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A Guide to the Spiritual Science of Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

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A Guide to the Spiritual Science of Rudolf Steiner

Guide to Spiritual Science: Preface



N the year 1920 I was asked to introduce the teaching of Rudolf Steiner to a group of people. The following introduction is the result. It aims at being a reference to the work of Rudolf Steiner. It is worked out chiefly from the books “Theosophy,” “Outline of Occult Science,” and “The Spiritual Guidance of Man and Mankind” (published by the Anthroposophical Publishing Co., 46, Gloucester Place, W.I.), and from notes of lectures given by Rudolf Steiner within the Anthroposophical Movement, which at Christmas, 1923, he allowed to be published in their character as manuscript. Now having been asked by English friends to allow them to translate it, I decided to hand it over to them for printing.

E. Weisshaar,
Neu-Reinach bei Basel.

July, 1927.

Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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