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- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: About the Transcripts of Lectures
Matching lines:
- quite different things, built upon different foundations. The public
- “However, nothing was ever said that was not solely the result
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Appendix to Lecture 5
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- fits in to the space (3), and if you cut out the whole thing you can
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Preface
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- doing everything in the light of a knowledge of the child as a
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Synopsis of Lectures
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- breathing by way of nerves, as playing on a lyre. Importance of
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 1
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- of humility, but there really is something very special
- something even less stable; rules of education were laid down based
- views, are confronted with a complete impasse, for everything
- to such things as thinking, feeling and willing we find no reality in
- in the soul in reference to these things. What the so-called
- willing is a youthful thinking in the soul. Thus everything
- these things are realities. But today no one knows how to speak of
- the human body. And as for the spirit, there is no such thing! One
- easily feel that all is not well with our education; certain things
- know nothing at all of Man? Therefore all the ideas for the
- the natural thing will be that he acquires it through Anthroposophy.
- things are not observed. These are the so-called practical persons,
- entirely composed of thoughts arising from theories. There is nothing
- been nothing but a first step, an introduction. In reality the World
- and must learn something. Then one thinks how best to teach so that
- the child can learn such and such a thing quickly. But what is a
- will grow out of them. This however is something that people notice
- initiated into the mysteries of the spirit there is nothing that can
- should like to speak quite simply about these things, and you must
- ordinary things of the earth. One can speak of them thus because they
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 2
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- sense-organ? The characteristic thing is that the sense-organ is
- things. These are the finer processes that are not taken into
- seven years is really an eye. If something takes place in the child's
- a picture of it. From it something passes over into the entire
- circulation of the blood and the metabolic system, something which is
- the things that matter most for the young child. What you say to him,
- appear in your gestures — in short, everything that you do
- him. Therefore the essential thing is not to imagine that the child
- know that everything that is done in his presence is transformed in
- the things that we are usually advised to do with Kindergarten
- children are quite worthless. The things which are introduced as
- io believe that it really is something suitable for children, but it
- we were to do all kinds of things that the children could copy out of
- decide that this or that must be done in education, something clever
- peculiarities of which one generally knows nothing whatever. When you
- eat something sweet or sour you perceive it on the tongue and palate,
- I knew for example a small boy who on being given something to eat
- an organ of taste. The remarkable thing is that in his ninth or tenth
- say these things jokingly but in order to give you examples of how to
- observe. You very rarely hear people relating such things as these,
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 3
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- oneself, object is what belongs to the other person or other thing;
- and now we can begin to speak of external things as such, whereas
- thing we have to do is to dispense with all the textbooks. For
- textbooks as they are written at the present time contain nothing
- which show one how these things should be taught. Now the important
- things from them, you are doing something which has no reality. A
- it as though it were a thing by itself, that would not be a reality
- either. In ordinary life we say of everything of which we can sec the
- and form some opinion about it, that is one thing; if you look at a
- nothing in itself, but is only a reality when considered with the
- plant growth. Something else is living besides the actual plant; this
- you will be teaching something which is quite unreal. This will have
- reality that they look at everything in a disintegrated, isolated
- something in themselves apart from the earth. The plant is no more an
- something that grows with this organism.
- And in these things it is not only a question of giving children
- only come to see that this is so when you consider such things from
- child must learn about everything, including plants, by examining
- him for here is something real. I firmly believe that this is a
- at something which is not a reality at all. This kind of
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 4
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- something in the soul which may indeed sprout and grow. You may then
- cannot endure being clumsy and doing things stupidly and imperfectly
- yourself: Something is leading me karmically to the children so that
- therefore give you an example of something which can sink into the
- child's soul so that it grows with his growth, something which one
- feelings within him. Nothing is more useful and fruitful in teaching
- than to give the children something in picture form between the
- that things which at one time were given to the child in germ can
- they don't sleep!) and the first thing that the little violet saw was
- what that thing above her could be. “What is that up
- everything in the world which might hurt her. Then the little violet
- listen, for they always listen to such things; but you must tell it
- why when we speak of such things as I have just mentioned, we must
- one must have the gift of letting a great many things pass
- doing something with one of the children in the front row, the boy
- of something that is negative.
