Rudolf Steiner e.Lib
An Outline of Occult Science
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
An Outline of Occult Science
If we wish to form an approximately accurate pictorial idea of the
conditions during the Saturn evolution, we must take into
consideration the fact that during that period essentially nothing
existed of the things and creatures that belong at present to the
earth, and are counted among the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms.
The beings of these three kingdoms only came into existence in later
periods of evolution. Of the present physically visible earth beings,
only man existed at that time, and only that part of him, the physical
body, as already described. At the present time, not only do these
beings of the mineral, plant, animal, and human kingdoms belong to the
earth, but there are also other beings who do not manifest in a
physical body. These beings were also present during the Saturn
evolution, and their activity on Saturn as a sphere of action resulted
in the subsequent evolution of man.
If one directs the spiritual organs of perception, not to the
beginning and the end, but to the middle evolutionary period of this
Saturn incarnation, a state appears consisting chiefly of
heat. No gaseous, fluid, or solid elements are to be found
there. All these conditions only appear in later cosmic incarnations.
Let us imagine a human being with his present sense organs approaching
this Saturn world as an observer. He would then experience none of the
sense-impressions of which he is capable, except the sensation of
heat. On reaching the space occupied by Saturn, he would only perceive
that it had a condition of heat different from the rest of the
surrounding space. He would not find this space uniformly warm
throughout, but would find hot and cold regions alternating in the
most varied manner. Heat would be perceived radiating according to
certain lines, not straight lines, but in irregular forms, produced by
the variations in heat. He would have before him something like an
organized cosmic being, appearing in ever changing states, consisting
only of heat.
For man of the present day it must be difficult to imagine something
that consists only of heat, since he is not accustomed to recognize
heat as something in itself, but to perceive it only in connection
with hot or cold gaseous, fluid, or solid bodies. Especially the man
who has acquired the ideas of modern physics will look upon the above
way of speaking about heat as pure nonsense. He will perhaps say that
there are solid, fluid, and gaseous bodies; heat, however, denotes
only the condition in which any one of these three bodily forms finds
itself. When the smallest particles of a gas are in motion, this
motion is perceived as heat. Where there is no gas, there can be no
such motion, therefore also no heat. The matter appears quite
different to the researcher in spiritual science. For him, heat is
something about which he can speak in the same sense he can speak of a
gas, of a fluid, or of a solid body; it is for him only a substance
still finer than gas, and gas is to him nothing else than condensed
heat, in the same sense that a fluid is a condensed vapor, or a solid
body a condensed fluid. Thus the spiritual scientist speaks of heat
bodies just as he speaks of gaseous and vaporous bodies. If someone
wishes to follow the spiritual researcher into this realm, it is only
necessary to grant that there exists spiritual perception. In the
given world of the physical senses, heat exists entirely as a state of
a solid, a fluid, or gaseous body. This condition, however, is only
the external aspect of heat, or its effect. The physicists speak only
of this effect of heat, not of its inner nature. Let us try to
disregard all effects of heat that we receive through external
objects, and picture to ourselves only our inner experience when we
say, I feel warm, I feel cold. This inner
experience can alone give us an idea of the Saturn state at the period
of its development described above. It would have been possible to
pass through the whole of the space occupied by Saturn without finding
any sort of gas that could exert pressure, or any sort of solid or
fluid body from which we could receive an impression of light. But in
every point in space, without any impression from outside, we would
have had the inner feeling that here there exists this or that degree
of heat.
