Diphtheria and Influenza Crossed Eyes
question is raised concerning why, in one family, four mute
children were born along with normal children. In his youth,
the father of the children tore the tongues out of birds. Could
the four mute children be his punishment?
Another question: Influenza, in which people suffer from double
vision, is so frequent now. What is the cause of this?
Dr. Steiner: Were the children who cannot speak born one
after the other in this family, or were the children who could
speak born in-between?
The Questioner: The mute children were born one after
the other.
Dr. Steiner: It is difficult to speak about such a case
when one is not thoroughly familiar with it. We shall take up
the question about influenza later. This first case, however,
is difficult to judge when one is not familiar with the
details. Much depends, for example, on whether a speaking child
was born between the mute children; whether, after a certain
moment in time, the speaking children were born and the mute
children after, or whether the mute children were born first
and the normal children after, or whether they were born
alternately. Muteness in children naturally can be caused by
any number of factors. If these children can hear and are only
mute, not deaf — mute — something about which one
can sometimes be in error of course — if they truly hear,
and the problem therefore lies in the speech apparatus, then
one must figure out how the father or mother could have
influenced it.
Without thoroughly knowing this case, however, it is really
risky to talk about it. One would have to know the age of both
parents. Much depends on whether both parents were already old
when they had the children or whether they are still young.
Another factor is whether the mother or the father is the
older. Much depends on all this.
Then, the character of both parents also plays a part. Whether
or not it is important that the father tore out the tongues of
birds in his youth, as you say, can be determined only after
all the other questions have been answered. Such a
consideration depends on whether the man was perhaps cruel in
his youth. The characteristic of cruelty as such does come into
consideration. To speak of a punishment, however, is out of the
question here. First, punishments do not exist and second, if
they did, this certainly would not be a punishment for the
father! To say that the children were born mute to punish the
father for his cruelty reminds me of the story of the boy whose
hands froze and who said, “This serves my father right
for not buying me gloves!” When somebody is as terribly
afflicted as these four children, it is not a punishment for
the father; he is much less affected than the four children,
although his cruelty must be considered.
Again, certain other definite matters must be considered here.
In relation to children's age you can see that if a person
develops a quality as a youth — let us say one develops a
quality of cruelty or something similar at age eleven, for
example — the onset of such a tendency always recurs
after about three and a half years. This individual would then
express cruel tendencies again at fourteen and a half or
fifteen, then again at eighteen, at twenty — one and a
half, and so forth.
Imagine, if conception occurs during the period when such a
tendency recurs, the conception itself can be a kind of cruelty
and naturally can work harmfully. In this roundabout way, all
such matters naturally can come under consideration. A
connection can only be claimed, however, if all other factors
have been excluded. I have told you what a difference there is
between winter births and summer births. One would have to
determine from the ages of these children whether the earlier
births perhaps occurred in the summer or in the winter, and so
This is why I say that to approach the problem conscientiously,
one must know all the details. When you become acquainted with
the whole case, we can talk about it. I would be glad to do so.
You do not know, for example, whether the four mute children
were the older or the younger ones. It must definitely be
established whether or not this tendency to bring forth mute
children was later cured or whether it appeared only after the
four speaking children were born, in which case, the reason
would have to be discovered somewhere after the birth of the
fourth child. So, we would first have to be familiar with all
the factors.
Regarding the question about the flu, it is related to all the
diseases, such as bronchitis, that can afflict the human head
or the organs of the upper chest, but I will refer particularly
to illnesses such as diphtheria and influenza that are so
widely prevalent just now. These diseases afflict the upper
part of the human body, and they have a definite peculiarity.
