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- Title: Book: PoF: Contents
Matching lines:
- Title: Book: PoF: Introduction by Michael Wilson
Matching lines:
- imagination, or the theoretical world of spinning particles, imperceptible
- and any explanations required must be in words that are self-evident.
- of the soul” — this observation involves a critical examination of
- IMAGINATION means the faculty and process of creating mental
- pictures. The word is the same as the German Imagination, but
- whereas “imagination” can mean something not only the product
- Imagination (for Moralische Phantasie), seemed to me to be correct,
- writings “Imagination” becomes a special term to indicate this
- “Imagination”, the stage of “Intuition” in which one
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Two: The Fundamental Desire for Knowledge
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- Everywhere we seek what we call the explanation of the
- Materialism can never offer a satisfactory explanation of
- the world. For every attempt at an explanation must begin
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Three: Thinking in the service of Knowledge
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- hallucinations, are given to us through observation.
- an explanation of all other phenomena of the world.
- percepts or it may be a dream, an hallucination, or something
- right, just as when in an illumination by means of a rapid
- which is caused by an illumination with a rapid succession of
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Four: The World as Percept
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- you have what you call an explanation of the appearances. The
- explanation, mark, amounts to this; that whereas throughout
- qualitative determination — depends on the organization of
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Five: The Act of Knowing the World
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- are is related to the other entities. This determination must be distinguished
- temperature- and touch-percepts. This combination I call an object belonging
- us also to obtain a satisfactory explanation of the way that mental picture
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Six: Human Individuality
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- his own special way. This special determination results for
- Distinct from this determination is another which depends
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Seven: Are There Limits to Knowledge?
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- have established that the elements for the explanation of
- explanation of the other.
- satisfactory explanation of how matter and motion produce
- That the dualist can reach no explanation of the world,
- needs for the explanation of any given phenomenon in the
- explanation. They exist and act on one another according to
- combination of percept with concept and the reference of the
- of explanation for reality other than percepts and concepts.
- thinking the means for canceling this self-produced determination.
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Eight: The Factors of Life
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- beings. This determination of our life would remain a purely
- conceptual (logical) one, if no other determinations of our
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Nine: The Idea of Freedom
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- necessary for the explanation of thinking as such to invoke something else,
- which the single percept releases the act of will. This kind of determination
- do not freely follow their inclinations and loves. I do not doubt this at
- inclinations are silent, even though they secretly work against it,”
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Ten: Freedom - Philosophy and Monism
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- be led towards its goal. ... True existence is the incarnation
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Twelve: Moral Imagination
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- The Reality of Freedom: Chapter Twelve: Moral Imagination
- Imagination(Darwinism and Morality)
- punishment, or the pangs of conscience, or eternal damnation,
- his ideas chiefly by means of the imagination. Therefore
- order to be effective, is moral imagination. This is the source
- moral imagination who are, strictly speaking, morally productive.
- Moral imagination, in order to realize its mental picture,
- moral imagination, the ability to transform the world of percepts
- out of their imagination, the not-yet-existing actions of the
- imagination to receive such mental pictures from others, and
- it may happen that men with moral imagination lack technical
- Moral imagination and the faculty of having moral ideas
- moral imagination by the standard of traditional moral
- moral imagination is, for the theory of evolution, no more
- accord to determine by moral imagination those mental
- to one's own strength and determination.” In deed it can! It is
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Thirteen: The Value of Life
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- critical examination and attempting to prove that the objects to which our
- elimination from the credit side of life of all pleasurable feelings which
- by this recognition. The elimination of all such “illusory” feelings from
- Moral ideals spring from the moral imagination of man. Their realization
- if his moral imagination is sufficiently active to provide him with intuitions
- An ethics built on pessimism arises from the disregard of moral imagination.
- account fully for all acts of will. A man without imagination creates no
- misunderstood. Immature people without moral imagination like to look upon
- inclination with mere duty, will consequently determine the value of man by
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Fourteen: Individuality and Genus
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- people, nation, family, male or female sex) and also works within
- and inclinations, whereas a woman's is supposed to be
- beings whose activity is based on free self-determination.
- people, nation and sex are the subject matter of special
- characteristics of animal life and from domination by the
- imagination of free human individuals. This is the conclusion
- Title: Book: PoF: Ultimate Questions: The Consequences of Monism
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- uniform explanation of the world, that is, the monism
- the explanation of the world from human experience. In the
- imagination. Monism refuses to infer in an abstract way that
- thinking they find just what they require for the explanation
- real. The objects of imagination, too, are no more than
- moral imagination. The idea that realizes itself in an action
- then he must seek these grounds in his own moral imagination,
- by the moral imaginations of others; in other words, either
- Title: Book: PoF: Appendix Added to the new edition, 1918
Matching lines:
- of the other person's consciousness, and secondly, the alternations
- common designation of “a table”. If this seems too great a
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