The Spirits of Form as regents of earthly existence. Participation of the Luciferic beings. The formation of race.
It belongs to the very nature of our theme that these lectures should
proceed in a particular way, that we should approach our goal, as it
were, in circles; that starting from the circumference we should draw
ever smaller circles to reach that which we desire. Hence it may seem
in the beginning as if there were no system in our observations, but
by gradually approaching the inner from without we shall arrive at a
right understanding of the whole.
In our last lecture we reached a point where we found that the Spirits
of Form, or Exusiai as they are called in Christian esotericism, are
the special regents of human earthly existence. The heart of the
matter is contained in the fact that these Spirits of Form worked in
the course of earthly evolution both into the substance and into the
soul nature of man. At a certain point of time they reached such a
high stage of development that they could no longer make use of the
earth as a field of action but, drawing with them the finer forces and
substances, they left the earth and formed a new field for their
activities on our sun.
What do we mean when we say: “The Spirits of Form are the special
regents of earthly existence?” Were these Spirits not already
active in the earlier stages of development of our planet, during the
Saturn, Sun, and Moon epochs? Yes, they certainly were, but they had
then a different field of activity to what they have on the earth.
This can be understood when we consider the facts already brought
before us.
Upon Saturn the rudiments of the physical body alone existed; neither
the etheric nor the astral body had as yet poured into it. Of course
the Spirits of Form, of whom Jehovah is one, were active even at that
time; but, to make use of a trivial expression, they had not then such
a well-prepared foundation on which to work. Only through the Spirits
of Wisdom giving man an etheric body on the Sun, and the Spirits of
Motion giving him an astral body on the Moon, did the Spirits of Form
find a sufficiently prepared human being on which they could work on
earth. For only when man possessed a physical, an etheric, and an
astral body within himself could the Spirits of Form give him what we
now know as the human form. The form you are able to observe in your
selves today existed at no earlier stage of evolution.
The conditions that were present on the Moon, Sun, and Saturn were
preparatory stages; everything had first to undergo a certain
development before man could rise to his present noble form. If asked
why the Spirits of Form could not set to work on Saturn we must reply:
because the germinal rudiments of the physical body were then too
immature; a certain state of maturity had first to come about. This
maturity was only reached at the time when our earth, together with
the Sun, formed one planet of a very fine substance. The Spirits of
Form were even then active, working slowly and gradually at the human
body. We can indicate the period when this fashioning of man came to a
certain conclusion, when the human form was, in a way, finished. This
was not the case in the first part of the Atlantean epoch.
If you go back to a time long before the great catastrophe swept
Atlantis away we find our ancestors in a condition very different from
our own. It was only about the middle of the Atlantean epoch that man
received a form essentially the same as he has today. Before then his
material parts were softer. We find man consisting of a soft substance
having no trace of his present hard bones, nothing even so solid as
cartilage. He swam in the air, which was still permeated by dense
fluid; he was a kind of water being, such as certain medusae are today
that can hardly be distinguished from the surrounding water. At that
time the forces of man's bone structure were organized, but the bones
themselves had not hardened, and the connection between the higher and
the lower principles of man was very different to what it is now.
We know when man is asleep today that his physical and etheric body
lie on the bed, while his astral body and ego are outside. As the
etheric body is nowadays approximately the same in size and form as
the physical body man is also quickly free from it when he withdraws
with his astral body from the physical body. This was not so in the
first part of the Atlantean epoch; the etheric body then projected on
all sides beyond the physical body, especially as regards the head.
The consequence of this was that when the astral body withdrew it
always remained connected with the etheric body. In the case of a man
of the present day, the moment the astral body leaves the physical
body it has also left the etheric body. The consequence of the earlier
connection between the astral body and the etheric body, when the
physical vehicle had been left behind, was that during the night man
had not such darkness and lack of consciousness around and in him as
there is today.
At that time when outside his physical body he could perceive
psycho-spiritual beings with his dim clairvoyance. It is as if when
your astral body withdrew on going to sleep, and your vision was
turned away from the physical world, that in its place a world
appeared peopled with psycho-spiritual beings.
The early Atlanteans had no use for a solid skeleton, and as the
physical body was soft it was also pliable. This is something which
clairvoyant consciousness can see as having actually existed,
outrageous as it may seem to the present materialistic consciousness.
