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Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Lecture: Waking of the Human Soul and the Forming of Destiny: Lecture I
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    • the arms and the right placing of the human organism in a posture
    • human being acquires in the mobility of his organism there proceeds
    • etheric, astral organs of breathing, proceeds further exerting a
    • beyond into those organs which, out of the inner human being, bring
    • animal. When the flame of the organic being works horizontally, it
  • Title: Lecture: Waking of the Human Soul and the Forming of Destiny: Lecture II
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    • no body, no organism, in the pre-earthly life, as we still possessed
    • and we simply draw them out of the world. Our organic system is only
    • our physical organism, but that they are the residue of living forces
  • Title: Karmic Relationships, V: Lecture I
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    • state of chaos in the ovum, so that within the mother's organism
    • enigmatical organ. The story goes that in a viva voce examination the
    • the rabbit we found a tiny organic body, spherical in shape; it had
    • cells in our bodies, from our various organs. And just as no single
  • Title: Karmic Relationships, V: Lecture II
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    • body and Ego organisation has been set astir.
    • man consists of an Ego organisation, an astral body, an etheric body,
    • and so forth. The Ego organisation is most akin to the Earth; it
    • organisation, his astral body, his ether body. But after a few days
    • little, very little, of his own make up and organisation. An organ
    • origin. Think of the noblest organ of all — the human
    • organ is produced and shaped by cosmic forces; it is a product of
    • his stomach and which are then absorbed into his organism. These
    • of the animal organism, of the human organism, by deliberately
    • contrary. It was said at that time that the physical organism of man
    • been prepared and inwardly formed by the Cosmos. But an organ like
    • anatomy, the lungs and certain other organs might be depicted by
    • sketching the Earth; the forces contained in these organs operate in
    • cosmic forces. But when this is the case, the organism and the bodily
    • organs for the next life are not being rightly prepared. When such a
  • Title: Karmic Relationships, V: Lecture III
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    • Meeting at the Goetheanum to reorganise the Anthroposophical
    • imagination, organised and vitalised everything that was cultivated
    • Caliphs. The organisation of it all was the work of this personality
    • Bacon of Verulam, to become the organising genius in modern
    • Europe. He too was a great and gifted organiser but the effects of
  • Title: Karmic Relationships, V: Lecture IV
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    • of education upon the human organism has been such that what was once
    • subsequent incarnation in the head organisation; whereas what we now
    • the organisation of the legs. Metamorphosis takes a peculiar form
  • Title: Esoteric Lessons Part II: Prague, 3-29-11
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    • organs if we use them correctly. They were given to us by the masters
    • that can lead to the development of higher organs and to Imagination,
  • Title: Truths and Errors: Lecture II: How Does One Disprove Spiritual Science?
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    • and ears, higher organs, not higher physical organs, but higher
    • spiritual-mental organs, so that for him at a certain time the
    • is so organised that his consciousness remains dark. Hence, the
  • Title: Truths and Errors: Lecture III: How Does One Defend Spiritual Science?