In a cosmic body of such a character there are no conditions suitable
for the animals, plants, and minerals of the present time. (It is,
therefore, hardly necessary to state that what has just been described
could never occur. A man of today, as such, cannot confront ancient
Saturn as an observer. The exposition was only to serve as an
illustration.) The beings of whom supersensible cognition becomes
conscious while observing Saturn, were at a stage of evolution quite
different from the present, sensorily-perceptible earth beings. Before
this faculty of cognition beings appear who did not possess a physical
body like that of present-day man. When we speak here of
physical body, we must be careful not to think of the
physical corporeality as it exists today. Rather, we must
differentiate carefully between the physical body and the mineral
body. A physical body is one that is ruled by physical laws observed
today in the mineral kingdom. The present human physical body is not
only ruled by these physical laws, but it is also permeated by mineral
substance. It is impossible to speak of a physical-mineral body of
this kind on ancient Saturn. At that time there existed only a
physical corporeality governed by physical laws, but these physical
laws manifested themselves only through heat effects. Thus the
physical body was a fine, attenuated, etheric heat body, and the whole
of Saturn consisted of these heat bodies. They were the first germinal
beginnings of the present physical-mineral body of man. The latter
fashioned itself out of the heat body as a result of the insertion
into it of gaseous, fluid, and solid matter, which only came into
existence later on. Among the beings perceived by supersensible
consciousness when it becomes aware of the Saturn state and who,
besides man, may be called inhabitants of Saturn, are those, for
example, who have no need at all of a physical body. The lowest
vehicle of these beings was an ether body; they had, however, besides
this a higher member that transcended all the human vehicles. Man has
as highest member spirit man. These beings have a still higher member,
and between the ether body and spirit man they have all the members
described in this book as belonging also to human beings: astral body,
ego, spirit self, and life spirit. Just as our earth is surrounded by
a sphere of air an atmosphere so was it also on Saturn, only this
atmosphere was of a
spiritual character.1
It consisted of the beings just mentioned
and still others. Between the heat bodies of Saturn and these beings
there was a constant reciprocal action. The latter submerged the
members of their being into the physical heat bodies of Saturn and,
although there was no life in these heat bodies themselves, the life
of the beings in their environment was expressed, in them. They might
be compared to mirrors, only it was not the images of the beings in
question that were mirrored, but their life-conditions. Nothing living
could have been discovered on Saturn itself, but through its activity
Saturn vitalized the surrounding heavenly space by reflecting back,
like an echo, the life sent down to it. The whole of Saturn appeared
like a mirror of celestial life. Certain exalted beings whose life was
radiated back by Saturn may be called Spirits of wisdom.
(In Christian Esotericism they bear the name Kyriotetes or
Dominions.) Their activity on Saturn does not begin with
the middle period of its evolution just described, in fact, it had
then already ceased. Before they had reached the ability to become
conscious of the reflection of their own life from the heat bodies of
Saturn, they had to develop these bodies to the point of being able to
effect this reflection. Therefore their activity began soon after the
beginning of the Saturn evolution. At that time the bodily nature of
Saturn still consisted of chaotic substance that was unable to reflect
anything By considering this chaotic substance, one has transplanted
oneself through spiritual perception to the beginning of the Saturn
evolution. What is observable there does not yet bear sequent heat
character. If we wish to characterize it, it is only possible to speak
of a quality that may be compared with the human will. It is will,
through and through. Thus we have to do here entirely with a soul
state. If we wish to trace back the source of this will, we find that
it originates from the emanations of exalted beings who brought their
development, in stages that can only be divined, to such a height that
they were able, when the evolution of Saturn began, to pour forth the
will from their own being. After this emanation had lasted for a time,
the activity of the already mentioned Spirits of Wisdom unites with
the will. Thus will, previously wholly without attributes, now
gradually acquires the ability to reflect life back into cosmic
space. These beings, who experience their supreme bliss in pouring
forth will out of themselves at the beginning of the Saturn evolution,
may be called the Spirits of Will. (In Christian
esotericism they are called Thrones.) After a certain
stage of the Saturn evolution has been reached through the
co-operation of will and life there begins the activity of other
beings who are likewise present in the environment of Saturn. They may
be called the Spirits of Motion. (In Christian esotericism
, Dynameis, or Powers.) They have no physical
or ether body, but their lowest vehicle is the astral body. When the
Saturn bodies have acquired the ability to reflect life, this
reflected life is in a condition to be permeated with the qualities
that reside in the astral bodies of the Spirits of Motion. The result
of this is that it appears as though the manifestations of sensation
and feeling and similar soul activities were flung out into celestial
space from Saturn. The whole of Saturn appears like an ensouled being,
manifesting sympathies and antipathies. These manifestations of
soul-qualities, however, are in no way its own, but only the
flung-back soul activities of the Spirits of Motion. After this state
has lasted a certain length of time, there begins the activity of
still other beings that may be called the Spirits of Form.