During the Atlantean period man had great power over the shape of his
body. If he wished that a member of his body, which later became a
hand, should appear differently, that it should be lengthened, for
example, elastically, he could do it; he had power not only to move
his limbs, but to lengthen them; he could, as it were, inflate
himself. This was actually possible at the time with which we are
dealing; he could stretch out and lengthen his fingers. We find this
more particularly the case when we go back to the Lemurian epoch. I
will ask you now to note a connection between two things. When did man
lose the power to lengthen and contract his limbs? At the time the
Spirits of Form had completed the construction of his form. So long as
man had not received the completed physical form, the form he was to
retain, other Spirits could rule him, and he could change his shape.
So that if we go back to the period beyond the Atlantean epoch we find
that man had no definite form, but a continually changing one. We have
to realize that there came a point of time when the Spirits of Form
had finished all they had to do in order to make the human form
similar to their own form, for it was their own shape they gave to
Let us now suppose that certain human beings had not been able to wait
until the point of time referred to when the Spirits of Form had
finished their work. Such beings would have hardened at some earlier
stage of development, their form would, to a certain extent, have
ossified, thus preserving some earlier form. It was, however,
necessary that the being who was to become man should keep his shape
supple until the right moment came for it to assume a solid form.
Let us briefly consider a period lying very far back, for here we are
dealing with vast periods of time when man's external being was of
such a nature that it had constant need of the forces that worked upon
it to re-model and ennoble it. Suppose that through events which we
will consider later certain human beings had partly freed themselves
from the ever working Forces of Form, that they were no longer so
entirely pervaded by these forces as they had been; such human beings
would in this case have remained at some previous stage. This actually
happened; the beings which freed themselves too early and did not
allow the Spirits of Form to complete their work are indeed those that
most closely resemble us — the apes. They could not wait; they
did not remain long enough in the bosom of those Divine beings whom we
call the Spirits of Form. What occurred in the case of the apes was
continually happening with other creatures; again and again some
beings remained behind and became hardened in form.
It was thus that the whole range of the present animal creation arose.
But if you ask: Did human beings originate from such animal forms, the
answer is No. Man remained above the surface of the earth in the purer
elements, and only solidified when the time was ripe for him to do so.
This point of time, when man descended to earth from spiritual
heights, is beautifully portrayed in the Bible in the legend of
Paradise. In spite of all investigations Paradise is not to be found
upon earth, but above it. Man only descended from Paradise to earth
after he had received his definite form.
Let us now see what ought to have happened in the middle of the
Atlantean epoch when the Spirits of Form had finished the construction
of the physical body. Man should have been able to look on his
environment with his senses, which would then have been perfected; he
should have lived for the first time with his external physical
environment. Up to that time everything about him had indefinite
outlines; only then could he enter into relationship with the external
world in what we may call the normal way. Only then could he have
learned to distinguish himself from other objects; for he only then
had a physical body which could be considered a suitable vehicle for
his ego. We have already said that certain beings had remained behind
at every stage of evolution. Not all of them had reached the stage
they might have reached; not even all the beings whom we have called
the Spirits of Form, and it is these backward beings who enter most
essentially into all considerations about the evolution of man on
We have already explained that besides the exalted beings working from
the sun and moon there are others at an intermediate stage between man
and the high Sun and Moon-Spirits; these have their home on Mercury
and Venus, the celestial bodies lying between the sun and earth. The
Sun-Spirits had now attained normal development, and had exactly hit
off the point of time at which they were able to work in the right
But there were other beings between the earth and the Sun-Spirits who
did not find this point of time, and because they were outside the
course of normal development they were active at other times.
Let us now consider what was the result of this. We will once more
consider the course of human evolution. Let us keep before us the fact
that man consists of physical body, etheric body, astral body, and
ego. We know that the task of the ego is to transform man's other
principles; it must begin by gradually bringing the astral body under
control; this means that man must learn to control his passions and
impulses. A time had been appointed when the ego in the normal way
should appear in man and proceed to work upon the astral body, when
the astral body was to be gradually transformed and the Spirit-Self
built up. The first possibility of this work of transformation was
when the Spirits of Form became active in the Middle of the Atlantean
We must now try to understand the remarkable function carried out at
that time by backward beings. They had not progressed far enough to
assist man in the formation of the Spirit-Self, consequently they
worked upon his astral body, which had not yet progressed far enough
to receive the ego.
