EL, Muenchen, 8-27-'09
Today we want to occupy ourselves with occult symbols that a pupil
gets to know during his development and through which the masters of
wisdom and of the harmony of feelings give us wisdom that was brought
over to us from Atlantean times.
After Atlantis sank, great initiates led two main streams of people
from west to east, on through Africa, the other through Europe. Those
who came to Asia through Africa produced the individuality that could
take in the Christ light in the course of incarnations and
developments. In the northern stream a strong, sturdy stock arose
among initiates that not only knew how to defy outer enemies but was
also a match for psychic, demonic influences. There were mystery
centers in Europe, whose existence is reported in old sagas. For
instance, the report of such an esoteric school is concealed behind
the legend of King Arthur and his round table. King Arthur was a high
initiate who proclaimed the mystery wisdom to his pupils.
Now, it's an occult law that some initiates withdraw to spiritual
worlds when an especially high one unfolds his activity on the
physical plane. Thus, while the Christ light shone in the Orient,
another high initiate withdrew for whom north European people had been
prepared as a later sphere of activity. He later incarnated to let the
Christ event in its whole importance flow into mankind. We're told
about this incarnation of the high initiate in the legend of the Holy
Grail that angels carried from east to west and kept floating above
the earth there. King Titurel was the guardian of the Grail and the
reincarnation of the high initiate who was supposed to prepare things
for a certain historical period. An old French legend, Floire et
Blanchflor, was inspired by Titurel. Charlemagne was the
reincarnation of a high, East Indian adept and an instrument of the
spiritual individuality that's symbolized by the name Titurel. Floris
and Blancheflur are called Charlemagne's spiritual parents. They
inspired people who were connected with the mystery center.
Titurel attracted pupils who were all called Parzival. A Parzival had
to free himself from all worldly influences that drag one down,
through appropriate exercises He had to be a Cathar. When Parzival,
who at this stage would call himself a “pious one” or
purified one, stepped before his master Titurel, the latter let him
use the forces that he'd developed through catharsis for an intensive
concentration The earth and everything on it disappeared before his
eyes and gradually changed into the image of a tree that grew and from
which a wonderful lily sprouted And while Parzival was immersed in
this perception he heard the voice of Blancheflur behind him —
who, as it were, symbolized herself in the lily, saying “You are
that.” The lily emitted a strong odor that Parzival found
repulsive and he realized that this aroma symbolized all the things
that he had set outside himself through catharsis, and that this still
surrounded him like an atmosphere. Then the tree withered before him
and it was replaced by a black cross with red roses sprouting out of
it. He heard the voice of Floris — whose symbol was the red rose
that's strengthened in itself — behind him: “You should
become that.” Parzival was then led into mountain solitude by
Titurel to meditate on the mighty pictures that had been conjured up
before him. And on a secluded peak he directed his gaze to the endless
heavens above him, lowered it to the endless depths beneath him,
looked to the front and rear, right and left into endless distances,
and an indescribable feeling of reverence and devotion for the Godhead
that revealed itself to him in every thing overcame him. And he
directed a prayer to it: “You great Enveloper, you whom I feel
above and below and beside me, who is everywhere whether I look
forward or backward — I would like to devote myself to you and
merge with you.” At the same time he felt another divine power
who did not overpower him as much, who seemed to lead him into himself
and seemed to give him a center there. And he felt a third force like
a messenger of the great Enveloper who seemed to lead him in a circle
around his center. He felt that his left hand was grasped by a force
that pressed like warmth through the arm, that announced itself
through a feeling of cold. If we want to draw these forces then we
must draw the first three (as at the bottom of the diagram below), and
the two others that pressed through him like a feeling that gave him
knowledge of his connection with all mankind, as wings.

Then the sky became dark for him and lost its outer light, and
suddenly space lit up for him from within. He had the feeling as if
his head opened up like a chalice to divine light and in this light he
saw the messengers of the Panenveloper who came towards him from
above, and through the radiant light that stood above him like a star
and sent its shine deep into him he heard their voice that said to
him: “This is the light of the Father, out of which you were
And he realized that to become worthy of this birth he would have to
transform the green lily tree into the dry wood of the cross in
himself, just as the Christ had gone through death on the same, and
that only thereby the hope could blossom in him to be resurrected in
the Holy Spirit:
Ex Deo nascimur
In Christo morimur
Per Spiritum Sanctum reviviscimus.
Notes from B-F: 1 is a force that projects into us, that also fills us
when we concentrate on an object (white lily) 2 is another force that
urges us to be ourself in initiative actions (rose cross). 3 is really
a circle, a force that induces us to see life's joyful and sad
experiences around us and not in us — with equanimity. It's the
karmic law of necessity that turns in a circle. If we devote ourselves
to these three, we then get 4/5 as supports, a warm wing of enthusiasm
(love) and a cold one (shame and fear) that harmonizes this. Then in
arrows 6/7 there are streams from the geniuses of light who bring us
wisdom; thereby we feel as if we were growing two small wings in the
larynx region. Then we hear the harmony of the spheres 8/9 from the
geniuses of will that clarifies the goal of man and world evolution.
The whole picture is the tree of life or man in the form of a