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Origins of Natural Science
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
Origins of Natural Science
Rudolf Steiner,
Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age
(Blauvelt, NY: Steinerbooks, 1960) (formerly published as
Eleven European Mystics).
These include the three natural scientific courses held in
Stuttgart: First
First Scientific Lecture Course: Light Course
(Forest Row, England: Steiner Schools Fellowship, 1977);
Second Scientific Lecture Course: Warmth Course
(Spring Valley, NY: Mercury Press, 1981); and
Das Verhältnis der verschiedenen naturwissenschaftlichen Gebiete sur Astronomie.
(Dornach, Switzerland: Rudolf Steiner Verlag).
The relationship between natural science and spiritual science is
dealt with in
The Boundaries of Natural Science
(Spring Valley, NY, Anthroposophic Press, 1983).
Nicholas Cusanus (Nicholas of Cusa), 1401–1464. Lawyer,
churchman, philosopher, mathematician. Ordained priest between
1436–1440, Cardinal 1448. Bishop of Brixen, 1450. cf. chapter
on Cusanus in
Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age.
Nicholas Cusanus was made Cardinal and named Bishop of Brixen in
rapid succession. Though a stranger to Brixen he was named Bishop
there directly by the Pope. This led to a protracted conflict with
his diocese, during which the latter gathered behind the Duke of
Tirol. Cusa was ambushed by the Duke, imprisoned, and forced into
accepting a demeaning agreement. The Duke was excommunicated by
the Pope and attacked by the Swiss Confederation. However, he was
supported by German Counts and remained intransigent. Cusa died
before the Emperor could resolve the conflict. The battles around
him did not rob Cusa of his peace of mind, and he developed his
philosophic, mathematical and theological insights, writing fifteen
of his works during the time in Brixen.
Brethren of Common Life (also of Good Will): Founded
by Gerhart Groote around 1376. Brother-houses in Holland, Northern
Germany, Italy and Portugal. Brought into the Catholic Church in the
Fifteenth Century. Their schools taught under the strict observance
of dogma.
Council of Basel: 1431–1449. Called by Pope Martin V on
July 23, 1431, the year of his death. This was the last of four
reformatory councils with the aim of ending the division in the
Church. There came a new rift in the Church.
In 1437. This summarizes a long process: Cusanus entered the
Council 1432 with the task from the Archdiocese of Trier to
defend their Archbishop, whom they had chosen against the will of
the Pope. Through the treatise De Concordantia Catholica
(On Catholic Unity) which he distributed among the Council and which
contained an exceptional survey of the decisions of the
Councils and Decrees of the Church, he offered the advice welcome by
the majority that the Common Council was beyond the Pope. Thus,
he immediately became an important figure in the Council.
Later, the Council majority and the history writings accused Cusanus
of having changed his conviction. But Cusanus' deep understanding
was ignored, which was rooted in his attitude and which comes to
expression in the following words: “When a decision is made
unanimously, then one can believe that it came from the Holy Spirit.
It lies not in men's power to meet somewhere, and although they are
so different from each other, they are able to come to a harmonious
decision. It is God's work.” (From J.M. Duex, Der Deutsche
Cardinal Nicolaus Von Cusa, Regensburg 1874, Bd. 2, s. 262,
which has translated some of the most important of the
De Concordantia Catholica. Cusanus must have experienced at
the Council that his description of the meaning of a Council was not
taken with interest, and he must have faced a decision that is
mentioned in the lecture.
Pope Eugene 4th was put down and Duke Amadeus of Savoy was set up as
Pope Felix 5th in 1439. His resignation in 1449 caused the
disbandment of the Council.
From 1439–1448 Cusanus acted on the order of the Pope as
“Hercules of the Eugenians” as an opponent called him.
He went to worldly and churchly princes as well as to the
“Reichstag,” and he tried to overcome the neutrality of
the Germans about the split of churches, with complete success.
At the meetings of the princes, 1454, in Nuremberg, Regensburg, and
Frankfurt after the invasion of Constantinople by the Turkish,
Cusanus tried to motivate the princes to a crusade. After J.
