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  • Title: Esoteric Development: Introduction
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    • “higher” worlds. It contains ten lectures on that theme
    • importance that such a book should appear now, a book that demands
    • what it has to say.
    • able to adapt himself to what it has to say, while those more
    • gave detailed descriptions of higher worlds and their beings that are
    • cognition. Steiner based all that he said on the ability of the human
    • mind to know. He would have nothing to do with any method that
    • knowledge, or that demanded implicit obedience to the will of a
    • basis of the consciousness that modern man has acquired in the
    • scientific methodology that he called this higher knowledge
    • what is given, as does the natural scientist, but does not confine
    • himself only to that which is given to the senses. He applies
    • The world that spiritual
    • should be remembered, however, that Steiner had already written a
    • would, for the most part, have been familiar with that book, and with
    • needs to be said that as these higher worlds are indeed
    • for this suggestion. One is that Steiner himself held it as a sine
    • qua non for the acquisition of higher knowledge that the aspirant
    • important in light of much that is referred to in the book itself,
    • traveling to a part of the world that he has never visited will
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Esoteric Development: Additional Reading
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    • of the contemporary idea of thinking, pointing out that the
    • that contradicts its own claim to truth. The possibility for freedom
    • There are those who maintain that man's thoughts and actions are Just
    • Steiner's life that have been previously unavailable to English
    • personality that will satisfy a long-felt need.
    • a careful account of one aspect of the teaching that goes on in these
  • Title: Esoteric Development: Lecture VII: The Great Initiates
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    • It may well be said that
    • the desire for knowledge. In the present time we so often hear that
    • it is impossible to gain knowledge of certain things — that our
    • something decisive, and then to say that with our capacities we
    • it.” What is called a school of initiation has as its essential
    • it is quite correct if one from a lower stage of knowledge says that
    • there are limits to his knowledge and that certain things cannot be
    • and press on to a higher stage, so that it becomes possible to know
    • what at a lower stage was impossible. This is the essence of
    • refer to the stages that here concern us. Certain stages of knowledge
    • it is true, no hint of authority, nothing that smacks of dogmatism;
    • the governing principle is entirely that of counsel, the imparting of
    • the inner way that leads to this higher knowledge. And it is only one
    • such as this who is qualified to say what one must do. What is
    • necessary is simply that there be trust between pupil and teacher in
    • has it will very soon perceive that nothing is recommended by any
    • occult, mystic, or mystery teacher other than what the teacher has
    • himself gone through. What concerns us here is that, of the whole
    • only the outward visible part already within human nature that is
    • a student of the mysteries — that man as he stands before us
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  • Title: Esoteric Development: Lecture I: Inner Development
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    • natural that, again and again, the question should arise, “What
    • occultism is discussed the misunderstanding often arises that some
    • be stressed over and over that occultism is a matter in which certain
    • the experience of millennia — that the demands of
    • occultism cannot be fulfilled, and that they contradict the
    • someone requests that he be given convictions provided by occultism
    • volition. Whoever says that we do not need occultism will not need to
    • totally lacking in our culture. One is isolation, what spiritual
    • such an involvement in the external. I beg you not to take what
    • I do knows that this situation cannot be different, and that it
    • of our time. But this is the reason that our time is so devoid of
    • super-sensible insight and that our culture is so devoid of
    • thrive. In the Oriental culture there exists what is called Yoga.
    • his soul. All the forces that the yogi needs to develop are already
    • indispensable that all life usually surrounding the yogi cease
    • to exist and that his senses become unreceptive to all
    • — that a cannon could be fired next to him without disturbing
    • solitude must be reached in such a way that the harmony, the total
    • relationship to the outer. Just imagine, for example, that you were
    • knowledgeable concerning our conditions on earth and that you
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Esoteric Development: Lecture VIII: The Path of Knowledge and Its Stages
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    • nineteenth century. What was true Rosicrucianism could not be found
    • in what is called theosophy today — but only the most
    • like to make clear that there is not just one kind of path of
    • is often supposed that there is only a single path to
    • scarcely any insight into what we are concerned with here,
    • because one could easily come to the conclusion that human
    • becomes clear that what is good for the Orientals, and perhaps also
    • from the organs of Westerners. What can be expected of someone who
    • expected of a Westerner. Only one who believes that climate,
    • spirit might also think that the external circumstances under which a
    • understands that the Yoga path is impossible for those who
    • described. No one should believe that this path is only for
    • Rosicrucian Masters: to arm those who take this path so that they
    • schools is that this relationship is the strictest imaginable.
