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Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Section Name Rudolf Steiner e.Lib

The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

Highlight Words

The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls

Relevant Literature

On-line since: 30th September, 2005

List of literature

By Rudolf Steiner

Occult Science — an Outline (1962/3 edition)


Cosmic Memory: Prehistory of Earth and Man

Knowledge of the Higher Worlds. How is it achieved?

Christianity as mystical Fact

Lecture Courses

Genesis: Secrets of the Bible Story of Creation (10 lectures)

True and False Paths in Spiritual Investigation (11 lectures)

Inner Realities of Evolution (5 lectures)

The Spiritual Hierarchies and their Reflection in the physical World (10 lectures)

Supersensible Influences in the History of Mankind (6 lectures)

Wonders of the World, Ordeals of the Soul, Revelations of the Spirit (10 lectures)

Man in the Light of Occultism, Theosophy and Philosophy (10 lectures)

Man as Symphony of the Creative Word (10 lectures)

Occult History: Personalities and Events in World History in the light of Spiritual Science (6 lectures)

Macrocosm and Microcosm (11 lectures)

World History in the light of Anthroposophy (8 lectures)

The True Nature of the Second Coming (2 lectures)

All the published works of Rudolf Steiner in English translation and in the original German, also the works of other authors on Anthroposophy, can be obtained from:

Rudolf Steiner Press
35 Park Road
London N.W.I.

Catalogues are available.

Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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