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Query was: effect
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- Title: Book: PoF: Introduction by Michael Wilson
Matching lines:
- effect on him of the way this philosopher of pessimism denied that
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Two: The Fundamental Desire for Knowledge
Matching lines:
- effects to matter, so he credits matter in certain circumstances
- The senses give us only the effects of things, not true copies,
- much less the things themselves. But among these mere effects
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Three: Thinking in the service of Knowledge
Matching lines:
- effect upon myself. I can learn nothing about myself through
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Four: The World as Percept
Matching lines:
- I have to regard the noise as an effect. Therefore not until I
- have connected the concept of effect with the perception of
- observation and look for the cause. The concept of effect
- the partridge. But these concepts, cause and effect, I can
- identifying the former as the effect of the latter.
- When the tree disappears from my field of vision, an after-effect
- is nothing but the effect of the force of repulsion which
- to the body and perceive only its effects on my organism.
- even of the effects which objects produce on our sense
- organs, the effects of the external movement are transformed
- redness, again, only appears as an effect in the soul, and the
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Five: The Act of Knowing the World
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- one, a mental picture, and is in fact the effect upon my soul of things
- causality unites; they do not stand in the relation of cause and effect;
- below, before and after, cause and effect, thing and mental picture, matter
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Seven: Are There Limits to Knowledge?
Matching lines:
- This is an inference from a sum of effects to the character
- definite chemical effect; in the same way, beyond the limit of
- the red there are radiations having only an effect of warmth.
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Nine: The Idea of Freedom
Matching lines:
- organization of man. One will see that this organization can have no effect
- effective as the driving force is no longer something merely individual in
- intuition works in a given situation. The sum of ideas which are effective
- search for ideals, that is, for ideas which for the moment are not effective
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Ten: Freedom - Philosophy and Monism
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- both see man as doing no more than putting into effect, or
- has to carry out, but his own; he puts into effect his own
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Eleven: World Purpose and Life Purpose
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- of cause and effect where the earlier event determines the
- In a process which breaks down into cause and effect, we
- cause precedes the percept of the effect; cause and effect
- their corresponding concepts. The percept of the effect
- effect is to have a real influence upon the cause, it can do so
- factor of the effect simply does not exist prior to the perceptual
- effect must really influence the cause, that is, by means of a
- effective only in man. Therefore human life can only have
- is absolutely necessary that the effective cause shall be a
- concept, in fact the concept of the effect. But in nature we
- connecting cause and effect. Causes are present in nature only
- Wherever there is a systematic linking of cause and effect for
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Twelve: Moral Imagination
Matching lines:
- order to be effective, is moral imagination. This is the source
- effective moral activity depends on knowledge of the particular
- must now be regarded as effective causes, like all others
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Thirteen: The Value of Life
Matching lines:
- of food, or to overcome the pain of hunger; he seeks to effect this to the
- whether the desire for the goal is greater than the hindering effect of the
- certainly be effective for showing up the futility of the school of
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