The Phenomena of the World of Colour.
The feeling that “great works of Art are produced by
men according to true and natural laws” was an
ever-present stimulus to Goethe to search for these laws of
artistic creation. He was convinced that the effectiveness of
a work of Art must depend on a natural conformity to law that
it reveals. He wishes to discover this conformity to law. He
wanted to know why the highest works of Art are at the same
time the loftiest productions of Nature. It became clear to
him that the Greeks proceeded according to the same laws
which Nature follows when they developed “the circle of
divine form out of the human structure”
Italian Journey,
28th Jan., 1787.).
His aim is to see how Nature
brings about this form in order that he may understand it in
works of Art. Goethe describes how in Italy he gradually
acquired an insight into the natural law of artistic creation
(Kürschner, Nat. Lit. Bd. 36.). “Happily I could
always hold fast to certain maxims taken from poetry, which
inner feeling and long usage had preserved in me, so that as
the result of an uninterrupted perception of Nature and Art,
animated conversations with connoisseurs of more or less
insight, and the life I continually led in the company of
more or less practical or thoughtful artists, it became
possible for me, though not without difficulty, gradually to
analyse Art for myself without dissecting it and to become
conscious of its interpenetrating elements.” But one
particular element will not reveal to him the natural laws in
accordance with which it is active in a work of Art, namely
colour. Several pictures were “designed and
composed in his presence and carefully studied according to
their parts, arrangement and form.” The artists were
able to tell him how they proceeded with their composition.
But as soon as it came to the question of colour everything
seemed to depend on caprice. No one knew what relation
prevailed between colour and chiaroscuro — light
and shade — or between the single colours. Nobody could
tell Goethe, for instance, why yellow makes a warm, pleasant
impression, why blue evokes a feeling of cold, why yellow and
reddish-blue side by side produce an effect of harmony. He
realised that he must first acquaint himself with the laws of
the world of colour in Nature in order from there to
penetrate into the secrets of colouring.
The ideas concerning the physical nature of colour-phenomena
which still lingered in Goethe's memory from his student
days, and the scientific treatises which he consulted, alike
proved fruitless for his purpose. “With the rest of the
world I was convinced that all colours were contained in
light; I never heard anything but this, and I never found the
slightest cause for doubting it, because I had then no
further interest in the matter” (Confessions of the
Author. Kürschner. Nat. Lit. Bd., 36.2.). When, however,
his interest began to be aroused, he found that he
“could evolve nothing for his purpose” out of
this view. Newton was the founder of this view which Goethe
found to be prevailing among Nature investigators and which,
indeed, still occupies the same position to-day. According to
this view, white light, as it proceeds from the sun, is
composed of colours. The colours arise because the
constituent parts are separated out from the white light. If
we allow sunlight to enter a dark room through a small round
opening, and catch it on a white screen placed perpendicular
to the direction of the instreaming light, we obtain a white
image of the sun. If we place between the opening and the
screen a glass prism through which the light streams, then
the white circular image of the sun is changed. It appears as
though distorted, drawn out lengthways, and coloured. This
image is called the solar spectrum. If we place the prism so
that the upper portions of light have to traverse a shorter
path within the mass of glass than the lower, the coloured
image is extended downwards. The upper edge of the image is
red, the lower, violet; the red passes downwards into yellow,
the violet upwards into blue; the central portion of the
image is, generally speaking, white. Only when there is a
certain distance between the screen and prism does the white
in the centre vanish entirely; the entire image then appears
coloured, from above downwards, in the following order: Red,
Orange, Yellow, Green, Light Blue, Indigo, Violet. Newton and
his followers conclude from this experiment that the colours
are originally contained in the white light but intermingled
with each other. They are separated from each other by the
prism. They have the property of being deviated in varying
degrees from their direction when passing through a
transparent body, that is to say, of being refracted. The red
light is refracted least, the violet most. They appear in the
spectrum according to their degree of refrangibility. If we
observe through a prism a narrow strip of paper on a black
background this also appears deviated. It is at the same time
broader and coloured at the edges. The upper edge appears
violet, the lower red; the violet here also passes over into
the blue and the red over into yellow; the middle is
generally white. Only when there is a certain distance
between the prism and the strip does this appear wholly in
colours. Green again appears in the middle. Here also the
white of the strip of paper is said to be resolved into its
colour constituents. That all these colours appear only when
there is a certain distance between the screen or strip of
paper and the prism, whereas otherwise the centre is white,
the Newtonians explain simply. They say: In the middle the
more strongly refracted colours from the upper portion of the
image coincide with those that are more weakly refracted from
below, and blend to make white. The colours only appear at
the edges because here into these portions of light that are
more weakly refracted, no strongly refracted colours can fall
from above, and into those portions that are more strongly
refracted none of the more weakly refracted portions can fall
from below.
