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- Title: Book: PoF: Cover Sheet
Matching lines:
- Translated from the German, and with an Introduction
- Latest (12th) German edition .. .. .. .. .. .. Dornach, 1962
- Title: Book: PoF: Introduction by Michael Wilson
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- at Wiener Neustadt, and later to the Technical University in Vienna.
- intellect in dealing with the forces of nature; it is wrong if it postulates
- This book was first translated into English by Professor and Mrs.
- 1918, Professor Hoernle translated the new passages and other
- human spirit.” (Translated from the German.)
- book it has proved quite impossible to translate Freiheit as “spiritual
- this difference remains, and it is not too late to hope that
- In the later part of the book, when discussing the nature of a
- In later writings Steiner describes how this ordinary faculty of
- creative ideas behind the phenomena of nature. In these later
- Later in the book he gives another definition
- From this it is not difficult to see how again, in later writings,
- would translate this back into German one would have to use the
- It was the late Friedrich Geuter who showed me, together with
- me with suggestions for the translation, especially the late George
- Title: Book: PoF: Author's Prefaces: Preface to the revised edition of 1918
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- spiritual experience described in my later writings, I would
- my later writings have shown to be relevant.
- Title: Book: PoF: Author's Prefaces: Preface to the first edition, 1894; revised, 1918
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- some of my earlier writings on account of my later ones on
- Our scientific doctrines, too, should no longer be formulated
- How philosophy as an art is related to human freedom,
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter One: Conscious Human Action
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- man when he says things which he later regrets. Neither
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Two: The Fundamental Desire for Knowledge
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- separated ourselves. We shall see later that this goal can be
- to the “World”. All the riddles which relate to spirit and
- act upon matter, so as to translate its intentions into actions?
- comes to action, we have to translate our purposes into
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Three: Thinking in the service of Knowledge
Matching lines:
- observed process is related in a definite way. As surely as the
- We shall have to consider later whether this activity of
- for me, the parts of an event are related to one another
- precisely to contemplate by thinking. I attend, not to my
- thinking to be related to the object? These are questions
- my own. After all, I contemplate the rest of the world by
- we can ascend from the later to the earlier. As long as
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Four: The World as Percept
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- concepts certainly do not stand isolated from one another.
- consciousness which thinks. For when thinking contemplates its
- cannot directly assimilate such reality. The subject can
- warmth or as color. When these processes stimulate
- warmth; when they stimulate the optic nerve, I perceive
- particular way only. If the optic nerve is stimulated, perception
- be stimulated. Therefore it is concluded that the external
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Five: The Act of Knowing the World
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- How it stands with the former will appear later on in the course of this
- Naïve realism and critical idealism is related
- dream, it is immaterial whether he postulates nothing more behind this dream
- or whether he relates his mental pictures to actual things. In both cases
- things, but that there is no state of the self which is related similarly
- there is, in fact, something which is related to mere perceiving in the way
- that our waking experience is related to our dreaming. This something is
- beyond this standpoint can be only this, that we ask how thinking is related
- but stands altogether aloof from them and contemplates them. The picture
- could not subsist. For us, however, it is necessary to isolate certain
- are is related to the other entities. This determination must be distinguished
- stamp in each separate human being only because it comes to be related to
- existence and relates itself to the universal world existence, gives rise to
- to thinking). The way objects as percepts are related to the subject as
- are related to one another, by what means the organ of sight transmits the
- another in time and is related to others in space, and I can formulate these
- retain the faculty to produce later on an image of the table. This faculty
- and object are related. This will then lead us over the border line where the
- Our world can, however, be transcendentally related to the
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Six: Human Individuality
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- thinking, which relates one to the other by means of concepts.
- A mental picture is nothing but an intuition related to a
- by means of thinking, to the concept, but we relate them also
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Seven: Are There Limits to Knowledge?
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- concept which relates the precept to the object in itself. The
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Eight: The Factors of Life
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- us recapitulate what we have achieved in the previous
- determined elements, which, however, are related to one
- relate percepts to ourselves not merely ideally, through
- own existence. However, what for us appears only later, is
- conceptually), it relates the percepts to itself, and itself to
- world process only in so far as it is ideally related to the rest
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Nine: The Idea of Freedom
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- individuals differently. They stimulate different men to different actions.
- moment stimulates me to an act of will or not, depends on how it relates
- individual life in which perceiving translates itself directly into willing,
- form of abstract concepts, may regulate the individual's moral life without
- good, is based on a mental picture, that is, on the way we relate the
- pure intuition and only later seeks any reference to percepts, that is, to
- the laws obtained in this way that are related to human action as the laws
- of nature are related to a particular phenomenon. These laws, however, are
- humane, or seemingly unselfish, or calculated to promote the progress of
- he led an isolated existence outside human society. Indeed, this is just why
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Eleven: World Purpose and Life Purpose
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- later, the reverse is the case and the later event influences
- picture to determine one's action. Thus the later (the deed)
- between the later and the earlier, but the concept (law) of the
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Twelve: Moral Imagination
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- one in particular, and then to translate it into action. But his
- same way as a concept is in general related to a percept, for
- longer regulate life, for they have already regulated it. They
- be given, like the natural laws of the organism. But a later
- the real development of the later out of the earlier in accordance
- understood to mean that the later (more perfect) organic forms
- that later phases of evolution do actually result from earlier
- later out of it. From this it follows for ethics that, though we
- can certainly see the connection between later moral concepts
- proto-amniotes. Later moral ideas evolve out of earlier, but the
- student of ethics cannot get the moral concepts of a later
- am able to do, that is, to translate into reality, what I will,
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Thirteen: The Value of Life
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- life is worth living. It must stimulate us to co-operative participation.
- A merchant has made a mistake in his reckoning if his calculated
- calculated by his accountant are confirmed by the facts. If this does not
- pleasure which the gourmet achieves by cultivating his palate beyond the
- is reduced by half. In just the same way the magnitude of pleasure is related
- beautiful views, I never calculate the amount of pleasure which the view
- calculate the surplus of pleasure or of pain in the world. That any
- calculated can be compared in respect of their magnitudes. Every pain and
- experienced. Feeling does not calculate, and what matters for the
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Fourteen: Individuality and Genus
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- de-individualized, first by the school, and later by war and
- Title: Book: PoF: Ultimate Questions: The Consequences of Monism
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- world and translated into reality. The grounds for the actual
- foundation for these later writings. For it tries to
- author's later books by logical inference from the contents
- Title: Book: PoF: Appendix Added to the new edition, 1918
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- draw the logical conclusions from its postulates. The article
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