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The Festivals and Their Meaning
Ascension and Pentecost

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

The Festivals and Their Meaning
Ascension and Pentecost

On-line since: 1st June, 2000

Ascension and Pentecost

The Festivals and Their Meaning III

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Lectures Section

This volume is a tremendous help for participating in the deep spiritual realities behind the Ascension and Pentecost festivals. Throughout his life Steiner talked about a modern spiritually conscious approach to the festivals of the year. Here is a compilation of what he had to say at various times about Ascension and Pentecost.

Rudolf Steiner

Six Lectures given in Various cities
on various dates from
1908 to 1924
Translated by George Adams, Jesse Darrell, and Dorothy S. Osmond
Bn 98, 118, 169, 224, and 236
GA 98, 118, 169, 224, and 236

This volume is a tremendous help for participating in the deep spiritual realities behind the Ascension and Pentecost festivals. Throughout his life Steiner talked about a modern spiritually conscious approach to the festivals of the year. Here is a compilation of what he had to say at various times about Ascension and Pentecost.

Six lectures given between the years 1908 and 1924. This translation, from shorthand reports unrevised by the lecturer, is by George Adams (Kaufman), Jesse Darrell, and Dorothy S. Osmond. Revised and edited by Alan P. Shepherd.

This lecture series is presented here with the kind permission of the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland. From Bn 98, 118, 169, 224, 236, GA 98, 118, 169, 224, 236.

Copyright © 1958
This e.Text edition is provided through the wonderful work of:
The Anthroposophical Publishing Company
Book Cover Image

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Thanks to an anonymous donation, this lecture series is now available.


 Cover Sheet  
 Table of Contents  
 Introductory Remarks  
The Whitsun Mystery and its connection with the Ascension Dornach
May 7th, 1923
II Whitsun: the Festival of the free Individuality Hamburg
Whitsunday, 1910
III World-Pentecost: the Message of Anthroposophy Christiania
May 17th, 1923
IV Whitsun: a Symbol of the Immortality of the Ego Berlin
June 6th, 1916
Whitsun: the Festival of united Soul-Endeavour Cologne
June 7th, 1908
VI The Whitsun Festival. Its place in the study of Karma Dornach
June 4th, 1924
 Whitsun Verse  
 Publishers Note  

Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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