This is the view from which Goethe could evolve nothing
useful for his purpose. He had therefore to observe the
phenomena himself. He went to Büttner in Jena who lent
him the apparatus with which he could make the necessary
experiments. He was occupied at the time with other work and
was, at Büttner's request, about to return the
apparatus. Before doing so, however, he took a prism in order
to look through it at a white wall. He expected that it would
appear in various degrees of colour, but it remained white.
Colours only appeared at those places where the white
contacted dark. The window-bars appeared in the most vivid
colours. From these observations Goethe thought he had
discovered that the Newtonian view was false, that colours
are not contained in the white light. The boundary, the
darkness, must have something to do with the origin of the
colours. He continued the experiments. He observed white
surfaces on black, black surfaces on white backgrounds.
Gradually his own view was formed. A white disc on a black
background appeared distorted on looking through the prism.
Goethe thought that the upper parts of the disc extend over
the adjacent black of the background, whereas this background
extends over the lower parts of the disc. If one now looks
through the prism one perceives the black background through
the upper part of the disc as through a white veil. If one
looks at the lower part of the disc it appears through the
overlying darkness. Above, the light is spread over the dark;
below, dark over light. The upper edge appears blue, the
lower, yellow. The blue passes over into violet towards the
black — the yellow into red below. If the prism is
moved further from the disc the coloured edges spread out,
the blue downwards, the yellow upwards. At a sufficient
distance the yellow from below extends over the blue from
above, and green arises from their overlapping in the middle.
In confirmation of this view Goethe observed a black
disc on a white ground through the prism. Now dark is spread
over light above, light over dark below. Yellow appears
above, blue below. As the edges are extended by placing the
prism farther away from the disc, the lower blue, which
gradually passes over into violet in the centre, spreads over
the upper yellow and the yellow, as it extends, gradually
takes on a reddish shade. The colour of peach-blossom arises
in the middle. Goethe says to himself: what holds good for
the white disc must also hold good for the black. “If
the light is there resolved into colours here also the
darkness must be regarded as being resolved into
colours” (Confessions of the Author.
Kürschner. Nat. Lit. Bd., 36.). Goethe now imparts his
observations and the doubts which had grown out of them with
regard to the Newtonian view to a Physicist of his
acquaintance. The Physicist considered his doubts to be
unfounded. He interpreted the coloured edges and the white in
the centre, as well as its transition into green when the
prism is removed further away from the object observed,
according to Newton's view. Other Nature investigators whom
Goethe approached did the same, and so he continued the
observations in which he would have liked to have had
assistance from trained specialists alone. He had a large
prism of plate-glass constructed which he filled with pure
water. He noticed that the glass prism whose cross-section is
an equilateral triangle is, on account of the marked
dispersion of the colours, often a hindrance to the observer;
therefore he had his large prism constructed with the cross
section of an isosceles triangle, the smallest angle of which
was only 15 to 20 degrees. Goethe calls the experiments
performed when the eye looks at an object through the
prism, subjective. They present themselves to the eye
but are not rooted in the outer world. He wants to add to
these objective experiments. To this end he made use
of the water-prism. The light shines through a prism and the
colour-image is caught on a screen behind the prism. Goethe
now caused the sunlight to pass through the openings in cut
pasteboard. In this way he obtained an illuminated space
bounded by darkness. This circumscribed beam of light passes
through the prism and is refracted by this from its original
direction. If one places a screen before the beam of light
issuing from the prism, there arises on it an image which is,
generally speaking, coloured at the edges above and below. If
the prism is placed with the narrow end below, the upper edge
of the image is coloured blue and the lower edge yellow. The
blue passes over towards the dark space into violet, and
towards the light centre into light blue; the yellow passes
over towards the darkness into red. In this phenomenon, too,
Goethe derived the appearance of colours from the boundary.
Above, the clear light-beams radiate into the dark space;
they illumine a darkness which thereby appears blue. Below,
the dark space radiates into the light-beams; it darkens the
light and makes it appear yellow. When the screen is moved
further from the prism the coloured edges get broader, the
yellow approaches the blue. Through the streaming of the blue
into the yellow, when there is a sufficient distance between
the screen and the prism, green appears in the middle of the
image. Goethe made the instreaming of the light into the dark
and of the dark into the light perceptible by agitating a
cloud of fine white dust which he produced from fine, dry
hair-powder along the line by which the light-beam passes
through the dark space. “The more or less coloured
phenomenon will now be caught up by the white atoms and
presented in its whole length and breadth to the eye of the
Didactic Part., para. 326.).
Goethe found that the view he had acquired of
the subjective phenomena was confirmed by the objective
phenomena. Colours are produced by the working together of
light and darkness. The prism only serves to move light and
darkness over each other.
