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- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Cover Sheet
Matching lines:
- Complete Centenary Edition of the Works of Rudolf Steiner (from the
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: About the Transcripts of Lectures
Matching lines:
- results of my anthroposophical work are, first, the books available
- in these lectures was not at all suitable for the written works
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Preface
Matching lines:
- a school in England based on his work. [This was
- He shows them how essential it is for a teacher to work upon himself,
- Spiritual Science of Man which it had been his life's work to
- and to understand the practical work of the world around him.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Synopsis of Lectures
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- knowledge of trades, e.g. shoe-making. Handwork and
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 1
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- work; that being so, he must acquire this knowledge for himself, and
- be so, that is the way practical people work. So they adapt
- being done in life because it is all worked in so unpractical a way.
- to learn by heart. I may have worked his memory too hard. If I do not
- we can still see quite clearly at work the effects of the child's
- spiritual world the human being can work on the body so that it may
- undertake our work as educators.
- this idea of “soul milk” into being for your work with
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 2
Matching lines:
- people in the school who can work in the way I have indicated. We
- imaginative picture. Therefore in your teaching you must work in
- we can work least of all in pictures if we are teaching the child
- the consonants. They can be worked out from a kind of
- must work out of observation and imagination, and the children will
- and you must work from this.
- if you want to work in this way you cannot expect to be given
- works of Emil Molt, so they were at that time to a certain extent
- all children of the factory workers.] In the short time of its
- this would work out in a “proper” educational
- unifying spirit in the work. No one opposes it or wants to have any
- the plan of work. This is the feeling I have when I go into the
- basis of the work. I have to tell you these details even though you
- must be of an artistic disposition. For what works from teacher to
- works upon the child in an imponderable way — imponderable in
- for the whole future life of the child concerned. For you cannot work
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 3
Matching lines:
- kinds of forces at work below, which throw these waves up. So it is
- have a feeling for the things that work in evolution out of the
- working against the development of his human nature, and punishments
- done their work badly and must therefore stay in and do some sums.
- works. A man's conscious intelligence, feeling and will are all only
- astral body works with much more certainty than the upper
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 4
Matching lines:
- of all kindle in our own souls what we then have to work out for
- through the workings of Karma. [Dr. Steiner retained
- working of human destiny in repeated lives on earth. See Rudolf
- is best to take no notice, but to go on working with the child in a
- least expects. Every teacher and educator must work upon himself
- repeatedly coming up again and again in life and working upon each
- find the right pictures you can work with the child in this way all
- your own powers of invention, you have worked out a dozen of these
- it to them beforehand. You should get the children to work out the
- of such a knowledge of man that one must try to work out what one has
- of colour and form work upon the children.
- thereby save the children from what can work such harm in their soul
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 5
Matching lines:
- way you can work out a conception of the “one” and the
- from real life, and only when number has thus been worked out
- bead-frame, that is to say, the child's head is made to work and then
- the head passes on the work to the body, for it is the body which
- learn as counting. And when you have worked in this way for a time it
- kind of living mobility into your work. All pedantry will disappear
- lost. Starting with the minuend and the subtrahend and working out
- principle, that everything in teaching and education must be worked
- work it out afresh every time. You cannot easily hold it in your
- again constantly and work it out every time afresh. This is inherent
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 6
Matching lines:
- one, upon which the soul and spirit are now at work.
- change of teeth at the seventh year. Then it can work as an activity
- work out these curious asymmetrical forms in wax or plasticine, then
- Now if you simply let the children work freely it is very interesting
- nothing else that is very good material to work with.
- an inner urge, an inner longing of the etheric body, to be at work in
- its full activity till puberty. Only then is it working completely
- breathing works in with the whole nervous system. Indeed this working
- So we find the nervous system being constantly worked upon by the
- what the body works out and sees revealed as knowledge.
- something artistic and work out the forms of the letters through art;
- space were a framework filled with all sorts of lines and directions
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 7
Matching lines:
- knowledge of trades, e.g. shoe-making. Handwork and embroidery.
- the nerve-senses organisation that is at work. [Dr.
- work with children of Elementary School age we must see to it that we
- work it out for themselves. Here what must be strictly avoided is to
- different kinds of work are thought out for the child to do. In
- children stay in the class where they are and repeat the work, but we
- what laws, forces and substances are at work in man himself, and how
- work done in the most varied trades, and to see to it that they
- themselves also learn how to do certain kinds of work which are done
- work, what this entails, I should have dearly liked from the very
- make the children into practical workers.
- led into a really artistic approach to handwork; the girls will not
- forth. Thus here too life itself is woven and worked into everything
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Questions and Answers
Matching lines:
- artistic feeling will prompt you to work out what is really there out
- itself but from painting, working in colour or in light and shade.
- is worked out in thought. But realities, concrete realities must not
- teaching on the lines indicated above was subsequently worked out by
- England, and that you are working with such energy for the
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