Rudolf Steiner: Good morning, gentlemen! You will
have realized from all we've said that our earth in its present form
is only the last remains of what was once essentially different. If
we want to compare its earlier condition with anything, we can only
compare it really — as you have seen — with what one has
in an egg cell. Our earth today has a solid kernel of all sorts of
minerals and metals. And we have the air around us, and in the air
two substances which especially affect us-we could not live without
them: oxygen and nitrogen. We can say therefore that in the earth we
have a hard kernel of all kinds of substances, seventy to eighty of
them, and around us the air-envelope containing mainly nitrogen and
Nitrogen and oxygen, however, are only the main
constituents. The air always contains other substances, though in
very small quantities, such as carbon, hydrogen, sulphur, among
others. But these are also the substances contained in the white of
an egg, in the white of a hen's egg. Oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen,
carbon and sulphur! The difference is merely that in the egg white
the sulphur, hydrogen and carbon are closely combined with the oxygen
and nitrogen, while in the outer air they are present in a much
looser way. So the same substances are in the air that are in the
hen's egg. The same substances are present in a much smaller amount
in the yolk, and we can therefore say that when it hardens,
densifies, it becomes what the earth is. One must observe such things
if one wants to know what the earth once looked like.
Today, however, things are done in quite a different
way, and in order that your judgment of what I am telling you here
may not be confused by what is commonly accepted, I would like to
give you a small view of this general knowledge. It agrees perfectly
with what I say if only one considers it in the right way.
People today do not think about things as we have done
here in the last two lectures. They say: Here is the earth; it is
made of mineral substance. This mineral earth is convenient to
investigate, so let us examine first what lies on top, what we walk
on. Then if we make quarries, if we make railway cuttings and open up
the ground, we find there are certain layers or strata of earth. The
uppermost layer is the one on which we walk. If we go somewhere or
other into the depths, we find deeper-lying strata. But these strata
are not always lying so nicely above one another that we can say: the
one is always above the other.
|  Diagram 4 Click image for large view | |
When you really examine the earth, here you have one
stratum [See drawing-red], it is curved over, not level; another
stratum below is also curved [green]. And above them comes the
stratum on which we walk [white]. Now, as long as we remain on foot
on this side of a hill we find an upper layer that could become good
arable land if we would use the right manuring methods and so on. But
if we are building a railway we may have to remove certain strata and
by making these cuttings we come into the depths of the earth. That
has led to the discovery that strata are superimposed on one another,
not level, but they have been jumbled up in all sorts of ways.
But these strata are sometimes very remarkable. People
have asked how one can determine the age of the strata — which
layer is older. Of course the most obvious answer is this: When the
strata lie above one another, then the lowest is the oldest, the next
above, younger, and the one at the very top the youngest of all. But,
you see, that is not always the case. In some places it is so, but
not everywhere. And one can show in the following way why it is not
the case everywhere.
We are accustomed, as you know, in our civilized lands
to bury our domestic animals when they die, so that they may not be
injurious to people. But if the human race were not so far evolved,
what would happen with the animals then? Wherever the animal died,
there it would lie. Now at first it remains on the surface. But, as
you know, when it rains the soil gets washed up and after a time part
of the decaying creature is mingled with the soil thrown up by the
rain. There it will remain, and after some time the whole animal is
penetrated with earth by the rain or by water that flows down over a
slope and then the rest of the earth goes over the animal. Now
someone can come along and say: Heavens! The earth looks so uneven
there, I must dig and have a look! He need not dig very far, just a
little, and then he finds what is left of the skeleton, let us say,
of a wild horse. Then he says: Well, now I'm walking on a stratum
that only appeared later, the one below was formed when there were
wild horses like that. And one can know that that is the next
stratum, that the age in which this man lives was preceded by an age
in which these horses lived.
You see, what that man does is what the geologists have
been doing with all the strata of the earth, ever since the time when
they could be reached by quarries, railway cuttings, excavations, and
so on. One learns in geology to investigate quarries everywhere, with
a hammer or some other instrument, in order to record what is exposed
in the mountains through landslides or something similar. One goes
hammering everywhere, makes various statements and then one finds in
some stratum the so-called fossils. Then one can say: There are
strata beneath the ground that contain animals quite different from
those of today. Then one discovers in excavating the earth's strata
what the animals were like that existed in other ages.