* * * * *
After these experiments Goethe cannot adopt the Newtonian
conception. His attitude to it was the same as his attitude
to Haller's Encasement Theory. Just as according to this
theory the developed organism with all its parts is contained
in the germ, so the Newtonians believe that the colours which
appear under certain conditions in the light, are already
contained in it; Goethe could use the same words
against this belief which he used against the Encasement
Theory, that it “is based on a mere invention, devoid
of all element of sense experience, on an assumption which
can never be demonstrated in the sense world” (Essay on
K. Fr. Wolf. Kürschner. Nat. Lit., Bd. 33.). To Goethe
colours are new formations which are developed in
the light, not entities that have merely developed out of
the light. He had to reject the Newtonian view because of his
own mode of thinking in conformity with the idea. The
Newtonian view has no knowledge of the nature of the idea. It
only acknowledges what is actually present, present in the
same sense as the sensible-perceptible. Where it cannot
establish the reality through the senses it assumes the
reality hypothetically. Because colours develop through the
light, and thus must already be contained ideally within it,
the Newtonians imagine that they are also actually and
materially contained in it, and are only called forth by the
prism and the dark border. Goethe knows, however, that
idea is active in the sense-world; therefore he does
not transfer what exists as idea into the realm of the
actual. Idea works in inorganic just as in organic Nature,
but not as sensible-supersensible form. Its external
manifestation is wholly material, merely pertaining to
the senses. It does not penetrate into the sensible; it does
not permeate it spiritually. The processes of inorganic
Nature run their course according to law, and this conformity
to law presents itself to the observer as idea. If one
perceives white light in one part of space and colours that
arise through the light in another, a causal connection
exists between the two perceptions and this can be conceived
of as idea. When, however, this idea is given embodiment and
transferred into space as something concrete which passes
over from the object of the one perception into that of the
other, this is the result of a crude mode of thinking. It was
this crudeness that repelled Goethe from the Newtonian
theory. It is the idea which leads over one inorganic
process into another, not a concrete thing that passes from
the one to the other.
The Goethean world-conception can only acknowledge two
sources for all knowledge of the inorganic processes of
Nature: that which is sensibly perceptible in these processes
and the ideal connections between the sensible-perceptible
which reveal themselves to thought. The ideal connections
within the sense-world are not all of the same kind. Some of
these connections are immediately obvious when sense
perceptions appear side by side, or after, each other, and
there are others which can only be penetrated if one traces
them back to others of the first kind. In the phenomenon
which presents itself to the eye when it beholds darkness
through light, perceiving blue, Goethe thinks he recognises a
connection of the first kind between light, darkness and
colour. It is just the same when light is perceived through
darkness, and yellow arises. One can perceive in the
border-phenomena of the spectrum a connection which becomes
evident through direct observation. The spectrum which shows
seven colours in a sequence from red to violet can only be
understood by realising that other conditions are there as
well as those which give rise to the border-phenomena. The
single border-phenomena have united themselves in the
spectrum into one complicated phenomenon which can only be
understood if one deduces it from the basic phenomena. That
which stands before the observer in the basic phenomenon in
its purity, appears impure and modified in the phenomena
complicated by the additional conditions. The simple
facts can no longer be directly recognised. Therefore Goethe
seeks everywhere to lead back the complicated phenomena to
the simple and pure. To him the explanation of inorganic
Nature lies in this. He goes no further back than the pure
phenomenon. An ideal connection between sensible perceptions
is revealed therein — a connection which is
self-explanatory. Goethe calls this pure phenomenon the
primary or basic phenomenon (Urphänomen). He regards it
as idle speculation to think further about the primary
phenomenon. “The magnet is a primary phenomenon which
one need only express in order to explain it” (Prose
Aphorisms. Kürschner. Nat. Lit. Bd., 36.). A compound
phenomenon is explained when we show how it is built up out
of primary phenomena.
Modern natural science sets to work differently from Goethe.
It seeks to trace back processes in the sense-world to
movements of the smallest parts of bodies and in order to
explain these movements it makes use of the same laws which
it applies to the movements which transpire visibly in space.
It is the task of mechanics to explain these visible
movements. When the movement of a body is observed
mechanics ask: By what forces has it been set in motion? What
path does it travel in a definite time? What form has the
line in which it moves? It tries to present mathematically
the relations between the force, the path traversed, and the
form of its path. The scientist says: Red light can be traced
back to the vibratory motion of the tiniest parts of a body,
and this motion is propagated through space. This motion
becomes comprehensible when the laws discovered in mechanics
are applied to it. The science of inorganic Nature considers
its goal to be a gradual and complete passing over into
applied mechanics.