Thus, there was a time in the evolution of earthly humanity when the
undeveloped astral body was exposed to the influence of these backward
spiritual beings. You will understand this better if you remember that
upon the Moon man had a physical, etheric, and astral body, and at
that time the Spirits of Form worked normally upon his astral body,
but these Beings who meanwhile had developed further now worked
normally upon the ego; while the backward ones continued to work upon
the astral body, as they had done during the Moon period. So that
before man's ego was formed these backward but highly exalted beings
worked upon his astral body. We call these beings after their leader
— Luciferic beings. Two kinds of beings, therefore, worked upon
man; the normally working Spirits of Form, of whom we have spoken, and
these Luciferic beings who had not advanced sufficiently to be able to
work upon the ego, and who already had been working on the astral
body. These latter beings, therefore, retarded man's development if
they had not worked upon him at the time he would in the middle of the
Atlantean epoch have been sufficiently advanced for the Spirits of
Form to work upon his ego.
We might now ask: Can that which the backward Spirits did to man
— as compared with what the exalted normal Spirits did — be
termed bad in the trivial sense? No, certainly not. If we consider the
facts which clairvoyant vision is able to test we find that in reality
they have accelerated human evolution. Man would have had to wait
until the very last period of time for the development of certain
capacities, whereas through the action of these beings he gained them
earlier. Therefore, through the Luciferic beings man received certain
mental qualities before the destined time, thus attaining a certain
stage of mental development.
This was not wrong, but, wonderful as it may seem, something which
even in a higher sense indicates an infinitely wise guidance in the
progressive evolution of humanity. For, through man having attained at
a lower stage certain capacities which otherwise were only destined
for him in the middle of the Atlantean epoch, he came to them in an
entirely different state of consciousness — one that was without
self-consciousness. Man would have been tied to leading strings up
to the middle of the Atlantean epoch if these backward beings had not
intervened. How, then, must we regard their having remained behind?
Looked at superficially, one might easily think of them as one thinks
of backward students at college. These Spirits are not, however,
backward on account of laziness, but the reason of their remaining
behind was their willingness to sacrifice themselves. They sacrificed
themselves so as to give to man the possibility of receiving the gifts
of the Spirits of Form in a higher way — in a free way.
There was a long period in human evolution when through these
Luciferic beings man received the first beginnings of speech and of
thought, especially the memory of thought; when he received the
rudimentary germ of Art and of Science; this he could not have
attained previously, for he would then have acquired it merely as an
instinctive activity. Through this something else came within his
domain, something which, under the guidance of the Spirits of Form,
would have passed him by; he was exposed to the possibility of
straying from the right path — he was exposed to good and evil.
Without the intervention of the Luciferic beings man would never have
been exposed to this; but this also happened for the sake of freedom.
Because the Luciferic beings accelerated a part of development they
brought freedom to man in an earlier age. We all bear within us the
seeds of the work of the Luciferic Spirits.
By the middle of the Atlantean epoch the Spirits of Form had perfected
their development so far that they were capable of endowing man with
what they themselves possessed. Man would have received the complete
rudiments of his ego at this time if these Spirits alone had worked on
him, but Luciferic beings had been active from an earlier period, and
had accelerated evolution considerably; upwards on the one hand, and
downwards on the other. Through this something else of great
importance came about.
If evolution had proceeded without the Luciferic beings man would have
attained a certain maturity by the middle of the Atlantean epoch, but
without the possibility of freedom. Through no merit of his own man
would have become mature enough to receive the gift of the Spirits of
Form. Now that Luciferic beings had matured him earlier a certain
deterioration approached him from another direction, and on this
account neither the higher Sun Powers nor the forces of the Spirits of
Form were able to work upon him at this period. Something of very
great importance is here involved. If man had reached the middle of
the Atlantean epoch merely by a higher spiritual instinct, without
freedom, and, therefore, without any merit of his own, he would have
been sufficiently mature for the descent to earth of that Principle
which we call the Christ Principle; the Christ would have appeared
then. Freedom had, however, been given to man, and he had thereby been
pushed down below the stage of instinctive normal development. He had
consequently now to mature by himself, so that he might later be able
to receive the Christ Principle. We must clearly understand that the
descent of Christ and his work was retarded by the intervention of the
Luciferic beings, but through this intervention mankind was more
mature when the Christ ultimately did descend.