This is nothing so very special, for people often
underestimate the time it takes for something like this to happen.
People find today in southern regions churches or other buildings
just standing there. The people come along, do some digging for some
reason or other, and Heavens! there's something under this church
that is hard; that's not earth. They dig down and find a pagan temple
underneath! What had happened? A relatively short time ago this
surface layer on which the church or building stands was not there at
all. It was pushed up by man, perhaps with the help of nature-forces,
and underneath there is the pagan temple. What was once above, is now
below. Layer upon layer has in fact been piled up in the earth. And
one must find out, not from the way the strata lie, but from the
nature of the fossils, how these animals and the various plants have
come into the strata.
|  Diagram 5 Click image for large view | |
Then, however, the following comes
about: You find one layer of the earth [See drawing below, yellow],
you find another [green]; you are able for some reason or other to
excavate [arrow], and if you look merely at the stratification, then
it seems as if what I have marked green were the lower layer and what
I have marked yellow were the upper
layer. You cannot get in here at all, you cannot
excavate, there is no railway, no tunnel nor anything else by which
one can get in. You make a note that the yellow is the upper stratum,
the green the lower. But you must not decide immediately, you must
first look for fossils.
Now one very frequently finds fossils in the upper
stratum which are earlier, of fish, for example, strange
fish-skeletons which are earlier. And perhaps below, one finds
interesting mammal skeletons which are more recent. Now the fossils
contradict the strata, up above appear the older, the earlier; below,
the more recent, the younger. One must realize how that has happened.
You see, it is because some sort of earthquake, some inner movement
has flung what was below up above the top layer. It is the same as if
I were to lay a chair on the table and the original position would
be: here the chair-back and here the table-top, and then through an
earthquake the table would be turned over the chair.
One can perceive in the most varied instances that there
has been an inversion, a turning upside down. And one can come to the
following conclusions as to when the inversion took place: It must
have happened later than when all the animals were alive, it must
have happened after the fossils were formed, otherwise they would lie
One comes in this way not to judge the strata simply as
they lie one above the other, but one must be able to see how they
have changed their positions. The Alps, this mighty chain of
mountains stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the region of the
Danube, this main mountain range in Switzerland, is not to be
understood at all unless one can go into such things. For all the
strata that were built up in the Alps have later been thoroughly
jumbled up. There what was lowest often lies at the top, and what was
at the top is lowest of all. One must first find out how all these
shifts have taken place.
It is only when all this is taken into account that one
can tell which are the oldest strata and which are the newest. Modern
natural science, only going by the externals of research, then
naturally says: Those strata are the oldest in which the remains of
the very simplest animals and plants are found. Later on, animals and
plants grew more complicated, and so we find the most complicated
remains in the latest strata. In the oldest strata one finds fossils
because the calcium or quartz structure of the animal has been
preserved, while everything else has been dissolved. When one comes
to the later strata the skeleton has been preserved.
Now there is another remarkable way in which fossils are
formed. Sometimes this is very interesting. Picture that there once
existed some simple type of ancient creature; it had a body, perhaps
with tentacles in front. I am drawing it rather large; in the strata
known to geology it will as a rule be smaller. Now this creature
perishes lying on this piece of ground, and this particular soil does
not penetrate and permeate the creature; it avoids, so to say, the
acids in the body. Then something very remarkable occurs: the earth
in which the animal lies approaches it from all sides and envelops
it, and a hollow space is made in the shape of the animal. That has
happened very frequently; such hollow spaces are formed, earth is
shaped around the animal. But there is nothing inside; the soil has
not been absorbed by the body, but round about, because the animal
was scaly, a hollow space is formed. Later, the scales are dissolved
and still later a brook winds through.
|  Diagram 6 Click image for large view | |
This then fills the hollow space with stony gravel, [green] and there
within, a cast of the animal is finely modeled, by a quite different
material. Such casts are particularly interesting, for there we don't
have the animals themselves, but their casts.