* * * * *
Modern physics enquires after the number of vibrations
in unit time which correspond to a definite colour. From the
number of vibrations corresponding to red, and from the
number corresponding to violet, it seeks to determine the
physical connection of the two colours. The qualitative
disappears before its gaze; it observes the spatial and time
elements of processes. Goethe asks: What is the connection
between red and violet when we disregard these spatial and
time elements and consider only the qualitative? The Goethean
mode of observation presupposes that the qualitative is also
actually present in the outer world, and that it forms, with
the temporal and spatial, one inseparable whole. Modern
physics, on the contrary, has to proceed from the basic
conception that in the outer world only the quantitative,
dark and colourless processes of motion are present, and that
the qualitative only arises as the effect of the
quantitative, on an organism endowed with sense and mind. If
this assumption were correct, the ordered connections between
the qualitative could not be sought in the outer world, but
would have to be deduced from the nature of sense-organs,
nervous mechanism, and organs of presentation. The
qualitative elements of processes would not be the object of
physical investigation but of physiology and psychology.
Modern natural science proceeds along the lines of this
assumption. According to this view the organism
translates one process of movement into the sensation
of red, another process into that of violet according to the
constitution of its eyes, optic nerves and brain. The
external aspect of the world of colour is thus explained if
the connection between the processes of movement by which
this world is determined have been perceived.
proof of this view is sought in the following
observation. The optic nerve experiences each external
impression as the sensation (Empfindung) of light. Not
only light but also a blow or pressure on the eye, an
irritation of the retina by a quick movement of the eye, an
electric current conducted through the head — all these
things give rise to the sensation of light. Another sense
(organ) experiences the same stimuli in a different way. If
blows, pressure, irritation, or electric currents stimulate
the skin they cause sensations of touch. Electricity excites
in the ear a sensation of hearing, on the tongue one of
taste. It is concluded from this that the content of
sensation arising in the organism as the result of an
influence from outside differs from the external
processes by which it is caused. The colour red is not
sensed by the organism because it is united with a
corresponding process of movement outside in space, but
because the eye, optic nerve and brain of the organism are so
constituted that they translate a colourless process of
movement into a colour. The law expressing this was called by
the physiologist, Johannes Müller, who first enunciated
it, the Law of the Specific-Sense-Energies.
This observation only proves that the sense-and mind-endowed
organism can translate the most diverse impressions into the
language of the particular senses on which they fall. This
does not, however, prove that the content of each
sense-experience exists only within the organism. Irritation
of the optic nerve causes an indefinite, wholly general
stimulus which contains nothing that causes us to localise
its content outside in space. The sensation arising as the
result of a real impression of light is, by its content,
inseparably united with the spatial-time process
corresponding to it. The movement of a body and its colour
are in quite the same way contents of perception. When we
conceive of the movement per se we are abstracting
from all else which we perceive in the body. All the other
mechanical and mathematical conceptions are, like the
movement, drawn from the world of perception. Mathematics and
mechanics arise as the result of one portion being separated
off from the content of the perceptual world and studied by
itself. In reality there are no objects or processes whose
content is exhausted when we have comprehended in them all
the elements that can be expressed through mathematics and
mechanics. All that is mathematical and mechanical is bound
up with colour, warmth, and other qualities. If physics has
to assume that vibrations in space, of minute dimensions and
a very high velocity correspond to the perception of a
colour, these movements can only be thought of as analogous
to the movements which go on visibly in space. That is to
say, if the corporeal world is conceived of as in
motion, even to its most minute elements, it must be
conceived of as endowed with colour, warmth and other
qualities also down to its most minute elements. Those who
regard colours, warmth, tones and so on, as qualities which
only exist inwardly as the effects of external processes on
the sensitive (vorstellenden) organism, must also transfer
everything mathematical and mechanical connected with
these qualities to within. But then there is nothing left for
the outer world. The red which I see, and the light
vibrations which the physicist indicates as corresponding to
this red, are in reality a unity, which only the abstracting
intellect can separate from each other. I should see the
vibrations in space which correspond to the quality
“red” as movement if my eye were organised for
this. But united with the movement I should have the
impression of the red colour.
Modern Natural Science transfers an unreal abstraction,
a vibrating substratum devoid of all perceptual qualities
into space, and is astonished that it cannot understand what
causes the receptive (vorstellenden) organism with its nerve
apparatus and brain to translate these indifferent processes
of movement into the variegated sense-world, permeated by
degrees of warmth and sounds. Du Bois-Reymond assumes,
therefore, that man, because of an insuperable barrier to his
knowledge, will never understand how the fact: “I taste
something sweet, smell the fragrance of roses, hear the tone
of the organ, see red” is connected with definite
movements of the tiniest molecules in the brain —
movements which in their turn are caused by vibrations of
tasteless, odourless, soundless and colourless elements of
the external corporeal world. “It is absolutely and
eternally incomprehensible that it should not be a matter of
indifference to a number of Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen,
Oxygen atoms how they are placed and move, how they were
placed and moved and how they will be placed and will
(Grenzen des Naturerkennens. Leipsig, 1882. S. 35.).
But there are no boundaries to knowledge here. Wherever a
collection of atoms exists in space in a definite movement,
there also necessarily exists a definite quality (e.g.
