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- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: About the Transcripts of Lectures
Matching lines:
- preferences of the members. Whoever reads these privately-printed
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Appendix to Lecture 5
Matching lines:
- on the hypotenuse); they are already within it. The part (5) exactly
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Preface
Matching lines:
- reader of these lectures must bear in mind that in giving them
- somewhat dogmatic flavour to the new reader who does not know what
- unrevised) typescript. The lectures should be read as talks given to
- the reader to put new and truer questions to the genius of
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Synopsis of Lectures
Matching lines:
- all education, e.g. in teaching of writing and reading, based on free
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 1
Matching lines:
- satisfaction to find that here in England you are ready to consider
- a rule, the bodies have already become heavy, even in infancy. The
- the body has then been made ready, it no longer offers the same
- ready to meet them. You must allow the child's inner nature to decide
- he is taught to read and write as two separate things it is just as
- at another. Reading and writing must form a unity. You must bring
- artistically to the teaching of reading, and how this artistic
- treatment of reading and writing must be connected, again by artistic
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 2
Matching lines:
- all education, e.g. in teaching of writing and reading, based on free
- great deal there, they almost learn to read. They are supplied with
- in the same degree as previously. This already diminishes between the
- or twenty they are, nowadays, already blasé and have lost their
- treads on his heels shows in this one small characteristic of his
- the child's sense experiences have already a quality of soul, it is
- On no account should you teach reading first, but proceeding from
- arise out of these, and then you can pass over to reading.
- great help to you because the sounds are already formed in the
- have already become a means of magic because they are merely
- will object that the children then learn to read and write too late.
- when the children learn to read and write too soon. It is a very bad
- thing to be able to write early. Reading and Writing as we have them
- being able to read and write well before this age, the better it is
- development as one who early, at seven or eight years, can already
- read and write perfectly. These are things which the teacher must
- show you, above all, that it is quite wrong to teach reading before
- body, the whole man is engaged. In reading only the head is occupied
- read the Seminar Course, you will see that you are allowed the
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 3
Matching lines:
- also belongs to it the soil beneath it spread out on all sides, maybe
- that is spread out in the animal kingdom. We can express it like
- all the animals within him. The animal kingdom is a man spread out,
- by considering it as a human being spread out into all the animal
- of a human being spread out over the whole earth. Thus he, a human
- only towards the twelfth year that the child is ready to hear causes
- must read from the nature of the child how he should be treated. If
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 4
Matching lines:
- from 8–9 Arithmetic; 9–10 Reading, 10–11 Writing,
- Reading 9–10, but we have Arithmetic alone for several weeks,
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 5
Matching lines:
- probably find that the thread of your recollections breaks somewhere,
- us do it like this: Let us spread out our fingers and our thumb so
- mother who had a large piece of bread. She said to her little boy,
- Henry: “Divide the bread, but you must divide it in a Christian
- “You must cut the bread into two pieces, one larger and one
- already learnt to count, and so that we get a clear idea of the whole
- for it has already been membered by nature in a definite way. When
- well acquainted with, and which you may even have already come to
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 6
Matching lines:
- already told you that if the spirit-soul is strong, then during the
- itself, goes up through the spinal column (see drawing), spreads out
- column, spreads out again, becomes permeated with carbon, goes back
- they have been as one. I have already indicated the right method of
- have already described; he has the Main Lesson for the early part of
- I once read a book on Natural Philosophy where the author tried to
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 7
Matching lines:
- eleven-and-two-thirds the child already perceives the difference
- matter is as follows: you can read about it in my books, especially
- accused and condemned together, then you sometimes read in the
- already heard something of this theory which is connected with the
- reason, as I have already told you, we should not think out what are
- striving to teach by “reading” from the particular age of
- Then all that they have already learnt will enable them to understand
- expected of him there, nor in Reading or Writing. Moreover they wrote
- to know how to read and write properly at the age at which this is
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Questions and Answers
Matching lines:
- system which we have already “outgrown,” as they say, on
- the Continent. I expect you already have the decimal system for
- shillings already,” and another: “I have ten shillings of
- early, before all the trees were already stripped! “A
- which you already have to do with the abstract method of explanation
- children of four or five years do already come to school (which
- like to express, in conclusion, what you will readily appreciate,
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