|  Diagram 7 Click image for large view | |
However, you must not imagine that things are always so
easy. Of present man, for instance, with his organism of soft
substance, there is extraordinarily little left — nor of the
higher animals. There are animals of which only the casts of their
teeth have remained. One finds casts of the teeth of a kind of
primeval shark which were formed in this way. One comes to realize
that every animal has its own form of teeth and man has a different
form. The dental formation is always in keeping with the whole
structure of the creature. One must have the talent to imagine the
appearance of the whole animal from the form of its teeth. So things
are by no means simple.
|  Diagram 8 Click image for large view | |
But as one studies these strata one finds out how things
really developed. And then it simply becomes clear that there was a
time when such animals as we have now did not exist, when there were
much, much simpler creatures, somewhat like our snails, mussels, and
so on. But one has to know how much has remained of them. Let us
imagine that the following could happen. Just suppose that a small
boy who did not like to eat crab sneaked a crab from his parents'
dinner-table and played with it. He is not caught and buries it in
the garden. Now there is earth over it and the whole business is
forgotten. Later the garden belongs to new owners; they dig about and
in one place they see some funny little things looking like
lime-shells. (You know about the so-called crab's eyes which are not
eyes, but little lime-shells in the body of the crab.) Those are the
only traces left.
Now one cannot say that those are fossils of some kind
of animal; they are fossils of only part of the creature. Similarly
in older strata, especially in the Alps, one finds some sort of
fossil having that shell-like appearance. That is how they look; they
no longer exist today but are found in the earlier strata. One must
not suppose, however, that this had been the whole creature. One must
assume that there was something around it that dissolved, and only a
small piece of the animal is left.
Modern science goes into this very little. Why? Well, it
simply says that in this mighty Alpine mass the layers have been
mixed with one another, the lowest flung to the top, the uppermost to
the lowest — that the strata show it. But can you imagine,
gentlemen, that with the present earth-forces such massive mountains
could be flung up in that way? The little that happens now on earth
is by comparison a dancing through, one fleck lightly tossed on
another — today that is all, a sort of dancing through!
If a man lived 720 years instead of seventy-two, he
would experience in his old age that he was walking on ground a
little higher than before. But we live too short a life. Just think
if a fly that only lives from morning till evening were to relate
what it experiences! Since it lives only in the summer, it would tell
us of nothing but flowers, that there were always flowers. It would
have no idea of what goes on in the winter; it would believe that
each summer joined on to the one before. We human beings are
certainly a little longer-lived than a one-day fly, but still we have
a little of the fly nature with our seventy to seventy-two years! We
see indeed little of what goes on. Even with the scanty forces
prevailing today, there is no doubt that more happens than man
usually sees. Yet, comparatively speaking, all that happens is that
rivers flow along to the sea and leave alluvial soil behind. So a
little soil is deposited, and this then reaches beyond the shores and
the fields get a new stratum. That is comparatively little. When one
considers how something like this great mountain mass of the Alps has
been jolted and shaken through and through, it is obvious that the
forces which are active today were active in quite a different way in
earlier times.
But now we must try to picture how such a thing can
happen. Take, for instance, an egg cell from some mammal. It looks at
first quite simple, a nucleus in the center with an albuminous mass
all around. Now suppose that the egg is fructified. When it is
fructified, the nucleus changes into all sorts of little forms; it
develops very strangely into a number of spirals that go up like
tails. And then the moment these little coils arise, star-formed
structures develop out of the mass. The whole mass comes into
formation because there is life in it. What goes on there is very
different from what goes on in our earth today. The upheavals and
overturnings that are taking place in the egg cell are the same as
what once took place in the massive Alps!
What then is more natural than to say: Well, then the
earth must once have been alive, or these convulsions of inverting
and overthrusting could not possibly have occurred! The present form
of the earth does in fact show us that in past ages when neither man
nor higher animal existed, the earth itself was alive. This obliges
us to say that the present dead earth has come forth from a living
earth. Yet animals can only live on this present dead earth! Just
think if the oxygen and nitrogen in the air had not separated off and
had not condemned hydrogen, carbon and sulphur to an almost complete
passivity: we would then have to breathe in something like egg white
— for that was what surrounded the earth.
