Rudolf Steiner e.Lib
The Karma of Materialism
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
The Karma of Materialism
On-line since: 30th September, 2016
The Karma of Materialism
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
Lectures Section
Addressing the rise of materialism as a world view, Steiner shows
its consequences for human evolution. This volume along with Aspects of
Human Evolution completes the entire German Volume GA 176. It includes
a foreword by Owen Barfield.
By Rudolf Steiner
Translation by Rita Stebbing
Bn 176.2; GA 176; CW 176
Addressing the rise of materialism as a world view, Steiner shows
its consequences for human evolution. This volume along with Aspects of
Human Evolution completes the entire German Volume GA 176. It includes
a foreword by Owen Barfield.
These nine lectures, translated from the German by Rita Stebbing, were
given in Berlin from July 31st to September 25th, 1917. In the collected
edition of Rudolf Steiner's works, the volume containing the German texts
is entitled:
Menschliche und Menschheitliche Entwicklungswahrheiten.
Das Karma den Materialismus
(vol. 176 in the Bibliographic Survey).
This translation is presented here with the kind permission of the
Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung,
Dornach, Switzerland. From Bn 176.2, GA 176, CW 176.
Copyright © 1985
This e.Text edition is provided with the cooperation of:
The Anthroposophic Press
Some editions and/or translations of this book are available for purchase from:
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Thanks to an anonymous donation, this Lecture Series has been made available.
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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