From this we see that it was Luciferic beings who made man what he is
today, and who prepared him for the great event of the descent of the
Christ Principle. The Luciferic beings might have said If we leave man
in such a condition that he only lives instinctively on into the
Atlantean epoch he will receive the Christ Principle also
instinctively. He will not be free, not mature in freedom. We will,
therefore, sacrifice ourselves; we will develop in him certain
capacities and qualities, thus delaying the moment when he can see the
Luciferic beings began their work as long before the middle of the
Atlantean epoch as Christ appeared after it.
If we now ask, What was given to man by these Luciferic powers? What
was he really able to receive in the middle of the Atlantean epoch? We
must answer, “He received something which could come to him only
from outside, something to which he could not yet attain through his
own soul.” On this account everything which came to him from the
Spirits of Form, who had worked on him previously, came in such a way
that it did not flow from his own innermost being; he followed more an
outer impulse; he obeyed laws.
Just as the animal has to follow instinctively the laws implanted in
it, so Jehovah gave laws to man. He gave him the “law” which
was then realized externally by Moses and the prophets. Meanwhile man
matured, so that he could receive into himself the motives and
impulses for his actions. Without participation on his part the
Spirits of Form had regulated his life on earth.
Where, then, do the Spirits of Form work? They work principally where
the blood speaks, in reproduction, and in all that is connected
In ancient times we find Gods and Folk spirits, or group spirits, work
within the groups through the ordinances of the law. There we find
that what is related by blood loves its own; it loves because love is
implanted by the laws of nature; and the further back we go the more
we find that all those related by blood consider themselves as
belonging to one another. Everything loves that has had love implanted
in it by the laws of nature, by the forces appertaining to the
external form. Jehovah worked in the forces of blood relationship;
hence the feeling of belonging one to another. Jehovah produced order
and harmony through the relationship that is connected with the blood
and those who opposed him were the Luciferic beings, who directed
their strongest attacks against the principle of blood relationship.
They always wished, up to the time of the coming of Christ, to centre
man within his own personality; and tear him away from blood
relationship. Then the Christ appears and centres man entirely within
his own personality by giving him His inward power, thereby making
wisdom and grace the most inward impulses of his being.
The Luciferic beings had prepared man for this through very long
periods of time. Only at the time of Christ's coming was man ready for
what these Luciferic beings desired. Those who uttered the words
“Christus verus Luciferus,” Christ the true Lucifer, knew
well what they were saying. This is an esoteric statement.
We have seen that two principles were in fact continually at work in
those olden times we call pre-Christian; there was a binding principle
which worked through blood relationship, and a sundering principle
which sought to centre man in his own personality. We can see how the
whole of humanity has been fashioned under the influence of these two
Let us picture a certain stage of human evolution in the Atlantean
epoch when man was approaching the time of his hardening, the time
when the bone appeared. The spirits guiding man had now to take care
that the bones should not harden too quickly. For a considerable
length of time in Atlantean evolution the skeleton of man had to
remain soft enough for it to be modified. Beings, however, as we know,
remained behind at every stage, and certain groups of human beings
remained behind at an early period through the bony system becoming
hard too soon.
The principles worked in such a way that the principle of form
prevailed, holding a group of human beings to the form they had then
attained. What was the consequence? Forms may be hardened and held
back, but evolution as a whole goes forward, so that forms which have
thus been held back artificially arrive at a time later on to which
they are no longer suited. A time came when there was less moisture in
the air, when climatic conditions changed and were no longer adapted
to those who had remained behind.
Groups of men in whom the bones had, as it were, become too strong,
were now left behind as degenerate races. They could not adapt
themselves to post-Atlantean conditions; the last remnant of these
people are the American Indians; they had degenerated. There are other
backward groups in whom not only the system of the bones, but also the
system concerned with nutrition hardened too early, that system
governed by the forces of the etheric body; while the bony system is
governed by the forces of the physical body. The last remnant of those
human groups in which the nutritive system hardened too soon now forms
the Negroid races. Then there are those who degenerated at too early a
stage through the nervous system becoming hardened and not remaining
soft long enough for it to become available as an instrument of higher
thought; of these the Malays are the last relic. Therefore, among them
are tendencies towards certain passionate and sensuous instincts.