Red). And vice-versa, wherever red appears, there the
movement must exist. Only the abstracting intellect can
separate the one from the other. Those who think of the
movement as actually separated from the remaining content of
the process to which the movement belongs, cannot rediscover
the transition from the one to the other.
Only what is movement in a process can again be derived from
movement; that which belongs to the qualitative aspect of the
world of light and colours can also only be traced back to a
qualitative element within the same sphere. Mechanics leads
back complicated movements to simple movements which
are directly comprehensible. The theory of colours must lead
back complicated colour-phenomena to simple colour phenomena
which can be penetrated in the same way. A simple process of
movement is just as much a primary phenomenon as the
appearance of yellow from the inter-working of light and
dark. Goethe knows what the primary mechanical phenomena can
accomplish towards the explanation of inorganic Nature. He
leads back that which is not mechanical within the corporeal
world to primary phenomena which are not of a mechanical
nature. Goethe has been reproached with condemning the
mechanical consideration of Nature and limiting himself
simply to the observation and classification of the
(Cp. Harnack's
Goethe in der Epoche seiner Vollendung.
S. 12.).
Du Bois-Reymond
(Goethe und kein Ende.
S. 29) finds that
“Goethe's theorising limits itself to deriving other
phenomena out of a primary phenomenon, as he calls it. It is
rather like one shadowy picture following another without any
illuminating causal connection. What was wholly lacking in
Goethe was the concept of mechanical causality.” What
does mechanics do, however, but derive complicated
processes from simple, primary phenomena? Goethe has
accomplished in the region of colour just what mechanics
perform in the realm of movement. It is because Goethe does
not consider all processes in inorganic Nature to be purely
mechanical that he has been accused of lacking the concept of
mechanical causality. His accusers merely show that they
themselves err concerning the significance of mechanical
causality within the corporeal world. Goethe remains within
the qualitative realm of the world of light and
colours. He leaves to others the quantitative and mechanical
elements which can be expressed mathematically. He
“endeavoured throughout to keep the theory of
colours apart from mathematics, although clearly,
certain points arise where the assistance of the art of
measurement would be desirable. But this very want may in the
end be advantageous, since it may now become the business of
the ingenious mathematician himself to ascertain where the
doctrine of colours is in need of his aid and how he can
contribute to the complete elucidation of this branch of
S. 727.). The
qualitative elements of the sense of sight — light,
darkness and colours — must first be understood from
out of their own connections. They must be traced back to
primary phenomena; then at a higher level of thought it is
possible to investigate the relation existing between
these connections and the quantitative, the
mechanical-mathematical element in the world of light and
Goethe seeks to lead back the connections within the
qualitative element of the world of colours to the simplest
elements, just as strictly as the mathematician or
mechanician does in his sphere. “We have to learn from
the mathematician the careful cautiousness with which he
proceeds step by step, deducing each step from the preceding
one and even where we employ no calculation, we must always
proceed as if we had to render account to the strictest
geometrician. For it is really the mathematical method which,
on account of its cautiousness and purity, immediately
reveals any gap in an assertion, and its proofs are in truth
only detailed affirmations that what is brought into
connection has already existed in its simple parts and its
entire sequence, that its whole range has been examined and
found to be correct and irrefutable under all
conditions” (Kürschner. Nat. Lit. Bd., 34.
Versuch als Vermittler vom Subjekt und Objekt.).
* * * * *
Goethe derives the explanatory principles for the phenomena
directly from the sphere of observation. He shows how the
phenomena are connected within the world of experience. He
rejects conceptions which lead out of and beyond the realm of
observation. All modes of explanation that overstep the field
of experience by drawing in factors which, by their very
nature cannot be observed, are contrary to the Goethean
world-conception. Such a mode of explanation is that which
seeks the nature of light in a medium which cannot itself be
perceived as such but can only be observed in its mode of
working as light. To this category also belong the methods
which hold sway in modern natural science, where light
vibrations are executed, not by the perceptible qualities
revealed to the sense of sight but by the smallest parts of
an imperceptible substance. To imagine that a definite colour
is united with a definite process of movement in space does
not contradict the Goethean world-conception. But the
assertion that this process of movement belongs to a region
of reality transcending experience, i.e. the world of
substance which can be observed in its effects, but not in
its own being, contradicts it absolutely. For an adherent of
the Goethean world-conception the light vibrations are
processes in space and have no other kind of reality than
that which inheres in any other content of perception.
They elude immediate observation not because they lie beyond
the region of experience, but because the organisation of the
human sense-organs is not subtle enough to have direct
perception of movements so minute. If an eye were so
organised that it could observe in all details the
oscillations of a body occurring four hundred billion times a
second, such a process would resemble a process in the crude
sense-world. That is to say, the vibrating body would
manifest the same properties as other objects of
Any explanation which derives objects and processes of
experience from others lying beyond the field of experience
can only attain to adequate conceptions of the realm of
reality, lying beyond observation, by borrowing certain
attributes from the world of experience and carrying them
over to what cannot be experienced. Thus the physicist
carries over hardness and impenetrability to the
tiniest corporeal elements to which he also ascribes the
power of attracting and repelling similar elements; on the
other hand he does not ascribe to these elements, colour,
warmth and other qualities. He believes that he explains a
process of Nature which can be experienced by tracing it back
to one that is not capable of being experienced. According to
Du Bois-Reymond's view the knowledge of Nature consists in
tracing back processes in the corporeal world to
movements of atoms brought about by their forces of
attraction and repulsion
(Grenzen des Naturerkennens.