    • The guru is an unconditional authority for the pupil. If that
    • Cabbalistic path allows a somewhat looser relationship to the guru on
    • the role of his teacher. It might seem to the pupil that he needs to
    • speak to his teacher now and then, or that his teacher must often be
    • not so often the case as the pupil may believe. The effect that the
    • forces of loving participation working at a distance, forces that are
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Esoteric Development: Lecture IX: Imaginative Knowledge and Artistic Imagination
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    • that is transitory is but a likeness;” behind every animal and
    • every plant something that lies behind should arise for him. In the
    • however, that the pupil must strictly follow the occult teacher, for
    • this alone can tell him what is subjective and what objective. And
    • single animal, or to experience this or that with one or another
    • Then you will receive through this an idea of what the group-soul is.
    • soul. If a finger is painful, it is the soul that experiences it. All
    • the case with a group of animals. Everything that the single animal
    • comprehension of the group-soul if he is able to fashion a form that
    • the pupil experiences something quite new. What matters is that this
    • Then man experiences that the plant-covering of the earth, that some
    • that the flowers become for him an actual manifestation of the spirit
    • of the earth. That is the manifestation of these different plant
    • region of the Devachanic plane. Then he observes the flame-forms that
    • chaste and free of desire as the mineral that craves nothing, in
    • which no wish is stirred by what comes near it. Chaste and pure is
    • the experience that must permeate the pupil on gazing at the
    • there; they could live in the higher temperatures of that time. The
    • kingdom the chrysolite was formed. One can therefore think that the
    • the particular case with the general saying that man is the microcosm
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Esoteric Development: Lecture II: The Psychological Foundations of Anthroposophy
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    • like to undertake in the following exposition is that of
    • which, however, what is to be presented here does not at all
    • we shall limit our consideration here to what can be described in the
    • what is customarily called theosophy. Only by adhering to this point
    • reservation that, even regarding the very concept of knowledge,
    • it is difficult to establish a relationship between what is
    • customarily called theosophy and everything that seems to be firmly
    • recognizing as “scientific” only what can be tested
    • the elaboration of these by the human intellect. Everything that
    • human mind must be excluded from the category of what is
    • scientifically established. Now, it will scarcely be denied that the
    • out in our time as to what can constitute a possible object of human
    • knowledge, and at what point this knowledge has to admit its limits.
    • those inquiries. In connection with them, it is presupposed that the
    • and that this concept of knowledge provides a basis for
    • characterizing what lies within the reach of cognition. However
    • within it that which
    • knowledge belonging to what is here called anthroposophy is such that
    • itself justified in asserting that knowledge is not something
    • evolution. It believes itself justified in pointing out that, beyond
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Esoteric Development: Lecture X: The Three Decisions on the Path of Imaginative Cognition
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    • That,
    • That,
    • that path to the spiritual world which the human soul can take while
    • so-called dead. It must be emphasized over and over that the way into
    • the spiritual worlds that is suitable for souls of the present day
    • connected with the path of knowledge from the point of view of what
    • my dear friends, that the human soul can have experiences in the
    • only experiences of what is present in the physical world. If we wish
    • that is called sound, but with reason that is genuinely sound. But
    • that will remain to be pursued in your meditations. If you do
    • this, you will see that this path of knowledge is of great
    • what has long been known to us as meditation, that is to say,
    • place so entirely in the center of our consciousness that we identify
    • that one forgets the whole world and lives wholly in these
    • gradually begins to perceive that the thoughts that have been
    • independent life. One receives the feeling that, “Hitherto I
    • an important moment when one notices that this thought or perception
    • has a life of its own, so that one feels oneself to be the sheath of
    • reality of the spiritual world; he realizes that the spiritual world,
    • so to speak, is concerning itself with him, that it has approached
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  • Title: Esoteric Development: Lecture IV: The Attainment of Spiritual Knowledge
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    • introduction that everything I propose to say will refer to the
    • be unprejudiced enough not to base its conclusions wholly on what
    • frequently stated that unless one is able oneself to
    • what may be called initiation-knowledge — that knowledge which
    • in ancient periods of human evolution was cultivated in a somewhat
    • different form from that which must be fostered in our present age.