They can best be studied by examining diphtheria; here one
really can learn the most.
know well that those who study medicine in the ordinary sense
today do not know much about the flu; therefore, the
descriptions given by doctors of the symptoms that appear with
the flu are quite inexact. When I see people suffering from
influenza, I must always turn my attention to something other
than the symptoms that the doctors pay heed to, because the flu
is actually a kind of brain illness. The flu is really an
illness of the brain! I shall say more about this later.
following points especially must be taken into consideration
regarding diphtheria. First, if you look at a child suffering
from diphtheria — adults can also suffer from it, you
know — you can see a membrane in the throat. This
membrane, this formation of tissue, is usually what can cause
suffocation in diphtheria. This formation of tissue is thus the
first important factor. The second thing one notices in
diphtheria is that the heart of a diphtheria patient is always
assaulted. The heart does not function properly. The third
aspect of diphtheria is that even if the patient is not
strongly afflicted by the membrane in his throat, he
nevertheless has a hard time swallowing because of a kind of
paralysis of the throat that occurs in addition to the
membrane. Finally, the same symptom that is nowadays observed
in those suffering from influenza also appears in diphtheria
patients: their eyes begin to cross and they see double. These
are the most important symptoms of diphtheria that can be noted
in the upper part of the body. A form of kidney ailment,
unobserved in those who suffocate and die, appears as an
aftereffect in the diphtheria patients who recover.
What does diphtheria really consist of? Diphtheria can be
understood only when one knows that man is actually kept alive
from two directions — from the outside in and from the
inside out. Man lives first from within his skin. The skin is a
tremendously important organ, and man really lives within the
skin, within his surroundings. It is like this (sketching).

Diagram 1.
Here is the skin; I have already talked about it. The skin is
constantly in contact with the outer air, with the external
world, which causes it to become calloused. In humans it only
becomes a little calloused and then sloughs off. The skin all
over man's body constantly sloughs off. Man is continuously
sloughing off his entire body. He is continuously exchanging
his physical body because of outside influences. You can
imagine what a tremendous influence the air has on the living
body when you consider the following. Think of a being that
lives entirely in water. The skin it forms will be quite soft.
The water itself causes it to form skin that is quite soft.
Particularly through the influence of sunlight, the soft skin
is pulled forward, and the being in the water becomes a fish.
You can hardly see the jaw of a fish, because it is entirely
covered with skin. Now imagine that this creature does not live
in water but in the air. If this being lives in the air, it
cannot form the soft skin. If this being who has lived in the
water could not form the soft skin, his jaw would no longer be
inside; the whole inner jaw would lie outside, and he would be
a bird. The jaw of the fish in the water is simply covered with
soft skin. By virtue of living in the air, the bird is equipped
with an exposed jaw, a jaw lying completely outside. Thus you
see the influence exerted on a creature from outside. Man,
however, can form soft skin with other organs, but this soft
skin is always being sloughed off, worked off.

Diagram 2.
Aside from this life proceeding from the outside in, there is
also a life going from inside out, particularly from the
kidneys. Both must be active in the human being. Activity both
from the skin inward and from the kidneys outward must be at
work. The heart occupies a position in between and is highly
sensitive to too much activity from outside or inside. The
heart can sense when the kidneys begin to be overly active, and
it also senses when the skin's activity begins to be too strong
or too weak.
Now, what happens in the case of diphtheria? In diphtheria, the
skin suddenly becomes weak and subdued. The activity of the
skin is too weak, so a person with diphtheria suffers from too
little exchange of air through the skin. Indeed, this is the
main problem. The skin, including the skin of the nose exposed
to the external surroundings, does not breathe enough, and it
becomes too weak. The in-streaming activity, indicated in my
sketch by the arrows, no longer functions properly, and the
heart senses this. The heart also senses that the kidneys work
upward. What is it that the kidneys are doing? The heart can no
longer restrain the activity of the kidneys, which shoots
upward. Long before inflammation of the kidneys, that is,
nephritis, sets in, the activity of the kidneys is already
shooting upward. Because the skin activity is no longer working
effectively from outside, superfluous skin forms on the inside.
Because the, skin's activity from the outside is not working
properly, a superfluous skin is formed, filling everything out,
because the kidneys' activity is too strong.