Hunnyadis' victory over the Turkish Army in front of Belgrade in
1456 Cusanus organized, at the same day he received the message, a
festival of thanksgiving, and he spoke the following words:
“Because the lower man can only enjoy life animal-like and
physical, Satan who wants to destroy the Gospels in a fine way,
intended the appearance of Muhammad who knows the Gospel and the
Bible, to let him give the Gospel and Bible an animal-like, sensual
meaning. In this way Satan taught Muhammad knowledge to let go forth
the head of Malignity, the son of Ruin, and to be an enemy of the
cross of Christ.” (From a sermon, “Landaus Invocalo
Dominum,” partly translated by J.M. Duex A.A.O.S. 165).
Further sermons against the Turks are known from October 28, and
November 5 of the same year. (E. Varisteenberge, Le Cardinal
Nicolas De Cues, Paris 1920, S. 231 F, and index of sermons
s. 480), but this sermon seems to be available only in Latin.
Cusanus himself announced his appointment as Cardinal with a short
autobiographical note in which is written: Nicolas was made Cardinal
secretly by Pope Eugene (Hist. Jahrbuch der Goerrers Gesellschaft
De Pace Fidei (On the Peace of the Faiths), written in
September 1453. “The horrible days of Constantinople ... had
caused a deep feeling of sadness in the breast of a man who once had
wandered through this region, and caused him to sink into deep
contemplation, and he had a vision. In this sublime state, he
particularly thinks about the differences of the religions of
the world, and the possibility of their harmony. This harmony
is, in his opinion, a basic condition for religious peace.”
(Introduction to De Pace Fidei: Nach Duex A.A.O.S. 405).
Cusanus left Basel in May 1437 together with other representatives
of the minority and traveled for the minority with the legation of
the Pope to Constantinople to accompany the Greek Emperor and the
heads of the Eastern Church to the Union Council in Ferrara. They
arrived in February 1438 in Italy.
De Docta Ignorantia (The Learned Ignorance). Three
books finished in February 1440.
See Rudolf Steiner,
The Redemption of Thinking.
(Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1983).
Meister Eckhart: Hochheim by Gotha about 1260–before 1328,
Cologne. Dominican, schoolmaster, German mystic. Preached in leading
posts in orders and churches; taught in Paris, Strasbourg, Cologne.
Main work: Opus Tripartius. Based on Scholasticism and
writings of Dionysius the Areopagite. Copies of his sermons partly
went around without his control. Meister Eckhart died, accused as
heretic, during the trial. See chapter, “Meister Eckhart,”
in Rudolf Steiner's
Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age.
These lines cannot be made clear and simple because the German text
plays at length on the words Nicht and Ich.
Thomas Aquinas: Castle Roccasecca in the Neopolitan region, about
1225–1274 Cloister Fossanuova. Dominican, scholar, churchman.
In Cologne, student and friend of Albertus Magnus. Advocated the
spiritual reality of general concepts. He directed the theological
school in Rome from 1261–1267. There the studies of the
Dominican; from 1268 onwards he is teaching in Naples and France.
See Rudolf Steiner,
The Redemption of Thinking
Riddles of Philosophy
(Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1973).
Nicholas Copernicus: Thorn 1473–1543 Frauenburg. Humanist,
mathematician, astronomer, physician, lawyer. No publications
during his life, with the exception of a translation. Finished
his work on the heliocentric planetary system around 1507.
Copernicus was already on his deathbed when his De Revolutionibus
Orbium Coelestium was published. He dedicated it to Pope Paul
III. His friend and publisher introduced it as a purely
hypothetical, special scientific method of calculation. It thus
slipped past the censor, until the third edition was banned in
1616/17. Not until 1822 was it accepted by the Catholic Church, cf.
Rudolf Steiner,
The Spiritual Guidance of Man.
(Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1983).
Post-Atlantean Age: cf. Rudolf Steiner,
An Outline Of Occult Science
(Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1984).
A literal translation of the transcript would read: “As body;
and as body, as an image of the spirit.”
I listen to the silent universe: cf. Rudolf Steiner,
Truth-Wrought Words.
(Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1979).
Democritus: c. 460–360 B.C. From his numerous writings about
philosophy, mathematics, physics, medicine, psychology, and
technology, only some fragments and an index remain. The remark
mentioned is a report from Aristotle,
Metaphysics 1:4:
“That is why they (Leucippus and Democritus) say that the
non-existent exists just as much as the existent, just as emptiness
is just as good as fullness, and they posit these as material
Francis Bacon: (also Francis Bacon of Verulam), London 1561–1626
Highgate. Lawyer, doctor, politician, diplomat, essayist,
philosopher and humanist. The leading English government liberal,
successful during 1603–1621. In these years his main work was
developed. The philosophy of his age he found stuck in hopeless
experiments to solve insolvable problems with Aristotelian logic.
