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- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Appendix to Lecture 5
Matching lines:
- course it can be drawn more clearly but I think you will understand
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Preface
Matching lines:
- thinking than a rigid decimal numeration.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Synopsis of Lectures
Matching lines:
- symmetry. Concentration exercises to awaken an active thinking as
- medieval thinking. Contrast Atomic Theory. In real life we have first
- clear, visual proof, based on practical thinking. This will arouse
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 1
Matching lines:
- to such things as thinking, feeling and willing we find no reality in
- the ordinary Psychology of today. We still use the words thinking,
- psychologists have to say about thinking, feeling and willing is in
- thinking, feeling and willing are mere words which are uttered
- thinking is old; that in fact thinking is willing grown old, and
- willing is a youthful thinking in the soul. Thus everything
- of a young child we have the old thinking and the young willing
- speak and think truthfully. So if anyone asks you how to become a
- War arose out of this unpractical thinking, but that was only an
- and must learn something. Then one thinks how best to teach so that
- once. You would never think of putting it on. But when you come down
- of life a child learns to walk, to speak and to think, out of the
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 2
Matching lines:
- day it is easy enough to think out a curriculum, because everyone in
- must develop this way of thinking, for an immense amount depends upon
- characteristic phenomena of life and only think out how to educate
- the soul life. The sense-organs do not think; they perceive pictures,
- Eurythmy gestures and movements. Think for instance of an O. One
- spirit he can do entirely what he thinks right. You will say: Yes,
- several years. Why do you think that all the teachers approve of the
- question of what he himself thinks out and discovers out of his own
- might think they were said out of vanity; indeed they are not said
- living. For as yet the child has no reason to think that the stone
- feel and live as if they were people, thinking, feeling and speaking
- child is not only what one thinks out or what one can convey in
- child wants an image and he wants to think of him- self as an image
- to him, and this is good because you think it good. You must be for
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 3
Matching lines:
- earth. This is of great significance for his whole life. For think
- strata. They think of it as one layer deposited upon another. But
- cannot think of human beings in this way. We cannot think of one man
- being has these things within him. When we think of this matter in
- Think for
- has many kinds of smell; just think how a dog specialises in his
- think of a man altered in one direction or another, simplified or
- comes to think of himself standing on the earth as though he were
- but he will think of the whole animal kingdom as the great analysis
- thinking will then be in accordance with nature. Through our efforts
- unnatural about it. But above all they have no idea how to think nor
- and knowledge of man. Think once again of the two things of which I
- too!” For they had been brought up to think of Arithmetic as
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 4
Matching lines:
- symmetry. Concentration exercises to awaken an active thinking as
- twice we have succeeded in thinking out a pictorial presentation of a
- the night wondering what to think of the great blue sky-violet who
- all night long she had only been thinking, and she was fresh and not
- blue and stretches out in all directions. Now think of a little bit
- yet really be cultivated, but all thinking should be developed in a
- observation which is permeated with thought, and thinking which is
- permeated with imaginative observation. His thinking will all be
- pictorial imaginative thinking by saying to him: “Touch your
- years old, they will teach him how to think — to think for his
- whole life. Learning to think directly through the head is not the
- kind of thinking that will last him his life. He will become
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 5
Matching lines:
- thinking. Contrast Atomic Theory. In real life we have first a basket
- practical thinking. This will arouse fresh wonder every time.
- the following: Imagine that you want to think over how you first came
- somewhere else in yourself.” The child will think finally of
- are. For people generally think that numbers were thought out by
- what the body does. The body thinks, the body counts. The head is
- body, thinking is also done by the body, and feeling too is done with
- looking at external objects. You should develop the child's thinking
- people thinking of every single thing as being put together out of
- to thinking of wrongly for the last four or five centuries; they have
- addenda can change. This peculiarity of number, that you can think of
- see this if you think of the story of Mary and her mother and the
- soul. You must always be thinking of how you can bring life, not
- thought has life in it. Just think how dead it is when you say: I
- point is that we must never, never separate thinking from visual
- when you count on your fingers or toes you have to think about these
- body. If a man only thinks with his head, rather than with his limbs
- think it over afterwards you will have forgotten it again. You must
- degrees. They do not get it at once, they have to think it out each
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 6
Matching lines:
- know or rather does not need to think of the fact that when he says
- let us think, what is the vowel A [
- thinks of the word simply as something written down or something
- let us think: “Kopf,” what is
- only “think” language with their head. Therefore when
- become so accustomed to think of the earth as round that when someone
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 7
Matching lines:
- thinking of the child's fantasy, and therefore, as I have often said,
- is the real nature of rhythm? Now if I think a great deal,
- think; you breathe all day long. Your heart beats at night as well as
- of thinking will be adopted by the young people and will be taken
- guide the child to think only about things that are to be found in
- men's thinking, and the teacher has need to consider this very
- sound more quickly than it travels itself, and then if you think this
- what it can lead to, if theories arise out of a kind of thinking
- which is not in accordance with reality. A man who can think in
- lose sight of reality in our thinking.
- reason, as I have already told you, we should not think out what are
- We have to think much more carefully than is usually the case in
- Think how
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Questions and Answers
Matching lines:
- think of division in two ways. One is that which I have just
- number itself is treated as something concrete. And if you think this
- thinking by the importance attached to drawing. From this has arisen
- misunderstanding. You might otherwise think I had something personal
- This then is how you should think of the free Religion
- English School, I should first like to say that I think this must be
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