Their lowest member is also an astral body, but it stands at a stage
of development different from that of the Spirits of Motion. Whereas
these latter communicate only general expressions of feeling to the
reflected life, the activity of the astral body of the Spirits of Form
(in Christian esotericism, Exusiai, or
Authorities,) is of such a nature that the expressions of
feeling are flung back into cosmic space as though from individual
beings. One might say that the Spirits of Motion cause Saturn as a
whole to appear like an ensouled being. The Spirits of Form divide
this life into individual living beings, so that Saturn now appears
like an agglomeration of such soul beings. In order to have a picture
of this state, imagine a mulberry or a blackberry, and note how it is
composed of small individual parts. For the observer of the spiritual
world, Saturn, in the period of evolution just described, is similarly
composed of a number of Saturn entities that, to be sure, do not
possess a life and soul of their own, but that reflect the life and
soul of the beings dwelling in them. In this state of Saturn, beings
now intervene who likewise have the astral body as their lowest
member, but who have developed it to such a stage that it has the
effect of a present-day human ego. Through these beings, the ego looks
down upon Saturn from its environment and communicates its nature to
the individual living beings of Saturn. Thus something is sent out
into cosmic space from Saturn that appears similar to the activity of
the human personality in the present cycle of life. The beings who
bring this about may be called the Spirits of Personality,
(Archai, Primal Beginnings in Christian
Esotericism). They confer upon the small Saturn bodies the appearance
of the character of personality. Personality does not exist on Saturn
itself, however, but only its reflection, as it were, the shell of
personality. The Spirits of Personality have their real personality on
the periphery of Saturn. Just because these Spirits of Personality let
their being be reflected back by the Saturn bodies in the manner
indicated, the fine substance just described as heat is
imparted to the latter. In the whole of Saturn there is no inner life,
but the Spirits of Personality recognize the image of their own inner
life as it streams back to them from Saturn in the form of heat.
When all this occurs, the Spirits of Personality stand at the stage at
which the human being is at present. At that time they pass through
their human epoch. If we wish to look at these facts with an
unprejudiced eye, we must imagine that a being can be man
not merely in the form borne by man at the present time. The Spirits
of Personality are human beings on Saturn. They do not
have the physical body as their lowest principle, but the astral body
with the ego. Therefore they are not able to express the experiences
of this astral body in a physical and ether body like that of the
present-day man; yet they not only possess an ego, but are fully aware
of it, because the heat substance of Saturn brings it to their
consciousness in reflecting it back to them. They are human
beings under conditions different from the earth state.
In the further course of the Saturn evolution, events ensue that are
different in character from anything existing heretofore. While up to
the present time everything was a reflection of external life and
sensation, now a kind of inner life begins. Here and there within the
Saturn world a life of light begins, now flaring up, now darkening.
Flickering glimmers of light appear in certain places, and in others
something occurs like flashes of lightning. The Saturn heat bodies
begin to glimmer, to sparkle, even to radiate. Because this stage of
evolution has been reached, again certain beings have the possibility
of becoming active. These are beings who may be called Spirits
of Fire, (in Christian esotericism, Archangeloi, or
Archangels). Although these beings have an astral body of
their own, they are unable, at this stage of their existence, to
stimulate it; they would not be able to awake any feeling or sensation
if they could not work upon the heat bodies that had reached the
Saturn stage already described. This activity exerted by them gives
them the possibility of becoming aware of their own existence. They
cannot say to themselves, I exist, but rather, My
environment permits me to exist. They perceive, and their
perceptions consist in the activities of light described as taking
place on Saturn. These activities are in a certain sense their ego.
