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Query was: food

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Thirteen: The Value of Life
    Matching lines:
    • without a fresh supply of food. What a hungry man wants first of all is to
    • point where hunger ceases, everything that the instinct for food craves has
    • instinct for food a further need is added. For man does not merely desire to
    • of food, or to overcome the pain of hunger; he seeks to effect this to the
    • within half an hour of an appetizing meal, he may even refuse inferior food,
    • as distributed over six days, and thus its value for my food-instinct
    • small. In people whose instinct for food is stunted, eating readily becomes
    • Now the pessimist might say that an unsatisfied instinct for food brings
    • indirectly for such people from their lack of food. And if he wants to
    • that the instinct for food brings into the world.
    • Every living creature seeks food until lack of food destroys its life. Man,

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