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The Festivals and Their Meaning:

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

The Festivals and Their Meaning:

On-line since: 23rd December, 1999


Christmas Meditation .........................................   9

   I The Christmas Festival:
     a Token of the Victory of the Sun. ......................  11
                                  Berlin, 24th December, 1905

  II Signs and Symbols of the Christmas Festival .............  26
                                  Berlin, 17th December, 1906

 III The Birth of the Sun Spirit as the Spirit of the Earth.
     The Thirteen Holy Nights ................................  41
                                 Hanover, 26th December, 1911

  IV Christmas at a Time of Grievous Destiny .................  53
                                   Basle, 21st December, 1916

   V The Proclamations to the Magi and the Shepherds .........  71
                                 Sturtgart, 1st January, 1921

  VI On the Three Magi (Extract from a lecture) ..............  86
                                  Berlin, 30th December, 1904

 VII The Revelation of the Cosmic Christ .....................  92
                                   Basle, 26th December, 1921

VIII  The Birth of Christ Within Us .......................... 107
                                  Berlin, 27th December, 1914


Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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