When a person becomes afflicted with shrunken kidneys, which
can occur when the kidneys' activity is deficient, you can see
an indentation here on the head. There is a connection between
the kidneys and this section of the head. As soon as the
kidneys' activity is not working properly, this indentation
occurs. You can see in every person who has kidney disease this
indentation in the head. Beneath it lie the optic nerves. When
the indentation occurs, the optic nerves become inactive. In
the case of ordinary kidney shrinkage, the patient begins to
see unclearly. When shrinkage does not occur but nephritis sets
in instead, the kidney activity shoots up into the head and
exerts an influence on the optic nerves.

Diagram 3.
Now, you see, the optic nerves are such that when the head is
viewed from above, they proceed back from the eyes. They cross
in the brain, the two optic nerves, and continue on to the
hindbrain. The optic nerves must be in good condition if we are
to see well, because we see with both eyes. The moment these
optic nerves that cross are not working properly, we see
double. The optic nerves only need to be a little numbed and
the crossing not made properly for us to see double. You know
how a person who enjoys drinking can tell whether or not he is
still functioning when he gets home: he places his hat at the
foot of the bed, gets in bed, and if he sees one hat he is
still all right, but if he sees two, he is not! This is easily
done. So, because the blood circulates too fast, too much
alcohol numbs the optic nerves, with the result that a person
who has drunk too much has double vision.
kidneys' activity also has a stimulating effect on the optic
nerves. If the optic nerves do not interact properly at the
point where they cross, man will see double. This is the case,
for example, in diphtheria. You can see, therefore, that
diphtheria is caused by a disorder in the skin's activity.
Therefore, a future, more successful cure for diphtheria will
consist above all of treating the patient in the right way with
baths; he will have to be given such baths that will
immediately stimulate vigorously the skin's activity. Then the
formation of membranes will cease, and the patient's skin will
begin to function properly again.
Treatment with modified virus vaccine is effective in the case
of diphtheria, because the body is thus given a strong impulse
to become active, but it has unfavorable aftereffects.
Particularly if a child is treated with vaccine, it will later
suffer a hardening of its organization. One therefore must
strive actually to replace treatment with vaccine with that of
bathing, especially in the case of diphtheria, which is based
primarily on the defective activity of the skin. One can see
how skin actually must receive special consideration. It is
indeed true that diphtheria is more frequent now than in former
times. Of course, one must consider centuries, not decades.
According to all that is known of earlier ages, however —
though many diseases naturally existed then that were much
worse; people were afflicted with bubonic plague and cholera
— diphtheria was more rare. This is connected with the
fact that, in general, the European way of life increasingly
leads in a direction in which the skin's activity is no longer
supported. Certainly, people who have money bathe a lot, and so
forth. The point, however, is what a person bathes in.
Here you can see the ill effect of civilization in the fact
that bald-headed people are much more numerous today than in
former days. The growth of hair is also an outer activity. Just
as plants grow from the soil, so the growth of hair is affected
from outside. Not enough attention is paid today to the skin's
activity. Do not assume that bathing with cold water, as
practiced by Englishmen nowadays, has such good effects. What
counts is what a person bathes in. Of course, it is also wrong
for a person to cause too strong an activity of the skin by
superfluous bathing. At any rate, in the case of diphtheria,
one must try above all to bring about a proper activity of the
This is also connected with a factor that affects people's
offspring. Take a mother or father whose skin is too sluggish
and doesn't slough off easily enough. This is most difficult to
determine and takes a very sensitive insight into human
peculiarities. The average layman cannot easily judge whether
or not a person has callous skin, but some people do possess a
much tougher skin than others. This is difficult to determine,
because the skin is actually transparent. As it sloughs off, it
appears to be colored differently because of what is
underneath. Our skin is really transparent. If the father has a
skin that is much tougher than it should be, the activity of
the bones is also influenced thereby. As you know from what I
have recently explained, the production of the blood depends on
the activity of the bones. If the father has such callous skin
that it reminds you of hippopotamus hide, he will produce white
corpuscles that are too weak. This, in turn, influences his
sperm, and his children will be weak from the beginning. So,
one can say that if the father is a “hippopotamus,”
it is possible for his children to be born with rickets —
an English illness — for the children to be born weak and
to be susceptible to tuberculosis. This is how these things are
the father's skin is too soft, something that can be noted
particularly when anxiety and so on easily cause blushing, then
his bones become too hard, but this has little ill-effect.