Lastly, we have those in whom at a certain stage the ego hardened
within itself; it hardened in the blood which is the expression of the
ego. We might say of these people that the ego had not progressed to
Spirit-Self. Those who (to speak symbolically) are thus hardened as
regards the blood have their last offshoots in the peoples of the
Mongolian races. Those men who kept the above named principle supple,
so that they did not remain fixed at any form, but were always able to
develop further and overcome the enclosing of the ego, formed that
human group that journeyed from the regions now covered by the
Atlantic Ocean into those of Europe and Asia of today.
Connected with this we find the following remarkable fact: we find
that several emigrations left the Atlantean continent; that they
consisted of human beings who, having hardened in various ways, went
in different directions; those in whom the bones had hardened
journeyed westward, and their last descendants were found when America
was discovered. Those whose nutritive system had hardened went
principally to Africa; others (the Malays) went towards Asia. Then
there are those who formed the ancestors of the Mongolian race. The
last to migrate were those who dwelt in the neighbourhood of the
Ireland of today; those who had kept themselves pliant the longest.
These wandered from the West towards the East, and left behind them
certain communities of people all over the Continent of Europe. The
most advanced journeyed towards Asia, and there mixed in various ways
with others who had come by different paths.
Let us now think of a period that lies not so very far behind us, an
age when men possessed dim clairvoyance, and when initiates had still
a very great influence; an age when there was a consciousness among
men of the facts which have just been mentioned. How did this
consciousness find expression?
The ancient Greeks found a people who had hardened earlier than
themselves; south of them was a race which had originated through
mixing with others; that had preserved the vision, the power to look
backwards to a still earlier condition. When the Greek looked
backwards over the course of his evolution he said to himself: I look
towards Africa, and there I find in the Egyptian age advanced human
beings who had been influenced by previous ages of civilization (the
Babylonian-Chaldean); still earlier there was a people in this region
among whom there had been a strong tendency towards hardening in
regard to those qualities which reached down into the lower nature,
into the principle that has to do with nutrition. Another state
developed later when this people had come in contact with Asiatic
emigrants. In addition to these were those who had kept themselves
pliant the longest.
In the sculptured forms of his Gods the Greek idealized his knowledge
regarding the evolution of man, which he saw to be the result of
divinely working forces. He knew that at a very early stage certain
human beings had hardened, and that others had preserved their
softness and pliability. He then observed himself; he saw that in
certain things he was indeed backward, but he belonged to those who
had kept supple and plastic the longest. All this is wonderfully
portrayed in Greek sculpture. If we examine it carefully we find three
types of Gods:
(1) The Zeus type, to which belong the Gods grouped round Zeus.
(2) The Hermes or Mercury type. This was added later to the Zeus type,
and was portrayed by the Greeks as an entirely distinct form. If you
observe the type of hair in the case of Zeus and his kind, and, on the
other hand the curly hair of Hermes, also the formation of the eyes
and the position of the ears, you will see that the Greeks wished to
express something different by this.
(3) The faun type. This type belongs to a still older humanity, and
can be clearly distinguished from the Mercury type.
We here have something which the Greek wished to express in his own
way. That which was south of him he expressed in the faun type. That
which was in the east he associated with the Hermes type and that
which might be called his own type, the race which founded the Aryan
stock, he expressed in the sublime idealistic Zeus type.
Anyone who wishes can see in all these forms how beautifully the Greek
accommodated that which is contained in the external form to the
inward formative forces. I will point to one more detail which shows
how refined the Greek artists were in their efforts to give
expression, in forms of art, to the great conceptions of the world.
Observe for a moment the Asiatic type embodied in the form of Hermes.
This type, because it had remained with the lower human forces, worked
so that the forces which came into prominence and gave form to the
face were those that ruled in the lower part of the human being. On
the other hand, the forces belonging to the type of the Greek himself
worked in the higher parts. This can be seen most characteristically
in Zeus in the noble shape of the forehead.
The special consciousness of the Greek worked into the plastic forms
of his art, and we can only understand what has been produced in the
course of evolution when we follow these active forces and see how the
artists formed such details as the eyes, for example. We see in this
not only the minute observation of the Greek artists, but we see in
the special form of that which he produced that he realized how the
inner formative forces had moulded the external form. We recognize how
racial peculiarities have been embodied in the figures of Greek
Mythology, and we see how in the varied forms of Greek art are
embodied in a unique manner those forces which work spiritually, even
down to such details as the shape of an eye.