The only source of sure knowledge and abilities for him was natural
science. He saw a renewal of the spiritual and economic life in this
science. Principal works: Novum Organum (an inductive
logic contradicting that of Aristotle (the old Organum);
De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum; a Critical Encyclopedia of all
Science; Sylva Sylvarum: Preliminary Announcement of Procedure and
Method (this remained in preparation). His literary success was
astonishing, and it greatly furthered the materialistic world view. cf.
Riddles of Philosophy.
Spinoza, Benedictus: Amsterdam 1632–1677. The Hague.
Philosopher, mathematician, had Humanistic and Talmudistic training.
By vocation, optician and politician. His main work Ethics
with the characteristic full title Ethica Ordine Geometrica
Demonstrata (Ethic Represented by Geometric Method) could only
be published by his friends after his death. See
Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age
Riddles of Philosophy.
René Descartes: Lat., Renatus Cartenius, Le Haye (Tourraine)
1598–1650 Stockholm. Mathematician, physicist, philosopher.
Educated by the Jesuits in La Fleche, he first became a soldier and
was part of some campaigns but turned away from outer life to enter
into the loneliness of a striver for knowledge, living first in
Paris and then for a long time in Holland. He died in Stockholm,
having been called there by Queen Christine. For him, doubt of
tradition, but also of all sense perception, was the starting point
of his philosophy and he found in self-consciousness the security of
all being (“Cogito ergo Sum”). He developed the
method of analytical geometry and gave an explanation of the
rainbow. Main works: Essays, 1637, in it “Discours
de la Methode and Dioptiric,” “Meditationes de
Prima Philosophia,” 1641; “Passions de L'Ame,”
1650. See
Riddles of Philosophy.
Non-Euclidian geometry is a prime example of “the
self-contained inner ability to think.” C. Friedrich Gauss
(1777–1855) discovered first that one can think more than only
a geometric system. Because nobody understood this, he decided not
to publish his results and to withdraw from the fruitless quarrel.
Independently of Gauss in 1828 N.I. Lobatschewskij and in 1829 J.
Boljai first published their solutions to the same problem.
Rudolf Steiner often spoke about the meaning of this
achievement, as in Wege und Ziele des geistigen Menschen in
the lecture “Der Heutige Stand der Philosophie und
Wissenschaft,” (Dornach, Switzerland: Rudolf Steiner
Verlag, 1973; GA Bibl. Nr. 125). See also: Georg Unger,
Physic am Scheidewege (Dornach: 1948), pages 19–28, and
Vom Bielden Physikalischer Begriffe, Vol. 3 (Stuttgart: 1967),
pages 31–32 and 193–194.
Johannes Tauler: About 1300–1361 Strasbourg. Preacher and
pastor, Dominican, mystic, student of Meister Eckhart. Sermons and
writings in German by W. Lehmann, 1923; see also
Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age,
the chapter
“Friendship with God.”
Rudolf Steiner,
The Case for Anthroposophy
(London: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1970).
In a reply to two lectures, which Walter Johannes Stein and Eugen
Kolisko gave to defend two articles on “Anthroposophy as
Science” in the Goettingen newspaper, Hugo Fuchs, Professor of
Anatomy, spoke sarcastically of a human being with head, breast, and
belly system. (From a report of the newspaper
Die Dreigliederung des Sozialen Organismus, August 1920, No. 5).
From Goethe's Faust, Part I, the scene in the Student Room
with Faust and Mephisto. See Rudolf Steiner,
The Occult Significance of the Blood
(London: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1967).
William Harvey, 1578–1658, physiologist, Professor of Anatomy,
London, discoverer of the main bloodstream:
De Motu Cordis et Sanguinis (1628).
Giordano Bruno: Nola 1548–1600 Rome. Dominican, 1563–1576,
a great traveler. Main works developed at the English court at the
time of Elizabeth I. After he returned to Italy he was imprisoned
because of heretical teachings, and was burned in Rome after 8 years
in prison. See
Riddles of Philosophy,
The Spiritual Guidance of Man,
by Rudolf Steiner.
