Rudolf Steiner e.Lib
The Problem of Faust
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
The Problem of Faust
The Romantic and the Classical Walpurgis Night
On-line since: 15th September, 2014
The Problem of Faust
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
Lectures Section
These lectures were given by Rudolf Steiner in Dornach at various dates
from 1916 through 1919. They are grouped and titled,
Spiritual Scientific Note on Goethe's Faust Vol. II,
and are published in German as,
Geisteswissenschaftliche Erlaeuterungen zu Goethes 'FAUST.' Band II.
Das Faust Problem. Die Romantische und die Klassiche Walpurgisnacht.
By Rudolf Steiner
Translated by G. A. Kaufmann.
Bn 273; GA 273
These lectures were given by Rudolf Steiner in Dornach at various dates
from 1916 through 1919. They are grouped and titled,
Spiritual Scientific Note on Goethe's Faust Vol. II,
and are published in German as,
Geisteswissenschaftliche Erlaeuterungen zu Goethes
“FAUST”. Band II. Das Faust Problem. Die
Romantische und die Klassiche Walpurgisnacht.
This is a typescript edition of these lectures and is entitled,
The Faust Problem. The Romantic and the Classical Walpurgis Night.
Some of these lectures were published in the weekly journal,
“Anthroposophical Movement” in the Fall of 1930, while
others were on typed pages.
This edition is presented here with the kind permission
of the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.
Translated by George Kaufmann and edited by Harry Collison.
From Bn/GA 273.
Copyright © 1930
This e.Text edition is provided through the wonderful work of:
The Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain
Rudolf Steiner House 35 Park Road London, N.W.1.
Some editions and/or translations of this book are available for purchase from:
for related titles available for purchase at
Thanks to an anonymous donation, this Lecture Series has been made available.
Lecture I: | The Problem of Faust |
September 30, 1916 |
Lecture II: | The Romantic Walpurgis-Night |
December 10, 1916 |
Lecture III: | Goethe's Feeling for the Concrete. Shadowy concepts and Ideas filled with Reality |
January 27, 1917 |
Lecture IV: | Faust and the “Mothers” |
November 02, 1917 |
Lecture V: | Faust and the Problem of Evil |
November 03, 1917 |
Lecture VI: | The Helena Saga and the Riddle of Freedom |
November 04, 1917 |
Lecture VII: | Some Spiritual-Scientific Observations in Connection with the “Classical Walpurgis-Night” from the Point of View of Spiritual Science |
September 27, 1918 |
Lecture VIII: | Spiritual Science Considered with the Classical Walpurgis-Night |
September 28, 1918 |
Lecture IX: | Goethe's Life of the Soul from the Standpoint of Spiritual Science |
September 29, 1918 |
Lecture X: | Faust's Knowledge and Understanding of Himself and of the Forces Actually Slumbering in Man |
January 17, 1919 |
Lecture XI: | The Vision of Reality in the Greek Myths (After a Performance of the Classical Walpurgis-Night) |
January 18, 1919 |
Lecture XII: | Goetheanism In Place of Homunculism and Mephistophelianism |
January 19, 1919 |
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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