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An Outline of Occult Science
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
An Outline of Occult Science
The life of man between birth and death in the post-Atlantean age had,
however, its influence also upon the body-free state after death. The
more the human being turned his interest toward the physical-sensory
world, the greater was the possibility of Ahriman penetrating into the
soul during earth life and of his retaining power beyond death. Among
the peoples of ancient India this danger was still insignificant,
because they had, during earth life, felt the physical world of the
senses to be an illusion. As a result, they were able to elude the
power of Ahriman. The danger of the prehistoric Persian people was
much greater, because in the life between birth and death they had
turned their interest toward the physical world of the senses. They
would have fallen prey to Ahriman to a high degree, had Zarathustra
not through his teaching about the God of Light drawn attention in an
impressive manner to the fact that behind the physical-sensory world
there exists the world of the Spirits of Light. In proportion to the
absorption into the soul of this visualized world by the people of the
Persian culture did they escape from the clutches of Ahriman during
earth life and likewise during the life after death, when they
prepared for a new earth life. During earth life the power of Ahriman
leads to the consideration of physical-sensory existence as the only
one, thus barring all outlook into the spiritual world. In the
spiritual world this power leads the human being to complete
isolation, to concentration of all interests only upon himself. Human
beings who at death are in the power of Ahriman are reborn as
At present we are able in spiritual science to describe life between
death and a new birth as it is when the Ahrimanic influence has been
overcome to a certain degree. In this way it has been described by the
writer of this book in other writings and in the first chapters of
this book, and thus it must be described in order to make plausible
what the human being can experience in this state of existence when he
has gained the true spiritual perception of what really exists.
Whether the individual experiences it to a greater or lesser degree
depends on his victory over the Ahrimanic influence. Man approaches
more and more what is possible for him to be in the spiritual world.
How this degree of attainment can be impaired by other influences must
here be held clearly in mind in considering the path of human
It was the task of Hermes to see that the Egyptians prepared
themselves during earth life for companionship with the Spirit of
Light. Since, however, during that time human interests between birth
and death were already shaped in such a way that it was possible only
to a slight degree to penetrate the veil of the physical-sensory, the
spiritual perception of the soul remained also clouded after death.
The perception of the world of light remained dim. The veiling over of
the spiritual world after death reached a climax for the souls who
entered the body-free state from an incarnation in the Greco-Latin
culture. During earth life they had brought the culture of the
sensory-physical existence to full flower, and they had thus doomed
themselves to a shadow existence after death. The Greek, therefore,
felt that his life after death was only a shadow-like existence; and
it was not mere empty talk but the feeling for truth when the hero of
that age, turning toward the sense world, says, Rather a beggar
on earth than a king in the realm of the shades. This was still
more evident among those Asiatic peoples who also in their reverence
and adoration had only directed their gaze toward the sensory
counterparts instead of toward the spiritual archetypes. During the
time of the Greco-Latin cultural period a large part of mankind was in
the condition here described. We can see how the mission of man in the
post-Atlantean epoch, which consisted of his mastery of the physical
sense world, had to lead of necessity to an estrangement from the
spiritual world. Thus what is great on the one hand is of necessity
connected with what is decadent on the other. In the mysteries, the
connection of the human being with the spiritual world was fostered.