- wanted to pass on to something else and to relax the tension (which
- experience the strangest things in this connection, and it is mainly
- hardly begun. (I know things are better here but I am talking of
- things may easily come within your experience; it simply depends on
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 5
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- every subject that you teach, so that you do not make use of things
- in your teaching that are remote from life itself. Everything which
- to count things and what really happens when you count. You will
- being of the child with this kind of counting or with similar things
- that it lives in abstractions, by inventing such things as the abacus
- the child to understand every single thing we teach him. He must take
- despair over the way things are made trivial, in order, as one says,
- everything with understanding. Now we naturally begin to write
- of comprehending the thing as a whole. This is the natural way of
- real meaning for man when he knows something of his former earth
- are sitting comfortably inside it, you are doing nothing yourself; it
- the children. In fact there is nothing better in life than making the
- inside and does nothing, whilst the body, every part of it, is the
- chauffeur who has to do everything.
- thing to another; indeed this is the least important aspect of
- is something which is ONE. Now you divide it like this, and you have
- something which is TWO. It is not two ONEs put together but the two
- can awaken the thought that the ONE is really the comprehensive thing
- comes to experience something of what it is to be inwardly permeated
- by means of external things which he can see, and keep him as far
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 6
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- astral body gradually draws into physical body, carrying the breathing
- nothing further to do as regards the physical body, or at least not
- includes nothing of this sort. You will see that however much you
- as much as if you were to copy the whole thing in wax or plasticine.
- paint something that is in no way an imitation of the human body but
- to see that when you have explained anything about the human being to
- model such forms as the lung or something similar. It is really
- interesting to see how the child forms things out of his own being.
- nothing else that is very good material to work with.
- something very strange happens here. When the astral body presses
- breathing works in with the whole nervous system. Indeed this working
- together of the breathing with the whole nervous system is something
- of breathing, passing along the nerve fibres, right into the physical
- breathed in, it is playing upon something that is stretched across
- years of life, the child learns everything by imitation, but now he
- marvellous thing. In the cow a kind of image of the whole world is
- mirrored. It is the most beautiful thing one can see, a herd of cows
- allow us to experience the lovely things that the cows, for example,
- there is something that should really be present in the child at a
- one must understand something of music. But an essential part of
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 7
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- — his own self, and “object” — the things
- is essential for us to teach in such a way that everything within the
- things in quite an elementary way up till the twelfth year. The third
- nine-and-one-third the child takes in everything with his soul. There
- is nothing that the child would not take in with his soul. The trees,
- the stars, the clouds, the stones, everything is absorbed by the
- not speak to the child of Inanimate things at all before he
- make it clear to ourselves that this is really how things are: in the
- this, but pass over to all kinds of intellectual things when the
- on. Thus you must connect everything with life itself.
- that you are going to some shop where things are being weighed out,
- the essential thing, to begin with real life in considering the
- the other way, beginning with an abstraction, then something very
- tire. Now there is something very strange about the so-called
- man, which contains the whole rhythm of breathing, the circulation of
- found everything that is metamorphosed by means of the different
- year. Rhythm of breathing, rhythm of the blood, the whole rhythmic
- Everything that you describe or do must be done in such a way that
- rhythm, everything that is artistic or rhythmic, must be engaged.
- less you exert the intellect, by presenting everything in a living
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Questions and Answers
Matching lines:
- the part? And you have only another conception of the same thing as
- multiplication will soon cease to be something in the nature of
- is very important that the child should learn such things.
- the concrete as far as ever possible, by connecting everything
- One thing
- system for everything. Here, with your money, you still have a more
- pleasanter system of measures! These are things which really keep
- everything to the concrete. Only in notation do you have the decimal
- numbers themselves as concrete things.
- thing, and 2 is the number. I might just as well say: 2 dogs. But if
- you write 20, that is nothing more than 2 times 10. Here the 10 is
- treated as a concrete thing. And so our system of numeration rests
- upon the fact that when the thing becomes too involved, and we no
- something concrete, and then make it abstract again. We should make
- matter what it is, as a concrete thing, and afterwards made it
- is the concrete thing. The real secret of calculation is that the
- number itself is treated as something concrete. And if you think this
- nuts.” They were speaking of concrete things. A shilling always
- by using these numbers with concrete things — one dozen,
- untruth. What does drawing mean? It means representing something by
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
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