Rudolf Steiner e.Lib
The Foundation Stone Meditation
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
27th December, 1923
| Dornach
The Foundation Stone Meditation
Frank Thomas Smith translation
Schmidt Number: S-5531
On-line since: 25th January, 2015
A Meditation given by Rudolf Steiner
January 1st, 1924
GA 260
The Foundation Stone Meditation — given by Rudolf Steiner
during the meeting for the re-founding of the Anthroposophical Society
at Christmas, 1923, in Dornach, Switzerland.
This English translation of Der Grundstein is by Frank Thomas Smith —
for related titles available for purchase at
Other versions of this Meditation:
German original and
Soul of man!
You live in the limbs
That carry you through the world of space
Into the sea of spirit-being:
Practice spirit remembrance
In the depths of soul,
Where in the reigning
Cosmic creator-being
Your own I
In God's I
Is begotten;
And you will truly live
In the cosmic human being.
For the Father Spirit of the heights reigns
Creating being in the cosmic depths:
Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones
Let resound from the heights
What in the depths its echo finds;
This speaks:
Ex deo nascimur.
The elemental spirits
In East, West, North, South hear this:
May men hear it too.
Soul of man!
You live in the heart-lung-beat
That guides you through the rhythm of times
To the sensing of your own soul's being:
Practice spirit contemplation
In equanimity of soul,
Where the surging
Cosmic creative deeds
Your own I
To the cosmic I;
And you will truly feel
In deeds of the human soul.
For the will of Christ reigns in the earthly sphere
Granting grace to souls in cosmic rhythms:
Kyriotetes, Dynamis, Exusiai
Let from the east inflame
What through the west takes form;
This speaks:
In Christo morimur.
The elemental spirits
In East, West, North, South hear this:
May men hear it too.
Soul of man!
You live in the reposing head
Which opens cosmic thoughts
from eternal founts to you:
Practice spirit-seeing
In peace of mind,
Where the eternal goals of the gods
The cosmic being's light
On your own I
For its free will;
And you will truly think
From founts of human spirit.
For the cosmic thoughts of spirit,
light imploring, reign in cosmic being;
Archai, Archangeloi, Angeloi
Let from the depths demand
What will be heard in the heights;
This speaks:
Per spiritum sanctum reviviscimus
The elemental spirits
In East, West, North, South hear this:
May men hear it too.
At the turning point of time
The cosmic spirit-light stepped
Into earthly evolution;
Night darkness
Had ended its reign;
The bright light of day
Streamed into human souls;
That warms
The poor shepherd hearts
That enlightens
The wise kings' heads.
Light divine,
Sun of Christ,
Our hearts —
Our heads,
So that good results
From what
Our hearts beget,
What we
By thinking
Forcefully will to do.
Other versions of this Meditation:
German original and
Two versions of this
meditation exist in the original German — a verbal and a
printed one. The version translated here is the one recited by Rudolf
Steiner on the last day (January 1, 1924) of the Christmas Conference
during which the Anthroposophical Society was re-founded in Dornach,
Switzerland. The
other version
was published in the Society's Newsletter on January 13,
1924, does not mention the spiritual hierarchies, and is entirely in
German, as opposed to the Greek and Latin phrases used here. Marie
Steiner explained this apparent contradiction as follows:
Günther Schubert
reports: “She [Marie Steiner] spoke recently about her memory
of the great difficulty Rudolf Steiner experienced in reaching the
decision to publish the verses of the 1923 laying of the Foundation
Stone. In the end he toned down the direct approach to the
hierarchies by making the salutation more abstract. He wanted this
toned-down version to be the one used exclusively within members'
circles too, for he said that there was a law attached to esoteric
mantrams of such a cultic nature: The force with which they return is
equal to that with which they are sent out, and it is therefore
necessary to ask oneself whether one will be strong enough to endure
this.” (GA 260, English Ed. 1990 p. 283 – 4).
Now, 81
years later, and after both versions have been published in book
form, it seems to me that this new translation should not be
“toned-down”, but made available to everyone who feels
strong enough to endure its power.
Frank Thomas Smith
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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