This gives them a certain kind of consciousness that may be designated
as picture consciousness. It can be thought of as a kind of human
dream consciousness, only we must think of the degree of intensity of
this dream consciousness as being much greater than in human dreaming,
and we must realize that we are concerned not with unreal dream
pictures surging up and down, but with dream pictures that have an
actual relationship to the play of light on Saturn. Within this
reciprocal activity taking place between the Spirits of Fire and the
Saturn heat bodies, the germinal human organs of sense are started on
the path of evolution. The organs through which the human being at
present perceives the physical world flash up in their first etheric
inceptions. Human phantoms, as yet manifesting nothing but the primal
light images of the sense organs, can be recognized within Saturn by
means of clairvoyant perception. These sense organs thus are the fruit
of the activity of the Spirits of Fire, but the Spirits of Fire are
not the only beings who participate in the formation of these organs.
Together with these Spirits of Fire, other beings enter the field of
Saturn, beings who are so far advanced in their evolution as to be
able to employ these germinal senses to perceive the cosmic processes
taking place in the life of Saturn. These beings may be called
Spirits of Love, (in Christian esotericism,
Seraphim). Were they not present, the Spirits of Fire
could not have the consciousness described above. They behold the
Saturn processes with a consciousness enabling them to convey these
processes to the Spirits of Fire in the form of images. They forego
all benefit they themselves might reap by perceiving the Saturn
events; they renounce all enjoyment, all pleasure; they sacrifice all
this in order that the Spirits of Fire might have it.
A new Saturn period follows these occurrences. Something else is added
to the play of light. It may seem madness to many when we speak of
what here presents itself to supersensible cognition. The interior of
Saturn appears like a billowing and surging of sensations of taste;
sweet, bitter, sour may be observed at various points within Saturn,
and outwardly, into cosmic space, this all appears as tone, as a kind
of music. Within these processes certain beings again find the
possibility of developing an activity upon Saturn. They may be called
the Sons of Twilight, or Life, (in Christian Esotericism,
Angeloi, Angels). They enter into reciprocal
activity with the surging forces of taste present within Saturn, and
through it their ether or life body takes on an activity somewhat
similar to metabolism. They bring life into the interior of Saturn. As
a result, processes of nutrition and elimination take place. They do
not directly produce these processes, but through their activities the
processes indirectly come into existence. This internal life makes it
possible for still other beings to enter the sphere of this cosmic
body, beings who may be designated Spirits of Harmony, (in
Christian Esotericism, Cherubim). They bestow upon the
Sons of Life a dull kind of consciousness, duller and vaguer than the
dream consciousness of the present-day human being, a consciousness
similar to that he possesses in dreamless sleep. This consciousness is
of such a low order that man is not aware of it. It is present,
however, and differs from day consciousness in degree and also in
kind. Plant life at present also has this dreamless sleep
consciousness. Even though this consciousness does not excite
perceptions of an outer world as they are understood today,
nevertheless, it regulates the life-processes and brings them into
harmony with the outer cosmic processes. At the Saturn stage under
consideration, the Sons of Life cannot perceive this regulating
process; the Spirits of Harmony, however, perceive it and are
therefore the actual regulators. All this life-activity takes place in
the human phantoms, already characterized. These phantoms therefore
appear to spiritual perception as though endowed with life, but their
life is only a semblance. It is actually the life of the Sons of Life.
These Sons of Life make use of the human phantoms, in order, as it
were, to unfold themselves.
Now let us consider these human phantoms with their semblance of life.
