period — the early
Indian — the memory of the spiritual world was at its clearest;
then the desire for the spiritual was the basic feeling of the Indian
soul, and man recalled in his knowledge and his religious
consciousness the first period of the earth when earth and Sun were
still united in Saturn, when men still lived entirely in the
spiritual worlds, and when they were still connected with the highest
hierarchies. This memory lived in the religious consciousness of the
early Indian who called the godhead “Brahman” the
All-One, and who yearned to go up to it. Then followed the old
Persian epoch, that of Zarathustra. Men then experienced through
memory, in their knowledge, and in their religious consciousness the
second epoch of earth evolution, when the sun was preparing to
separate itself from the earth, when the held-back beings were
working as limitations to evolution. The man of this second
post-Atlantean epoch, experienced a divine duality in his religious
consciousness in Ormuzd and Ahriman, in the god of the light and the
god of the darkness.
Then came the third post-Atlantean epoch, the
old Egyptian or Chaldean. At that time in his religious
consciousness man experienced the memory of the third period of Earth
evolution in which the separation of the Moon from the earth took
place. This powerful cosmic process and what it signified for man,
the Egyptian-Chaldean experienced in his religious consciousness. He
knew that after the separation of the sun, the sun's forces had
worked from outside quite otherwise than they formerly had worked
from within. He pictured how the sun's rays acted like the stings of
a scorpion; they stung through the sense organs so that these only
now opened themselves to what was outside them. Till then there had
been no external sense impressions, only then, when men's eyes were
opened to external things did he begin to see the external sun: the
inner gaze on the high spiritual beings who were earlier joined to
earth and man, and who now had their dwelling place on the sun, this
inner gaze on the spiritual sun forces vanished. On every single eye
of man there now fell the rays of the outer sun: then Osiris died for
man; he was killed, dismembered.
Before the separation of the sun there was
also no sexual propagation; instead there existed what can be called
a virginal propagation. After the separation of the sun the forces
which ruled our earth passed out of the sign of the Virgin, through
the Balance and over into the sign of the Scorpion. The old Egyptian
priests saw this event in their minds as a picture, which put into
words meant: “When the sun stood in the sign of Scorpio, when
the earth was in the Balance, then Osiris was killed.” We must
not find something merely astronomical in such a myth; we must see in
the Osiris legend saga the experience of the deeper clairvoyant
insight of the old Egyptian priests. In such a myth they incorporated
what they were willing to tell of the evolution of earth and man; and
the human soul felt the inner truth of such a picture. In the far
past it had experienced it, and through such a picture there awoke
the yearning in the heart of man for the old power of seeing the
spiritual sun forces.
In the fourth post-Atlantean epoch — the
Græco-Latin — mankind experienced in his polytheism a
memory of the Atlantean times, of the fourth period of our earth, of
the time in which men could find their connection only with the
hierarchies next above them, with the hierarchies which in a certain
sense were subjected to human weaknesses. In the Graeco-Latin times
mankind lived through the Atlantean period in its memory. We thus
understand how the men of that time found their many gods gifted with
human weaknesses.
There followed the fifth post-Atlantean
civilisation — the present. We have nothing to recapitulate, no
old memory; we stand in a new period, which repeats nothing of the
old, but has to work out a future. We must have a wisdom which must
work prophetically, apocalyptically. To-day it is more difficult than
formerly to attain wisdom because at no time were we so cut off from
the spiritual worlds as now, when not a memory of it remains. But
though it may appear as if the spiritual worlds were dead, they are
still there actively and fruitfully, and the men of the present day
must, and will again find their connection with the spiritual world.
But they must seek it, they must desire to find it; the connection
can again be found. In the Græco-Latin times, the time in which
the old recollections faded out, when man was cut off from the
spiritual worlds, a wonderful seed for all time to come was laid in
the cold ground of the earth, the seed which we call the
Christ-principle. In connection with this Christ-principle, the
apocalyptic wisdom, which to-day is so terribly needed, will be found
— the wisdom which does not merely point through memory to past
times, but which points prophetically to the future, and indeed,
calls on mankind to be actively creative for it.
Spiritual Science considers this its task, to lead mankind to this
Christ-principle, that therewith the original connection with the
spiritual world may again be established.