1882. S. 10.). Matter, the
substance filling space, is regarded as being endowed with
movement. This substance has existed from eternity, and
will exist for all eternity. Matter itself does not belong to
the realm of observation but lies beyond it. Du Bois-Reymond,
therefore, assumes that man is incapable of knowing the
nature of matter as such, and that because of this he derives
the processes of the corporeal world from something whose
nature will always remain unknown to him. “We shall
never know more than we do to-day as to what ‘haunts’ space
where matter is”
(Grenzen des Naturerkennens.
S. 22.).
This concept of matter dissolves into nothingness before a more
exact consideration. The real content given to this concept
is borrowed from the world of experience. Man perceives
movements within the world of experience. He feels a
pull if he holds a weight in the hand, and a pressure if he
places a weight on the surface of the hand held
horizontally. In order to explain this perception he
forms the idea of force. He imagines that the Earth attracts
the weight. The force itself cannot be perceived. Its nature
is ideal, but it belongs, nevertheless, to the realm of
observation. The mind observes it because it beholds the
ideal relations among the perceptions. Man is led to the
concept of a repelling force if he presses a piece of
india-rubber and then leaves it to itself. It re-assumes its
former shape and size. He imagines that the compressed parts
of the rubber repel each other and again assume their former
volume. The mode of thinking of which we have spoken carries
over conceptions which have been drawn from observation
to a region of reality transcending experience. Thus it does
nothing in reality but derive one experience out of another,
only it places the latter arbitrarily in a region lying
beyond experience. It can be shown in regard to any mode of
thought which speaks of a transcendental region that it takes
certain fragments from the region of experience and relegates
them to a sphere of reality transcending observation. If
these fragments of experience are removed from the
conception of the transcendental there only remains a
concept devoid of content, a negation. The explanation of any
experience can only consist in tracing it back to another
possible experience. Ultimately we come to elements within
experience that can no longer be derived from others. These
cannot be further explained because they are in no need of
explanation. They contain it within themselves. Their
immediate being consists in what they present to observation.
To Goethe light is an element of this kind. According to his
view, whoever freely perceives light in manifestation has
understood it. Colours arise in light and their origin is
understood if we show how they arise therein. Light
itself is there in immediate perception. We know what is
ideally contained in it if we observe the connection
that exists between it and colours. From the standpoint of
Goethe's world-conception it is impossible to ask concerning
the nature of light, concerning the transcendental element
corresponding to the phenomenon “Light.”
“It is really useless to undertake to express the
essential nature of a thing; we perceive effects, and a
complete history of these effects would in all cases comprise
the nature of the thing.” That is to say, a complete
account of the effects of an experience embraces all the
phenomena which are ideally contained therein. “It
would be useless to try to describe a man's character, but
put together his actions, his deeds, and a picture of his
character will stand before us. Colours are acts of light,
its active and passive modifications. In this sense we may
expect from them some illumination concerning light
(Farbenlehre. Didactic Part. Preface.).
* * * * *
Light presents itself to observation as “the simplest
and most homogeneous, undivided entity that we know”
(Correspondence with Jacobi, p. 167.). Opposed to it there is
darkness. For Goethe darkness is not the complete, passive
absence of light. It is something active. It opposes itself
to light and interplays with it. Modern natural science
regards darkness as a complete nullity. The light which
streams into a dark space has, according to this modern view,
no opposition from the darkness to overcome. Goethe imagines
that light and darkness are related to each other like the
north and south poles of a magnet. Darkness can weaken the
light in its power of action. Vice-versa, light can
limit the energy of darkness. Colour arises in both cases. A
physical view which conceives darkness as perfect passivity
cannot speak of such an inter-working. It has therefore to
derive colours out of light alone. Darkness appears as
a phenomenon for observation just as does light. Darkness is
a content of perception in the same sense as light. The one
is merely the antithesis of the other. The eye which looks
out into the night mediates the real perception of darkness.
If darkness were the absolute void, there would be no
perception on looking out into the dark.
Yellow is light toned down by darkness; blue is darkness
weakened by light.