During the Saturn period described, these phantoms have ever-changing
forms, sometimes resembling this shape, sometimes that. During the
further course of evolution these forms become more defined;
occasionally they become permanent. The reason for this is that they
are now permeated by the activities of the spirits who have to be
taken into account already at the beginning of Saturn evolution,
namely, the Spirits of Will (Thrones). As a result, the human phantom
itself appears with the simplest, dullest form of consciousness. We
must picture this form of consciousness as duller than that of
dreamless sleep. Under present conditions, the minerals have this
consciousness. It brings the inner being into harmony with the outer
physical world. Upon Saturn, the Spirits of Will are the regulators of
this harmony, and the human being appears like a small counterpart of
the life of Saturn itself. What constitutes the Saturn life on a large
scale, constitutes man, at this stage, on a small scale. This is the
primary nucleus of what even in the modern human being exists only in
a germinal state, namely, spirit man (atma). Within Saturn, this dull
human will manifests itself to supersensible perception through
effects that may be compared with scents, or
odors. Toward the outside, toward celestial space,
something is to be perceived like the manifestation of a personality
that is, however, not controlled by an inner ego, but is regulated
from without like a machine. The regulators are the Spirits of Will.
If we survey the preceding description, it becomes apparent that,
starting from the middle stage of Saturn evolution described at the
very beginning, the stages of this evolution might be characterized by
comparing their various effects with sense-impressions of the present.
It was said that the Saturn evolution manifests as heat, then a play
of light begins, followed by a play of taste and tone; finally,
something arises that manifests within the interior of Saturn like the
sensation of smell, and externally like a mechanically acting human
One might ask what the manifestations of the Saturn evolution prior to
this state of heat are. What existed before cannot in any way be
compared with anything that is accessible to an outer
sense-impression. Prior to the state of heat, a state existed that the
human being can experience at the present time only in his inner
nature. If he gives himself up to ideas that he himself forms in his
soul without the impelling impulse of an external impression, he has
something within himself that physical senses cannot perceive; on the
contrary, it is only accessible to higher perception. The
manifestations that preceded the state of heat of Saturn can be
present only for him who possesses supersensible perception. Three
such states may be mentioned: pure soul heat, which is outwardly
imperceptible; pure spiritual light, which is external darkness;
finally, a spiritual state of being that is complete within itself and
needs no external being in order to become conscious of itself. Pure
inner heat accompanies the appearance of the Spirits of Motion; pure
spiritual light, that of the Spirits of Wisdom; pure inner being is
bound up with the first emanation of the Spirits of Will.
With the appearance of the Saturn heat, our evolution for the first
time passes over from a purely spiritual, inner existence into one
manifesting externally. It will be especially difficult for the
present-day consciousness to accept the statement that with the Saturn
state of heat what is called time first makes its
appearance, for the preceding states are not at all temporal. They
belong to the region that in spiritual science may be called
duration. For this reason it must be understood that in
all that is said in this work about such states in the region of
duration, expressions referring to temporal relationships are
only used by way of comparison and explanation. What precedes
time, as it were, can only be characterized in human
language by expressions containing the idea of time, for we must also
be conscious of the fact that although the first, second, and third
states of Saturn did not take place one after the other in the present
sense of the word, we cannot do otherwise than describe them one after
the other. Indeed, in spite of their duration or simultaneity, they
are so inter-dependent that this dependence may be compared with a
sequence in time.
By thus pointing to these earliest evolutionary states of Saturn,
light is also thrown upon all other questions about the
whence of these states. From the purely intellectual
standpoint it is naturally quite possible, in regard to any origin, to
continue asking about the origin of this origin. But this
is not permissible in the face of facts. We only need to make this
clear by a comparison. If we find traces in a road, we may ask what
has caused them. The answer may be: a wagon. We can then ask further:
whence came the wagon and whither has it gone? An answer founded upon
facts is again possible. We might then ask further: who was sitting in
it? What was the intention of the person who was using it? What was he
doing? Finally, however, we shall come to a point where the
questioning through the very facts comes to an end. Whoever continues
to question, deviates from the original intention of the question. He
continues the questioning mechanically. We can easily see in cases
like the one just cited for the sake of comparison where the nature of
facts brings an end to the questioning. In respect of the great
questions of the cosmos this is not so easily seen. By really exact
observation, however, we shall notice that all questions concerning
the whence must end at the above described Saturn states.