however, the mother's skin is too soft, alternating between
blushing and paling, her bones become too hard and she does not
produce red corpuscles properly. Her child will acquire already
at an early age, tendencies to all kinds of ailments such as
rheumatism and particularly illnesses like measles, scarlet
fever, and so on, diseases that are related to the metabolic
system. These facts are all related.

Diagram 4.
Now, as for the flu, it really comes from a brain ailment. The
lower part of the brain, located under the optic nerves,
suffers a form of paralysis. The flu consists of a paralysis of
that portion of the brain that lies quite near the optic
nerves. Since this is a very significant part of the brain, an
influence is actually exerted on the entire body. Proceeding
from this paralysis in the brain, something in the human being
becomes ill in the case of ordinary flu. Above all, the spinal
cord is affected, since this part of the brain goes right into
the spine, from which the nerves extend to all the limbs. The
person thus gets aches and pains in his limbs, and so on.
Recently, an interesting case of flu occurred that is most
instructive. I have told you that the brain not only consists
of solid substances but that it is also surrounded by cranial
fluid. Particularly in the vicinity of this part here (pointing
to sketch), which is incapacitated during flu, much cranial
fluid is present. This recent case of flu was extraordinarily
interesting, because the patient had one illness after another
as aftereffects: pneumonia with high fever, then a fall in
temperature, followed by pleurisy with high fever, and then
again a drop in temperature. This was followed by peritonitis
with high fever that finally fell, then a kind of general
paralysis, and so on. This case of flu took a different
direction from that of the usual flu. What happened here? You
see, when studying this with the ordinary means available to
medicine, it is extraordinarily difficult to figure out. The
patient, a seventeen-year-old girl, was asked when she
recuperated to tell what went through her mind during the time
of her illnesses. Quite strangely, the following was
parents and the doctor freely discussed her condition in the
room in which she was resting, thinking it was all right to do
so since she was constantly delirious. Indeed, during her
delirium she did not appear to be aware of anything, but when
she became well, she could repeat everything that had been
discussed in her room. She knew and could relate it. This could
be confirmed. Comprehension was therefore absent while she
suffered from this severe case of flu and the subsequent
illnesses; the conversations, however, remained in her memory.
Much is retained in the memory after all, that at the moment
may not be comprehended. This shows that it was not the solid
part of the brain that was affected but the surrounding fluid.
This influenced the rest of the body even more, because, when
the solid part is partially numbed, the ensuing symptoms must
be brought about through the working of the solid part of the
brain on the spinal cord. The fluid, however, constantly flows
up and down through the spinal canal here (see sketch on p.
103). Hence, if the fluid in the brain is afflicted, afflicted
fluid also appears in the spinal canal, and from here it passes
into all the limbs. It thereby gradually causes inflammation
everywhere. Because it was the cranial fluid that was inflamed,
and not the solid part of the brain, however, a more
counteractive, healing force was present and — though in
this case it was almost like a miracle — the girl
recuperated in spite of having suffered from every possible
Although various remedies must also be administered, in such
illnesses it is essential that the body be given adequate rest
and quiet. The patient must therefore lie in bed, and care
should be taken to keep the room at a constant temperature and
with even lighting, because rest is brought about not only by
stretching out on a bed. One is also made restless by being hot
one moment and frozen the next. But if the body is left totally
to its own devices with steady warmth and light, it can itself
endure even the worst attacks of pneumonia, pleurisy, and
peritonitis. The human being is capable of that. Even with the
worst illnesses that display the symptoms mentioned, it is more
a matter of proper nursing care than of remedies. In general,
proper care has great value.
