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The Christmas Conference

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

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The Christmas Conference

Schmidt Number: S-5557

On-line since: 21st December, 2008

Part Two: The Procedings of
the Conference

Continuation of the Foundation Meeting




ONCE MORE, my dear friends, we shall welcome to our souls what is to inspire us and bring us strength during this Conference:

Soul of Man!
Thou livest in the limbs
Which bear thee through the world of space
In the spirit's ocean-being.
Practise spirit-recalling
In depths of soul,
Where in the wielding will
Of world-creating
Thine own I
Comes to being
Within God's I.
And thou wilt truly live
In the World-Being of Man.

For the Father-Spirit of the heights holds sway
In depths of worlds begetting being:
Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones!
Let there ring out from the heights
What in the depths is echoed
Ex Deo nascimur.

Soul of Man!
Thou livest in the beat of heart and lung
Which leads thee through the rhythm of time
Into the realm of thine own soul's feeling.
Practise spirit-awareness
In balance of the soul,
Where the surging deeds
Of the world's becoming
Thine own I
With the World-I.
And thou wilt truly feel
In the Soul-Weaving of Man.

For the Christ-Will in the encircling round holds sway
In the rhythms of the worlds, bestowing grace on the soul.
Kyriotetes, Dynamis, Exusiai!
Let there be fired from the East
What through the West is formed
In Christo morimur.

Soul of Man !
Thou livest in the resting head
Which from the grounds of eternity
Opens to thee the world-thoughts.
Practise spirit-beholding
In stillness of thought,
Where the eternal aims of Gods
World-Being's Light
On thine own I
For thy free willing.
And thou wilt truly think
In the Spirit-Foundations of Man.

For the world-thoughts of the Spirit hold sway
In the being of worlds, craving for light:
Archai, Archangeloi, Angeloi !
Let there be prayed from the depths
What in the heights will be granted
Per Spiritum Sanctum reviviscimus.

Today we shall inscribe a simple rhythm into our souls:

[ Rudolf Steiner writes on the blackboard as he speaks. See Facsimile 5, Page XVII top. ]

Thou livest in the limbs

For the Father-Spirit of the heights holds sway
In depths of worlds begetting being

Thou livest in the beat of heart and lung

For the Christ-Will in the encircling round holds sway
In the rhythms of the worlds, bestowing grace on the soul

Thou livest in the resting head

For the world-thoughts of the Spirit hold sway
In the being of worlds, craving for light

[As shown on the blackboard]

Thou livest in the limbs
For the Father-Spirit of the heights holds sway
In depths of worlds begetting being

Thou livest in the beat of heart and lung
For the Christ-Will in the encircling round holds sway
In the rhythms of the worlds, bestowing grace on the soul

Thou livest in the resting head
For the world-thoughts of the Spirit hold sway
In the being of worlds, craving for light

I thus write down for you the rhythms as they resound together because they do indeed encompass an image of the starry constellations. We say: Saturn is in the sign of Leo, or Saturn is in the sign of Scorpio. Rhythms depend on this, rhythms that go through the world. An image of primeval spirit lives in such rhythms in the way I have written them down for you over the course of these last days, having taken them from our verses which are inwardly organized through and through in accordance with the realm of spirit and soul.

Now to continue with our meeting, Herr Krebs would like to speak.

Herr Krebs speaks.

DR STEINER: On the question of the opposition, Herr Wolfgang Wachsmuth and then Herr Hardt wish to speak.

Herr Wolfgang Wachsmuth speaks about books and the question of the opposition.

DR STEINER: Obviously, if such a group is formed, then if it needs advice in one matter or another it will find this advice here. That is what I would like to say as a direct reply to the question. Does anyone else wish to speak with regard to the question of the opposition?

Herr Werbeck speaks on the question of the opposition.

DR STEINER: I would now ask Herr Hardt to speak. (He does not respond.) Now Herr Leinhas would like to speak.

Herr Leinhas speaks about the question of the opposition and about the press.

DR STEINER: Dr Stein will speak next.

Dr Walther Johannes Stein speaks on the question of the opposition.

DR STEINER: I would now like your permission to proceed to the matter of the rebuilding of the Goetheanum.

Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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