* * * * *
The eye is adapted for transmitting to the sensitive organism
the phenomena of light and colour and the relations between
them. It does not function passively in this connection, but
enters into living interplay with the phenomena. Goethe
endeavoured to cognise the manner of this inter-working. He
considers the eye to be wholly living and seeks to understand
the expressions of its life. How does the eye relate itself
to the individual phenomenon? How does it relate itself to
the connections between phenomena? These are questions
which he puts to himself. Light and darkness, yellow and
blue, are opposites. How does the eye experience these
opposites? It must lie in the nature of the eye that it
experiences the mutual relations which exist between the
single perceptions. For “the eye has to thank the light
for its existence. The light calls forth out of indifferent
auxiliary animal organs, an organ that is akin to itself; the
eye forms itself by the light for the light, so that the
inner light can meet the external light”
(Farbenlehre. Didactic Part. Introduction.).
Just as light and darkness are mutually opposed to each other
in external Nature, similarly the two states in which the eye
is placed by these two phenomena are also opposed to each
other. If we keep our eyes open in a dark space a certain
lack is experienced. If, however, the eye is turned to a
strongly illuminated white surface it becomes incapable, for
a certain time, of distinguishing moderately illuminated
objects. Looking into the dark increases its
receptivity; looking into the light weakens it.
Every impression on the eye remains within it for a time.
When we look at a black window cross against a light
background, we shall, when we shut our eyes, still have the
phenomenon for some time before us. If while the impression
still lasts, we look at a light grey surface, the cross
appears light, the panes, on the contrary, dark. A reversal
of the original phenomenon thus occurs. It follows from this
that the eye has been disposed by the one impression to
produce the opposite out of itself. As light and darkness
stand in relation to each other in the outer world, so also
do the corresponding states of the eye. Goethe thinks
that the region in the eye on which the dark cross fell is
rested and becomes receptive to a new impression. Therefore
it is that the grey surface works more intensely on it than
on the rest of the eye which previously received the stronger
light from the window panes. Light produces in the eye the
inclination to dark, dark the inclination to light. If we
hold a dark object before a light-grey surface and look
fixedly at the same place when it is removed, the space it
occupied appears much lighter than the remaining
surface. A grey object on a dark ground appears lighter than
the same object on a light ground. The eye is disposed by the
dark ground to see the object lighter, and by the light to
see it darker. These phenomena are indications to Goethe of
the great activity of the eye, “and to the passive
resistance which all that is living is forced to exhibit when
any definite state is presented to it. Thus inbreathing
already presupposes outbreathing, and vice-versa. The
eternal formula of life is also manifest here. When darkness
is presented to the eye, the eye demands light; it demands
darkness when light is presented to it and manifests thereby
its vitality, its fitness to grasp the object by producing
from itself something that is opposed to the object”
S. 38.).
Colour perceptions also evoke a reaction in the eye in a
similar way to light and darkness. Let us hold a small piece
of yellow paper before a moderately illuminated white
surface, and look fixedly at the small yellow patch. If after
a little while the paper is removed, we shall see the space
which the paper had occupied as violet. The impression of
yellow causes the eye to produce violet from out of itself.
Similarly, blue will produce orange as reaction, and red will
produce green. Thus in the eye every colour impression has a
living relation to another. The states into which the eye is
put by perceptions stand in a connection similar to that of
the contents of these perceptions in the external world.
* * * * *
When light and darkness work on the eye this living organ
meets them with its demands; if they work on things outside
in space these interact with them. Empty space has the
property of transparency. It does not work on light and
darkness at all. They penetrate it unhindered. It is
different when space is occupied with objects. This
occupation of space may be of such a kind that the eye does
not perceive it because light and darkness shine through it
in their original form. Then we speak of transparent objects.
If light and darkness do not pass through an object
unweakened, the object is designated semi-transparent. The
occupation of space by a semi-transparent medium
furnishes the possibility for observing light and darkness in
their mutual relation. Something bright seen through a
semi-transparent medium appears yellow, and something dark,
blue. The medium is a material substance which is illuminated
by the light. It appears dark, compared with a clearer, more
intense light behind it, and bright compared with a darkness
passing through it. When a semi-transparent medium is thus
presented to light or darkness, then brightness and darkness
are present and really work into one another.
If the transparency of the medium through which the light
shines gradually decreases, the yellow assumes a
yellowish-red hue and finally a ruby-red colour. If the
transparency of a medium through which darkness penetrates
increases, the blue passes over to indigo and finally to
violet. Yellow and blue are primary colours. They arise
through the working-together of light or darkness with the
medium. Both can assume a reddish hue, the former through
decrease, the latter through increase, in the transparency of
the medium. Thus red is not a primary colour. It appears as a
hue of yellow or blue. Yellow, with its red shades, which
deepen to pure red, stands near to light; blue with its
shades is allied to darkness. If blue and yellow mingle,
green arises. If blue intensified to violet mixes with yellow
deepened to red, purple arises.