can recognize the significance of proper care from the
following. When a limb is inflamed or injured, the best thing
to do is simply to put a ligature on it somewhere above the
affected area; it must be done correctly, however. In this way,
the more delicate activity of the body, the etheric activity,
is brought into play, and healing begins. So, when a hand or
finger is ulcerated, a ligature is applied between it and the
body, and then it heals quickly. The forces of healing must be
summoned everywhere within the body itself. Naturally, cases
vary. One must always consider the individual and know him well
if one wishes to cure him; one must have insight into how a
person is. In dealing with a patient suffering from diphtheria,
for instance, it is under certain conditions best to place him
in a rosemary bath so he can smell the rosemary. Repeated long
rosemary baths will strengthen the activity of his skin.
Sufficient rosemary must be added to the water, however, so
that the patient constantly smells it during the bath. The
activity of the skin is stimulated, and the patient will
improve without being treated with vaccine. It really depends
upon being able to arouse in the right way with the remedies
the patient's own bodily resistance.
course, if a remedy isn't effective one time, people
immediately consider it to be a bad remedy. You must realize,
however, that with some people there is nothing to be done.
Often, the remedy is used when it is too late to do anything,
or else the dose would have to be increased so much that it
would be enough for a horse; the patient wouldn't be able to
tolerate it and would die of the remedy.
must remember that the flu actually has its origin in an
ailment of the brain. You will have perceived that a flu
patient is always in a kind of doze, because the most important
areas of the brain under the optic nerve are numbed. Thus he
comes to doze. Now you can also grasp that when paralysis is
located in the upper sections of the brain, the point of the
intersection of the optic nerves is affected and the person
sees double. All this shows you that double vision can come
about quite naturally in influenza.
This should by no means be taken lightly. I once had a friend
who at that time was thirty years old, ten years younger than
me. He was cross-eyed, but here you have the opposite problem.
In flu or diphtheria, a person becomes temporarily cross-eyed
because something is internally out of order, but my friend was
permanently cross-eyed and, of course, was unhappy about it
because not everyone is totally without vanity. There was
something in his body that caused his left and right sides to
work inharmoniously. This is what caused his crossed eyes; his
eyes were crossed, and he also stammered. Both afflictions had
the same origin. On some occasions he overcame his crossed eyes
and stammer quite well, but there are those who have little
compassion for such people and complain about their
afflictions. Once, for example, a person who was not too
tactful said to my friend, “Tell me, Doctor, do you
always stammer, or only occasionally?” The man could
barely come out with, “N-n-not always, o-o-only w-when I
m-meet a p-person, whom I find t-t-t-totally
d-disagreeable!” This same man could recite long poems
without stammering, and he didn't stammer when he was full of
enthusiasm about something. The stammering is not the point,
however; I only mention it because it is connected with this
man's crossed eyes.
Now, my friend was a bit vain and wished to correct his
condition. As you know, that leads to an operation, because
crossed eyes are corrected by cutting one of the eye muscles.
Crossed eyes are eliminated by this operation. Since, in my
friend's case, his crossed eyes were so deeply rooted in his
organism that he also stammered, I was terribly concerned when
he decided to be operated on. I knew that when some brain
ailment occurs a person can be temporarily cross-eyed, but when
a person is permanently cross-eyed, as was my friend, his brain
has become adjusted to this condition. If an eye muscle is cut
when the problem is so deep-seated that a stammer is also
present, then the opposite effect is brought about. By trying
to correct the crossed eyes with an operation, a brain ailment
is produced by that part of the brain being ruined where the
optic nerves intersect.