Isaac Newton, Sir: Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire 1642–1727
Kensington, London. Born as a dwarf-like child. Grew up on a farm
and went to village and small town schools until 1661. After he was
accepted at the University he was of medium talent until his
“flaming” as a genius physicist, astronomer,
mathematician 1663–1664. Professor in Cambridge 1669–1701,
member of the Royal Society London 1662 and from 1703 until his
death, its President. Main work:
Law of Gravitation, Mathematically Adapted to the
Law of Motion from Kepler,
developed 1666, published 1687 in Philosophiae Naturalis Principa
Mathematica. The idea of an infinitesimal mathematics came from
Newton in 1663; three years later he had developed his differential
mathematics. His Optics, 1704, put forth the division of
light in color as well as emission theory.
Later Newton lost
all interest in physics, mathematics, and also in the destiny and
consequences of his works. He turned towards chemical and
alchemical experiments and studies of their old traditions. In his
old age he was interested in religious-speculative studies. Before
his death he compared his life with a day, in which a child is
playing with sand and mussels and is not aware anymore of the cosmos
at his back. Literature: J.W.N. Sullivan,
Isaac Newton 1642–1727
(London 1938).
In Newton's second edition of his Philosophiae Naturalis Principa
Mathematica of 1713 the definition is “But I do not
define, because it is well known to all of us.”
George Berkeley: Desert Castle, Thomastown, Ireland 1685–1753
Oxford. English philosopher and Anglican missionary, Bishop from
1734. Main works: Treatise Concerning the Principle of Human
Knowledge, 1710; Alciphron, about ethics and free
thinkers, 1732; Siris, concerning metaphysical
questions. See:
Riddles of Philosophy.
Berkeley said: “One has to do it in such a way”: e.g., as in
Paragraph 113 of Principles of Human Knowledge. In the
writing De Motu (From Motion) is written in Paragraph 43:
“Motion, even though perceived clearly by the senses, was
darkened, but not because of its own being, but far more through
commentaries by learned philosophers.”
In the work Optice by Newton, which is the Latin translation
of his Optics (1704), published by Samuel Clarke in 1706 and
approved with additions made by Newton, the formula appears only at
the end of the book at the so-called 28th Problem: “If these
questions are answered in the right way, could we then not ascertain
the phenomenon that there is a being, unbodily, intelligent,
which can perceive the endless universe as it were with its sense
organs, and which seems to look into the innermost and is
surrounding it with its all-embracing presence, while that in us
that is usually feeling and thinking are only handed-down pictures
in which we then perceive and observe our organs?” This
thought seems not only to be Newton's, but was also presented in a
similar way by Henry More, the Platonist from Cambridge who was
a friend of Newton.
For his polemic concerning Newton's color theory, see Rudolf
Goethe the Scientist
(New York: Anthroposophic Press, 1950),
especially the Introduction, “Goethe, Newton and the
Physicists”; see also the forthcoming book,
Heinrich O. Proskauer,
The Rediscovery of Color
(Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press).
Leibnitz: Leipzig 1646–1716 Hanover. Philologist,
mathematician, physicist, lawyer, statesman, priest. Mostly living
at princely courts, traveling a lot. Discoverer of the Infinitesimal
Calculus 1686, independently of Newton.
In his writing The Analyst (The Analyst, 1734, included in
the book Writings about the Origin of Mathematics and Physics)
the Table of Contents is in the form of 50 theses. No. 7, for
example, is as follows: “Objections against the Secrets of
Belief Which are Made Unfairly by Those who Admit Them in Science;”
or No. 13: “The Rule for the Flux of Potency is Achieved
through Unfair Reasoning;” and No. 22: “With the Help of
a Double Mistake Analysts Come to their Truth, but not to Science,
in which They do not even Know How They Came to Their Own
Conclusions.” From the Polemic Dispute, which follows
The Analyst, an example is: “No big name on this earth
will ever cause me to take unclear things for clear ones. They think
of one as if it were a crime to think one could see further than Sir
Isaac Newton, even above him. I am convinced though that they speak
for the feelings of many others. But there are also some ... who
think and feel it unfair to copy some great man's shortcomings, and
who see no crime in wanting to see further than Sir Isaac Newton,
but further than the whole of mankind.”