Goethe followed up these basic phenomena in Nature. The
bright sun orb seen through a haze of semi-transparent vapour
appears yellow. The darkness of space seen through
atmospheric vapours illuminated by the day-light presents
itself as the blue of heaven. “Similarly, the
mountains appear blue to us; for when we behold them at so
great a distance that we no longer distinguish the local
colours, and no light from their surface works on our eye,
they resemble so many dark objects, which owing to the
interposed vapours appear blue”
Para. 156.).
Out of his deep penetration into the works of Art produced by
painters, there arose in Goethe the need to understand the
laws which dominate the phenomena of the sense of sight.
Every painting presented him with riddles. How is the
chiaroscuro related to the colours? What relations do the
single colours bear to each other? Why does yellow produce a
joyful, and blue a serious mood? The Newtonian doctrine of
colours could yield no point of view able to elucidate these
mysteries. The Newtonian theory derives all colours out of
light, places them side by side in sequence, and says nothing
about their relation to darkness or of their living relations
to each other. Goethe was able to solve the riddles presented
to him by Art by the insight he had acquired along his own
paths. Yellow must possess a bright, gay, mildly stimulating
character because it is the colour nearest to light. It
arises through the gentlest moderation of light. Blue
indicates the darkness working in it. Therefore it produces a
sense of coldness, just as it “is reminiscent of
shadows.” Reddish-yellow arises through the
intensification of yellow towards the side of darkness.
Through this intensification its energy increases; the gaiety
and brightness pass over into rapture. With the further
intensification of reddish-yellow into yellowish-red, the
gay, cheerful feeling is transformed into the impression of
power. Violet is blue striving towards light. The repose and
coldness of blue hereby change into unrest. This restless
feeling increases in blue-red. Pure red stands in the centre
between yellowish-red and bluish-red. The violence of the
yellow quietens down; the passive repose of the blue is
animated. Red gives the impression of ideal
satisfaction, the equalising of extremes. A feeling of
satisfaction also arises through green which is a mixture of
yellow and blue. The satisfaction is purer here than that
produced by red because the gaiety of the yellow is not
intensified and the repose of the blue not disturbed through
the red shade.
* * * * *
The eye, when confronting one colour, immediately demands
another. When the eye looks at yellow the longing arises for
violet; when it perceives blue it desires orange; when it
looks at red it yearns for green. It is comprehensible that
the feeling of satisfaction should arise, if by the side of
one colour presented to the eye there is placed another which
the eye desires in accordance with its nature. The law of
colour harmony is an outcome of the nature of the eye.
Colours which the eye demands in juxtaposition to each other
work harmoniously. If two colours appear side by side, the
one of which does not demand the other, then the eye is
stimulated into opposition. The juxtaposition of yellow and
purple has something one-sided about it, but the effect is
that of brightness and magnificence. The eye demands violet
by the side of yellow in order to express itself according to
its nature. If purple appears in the place of violet the
object asserts its claims against those of the eye. It does
not accommodate itself to the demands of the organ.
Juxtapositions of this kind serve to draw attention to the
significance of things. They will not satisfy unconditionally
but they characterise. Characteristic combinations of
this kind demand colours which do not stand in complete
contrast to each other, and yet do not merge directly into
each other. Juxtapositions of the latter kind impart a kind
of characterless element to the objects on which they
* * * * *
The origin and nature of the phenomena of light and colour
were revealed to Goethe in Nature. He found the same thing
again in the creations of painters, where it is raised to a
higher level, translated into the spiritual. Goethe acquired
a deep insight into the relation of Nature and Art as the
result of his observations concerning the perceptions of sight.
This may well have been in his mind when, after the conclusion of the
Doctrine of Colour,
he wrote concerning these observations to Frau von Stein:
“I do not regret having sacrificed so much time
to them. I have thereby attained an education which I could
hardly have got elsewhere.”
Goethe's doctrine of colour differs from that of Newton and
of those physicists who build up their views on the basis of
Newton's ideas, because it proceeds from a different
conception of the world. Those who do not bear in mind the
connection that has here been demonstrated between
Goethe's general ideas of Nature and his doctrine of colour
will be unable to hold any other opinion than that Goethe
came to his view of colour because he had no understanding
for the physicists' true methods of observation. Those who
perceive this connection will also realise that within the
Goethean world-conception no other doctrine of colour is
possible. Goethe would have been unable to think differently
about the nature of the phenomena of colour, even if all the
discoveries made in this sphere since his time had been laid
before him, and even if he had been able to make use of the
experimental methods in their present perfection. Although he
could not embody Frauenhof's lines wholly into his conception
of Nature after he had become aware of their discovery,
neither this nor any other discovery in the realm of optics
is an objection to his conceptions. In all these things it is
merely a question of so elaborating Goethe's view that these
phenomena can find their place in it. It must be admitted
that physicists who adhere to the Newtonian point of view can
make nothing of Goethe's views of colour. That is not because
they possess knowledge of phenomena which contradict Goethe's
conception, but because they have grown accustomed to a view
of Nature which prevents them from understanding the real aim
and object of Goethe's view.