Well, my friend was not to be deterred, and so he underwent the
operation. If I had expressed my reservations concerning such
an operation, those who imagine themselves to be real medical
authorities would have been ready to call me an idiot, since
one who asserts something that is not found in their books is
called an idiot. As you can imagine, I naturally tried in some
way to deter my friend from having this operation, but I could
not come right out and say, “If you go through with this
operation, you may possibly suffer a brain ailment.” He
would not have believed me since all the doctors had told him
it was a simple operation. Since he knew that I was not really
happy about his intention to have the operation, he told me
nothing about it. One day, he visited me with a black patch on
his eyes, which he removed and said, “Now look, aren't my
eyes straight now?” They were, but I remained
apprehensive. Well, two weeks hadn't passed before he fell ill
with a brain ailment. Naturally, this brain ailment was not
diagnosed as such by the doctor; what do ordinary doctors know
of these relationships! How did the brain ailment manifest
itself? There was some blood in his feces indicating that it
made its appearance in the guise of an intestinal illness. The
man became afflicted with an intestinal illness, but it was
none other than the brain ailment because, as I have explained,
the intestines and the brain are connected.
When this happened, I knew it was caused by the operation, and
I lost hope for him. The most famous doctor in town was called.
He diagnosed typhoid. What else could he say, when the contents
of the intestines showed blood and had the peculiar consistency
of pea soup? If he has blood in his feces and intestinal
contents with the consistency of pea soup, he must have
typhoid! It was not typhoid, however; it was the illness
— really of the brain — that was the result of the
inappropriate operation for his crossed eyes.
here the opposite case occurred. This man died soon afterward.
The doctor who had treated him for typhoid fever had admitted
him to the hospital. I went there after his death and met his
medical attendant. As such people are wont to do, he
immediately greeted me with, “The Professor wrote
`typhoid' on the chart. He is supposed to have had typhoid?
Well, that's how much our doctors know!” After all, the
attending personnel believe what the doctors proclaim least of
really is quite upsetting to see the human organism treated in
such a one-sided manner. If I were to tell a doctor what I have
just told you concerning the appearance of an illness
resembling typhoid that was a masked ailment of the brain and
the result of an operation for crossed eyes, he would consider
it pure nonsense. He wouldn't believe it, because he doesn't
truly know the relationships within the body but is only
familiar with theoretical relationships. As a result, such
things will happen as in this anecdote I'll tell you. It is
only an anecdote, but it has truth in it. A person is brought
to the hospital. The doctor who is chief of staff examines him,
assigns him to a certain ward, and gives an order concerning
treatment to his assistants, saying, “When I return
tomorrow, this patient will be dead.” He no longer
concerns himself with this case until a few days later. Then he
says, “There is still a patient in Room 15; he must be
dead.” “No,” he is told, “that patient
feels better and is getting well.” The doctor replies,
“Then you've treated him the wrong way!”
course, this is a joke. But it is like this when theory is put
in the place of true practice. Practice means learning to judge
each case on an individual basis. The moment a question is
raised concerning the connection between double vision, which
is always a form of crossed eyes, and the flu, attention must
be drawn to how, on the one hand, a form of double vision is
caused by flu, which is a kind of brain ailment and, on the
other, how the brain ailment can come about when a person is
cross-eyed and the problem is so deeply rooted that left and
right do not fit together.
processes in the human being proceed outward from within and
inward from without. If a person is crossed-eyed for internal
reasons and this condition is externally corrected, he can
become ill inwardly; in man, one never deals with a single
activity but with two activities that meet in the heart. The
heart is in-between and is affected when one does away with
crossed eyes externally. The heart is also affected if
something is not working properly inside. The heart is not a
pump but a most delicate apparatus, which really perceives
everything that is out of order, as it were.
us assume that I injure my knee externally or that by some
circumstance, perhaps through drinking, I become afflicted with
rheumatism. Then, internal activities are out of order, and
inflammation results in that area. The processes that begin
within are out of order. In such cases the heart is always
influenced and doesn't work properly. Therefore, the heart's
function can be influenced from within as well as from without.
In all illnesses in which this is the case — that is,
when something is wrong with a process that keeps it from
running its course outward from within or inward from without
— it will be noted that it comes to expression in the
heart. One must know the correct relationship, however, between
what is an outer process and what is an inner process when a
person is cross-eyed or stammers, if one wishes to weigh the
consequences of eliminating the condition. Operations for
crossed eyes must always be weighed as to whether one should or
should not do them. That is the important point.