Now we could imagine — for anything can happen in
this world! — that instead of our lungs, we had developed
organs able to draw in an albuminous atmosphere like that. Today, of
course, we can take it in as food through the mouth. Why could not a
sort of lung-organ have evolved, up nearer to the mouth? Anything can
originate in this world; any possible thing might come about —
even though we would never guess at such changes from observing man's
present body. But think, gentlemen — we look today into
lifeless air. It has died. Formerly the albumen was living. The air
has died because the sulphur, hydrogen and carbon have gone and the
nitrogen and oxygen have therefore also perished. We gaze into
light-filled air that has died, but this has allowed our eyes to be
physical, as they are indeed physical. If everything in our
surroundings were living, then our eyes would have to be living too.
But if they were living, we would be unable to see with them, and we
would always be in a state of unconsciousness: just as a person
becomes unconscious when there begins to be too much life in his
head, when instead of the regularly developed organs he has all sorts
of growths. He is then unconscious intermittently, and later it
becomes so severe that he lies there as if he were dead. Likewise in
our original condition on the earth, as it was then, we could not
have lived consciously. The human being could only awake to
consciousness as the earth gradually died. And so mankind evolves on
an earth that is dead.
So it is, gentlemen! And this is true not only of nature
but also of civilization. If you think back to what I said just now —
that below the earth there could be pagan temples and above Christian
churches — you will see that the Christian churches are related
to the pagan temples just as the upper strata to the lower, only that
in one case we have to do with nature, in the other with culture. But
one will not understand how the Christian element evolved if one does
not observe that it evolved out of paganism as its foundation. In
culture too we have to consider these strata.
Now I have said that the human being has actually been
there all the time, but as a spiritual being, not a physical being.
And that again leads us to look for the real reason why man did not
evolve as a physical being earlier. We have said that in the air
today there are nitrogen and oxygen, with carbon, hydrogen and
sulphur to a lesser degree. In our breathing we ourselves unite the
carbon that is in us with the oxygen we inhale and exhale the two
together as carbon dioxide. In our human existence we breathe in
oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide; our life consists of that. We
would long, long ago have filled the earth and the air of the earth
with carbon dioxide had there not been something else on the earth:
the plants. They have the same hunger for carbon that we have for
oxygen. They take up the carbon dioxide eagerly, hold on to the
carbon and give out the oxygen again.
You see, gentlemen, how wonderfully these things
complement each other! We human beings need the oxygen out of the
air, we inhale it, unite it with the carbon we have within us and
exhale carbon and oxygen together as carbon dioxide. The plants
breathe this in and breathe the oxygen out again, and so there is
always oxygen in the air.
Well, this is true today but in human evolution on the
earth it was not always like that. When we find the fossilized
creatures that lived long ago, we realize that they could not have
been like our modern animals and plants, particularly not like our
present plants. All the primeval plants must have been much more like
our sponges, mushrooms, algae. There is a difference between our
mushrooms and our other present plants. The latter take in the carbon
and form their body from it. When they sink into the ground, their
body remains as coal. The coal we mine today is the remains of
All the research we are able to pursue into the kinds of
plants that originally existed tells us the following: Our present
plants, including the plants which are now providing us with coal,
are built up from carbon. But much earlier plants were formed not
from carbon but from nitrogen. That was possible because just as
carbon dioxide is exhaled today by animal and man, in ancient times a
combination of carbon and nitrogen was exhaled. That is prussic acid,
the terribly poisonous hydrocyanic acid fatal to all life today. This
poisonous prussic acid was once exhaled, and nothing that exists
today could then have arisen. The early mushroom-like plants took in
the nitrogen and formed their body from it. The creatures about which
I spoke last time, the bird-like beings and the heavy, coarse
animal-beings, breathed out this poisonous acid, and the plants
around them took the nitrogen to form their plant-body. Here, too, we
can see that substances still existing today were used in quite a
different way in ancient times.