For we have come to a sphere in which the beings and processes no
longer justify themselves through their origin, but through
The result of Saturn evolution is the development of the human germ to
a certain stage; it has reached that low, dim consciousness spoken of
above. It must not be imagined that the latter's development begins
only in the last stage of Saturn. The Spirits of Will are active
throughout all conditions of Saturn, but to supersensible perception
the result in the last stage is most conspicuous. There exists no
definite boundary line between the activities of the individual groups
of beings. If it is said that in the beginning the Spirits of Will are
active, then the Spirits of Wisdom, then another group of spiritual
beings, it is not intended to mean that they were only active at that
time. They are active throughout the whole of the Saturn evolution,
but in the periods mentioned their activity can best be observed. The
individual beings have then, as it were, the leadership.
Thus the whole of the Saturn evolution appears like a fashioning, a
working over of what has streamed out of the Spirits of Will by the
Spirits of Wisdom, Motion, Form, and so forth. At the same time, these
spiritual beings themselves undergo an evolution. For example, after
having received their life reflected back to them from Saturn, the
Spirits of Wisdom stand at a different stage from that at which they
previously stood. The fruit of this activity enhances the capacities
of their own being. The result is that after the completion of such
activity something happens to them similar to what happens to man in
sleep. After their periods of activity on Saturn follow other periods
during which they live, so to speak, in other worlds. Their activity
is then turned away from Saturn. Therefore, clairvoyant perception
observes in the described evolution of Saturn an ascent and a descent.
The ascent continues until the formation of the state of heat; then
with the play of light an ebb tide sets in, and when the human
phantoms have assumed a form through the activity of the Spirits of
Will, the spiritual beings have gradually withdrawn. The Saturn
evolution slowly dies and as such disappears. A period of rest then
occurs. The germinal human being passes over into a condition of
dissolution, not, however, one in which it entirely disappears, but
one that is similar to that of a plant seed resting in the earth,
preparing to grow into a new plant. In a similar manner the human germ
rests in the bosom of the cosmos, awaiting a new awakening, and when
the moment of this awakening comes, the above described spiritual
beings have acquired, under other conditions, capacities for working
further upon the germinal human being. The Spirits of Wisdom have
acquired the capacity in their ether bodies not only of enjoying the
reflection of life, as they did on Saturn, but also the ability of
letting life stream forth from themselves and of endowing other beings
with it. The Spirits of Motion are now as far advanced as were the
Spirits of Wisdom on Saturn. The lowest principle of their being was
then the astral body; now they possess an ether or life body. The
other spiritual beings have correspondingly advanced to a higher stage
of their evolution. All these spiritual beings, therefore, are able to
work upon the further evolution of the germinal human being in another
way than on Saturn. But at the end of the Saturn evolution the
germinal human being was dissolved. In order that the more evolved
spiritual beings may continue from the point where they ended their
previous activities, this germinal human being has briefly to
recapitulate the stages through which it passed on Saturn. This is to
be seen by supersensible perception. The germinal human being emerges
from its concealment and, through the forces that have been implanted
within it on Saturn, it begins to develop through its own power. It
emerges out of the darkness as a being of will; it advances itself to
a being possessed of a semblance of life, of a soullike nature and
other characteristics, until it reaches the stage of automatic
manifestation of personality that it possessed at the end of the
Saturn evolution.
Instead of
saying, Saturn was surrounded by an atmosphere, a precise
mode of speech, in order to express exactly the inner experience of
spiritual research, would have to say, In becoming conscious of
Saturn by means of supersensible cognition, this consciousness is
confronted by a Saturn atmosphere, or, by beings of this
or that sort. The use of the expression: this or that is
present, must be permitted, for this is also the usage employed
for the actual soul experience in sensory perception, but we are
obliged to keep this in mind in the following exposition; it already
follows from the context.
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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