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- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: About the Transcripts of Lectures
Matching lines:
- printed courses on the other, belong within what I elaborated as
- the inner need and spiritual longing of the members.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Synopsis of Lectures
Matching lines:
- plant belongs to the earth. This is the true picture and gives
- colour. (Illustration). Line-drawing belongs only to Geometry.
- belonging to English life. Gymnastics should be taught by
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 1
Matching lines:
- cannot speak of it, there are no longer even any words for it. There
- remain asleep any longer, more particularly in the domain of
- or possibly longer, but that is not the point. The point is that he
- belong together, they are one and the same human being. We must know
- incompetent. Is all this to be attributed to the spirit belonging to
- the body has then been made ready, it no longer offers the same
- change every seven years as long as a man is on the earth. If the
- removed from that longing for knowledge which, in its one-sided form,
- may be called inquisitiveness. A longing for knowledge, curiosity, a
- the wish he had to learn that same word. If you count on a longing
- you must observe how little by little curiosity and a longing for
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 2
Matching lines:
- the change of teeth is complete the child is no longer a sense-organ
- ground, others trip along on their toes, and there can be every kind
- trip along, who scarcely use their heels in walking, have gone
- magical signs of the printed letters of the present day no longer
- long been accustomed to speak of himself as “P,” but in
- e.g. Tom Thumbkin, Bess Bumpkin, Long Linkin, Bill Wilkin and Little
- environment as something external which does not belong to this
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 3
Matching lines:
- plant belongs to the earth. This is the true picture and gives the
- difference between subject and object; subject is what belongs to
- oneself, object is what belongs to the other person or other thing;
- hair of the earth. For the plants belong to the earth just in the
- same way as the hair belongs to the organism of the human being. And
- also belongs to it the soil beneath it spread out on all sides, maybe
- a very long way. There are some plants which send out little roots a
- very long way. And when you realise that the small clod of earth
- containing the plant belongs to a much greater area of soil around
- part here (below the line in drawing) lives with it and belongs to
- which belongs to them. But there are other plants which take the
- The flowers belong to the soil. Soil and plant make up a unity, just
- the plants belong together, and that each portion of soil bears those
- plants which belong to it.
- This is spoken of as belonging to the earth. But the plants with
- their force of growth belong to the earth just as much. The earth and
- would be. They belong together just as the hair on the head belongs
- lecture, and it is just because men have no longer any idea of
- years all agricultural products have become decadent. Not long ago
- find out what kind of soil each plant belongs to; the art of manuring
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 4
Matching lines:
- Anthroposophical outlook must help you along. You must say to
- remain as long as possible with one teacher. When they come to school
- she stayed all day long, hiding in her fear from the great big
- all night long she had only been thinking, and she was fresh and not
- repugnant to him. Like must be treated with like, so long as you do
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 5
Matching lines:
- unit. But the one hand can touch the other hand. This is no longer a
- how many apples the person you see coming along will have to bring.
- so used to it that it no longer strikes us so forcibly, but what we
- One should always forget that one has understood it. This belongs to
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 6
Matching lines:
- an inner urge, an inner longing of the etheric body, to be at work in
- longing to account by deriving the letters of the alphabet out of the
- it has been drawn right in and is no longer merely loosely connected
- in along the nerve fibres from without inwards. Here it begins to
- inwards from the periphery of the body it makes its way along the
- nerves, crawls along the nerves towards the central organs, towards
- of breathing, passing along the nerve fibres, right into the physical
- holds within him along the nerve-fibres, can now be extended and
- belong to the lesson, but is only something you ought to know!) What
- abstract. Man can no longer really feel his way into language. Look
- longer feel what is contained in them, and it is very important not
- teaching. And another element comes in here, something which belongs
- What lasts longest is an understanding of verbs, words of action,
- active and passive expressions, and longest of all the expression of
- are preserved longest of all by the dead.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 7
Matching lines:
- and from this they decide how long to occupy a child with any one
- no longer the case with the child between the seventh and fourteenth
- think; you breathe all day long. Your heart beats at night as well as
- free long before the 75 years are over, so that it has no reality at
- we try to bring them along with us under all circumstances, so that
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Questions and Answers
Matching lines:
- and colour. (Illustration). Line-drawing belongs only to Geometry.
- belonging to English life. Gymnastics should be taught by demonstration.
- longer see it clearly, then we begin to treat the number itself as
- village in I which I lived for a long time, there were houses along
- life, for they are no longer alive, and we have them with us only as
- times, that calls us to undertake this task, along with many other
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