I spoke of this once before to those of you who have
been here for some time. I related how in 1906 I had to give some
lectures in Paris
(see Note 4 )
on the evolution of the earth, the origin of
man, and so forth. The subject led me to say: Can anything in this
world show that carbon and oxygen have not always had the role they
play today, that nitrogen once had that role, and that once the
atmosphere consisted of prussic acid, of hydrocyanic acid?
Now you know that there are old people and young
children. Well, if a man of seventy stands here and a child of two
next to him, they are both human beings; they stand beside each
other, and the one who is now seventy was like the two-year-old
sixty-eight years ago. Things of different ages stand side by side.
And it is the same in the universe; there, too, the older and the
younger are side by side. Our earth, from what I have just now
described and what you can still see today, our earth is a greybeard,
an ancient fellow, almost dead already-if one does not count the life
newly sprung up, one can call it almost dead. But at its side in the
universe there are again younger forms which will only later become
what our present life is. For instance, we must regard the comets as
one of these. We can know, therefore, that since the comets are
younger, they must still have conditions that belong to a younger
age. The comets are to the earth what the child is to the old man.
And if the earth once had prussic acid, the comets must now have it,
they must have hydrocyanic acid! If with today's body one were to
touch a comet, one would instantly die. It is diluted prussic acid
that is in them.
I said in Paris in 1906 that this follows from the
premises of spiritual science. Those who acknowledge spiritual
science accepted my statement even though it astonished them. Then
later, a fairly long time afterward, a comet made its appearance. By
that time people had got the necessary instruments and it was then
found by ordinary scientific methods that comets do have cyanide,
prussic acid, as I had said in Paris in 1906. So it was confirmed.
Naturally, when people hear of this, they call it a
coincidence: Oh sure, Steiner made that statement in Paris, and then
there was the discovery — just a coincidence. They say this
because they know nothing else. But I have now told you why one must
take it for granted that there is prussic acid in the comets. It was
no accident, it was genuine science by which one first reached this
knowledge. Physical research only confirmed it later. People realize
now that this is true for all that anthroposophy sets forth; for
everything is confirmed later. Quite a number of things will be
discovered today outside the Anthroposophical Movement that were
already given out many years ago by anthroposophy in a rather
different way.
Yes, there are many other things that could be carefully
investigated today by science. I am always saying that if people
could really travel to a star, they would be amazed to find it
different from the modern ideas about it determined by their life on
earth. They imagine that it contains a glowing gas. But that is not
at all what is found out there. Actually, where the star is, there is
empty space, empty space that would immediately suck one up. Suction
forces are there. They would suck you up instantly, split you to
pieces. If people would work with the same consistent research and
the same unprejudiced thinking as we do here, they would also come to
see with intricate spectroscopes that there are not gases out there,
but negative suctional space.
Some time ago I gave certain individuals the task of
investigating the sun and stars with the spectroscope, simply in
order to prove by external methods that the stars are hollow spaces,
not glowing gases. That can be proved. The persons to whom I gave
this task were tremendously enthusiastic when they started: “Oh!
then we shall get somewhere!” But sometimes enthusiasm fades
away; they delayed too long. And then a year-and-a-half ago news came
from America that people were starting to investigate the stars and
were gradually finding out that they were not glowing gases but
hollowed-out space! It is no disaster, of course, for such a thing to
happen. But naturally, it would have been more useful to us –
externally — if we had done it. But it doesn't matter, as long
as truth comes to light.
On the other hand, however, it can be seen through just
such things that anthroposophy really wants to work in collaboration
with ordinary science. So it would also like to work with ordinary
science on the strata of the earth. One thoroughly accepts what
science has to say about the upheavals and overturnings in the Alps.
But one cannot go along with the scientists when they assume that
these upheavals were caused by forces that are still existing today.
The fact is that there were life-forces there then; only
life-forces could have flung and tossed these strata of living
substance through one another. Anthroposophy already incorporates
ordinary science and extends far beyond it, but science always wants
to stop whenever it is too lazy to approach things more closely.
So — we will continue on Wednesday at nine