Prepared by Mach and Lorentz, developed by Einstein,
Special Theory of Relativity 1905,
Common Theory of Relativity 1916.
Made it necessary to revise Newton's Mechanics with the help
of non-Euclidean Geometry. See also
Riddles of Philosophy
and Georg Unger, Von Bidden, Physicalischer Begriffe, Part 3
(Stuttgart: 1967), pages 100–122.
Lessing, Gottfried Ephraim: Kamenz/Lausitz 1729–1781
Brunswick. Dramatist, essayist, critic. Opens a new epoch in German
literature and an. His last writing, “The Education of the
Human Race,” (1780) finds it necessary to postulate
reincarnation for the sake of the development of the human race. See
Riddles of Philosophy.
The reason was a controversy in the magazine Die Drei of
1921–1922, pages 1107 and 1114, as well as in the following
years publication (see pages 172–330 about the reality of
atoms). See Rudolf Steiner's
First Scientific Lecture Course: Light Course
(Forest Row, England: Steiner Schools Fellowship, 1977).
John Locke: Wrington by Bristol 1632–1704 Oates, Essex.
Theologian, philosopher, and physician. Because raised
Protestant and Puritan, he was persecuted in England and had to flee
to Holland until after the English Revolution of 1689. From
1675–1689 Locke worked with many interruptions at his main
work. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 1690.
Originally he had planned a critical presentation of the already
recognized teaching of primary and secondary sense
characteristics, but then it grew to a perception theory or world
view. His Essay was published 4 times in his lifetime. See
Riddles of Philosophy,
The Philosophy of Freedom,
trans. Michael Wilson (Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1964) and
“Cardinal Nicolas of Cusa” in
Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age.
Richard Wahle: 1857–1935, Vienna, Professor of Philosophy.
Only valued perceptions, imaginations, and feelings, but rejected
all philosophy hitherto written as theories of cognition. The
“Ego” is for him “a summary of surface-like,
physiologically accompanied pieces of consciousness, which are
brought into being by invisible forces.” Some writings:
The Whole of Philosophy and Its End, 1894;
About the Mechanism of the Spiritual Life, 1906;
The Tragic Comedy of Wisdom, 1915;
Development of Characters, 1928;
Basics of a New Psychiatry, 1931.
See Rudolf Steiner,
The Philosophy of Freedom,
Chapter 4.
Immanuel Kant: 1724–1804. Lived in Koenigsberg, which he
seldom left. Philosopher, scientist, mathematician. Professor in
Koenigsberg 1770–1794.
Critique of Pure Reason, 1781.
Its popular edition Dissertation on Any Future Metaphysics,
1783, his ethic
Critique of Practical Reason, 1788,
aesthetic and natural theology is handled in
Critique of Judgment, 1790.
He wrote the first mechanical cosmology 1755. It was taken up
and changed by Laplace (1796) and known as the Kant-LaPlace Theory.
Rudolf Steiner's exposition on Kant's theory is found in
Truth and Knowledge,
The Philosophy of Freedom,
An Autobiography,
ed. Paul M. Alien, 2nd ed. (Blauvelt, NY: Steinerbooks, Garber
Communications, 1980).
E.g. in Critique of Pure Reason, “Transcendental Aesthetic,
Common Remarks”: “We wanted to say that all our opinions are
nothing but the conception of the appearance; that the things we
look at are not actually what we take them for, nor is their
relation constituted as they appear to us, and that if we would
suspend our subject or even our subjective constitution of our
senses as a whole, the whole constitution, all relationships of
objects in space and time, even time and space itself would
disappear. They would only exist in us, not as phenomena in
August Weismann, Frankfurt A.M. 1834–1914 Freiburg. Biologist,
genetic scientist. Theory of polarity between cells (soma) and seed
plasma. Determinants as heredity carriers. Writing:
Studies on the Descent Theory.
Goethe's recital from Faust I, Act 1, Scene 2, “Night,”
Gothic Room, Wagner and Faust:
“My friend, the time of past
Is a book with seven seals.
What you call the Spirit of Time
Is fundamentally the Gentleman's own spirit,
In which the times reflect themselves.”