The initiates of these mysteries were able, in special states of the
soul, to receive the revelations of this world. They were more or less
the successors of the Atlantean guardians of the oracles. What was
concealed through the impulses of Lucifer and Ahriman was unveiled to
them. Lucifer concealed from the human being that part of the
spiritual world that, without his cooperation, had poured into his
astral body right up to the middle of the Atlantean epoch. If the
ether body had not been partially separated from the physical, man
would have been able to experience this region of the spirit world as
an inner soul revelation. Because of the Luciferic impulse he could
only experience it in special states of the soul. Then a spiritual
world appeared to him in the vesture of the astral. The corresponding
beings revealed themselves in shapes that bore only the higher members
of human nature, and in these members they carried the astrally
visible symbols of their special spiritual powers. Superhuman forms
manifested themselves in this way. After the encroachment of Ahriman
another kind of initiation was added to this one. Ahriman has
concealed all that part of the spiritual world that would have
appeared behind physical sense-perception, if his encroachment had not
occurred after the middle of the Atlantean epoch. The initiates owed
the revelation of this part of the spiritual world to the fact that
they practiced in their souls all those faculties that the human being
had acquired since that time to a degree far greater than the one
required in order to gain the impressions of sensory-physical
existence. Through it the spiritual powers lying behind the forces of
nature were revealed to them. They were able to speak of the spiritual
beings behind nature. The creative powers of the forces active in
nature below the human being revealed themselves to them. What had
continued to be active from the Saturn, Sun and the ancient Moon
evolutions and had formed the human physical, ether, and astral
bodies, as well as the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms, formed the
content of one type of mysteries. These mysteries were under Ahriman's
influence. What had led to the development of sentient, intellectual,
and consciousness soul was revealed in a second type of mystery. What,
however, was only possible to be prophesied by the mysteries was that
in the course of time a human being would appear with an astral body
in which, despite Lucifer, the light world of the Sun Spirit would
become conscious through the ether body without special soul states.
And the physical body of this human being must be of such a nature
that that part of the spiritual world would be manifest to him that
Ahriman is able to conceal up to the time of physical death. Physical
death cannot change anything for this human being during life; that is
to say, physical death cannot have any power over him. In such a human
being the ego manifests in such a way that the physical life contains
at the same time the whole spiritual life. Such a being is the bearer
of the Spirit of Light, to Whom the initiate lifts himself in a
twofold way, either by being led to the spirit of the super-human or
to the being of the powers of nature in special states of the soul.
Since the initiates of the mysteries predicted that such a human being
would appear in the course of time, they were the prophets of Christ.
As special prophet in this sense, a personality arose in a people that
through natural heritage bore within itself the characteristics of the
peoples of the Middle East and, through education, the teachings of
the Egyptians; these people were the Israelites. The prophet was
Moses.. So many influences of initiation had entered the soul of Moses
that in special states of consciousness the spiritual being who had
assumed, in the normal course of Earth evolution, the role of molding
human consciousness from the moon, manifested himself to him. In
thunder and lightning Moses recognized not only the physical
phenomena, but the manifestations of the spirit just described. At the
same time, however, the other kind of mysteries had affected his soul
to such a degree that he perceived in astral visions how the
super-human spirit becomes human through the ego. Thus the Being Who
had to come revealed Himself to Moses from two directions as the
highest form of the Ego.
With Christ there appeared in human form what the high Sun Being had
prepared as the exalted paragon of earthly man. With this appearance
all mystery wisdom had in a certain regard to assume a new form.
Previously this wisdom existed exclusively in order to enable the
human being to bring himself to a soul state that allowed him to
behold the kingdom of the Sun Spirit outside of earthly evolution. Now
mystery wisdom was allotted the task of making the human being capable
of recognizing the Christ Who had become man, and from this center of
all wisdom to understand the natural and spiritual world.
At the moment in the life of Christ Jesus, when His astral body
contained everything that the Luciferic impulse can conceal, He
assumed His mission as teacher of mankind. From this moment onward the
aptitude was implanted in human earth evolution for receiving the
wisdom through which the physical earthly goal can by degrees be
attained. At the moment when the event of Golgotha was accomplished,
the other aptitude was injected into mankind by which it is possible
to turn the influence of Ahriman to good. Henceforth the human being
is able to carry with him out of life through the portals of death
what releases him from isolation in the spiritual world. The event of
Palestine is not only the center of the physical evolution of mankind,
but it is also the center of the other worlds to which the human being
belongs. When the Mystery of Golgotha was accomplished,
when Death on the Cross was suffered, the Christ appeared
in the world in which souls tarry after death, and in that region He
set bounds to the power of Ahriman. From this moment the realm that
was named by the Greeks the kingdom of the shades was
illuminated by that spiritual lightning flash that showed its
inhabitants that henceforth light would again appear in it. What was
attained through the Mystery of Golgotha for the physical world threw
its light into the spiritual world. Thus the post-Atlantean human
evolution was, up to this event, an ascent for the physical world of
the senses, but it was at the same time a descent for the spiritual.
