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Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts


On-line since: 30th July, 2002


The titles given by Rudolf Steiner to his Letters to Members are shown in italics. The related dates were appended by him at the time of writing. The titles in plain type for the Leading thoughts are added in this edition for the convenience of students, and the dates refer to the issue of the members' news sheet ‘Was in der Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft vorgeht’ in which they were first published. The various numbering systems are given for the convenience of Groups working also with earlier editions.

 Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts
i  LT 1 to 3. Anthroposophy 17.2.24
ii  LT 4 and 5. The Soul's Questions 24.2 24
iii  LT 6 and 7. Lifeless and Life Bodies 2.3.24
iv  LT 8 to 10. Consciousness, Astral Body 9.3.24
v  LT 11 to 13. Self-consciousness, the ‘ I ’ 16.3.24
vi  LT 14 to 16. Three forms of the ‘ I ’ 23.3.24
vii  LT 17 to 19. Body, Soul and Spirit 30.3.24
viii  LT 20 to 22. Free Spiritual Activity 6.4.24
ix  LT 23 to 25. Experiences after Death 13.4.24
x  LT 26 to 28. Entry into the Spiritual World 20.4.24
xi  LT 29 to 31. Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition 27.4.24
xii  LT 32 to 34. Threefold Man 4.5.24
xiii  LT 35 to 37. Body as picture of Soul and Spirit 11.5.24
   On the Picture-Nature of Man
xiv  LT 38 to 40. Moral Law and Human Will 18.5.24
xv  LT 41 to 43. Karma, Good and Evil 25.5.24
xvi  LT 44 to 46. How Karma should be Studied 1.6.24
xvii  LT 47 to 49. Karma leads from Nature to Spirit 8.6.24
xviii  LT 50 to 52. History in the Light of Karma 15.6.24
xix  LT 53 to 55. Life after Death 22.6.24
xx  LT 56 to 58. Kingdoms of Nature and of Spirit 29.6.24
xxi  LT 59 to 61. Man's Relation to the Hierarchies 6.7.24
 Understanding of the Spirit; Conscious Experience of Destiny
xxii  LT 62 to 65. Inner and Outer Observation 13.7.24
xxiii  LT 66 to 68. The Hierarchies and the Soul 20.7.24
 Spiritual Kingdoms and Human Self Knowledge.
xxxiv  LT 69 to 71. The Hierarchies and Man's Bodies 27.7.24
xxv  LT 72 to 75. Cosmic Intelligence and Morality 3.8.24
 How the Leading Thoughts are to be used
xxvi  LT 76 to 78. How to form ideas of Hierarchies 10.8.24
1At the Dawn of the Michael Age 31.8.24
xxvii  LT 79 to 81. How to approach the Hierarchies 31.8.24
xxviii  LT 82 to 84. Stars and Earth 24.8.24
 From a Lecture in London 24.8.24
2The Condition of the Human Soul before the Dawn of the Michael Age 31.8.24
xxix  LT 85 to 87. Consciousness of the Hierarchies 31.8.24
xxx  LT 88 to 90. Behind Ordinary Consciousness 7.9.24
xxxi  LT 91 to 93. Karma in the Will 14.9.24
xxxii  LT 94 to 96. How Karma is grasped 21.9.24
xxxiii  LT 97 to 99. Karma; Thinking, Feeling, Willing 28.9.24
xxxiv  LT 100 to 102. Karma and Sleep 5.10.24
3The Way of Michael and What Preceded It Oct. 24
xxxv  LT 103 to 105. Ditto 12.10.24
4Michael's Task in the Sphere of Ahriman 10.10.24
xxxvi  LT 106 to 108. Ditto 19.10.24
5The Experiences of Michael in the course of his Cosmic Mission 19.10.24
xxxvii  LT 109 to 111. Ditto 26.10.24
6The Activity of Michael and the Future of Mankind 25.10.24
xxxviii  LT 112 to 114. Ditto 2.11.24
7The Michael-Christ Experience of Man 2.11.24
xxxix  LT 115 to 117. Ditto 9.11.24
8Michael's Mission in the Cosmic Age of Human Freedom 9.11.24
xl  LT 118 to 120. Ditto 16.11.24
9The World-Thoughts in the Working of Michael and in the Working of Ahriman 16.11.24
xli  LT 121 to 123. Ditto 23.11.24
10First Study: At the Gates of the Spiritual Soul. How Michael in the Spiritual World is preparing for his Earth-Mission through the conquest of Lucifer
xlii  LT 124 to 126. Ditto 30.11.24
11Second Study: How the Michael Forces Work in the earliest unfolding of the Spiritual Soul 30.11.24
xliii  LT 127 to 130. Ditto 7.12.24
12Second Study (continued): Hindrances and Helps to the Michael Forces in the Dawn of the Age of the Spiritual Soul 6.12.24
xliv  LT 131 to 133. Ditto 14.12.24
13Third Study: Michael's Suffering over Human Evolution before the Time of his Earthly Activity 14.12.24.
xlv  LT 134 to 136. Ditto 21.12.24
14A Christmas Study: The Mystery of the Logos. Christmas 24
xlvi  LT 137 to 139. Ditto 28.12.24
15Heavenly History — Mythological History — Earthly History. The Mystery of Golgotha. Christmas-time 24
xlvii  LT 140 to 143. Ditto 4.1.25
16What is revealed when one looks back into repeated Lives on Earth. New year 1925
xiviii  LT 144 to 146. Ditto 11.1.25
17What is revealed when one looks back into former Lives between Death and a new Birth. A Study in two parts: Part One. At the turn of the year 1925
xlix  LT 147 to 149. Ditto 18.1.25
18What is revealed when one looks back into former Lives between Death and a new Birth: Part Two. Jan 25
l  LT 150 to 152. Ditto 25.1.25
19What Is the Earth in reality within the Macrocosm? Jan. 25
li  LT 153 to 155. Ditto 1.2.25
20Sleeping and Waking in the light of recent Studies. Jan. 25
lii  LT 156 to 158. Ditto 8.2.25
21Gnosis and Anthroposophy. Jan. 25
liii  LT 159 to 161. Ditto 15.2.25
22The Freedom of Man and the Age of Michael. Jan. 25
liv  LT 162 to 164. Ditto 22.2.25
23Where is Man as a being who thinks and remembers? Feb. 25
lv  LT 165 to 167. Ditto 1.3.25
24Man in his Macrocosmic Nature. Mar. 25
lvi  LT 168 to 170. Ditto 8.3.25
25The Sense and Thought Systems of man in relation to the World. Mar. 25
lvii  LT 171 to 173. Ditto 15.3.25
26Memory and Conscience. Mar. 25
lviii  LT 174 to 176. Ditto 22.3.25
27The apparent extinction of Spirit-Knowledge in Modern Times. Mar. 25
lix  LT 177 to 179. Ditto 29.3.25
28Historic Cataclysms at the Dawn of the Spiritual Soul Mar. 25
lx  LT 180 to 182. Ditto 5.4.25
29From Nature to Sub-Nature. Mar. 25
lxi  LT 183 to 185. Ditto 12.4.25

Last Modified: 23-Nov-2024
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