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- Title: Book: PoF: Introduction by Michael Wilson
Matching lines:
- to Weimar. Here Steiner wrestled with the task of presenting his ideas to
- akin to the mystic's experience. Mysticism presents the intensity of
- following the methods of Natural Science.” He first presented an outline
- The reasons for this change and also for the present decision to
- the ambiguities resulting therefrom. The aim of the present revision of
- I have decided that the content of the book is better represented
- render Vorstellung as “representation” and Idee as
- “representation” remains a specialist term with
- In explaining his use of the word “representation”, Dr. Poppelbaum
- The mental picture which the thinker forms to represent the concept in
- an individual way is here called a “representation” ...
- “representation”, it seems simpler to use
- implying a mental creation of a scene rather than a physical representation
- a suitable motive presents itself. “Mainspring” does not always fit
- Title: Book: PoF: Author's Prefaces: Preface to the revised edition of 1918
Matching lines:
- that provokes this question. In a certain mood it presents
- present day, as thorough as I could make it, has convinced me
- Title: Book: PoF: Author's Prefaces: Preface to the first edition, 1894; revised, 1918
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- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter One: Conscious Human Action
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- present-day thought that a book which attempts to develop a
- This seems obvious. Nevertheless, down to the present
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Two: The Fundamental Desire for Knowledge
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- situation I have described here presents itself to us on the
- to deny or to slur over the opposites, present though they
- been propounded to answer these questions. Up to the present,
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Three: Thinking in the service of Knowledge
Matching lines:
- however, this need is present, then I am not satisfied until
- happen to be present in our consciousness.
- For the present
- present. That it appears in the first instance to be ours is
- event and goes beyond what is merely presented. Everything
- never observe my present thinking; I can only subsequently
- fresh thinking. If I wanted to watch my present thinking, I
- Something is present which is different from all other
- is present. For what now hovers in the background is once
- its vehicle, human consciousness. Most present-day philosophers
- but we must start from the present moment and see whether
- present state of the earth, it groped in darkness. It was only
- when it began to study the processes at present at work on
- the soul, as a fact which presents itself to genuinely unprejudiced
- “I” to which the pleasure merely presents itself. The same
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Four: The World as Percept
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- A philosopher widely read at the present day —
- particular disturbance explained on finding it to present an
- of attack presents itself. Experience shows at once that this
- which it presents itself to me is dependent on a condition
- earth; but the percept-picture of the heavens presented to
- in any sense. The classical representative of this view is
- Therefore the color is not yet present in that which affects
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Five: The Act of Knowing the World
Matching lines:
- with the mental pictures present only in the soul but with the things which
- they present themselves to him in experience.
- presents itself to me at any one moment is only a chance cross-section of
- presented not only a sequence of visual percepts at different points but,
- and seeks instead something which presents itself to him immediately
- occurs when the object is present in the field of vision. Confusing the
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Six: Human Individuality
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- were no eye present, then no perception of light would
- And now we can see how real objects can be represented to us by
- subjective representative of this reality shows itself to us
- Title: Book: PoF: Knowledge of Freedom: Chapter Seven: Are There Limits to Knowledge?
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- presents itself to us, before it has taken on its true nature
- to the present day, we have not succeeded in eradicating.
- believes his concepts to be merely subjective representatives
- conceptual representatives of the objectively real. The bond
- conceptual representative.
- present to sense perception issues from the one and seizes
- world presents itself to us as the sum of percepts and their
- for this question. In the perceptual world, as it presents
- an ideal representation of the real world. For these theories,
- what his organization presents to him as immediate percept,
- come. All this was already implied in the original presentation
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Eight: The Factors of Life
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- presented with existence directly, in knowledge only
- and perceiving, the latter presenting itself as an individual
- thinking which presents itself to our ordinary attitude of
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Nine: The Idea of Freedom
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- nature of spirit in the form in which it presents itself most
- percepts, and we shall take the percepts as presenting to us the true
- But if we recognize what is present in thinking, we shall realize that in the
- immediately present mental picture or concept, which becomes the motive,
- For our moral life the former represent the driving force, and the
- one of the most important contributions to present-day philosophy, more
- already present as a disposition in me or not.
- but rather to what is most general in him, to what is equally present in all
- division. In our subjective nature this division is no less present; man
- in them, or that they represent the expression of a free spirit. To such
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Ten: Freedom - Philosophy and Monism
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- veiled materialism of the present is no less intolerant of an
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Eleven: World Purpose and Life Purpose
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- is a high degree of purpose and plan unmistakably present in
- connecting cause and effect. Causes are present in nature only
- this book the thinking process is presented as a purely
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Twelve: Moral Imagination
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- Motives are present in his consciousness from the outset in
- Whenever the impulse for an action is present in a general
- can state only that the present form of moral action
- essence. When such an intuition is present in human consciousness,
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Thirteen: The Value of Life
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- represents an agreeable contrast with the good; we are the more able to
- The chief representatives of the former view, optimism, are Shaftesbury and
- sheet of life's values; what then remains represents the sum total of life's
- For the present I shall not look into the calculations of those pessimists
- the field of the desires in question. One can represent this value by a
- can also speak of the present value of a feeling of pleasure. This
- is sufficiently intense to be present in some degree after having overcome
- represents the value of the pleasure. A further proof is given through
- Therefore, if the pessimists believe that by showing pain to be present in
- believes that it must present the pursuit of happiness as an impossibility
- Ethical individualism is well able to present morality in its full dignity,
- Title: Book: PoF: Reality of Freedom: Chapter Fourteen: Individuality and Genus
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- suited only to that profession which is theirs at present, then
- Title: Book: PoF: Ultimate Questions: The Consequences of Monism
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- the ultimate causes of the world that is presented to our
- it present in such isolation, just as in the case of the percept.
- factors. One factor presents itself to perception, the other to
- represent the realization of ideal intuitions. No other actions
- support in the first part. This presents intuitive thinking as
- in the world of reality. This book aims at presenting no more
- Title: Book: PoF: Appendix Added to the new edition, 1918
Matching lines:
- consciousness is the representative in me of a real world to which
- being, of which I have only a representative in my consciousness.
- is created in my consciousness representing what is
- present in a consciousness that is quite independent of my
- enough — to regard other people too as being present solely
- reality is present only in the percepts that are permeated by
- distinct tables are there? There is only one table present; but
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