Everything that flowed into the world of the senses poured forth from
what had already existed in the spiritual world from primeval ages.
Since the Christ event, human beings who elevate themselves to the
Christ mystery are able to carry with them into the spiritual world
what they have acquired in the sense world. It flows back again from
the spiritual world into the earthly-sensory world by human beings
bringing back with them into reincarnation what the Christ impulse has
become for them in the world of spirit between death and rebirth.
What the Christ event bestowed upon mankind's evolution acted within
it like a seed. The seed can ripen only gradually. Only the very
smallest part of the new wisdom's profundity has penetrated physical
existence up to the present. This existence stands just at the
beginning of Christian evolution. During the succeeding centuries that
have elapsed since that event, Christian evolution has been able to
unveil only as much of Its inner nature as human beings, peoples, were
capable of receiving, were capable of absorbing with their mental
capacities. The first form into which this knowledge could be poured
may be described as an all-encompassing ideal of life. As such it
opposed what in the post-Atlantean humanity had fashioned itself as
modes of life. We have already described the conditions that prevailed
in the evolution of mankind since the repopulation of the earth in the
Lemurian age. The human beings, as to their soul nature, may thus be
traced back to various beings who, returning from other worlds,
incarnated in the bodily descendants of the ancient Lemurians. The
various human races are a result of this fact, and, in consequence of
their karma, the most varied life-interests appeared in the
reincarnated souls. As long as the after-effects of all this
prevailed, the ideal of a common humanity could not exist.
Mankind proceeded from a unity, but Earth evolution up to the present
has led to differentiation. In the Christ-concept an ideal is given
that counteracts all differentiation, for in the human being Who bears
the name of Christ live also the forces of the exalted Sun Being in
Whom every human ego finds its origin. The Israelites felt themselves
still as a folk, the human being as a member of this folk. At the
outset the fact that in the Christ Jesus lives the ideal man Who is
not touched by the conditions of separation was only comprehended in
thought, and Christianity became the ideal of an all-encompassing
brotherhood. Disregarding all separate interests and separate
relationships, the feeling arose that the inmost ego of every human
being has the same origin. (Alongside all earthly forefathers the
common father of all human beings appears. I and the Father are
In Europe in the fourth, fifth, and sixth centuries A.D. a cultural
age was prepared that began in the fifteenth century and still
continues today. It was gradually to replace the fourth, Greco-Latin,
period. It is the fifth post-Atlantean culture period. The peoples,
which after various migrations and most manifold destinies had made
themselves pillars of this age, were descendants of those Atlanteans
who had had the least contact with what had occurred in the meantime
in the four preceding cultural epochs. They had not penetrated into
the regions in which the cultures in question took root, but they had
in their way continued the Atlantean cultures. There were among them
many people who had preserved to a high degree the heritage of the
ancient dreamlike clairvoyance, the intermediate state between waking
and sleeping already described. Such individuals were acquainted with
the spiritual world through their own experience and were able to
communicate what takes place in that world to their fellow-men. A
treasure house of narrative about spiritual beings and spiritual
events was built up. The treasures of folk fairy tales and myths arose
originally from such spiritual experiences. For the dreamlike
clairvoyance of many people lasted right on into times not far removed
from our present day. There were other human individuals who had lost
their clairvoyance but who acquired the faculties of perception in the
sensory-physical world through feelings and sensations that
corresponded to these clairvoyant experiences. Here, also, the
Atlantean oracles had their successors. There were mysteries
everywhere. In these mysteries, however, the kinds of secrets of
initiation were predominantly developed that led to the revelation of
the region of the spirit world that Ahriman keeps concealed. It is the
spiritual powers behind the forces of nature that were revealed in
these mysteries. In the mythologies of the European nations are
contained the remnants of what the initiates of these mysteries were
able to communicate to human beings. These mythologies, however,
contained also the other concealed wisdom, although in less complete
form than it was contained in the Southern and Eastern mysteries.