Henry Poincaré: Nancy 1854–1912 Paris. Author of the
popular philosophical writings Science and Hypothesis (1902),
The Value of Science (1905), Science and Method
(1909), and Last Thoughts (1912). The lecture in question was
held by Poincaré shortly before his death in a lecture cycle
Conferences de Foi et de Vie printed in Le Materialisme
Actuel with M.M. Bergson, H. Poincaré, Ch. Gide, Ch.
Wagner, Firm Roz, De Witt-Guizotfriedel, Gaston Rion. (Paris: 1918),
page 53.
Mathias Jakob Schleiden: Hamburg 1804–1881 Frankfurt A.M.
Lawyer, physician, and, mainly, biologist. Developed a cell
formation theory in Contributions to Phylogenesis
Theodor Schwann: Neuss 1810–1882 Cologne, biologist. Founded
the cell theory with his Microscopic Examinations of the Harmony
in Structure and Growth of Animals and Plants (1839).
In the night from New Year's Eve to New Year's Day 1922/23 the
Goetheanum burned down. It was built in ten years, with the help of
various artists from many countries. This primarily wooden building,
in which each surface and corner was formed artistically (see
Ways to a New Style in Architecture
[London: Anthroposophical Publishing Co. and New York: Anthroposophic
Press, 1927]) had been designed in all details by Rudolf Steiner who
also managed the construction work through all these years.
From the first of January on, the activities had to be transferred
into the so-called “Schreinerei,” a building that was
used during the construction of the Goetheanum. For the work itself,
Rudolf Steiner did not allow any interruption; the afternoon after
the fire, the “Three Kings Play” was performed, as was
written on the invitations of the ongoing course (see
Christmas Plays from Obervfer,
trans. A.C. Harwood [London: Rudolf Steiner
Press, 1973]). Rudolf Steiner introduced it with a short address, in
which he spoke the following words: “great suffering knows how
to keep silent about what it is feeling ... The building that was
created in ten years through the love and compassion of innumerable
friends of the movement was destroyed in one night. But just today
the silent suffering experiences what our friends have put in this
work. Since we feel that everything we do in our movement is
necessary in our present civilization, we will want to continue
whatever we can in the given frame, and therefore even in this hour
as the flames outside still burn and rise, although such suffering
is present, still perform this play which we promised our
participants in connection with our course, and which these
participants expect. I also will hold the lecture I offered,
here in the ‘Schreinerei’ this evening at 8:00 P.M.”
(printed in Ansprachen zu den Weihnachtsspielen aus Altem
Volkstum [Dornach: Rudolf Steiner Verlag, 1974], GA Bibl. Nr.
274). The beginning of the course's lecture was then devoted to the
fire, which is printed in
The Younger Generation
(Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1984).
One can find the basic reality explained in the chapter “Sleep
and Death” in
An Outline Of Occult Science
and in
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment
(Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1983).
Paracelsus, Theophrastus von Hohenheim: Einsiedein, Kanton Schwytz
1493–1541 Salzburg, Md. Ferrara, Professor in Basel.
Accomplished physician, scientist, and philosopher. Wrote about
chemistry, medical science, biology, astronomy, astrology,
alchemy, and theology. The myths about Paracelsus as goldmaker,
magician, or charlatan were made up after his death and distorted
the picture of his character. Most complete work published by Karl
Sudhoff (fourteen volumes). See
Riddles of Philosophy.
Helmont, Johann Baptist van: Brussels 1577–1644. Physician and
iatrochemist. He managed the differentiation and separation of gases
(hydrogen, carbon). He coined the name “gas” for the
airy state.
See Steiner,
Goethe the Scientist.
Especially see Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15.
Lecture of April 8, 1911, at the 9th International Philosophical
Congress, “The Psychological Foundations of Anthroposophy,”
in Rudolf Steiner,
Esoteric Development,
Spring Valley, NY: 1982), pp. 25–55.
See Steiner,
Goethe the Scientist.
Rudolf Steiner,
(Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1971), pp. 1–39.
Rudolf Steiner,
Man and the World of Stars: The Spiritual Communion of Mankind
(New York: Anthroposophic Press, 1963), pp. 141–172.
Galileo Galilei: Pisa 1564–1642 Arcetri by Florence.