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    • organism. He realises that from the moment of birth on the
    • transformed and organised. Now, however, the brain is the tool
    • active in the human organism first, then it enters into its
  • Title: An Occult Physiology: Lecture 1: The Being of Man
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    • relationship to the physical organs. He focuses on the digestive and
    • processes in the organs, the "warmth" function of the blood and its
    • his physical organs into the spiritual, super-sensible foundation of
    • the organs, of the life-forms and life processes. And since it is not
    • be found enclosed in organs affording the greatest protection against
    • and which, while organically connected with the brain, extends in
    • fundaments of the separate organs, we become aware (and we shall see
    • these organs, through its deeper significance in the case of man, may
    • have an entirely different task from that of the corresponding organ
    • here, however, with reference to the essential nature of the organs
    • that these organs, in their deeper significance, have the same task
    • spinal cord and a brain; and he will believe, since the same organs
    • are to be found in man and animal, that these organs must therefore
    • both of these organs from this standpoint. Which of the two must we
    • considered as the older organ. In other words, if we fix our
    • consider when we fix our attention objectively upon the organic mass
    • an organ at a first stage to the plan of an organ at a second stage,
    • leads to higher stages of perfection of the organ, or one which
    • causes the organ to degenerate and gradually to die. We might say
    • therefore, when we consider an organ like our spinal cord as it is
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: An Occult Physiology: Lecture 2: Human Duality
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    • relationship to the physical organs. He focuses on the digestive and
    • processes in the organs, the "warmth" function of the blood and its
    • ever more exactly the exterior organism of man, in order that we may
    • human organism in all reverence, as a revelation of the spiritual
    • the human organism in its stupendous complexity must be the most
    • disposed rather more within the organs. And yet this would be only a
    • moment, we keep the most important systems of organs apart one from
    • organs, or systems of instruments, of the human organism to be
    • point of the whole human organism... And here even a superficial
    • prepare them for further digestive work in the physical organism of
    • downward from the mouth, in the form of a tube, to the organ which
    • over by the remaining digestive organs into the organism of the human
    • the stomach, there is this system of organs called the lymph-system,
    • third of these systems of organs, the blood-vessel system itself,
    • human organism and having the heart as the central point of all its
    • convey the blood to all parts of our organism; that the blood goes
    • organism, and then is carried back to the heart by means of other
    • organism.
    • organism, namely, the blood-and-heart system. Let us, moreover, keep
    • used in the organism. Notice, that everything which I intend to draw
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: An Occult Physiology: Lecture 3: Co-operation in the Human Duality
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    • relationship to the physical organs. He focuses on the digestive and
    • processes in the organs, the "warmth" function of the blood and its
    • that we can see in the purely organic, physical inner life of man a
    • organs, is present in our liver, our gall-bladder, and our spleen. We
    • the upper extremity of our organism, courses through the brain in
    • come into relationship with the inner organs among which we have
    • blood does not in these organs come into contact with any sort of
    • outside world because they do not open outward as do the organs of
    • sense, but are enclosed within the organism, are covered on all sides
    • and consequently develop only an inner life. Moreover, these organs
    • is being written upon from outside through the sense-organs; and the
    • influence upon the blood as the inner organs have.” For these
    • three organs, the liver, the gall-bladder and the spleen, work, as we
    • able to receive radiations and influences from the inner organs, and
    • of these organs, just as everything which surrounds us in the world
    • make possible the action of these organs upon the blood. Let us
    • influences are to be exercised upon the blood, if the inner organs,
    • the blood, there must be inserted between these organs and the blood
    • inserted between the circulating blood and our inner organs —
    • shows us that this really is the case, that in all these organs is
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: An Occult Physiology: Lecture 4: Man's Inner Cosmic System
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    • relationship to the physical organs. He focuses on the digestive and
    • processes in the organs, the "warmth" function of the blood and its
    • with the significance of one of those organs which represent an
    • functions of the other human organs and organic systems.
    • of the spleen from the human organism is thoroughly compatible with
    • the fact that what we call the human organism, as seen by means of
    • our external senses, and also everything we see in this organism as
    • as a physical organism (as we shall explain further) are higher,
    • super-sensible human organisms called the ether-body or life-body, the
    • astral body and the ego; and that we have in this physical organism
    • organ such as the spleen we think of it in the spiritual-scientific
    • moreover, that the more any one of the organs is the direct
    • organ, that is, what we have before us as physical substance, the
    • the physical organ merely the physical expression of the
    • the case, of course, in inanimate, inorganic Nature; but not in the
    • same way in animate, organic Nature. When there are no other causes
    • present in the organism as a whole it is not necessary that the
    • organ; for this physical organ, in its physical nature, is only a
    • in the first place, with that organ only; but beyond that with a