Superhuman beings were also known in Europe. Yet they appeared in a
state of constant strife with the companions of Lucifer. The God of
Light was proclaimed, but in such a form that it was impossible to say
whether He would overcome Lucifer. But as a compensation for this, the
future Christ form shone also into these mysteries. It was proclaimed
that His kingdom would replace the kingdom of the other God of Light.
(All myths about the Twilight of the Gods the Gotterdammerung and
similar events have their origin in this knowledge of the European
mysteries. Such influences caused a cleavage in the soul of the human
beings of the fifth cultural epoch that still continues on into the
present and shows itself in the most manifold phenomena of life. The
soul did not preserve from ancient times the urge toward the spirit so
strongly that it would have been able to retain the connection between
the spirit and sense worlds. It retained it merely in the development
of its feelings and sensations, but not, however, as a direct
perception of the supersensible world. On the other hand, the
attention of the human being was directed more and more toward the
world of the senses and its control. The powers of the intellect that
awoke in the last part of the Atlantean epoch, all the forces in the
human being of which the physical brain is the instrument were
developed for the sense world and for its knowledge and control. Two
worlds, so to speak, developed in the human breast. One is turned
toward sensory-physical existence, the other is receptive to the
revelation of the spiritual in order to penetrate it through feeling
and sensation, but without perceiving it. The tendencies toward this
cleavage of the soul were already present when the teaching of Christ
streamed into the regions of Europe. This evangel of the spirit was
received into human hearts, penetrated sensation and feeling, but
could not find the connection with what the intellect, directed toward
the senses, explored in the physical-sensory existence. What we know
today as the contrast of outer science and spiritual knowledge is but
a consequence of this fact. The Christian mysticism of Eckhardt,
Tauler, and others, is a result of the permeation of feeling and
sensation with Christianity. The science of the sense world and its
results in life are the consequences of the other side of the soul's
capacities. We owe the progress in the field of outer material culture
entirely to this separation of capacities. Because the human faculties
that have the brain as their instrument turned one-sidedly to physical
life, they were able to attain to the increase in power that made
possible modern science and technology. This material culture could
originate only among the nations of Europe, for they are the
descendants of Atlantean ancestors who developed the tendency for the
physical sense world into faculties only when this tendency had
attained a certain maturity. Previously these descendants let it
slumber, and they were nourished by the heritage of Atlantean
clairvoyance and the communications of their initiates. While
outwardly spiritual culture had yielded only to these influences, the
sense for the material domination of the world gradually
At present, however, the dawn of the sixth post-Atlantean cultural
period already proclaims itself. For what is to arise in human
evolution at a certain time begins to ripen in the preceding age. What
is already able to show its beginnings at present is the discovery of
the link that unites the two impulses in the human breast: material
culture and life in the world of the spirit. For this purpose it is
necessary that the results of spiritual perception are comprehended,
and also that the manifestations of the spirit are recognized in the
observations and experiences of the sense world. The sixth cultural
epoch will bring the harmony between these two impulses to complete
development. With this, the considerations of this book have advanced
to a point where they can pass over from a view of the past to one of
the future. It is, however, better if this view is preceded by a
consideration of the knowledge of the higher worlds and of initiation.
Then we shall have an opportunity to present briefly this view of the
future, as far as this is possible within the framework of this book.
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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