Discovered isochromism in pendulum, hydrostatic scales, laws of free
fall, law of inertia. Numerous astronomical inventions with
self-constructed telescope. An Inquisition trial resulted in a
banning of the Copernican world system. See
Riddles of Philosophy,
The Spiritual Guidance of Man,
and Laurenz Muellner's speech, “Die Bedeutung Galilei's fuer die
Philosophie,” Vienna 1894. (Reprinted in Anthroposophie,
His Sermons de Motu Gravium (About the Effects
of Gravity) contain the results of his investigations in Pisa.
They first only circulated in manuscript copies; first edition:
1854. The final version is in the Discorsi e Dimenstrazioni
Mathematiche Intomo a Due Nuove Scieme, published 1638 in
Leyden. Also see L. Muellner's speech.
Such opponents were Bacon, Bruno, Galilei. See
Riddles of Philosophy
and the speech of L. Muellner, p. 103.
Johannes Kepler: Weil der Stadt (Wuerttemberg) 1571–1630
Regensburg. Mathematician, physicist, astronomer, discoverer of the
astronomical telescope. Astronomer and mathematician to three
emperors. Persecuted as a Protestant. Totally exhausted through his
life misery, he died prematurely at the “Reichstag” at
Regensburg, where he hoped to secure his subsistence. To calculate
his three laws of the motion of the planets he used the observation
data of Tycho Brahe, whose follower he was at the court of Prague.
On the other hand, the Copernican planetary system was the starting
point for the finding of the three laws of the planets. Kepler was
the first who tried to interpret the motion of the planetary
orbit and moved the center of force to the sun. See
The Spiritual Guidance of Man
and, about the three planetary laws
Das Verhaeltnis der Verschiedenen Naturwissenschaftlichen Gebiete zur
(Dornach: Rudolf Steiner Verlag, 1981), GA Bibl. Nr. 323.
Galen: Pergamon, Asia Minor 129 A.D.–199 Rome. Physician and
philosopher. Studies in Pergamon and travel for study to Corinth,
Smyrna, and Alexandria. Personal physician of Emperor Marcus
Aurelius. His one hundred and fifty medical texts with fifteen
commentaries were the basis for future medicine and
pharmacology. One hundred twenty-five texts concerning philosophy,
mathematics, and jurisprudence.
Rudolf Steiner,
A Road to Self Knowledge: The Threshold of the Spiritual World
(London: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1975), pp. 19–27,100–106.
This is confirmed in chemical textbooks. They speak of chemistry as
“a primarily empirical science.” In its laws one cannot
come to mathematically definite values but to approximate numbers,
whose limits are defined in tabular form. Therefore authors of
chemical subject books need to add limiting explanations, such as
“usually is valid,” or “generally one can say.”
Chemical laws are mostly derived from physical laws, as for instance
in the main theses of thermodynamics. It is thought
unscientific to think otherwise than mechanically. Literature:
H. Remy, Lehrbuch der Anorganischen Chemie, 7th ed., 2 vols.
(Leipzig: 1954), Volume I, pages 14–23, 37, 50, 71–73.
See Georg Unger, Vom Bilden Physicalischer Begriffe, Volume
1, pages 41–49 and 57.
See Footnote 40.
The Boundaries of Natural Science,
pp. 59–87. Chapters 5 and 6, as well as 7 and 8.
Johannes Scotus Erigena: also Eriugena, Ireland 810–877
France. Pre-Scholastic philosopher, theologian with extensive
comprehension of language. Came from Britain to France. Led the
Emperor's Academy in Paris 845–877. Finished his
translation of Dionysius the Areopagite in 858. His main work was
De Divisione Naturae (Division of Nature), 867. He taught
out of a Platonic comprehension. He stood up for the introduction of the
hierarchical order in the worldly administration of the church. See
Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age.
The copy in Greek originated in the fifteenth century. Dionysius was
a member of the Areopag in Athens and a student of the Apostle Paul
(Acts 17:34). The setting up of the 3 times 3 hierarchies by
Dionysius was adapted as dogma by the Catholic church. His writings
in Latin translation were taken up enthusiastically, and were still
taken as authentic in the seventeenth century. See
Riddles of Philosophy,
The Redemption of Thinking,
Die Ursprungsimpulse der Geisteswissenschaft
(Dornach: Rudolf Steiner Verlag, 1974), GA Bibl. Nr. 96,
and Otto Willmann, Geschichte des Idealismus,
Volume II, paragraph 59.
See Steiner,
Riddles of Philosophy.
Thales of Milet: About 650–560 B.C.