    • which are integral parts of the organism still continue their work.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: An Occult Physiology: Lecture 5: The Systems of Supersensible Forces
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    • relationship to the physical organs. He focuses on the digestive and
    • processes in the organs, the "warmth" function of the blood and its
    • anthroposophical sense, a “physical organ,” or rather the
    • “physical expression of an organ.” For you have already
    • removed a physical organ such as this, there still remains in the
    • organism the inner vital activity which should be carried on by the
    • organ. From this we already see, and I beg you most earnestly to
    • it were, everything physically visible and perceptible in an organ
    • such as this (it is not possible in the case of every organ) and yet
    • there still remains the functioning, the activity of the organ, with
    • what is super-sensible in the human organism. But, on the other hand,
    • when we speak on the basis of our spiritual science about such organs
    • case of such an organ as the spleen we must think, to begin with,
    • organism which we have directly before us, this super-sensible
    • we see as a physical-sensible organ is such that physical matter,
    • does the organ become a physical thing. We may say, therefore, that
    • the reason why, for instance, a physical-sensible organ is visible at
    • in which we see it in the external organ of the spleen when we study
    • all the different organs in the human organism as being first planned
    • as super-sensible organs, and then, under the influence of the most
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: An Occult Physiology: Lecture 6: The Blood as Manifestation and Instrument of the Human Ego
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    • relationship to the physical organs. He focuses on the digestive and
    • processes in the organs, the "warmth" function of the blood and its
    • man, as a physical organisation, separates himself from the outside
    • the human organism entirely in the light in which we have had to do
    • this human organism itself, with its various force-systems, which
    • organism is a system of forces of a nature so self-determined that it
    • the combined activity of all the force-systems of the organism. If,
    • the organism, then we should have to presuppose that it must actually
    • belonging to his total organisation. As a matter of fact, if we look
    • into what belongs to this total organisation of man, we shall find
    • the entire organism.
    • form, is an essential member of the whole organisation, we must
    • conclude that this whole organisation must be active by means of the
    • in the skin what constitutes the expression, or the bodily organ, of
    • hindrance in itself is brought about by means of the organs of
    • glands. Glands are organs of secretion; and, in so far as
    • off within itself. We must presuppose, therefore, that such organs of
    • secretion, similar to those we have everywhere else in the organism,
    • find, in the skin organs of secretion, glands of the greatest
    • conveying of substances from one organ to another. At this point we
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: An Occult Physiology: Lecture 7: The Conscious Life of Man
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    • relationship to the physical organs. He focuses on the digestive and
    • processes in the organs, the "warmth" function of the blood and its
    • lectures, to form the impression that the different systems of organs
    • variety of ways in the combination of processes within the organism.
    • activities at work in the different systems of organs to higher,
    • super-sensible members of the human organism. We had to assert, for
    • everything that goes on in the depths of man's organisation,
    • active such as enables man to evolve an organ for the life of his
    • bony system in man, as related to his whole organisation, consists in
    • something of this kind in the human organisation, and we must be
    • organism in such a manner that they are finally filtered into a form
    • most essential elements in the inner organisation of man is that
    • advance still further in our understanding of the human organism, it
    • relation of the more or less conscious soul-life to our organism
    • material processes in the organism, whether endued with life
    • within our organism. And it is precisely this fact that is of the
    • thought-process there is a corresponding process within our organism;
    • down as the physical organism. Let us take first the process of
    • pure and unalloyed form. What happens in our organism when such
    • a thought, there takes place in our organism a process which we may
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: An Occult Physiology: Lecture 8: The Human Form and its Co-ordination of Forces
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    • relationship to the physical organs. He focuses on the digestive and
    • processes in the organs, the "warmth" function of the blood and its
    • organisation. Through this picture it will be possible for us to have
    • human organisation. Here again our best procedure will be to start
    • between the human organisation and the outer world, our earth, in the
    • diverse actions of the organs to the separate members of the human
    • organisation, to all the individual systems constituting the physical
    • fundamentally considered, what the human organism succeeds in doing
    • human organisation, apart from this impressing of nutritive
    • substances into the organism, is, fundamentally viewed, something
    • which fills out the human organism, you retain as a physical
    • organisation even less than a mere physical sack, if I may be
    • to conceive the human organism as a system of super-sensible forces
    • those processes should occur which do occur in the human organism. It
    • must be, then, that this human organism confronts the very first
    • coming from the spiritual worlds; the organism must really be
    • you descend to the nethermost boundary of the human organisation, you
    • matter does the human organism become a physical-sensible organism,
    • we may say. And so everything which enters into the human organism as
    • present as an integral part of the human organism, something which
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.

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