    • revive what is old. And precisely in initiation-knowledge, everything
    • modern sense of the word, and not only by reason of the fact that
    • and we believe that we are understanding something through our
    • the subject. We seek for objects, in that we observe nature and
    • human life, and in that we make experiments. We seek always for
    • to us so that we may grasp them with our thoughts and apply our
    • thinking to them. We are the subject; that which comes to us is the
    • initiation-knowledge. He has to realize that, as man, he is the
    • feel ourselves to be the subject and we seek the objects that are
    • initiation-knowledge the subject appears of itself. But that is then
    • rather theoretical definition indicates that in
    • initiation-knowledge we must really take flight from ourselves, that
    • subject. If I may use a somewhat paradoxical expression — in
    • today we are dealing only with the form of initiation-knowledge that
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Esoteric Development: Lecture III: Supersensible Knowledge: Anthroposophy as a Demand of the Age
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    • understandable criticism that he is violating one of the most
    • important demands of the age. This is the demand that the most
    • scientific point of view only in such a way that science
    • that it must restrict itself to the physical world of earthly
    • times that are imposed on us by the theoretical and practical
    • call attention to the fact that, through the conscientious,
    • capacities have been developed, and that just such observation
    • themselves. But I should like to say that many persons holding
    • thought to what this light has illuminated, we see that human
    • thinking, through the very fact that it has been able to investigate
    • penetration, to associate the things in the world so that their
    • relationships, and so forth. We see, as this thinking develops, that
    • most earnest of those who take up this research: the demand that this
    • carried over into what he is to establish by means of the
    • that it has worked out its passive role with a certain inner
    • has nowadays become completely abstract — so abstract that it
    • else — and above all it seems — the rejection of all that
    • the human being is in himself by reason of his inner nature. For what
    • of thinking, although we became aware in this activity of what
    • own inner activity. We shall see immediately that what is rightly
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  • Title: Esoteric Development: Lecture V: General Demands Which Every Aspirant For Occult Development Must Put to Himself
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    • In what follows, the
    • presented. Let no one think that he can make progress by any measures
    • a thought at the center of the soul. One need not believe that this
    • it will be all the better for what has to be attained in an occult
    • that is pertinent to it. At the end of the period the thought should
    • endeavors to become fully conscious of that inner feeling of
    • (brain and spinal cord), as if one were pouring that feeling of
    • left unheeded, for otherwise it will quickly be noticed that the
    • uncontrolled thinking begins again. Care must be taken that once
    • replaced by an equable mood. Care is taken that no pleasure shall
    • no fear that such an exercise will make life arid and unproductive;
    • rather one will quickly notice that the moods to which this exercise
    • new exercise, one should take up what is sometimes called a
    • “What beautiful teeth the animal has!” Where the others
    • in every phenomenon and in every being. He will soon notice that
    • under the mask of something repulsive there is a hidden beauty, that
    • even under the mask of a criminal there is a hidden good, that under
    • exercise is connected with what is called “abstention from
    • its very nature strive more to help what is imperfect than simply to
    • The objection that the very
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  • Title: Esoteric Development: Lecture VI: Further Rules in Continuation of the General Demands
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    • be understood so that every esoteric pupil arranges his life in such
    • a way that he continuously observes and directs himself,
    • test this he would observe that much hidden egotism and many cunning
    • so on. One should not assume that for everyone eradication of these
    • esoteric pupil should be particularly clear that the observance of
    • beings. It should never happen that following this rule leads
    • the more one will see the justification of what lives in one's
    • from them through careful testing of all that stands in relation to
    • presentiment and perception that they are true. From this example one
    • about immortality of the soul when you can just as gladly accept that
    • all truths. As long as man has even the slightest wish that
    • anything might be this way or that, the pure light of truth
    • review of himself, has even the most secret wish that his good

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