Heraclitus of Ephesus: About 550–480 B.C.
See also the personalities spoken of in
Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age.
Jacob Boehme: Altseidenberg, Goerlitz 1575–1624 Goerlitz.
Mystic. His profession was shoemaker. First writing Aurora,
1612. Further writings from 1619 onwards, despite the prohibition.
Riddles of Philosophy.
Iatrochemistry: Name from the Greek “Iatro,” physician.
Work with homeopathic remedies in continuation of Paracelsus'
(1493–1541) method of healing, in the beginning with retention
of his opinion about sulfur, mercury, and salt. The Iatrochemical
School was established during Paracelsus' last years of life.
It degenerated in the middle of the seventeenth century. In its
place stepped Robert Boyle's chemistry (1627–1691), for which
iatrochemistry had done good preparation. J.B. van Helmont
(1577–1644) was one of the main contributors to
Iatrochemical literature.
Iatromechanics and Iatromathematics. In the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries the proponents of these teachings were
nearly all university professors, while iatrochemistry was
represented by a union of practicing physicians. But that was true
only in the Romantic countries and England. In Italy the main
universities were Padua, Pisa, and Rome. There the teachings were
rejected on philosophic grounds, because they were based on
experience. Germany, where both branches worked hand in hand, was an
exception and in a special position.
Georg Ernst Stahl: Ansbach 1650–1734, Berlin. Physician and
chemist, Professor of Medicine. Exponent of Animism and
Vitalism and the hypothesis of the “life forces” in his
major work Theoria Medico Vera, 1707.
Offray de la Mettrie: Malo 1709–1751 Berlin. Physician and
writer. Main work is L'Homme Machine, published in Leyden
Baron Dietrich von Hollenbach: Heidesheim, Rheinpfalz 1723–1789
Paris. His main work Systeme de la Nature ou des Lois du Monde
Physique et du Monde Moral appeared 1770 under the
pseudonym Mira-baud. He only recognized mobile, material
atoms, even in regard to thinking, and he based morals on self love.
Thomas Hobbes: Malmesbury 1588–1679 Hardwicke. English natural
philosopher and humanist. Opera Philosophica, 1688. All
phenomena in nature and humanity, even the psychological ones, are
result of mobility of bodies. The social processes are traced back
to mechanical processes. The leading force in this process is the
egoism of the single human being. The state which is “crushing
everything underfoot,” he called “Leviathan” and
said: “The natural social condition is the war of all against
See Drawings, pages 92, 95 and compare with the ones on page 125.
See footnote 45.
See Rudolf Steiner,
The Karma of Vocation
(Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1984).
Literature: Adolf Fink has studied the mechanism of human movement
and the heat produced by muscular work, and published in 1857, 1869,
and 1882 Gesammelte Schriften, (1903–06 in German).
In the beginning of the century Rudolf Steiner pointed to the speech
of the philosopher and Prime Minister A.J. Balfour of August 17,
1904, in front of the British Association, immediately after it was
held; see Rudolf Steiner,
Lucifer Gnosis
(Dornach: Rudolf Steiner Verlag, 1969), GA Bibl. No. 34, p. 467.
Often Steiner also mentioned the lecture of Max Planck of 1910:
“Die Stellung der Neueren Physic zur Mechanischen
Weltanshaung” in Max Planck,
Physikalische Abhandlungen und Vorträge
(Brunswick, Germany, 1958), Vol. 3, pp. 30–46.
In 1920 a research institute was founded in Stuttgart for physics
and chemistry, with a biological branch through the joint stock
company “Der Kommende Tag.” A few years later it
was transferred to Dornach. The first works from the Institute were
published in Der Kommende Tag: Scientific Research Institute
News. It contains Heft I (1921),
“Milzfunktion und Blaettchen Frage”
von L. Kolisko; Heft II (1923),
“Der Villardsche Versuch”
von Dr. Rer. Nat. R.E. Maier; Heft III (1923):
“Physiologischer und Physicalischer Nachweis Kleinster
Entitaeten” von L. Kolisko. Later works appeared in the volumes
Gaea Sophia, Jahrbuch der Wissenschaftlichen
Sektion der Freien Hochschule fuer Geisteswissenschaft am
Goetheanum, Volume I (1926), etc.
From this scientific discussion of January 5 no known copy exists.
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