4. History of
the Incarnation of Ahriman in its Macrocosmic Aspect
The macrocosmic
incarnation of Ahriman just mentioned leads us to the
possibility of an objective, external, physical history of the
incarnation, occurring as a gradual process spread out in time.
Such a history is nothing other than one self-consistent set of
theorems in the form of simple historical facts that results
from the fundamental axioms which have been presented in the
previous section.
The history is
intended to be as accurate as possible from its point of view;
it necessarily contradicts equally accurate descriptions given
from a contrasting point of view. No argument is being made to
the effect that because Ahriman will incarnate in a non-human
physical form, he will not incarnate in human form. However,
Ahriman in human form will preach love and confer clairvoyant
faculties on his followers, whereas Ahriman in the form
described here looks more like what he truly is; so there are
certain advantages to pursuing an investigation from the
perspective described above.
Let us review
briefly what we will be looking for in our history and why. We
know that when Ahriman incarnates, there will be new physical
objects in the world, which will embody Ahriman in his
macrocosmic aspect; our history will consist centrally of
identifying those objects and tracing their development, along
with related conceptual developments. Our history is focused on
physical developments because of the nature of Ahriman. The
existence of Lucifer and Ahriman in their present form can be
traced back to the time when the original unity of the world
was divided in two, when the earth was separated from the
heavens, and when spirit and matter first appeared as distinct
categories; Ahriman embodied the pole of matter, while Lucifer
embodied the pole of spirit, neither being higher or lower than
the other. When we picture Ahriman as an individual being, we
are thinking in anthropomorphic, microcosmic terms. In
macrocosmic terms, Ahriman is identical to the entire material
pole of reality, and so his appearance here is naturally
accompanied by an intensification of the presence of material
objects, and embodied in the appearance of objects especially
suited to his nature. These new objects are (macrocosmically)
his incarnation.
By the time of
the appearance of the microcosm as a physical body, these new
objects must be widespread and truly of the nature of Ahriman.
But long before that appearance, there must be objects which,
while not fully of Ahriman's nature, are definitely tending in
that direction; this is required by the reciprocal response of
the macrocosmic aspect of the physical world to the approach of
the being. We should be able to characterize these objects,
find them in history, and trace a development which shows their
ahrimanic nature growing stronger, purer, and more broadly
involved in human affairs.
The objects
most purely embodying the ahrimanic presence are calculating
and computing machines. The earliest of these machines was a
device for adding and subtracting constructed by Pascal in
1642-4. Leibniz completed a more elaborate machine which would
also multiply and divide in 1673.
At the earliest
stage, the ahrimanic character of these devices is already
clear, although it was not nearly so pure or so pronounced as
it was later to become. [28]
The ahrimanic character is shown in the function of these
devices as manipulators of quantified, intellectual entities;
no analog of their function can be found in nature. The other
characteristics include being constructed out of familiar
(albeit refined and processed) materials, and out of familiar
sub-components (gears, cylinders, levers, etc.). the fact that
the function performed mimics human activity and rates fairly
closely, and the fact that a calculator is still closer to an
elaborated tool (that is, an extension of human activity) than
to a fully realized free-standing machine (that is, a device
that does something like what a human could do, but in a
different and usually more “efficient” way, and all
on its own — it is not used by a human, but stands next
to one).
At roughly the
same time, philosophies appeared which vividly pictured the
whole world as conforming to the nature of what could be
plainly manifested only in the relatively simple and limited
calculating machines.
intuited in his youth a universal logical calculus which
consisted of two parts: an inventory of all the simple,
irreducible items in the world (a collection of axioms), and a
method of combination and analysis which would enable all
possible knowledge to be extracted from a given set of
postulates. He maintained that this system was at the root of
every one of his important accomplishments and was the key to
building a science that would embrace all possible knowledge,
up to and including theology. [29]
In this he went much farther than either Newton or Descartes
were willing or able to go.
philosophies did not reflect the general state of human
consciousness at the time they arose; like the calculating
machines they were forerunners of what was to come. The
philosophies described a vision of the world which, centuries
later, would be shared in an implicit way by broad segments of
the population, especially in its leading and
“progressive” parts; in the same way the
calculating devices foreshadowed mechanisms which would cover
the globe.
The calculating
machines developed slowly after their invention. Many people
were able to see their potential, but something always stood in
the way of realizing it even though the more general process of
mechanization was proceeding apace. The programmable loom
invented by Joseph Marie Jacquard in 1805, for example,
embodies many notions central to the modern computer only
applied to the weaving of physical cloth rather than ideal
logic. The machine, which applied pre-established patterns to
the loom's operation, was an immediate success; by 1812 there
were 11,000 Jacquard looms in operation in France.
calculator/computer proper, on the other hand, remained stalled
throughout most of the century, in spite of the inspiration of
the Jacquard invention. Charles Babbage got the idea for his
Difference Engine in 1812 or 1813 and began serious work on it
in 1823. The purpose of the machine was to automate the
calculation of tables of polynomial approximations to
mathematical functions, especially for the purpose of
constructing astronomical tables. Babbage had a nervous
breakdown in 1827 and never completed the work. In 1833 he
conceived the Analytical Engine, which he explained was an
adaptation of the idea of the Jacquard loom to the process of
numerical computation. It was remarkably similar to the Mark I
computer that was eventually built at Harvard in 1944. He
worked on the machine until he died in 1871, but never
completed it, nor did anyone join him in the work on it, in
spite of the enthusiastic support and propagandizing effort of
Lady Lovelace.
The lack of a
fully operational machine was not the obstacle, however, as is
shown by the work of Pehr Georg Scheutz (1785-1873), who
managed to construct a Difference Engine based on Babbage's
design in 1834. A grant from the Swedish government enabled him
to make an improved version in 1853; the machine won a Gold
Medal at the Exhibition in Paris in 1855, was shown in London,
and ended up being used in Albany, New York. Apparently the
English government had a copy made of it. In spite of all this
exposure of a fully operational machine, coupled with the
prominent position held by Babbage in the intellectual life of
the nineteenth century, no offspring came directly from the
effort. [30]
In the
philosophical sphere, there was a significant advance in the
middle of the century, which, when its effects trickled down
into the physical, removed the obstacles just mentioned. George
Boole, an Englishman, invented what has become known as
“boolean algebra,” which he understood as a sort of
universal calculus, an algebra of the processes underlying
thought itself. [31]
All algebras are symbolic systems for the manipulation of items
taken from a well-defined set of elementary, ideal, irreducible
objects, without the necessity for specifying exactly which of
the objects is intended at every point in a sequence of
operations. The algebras most of us are familiar with have the
set of normal, rational, or real numbers as their elementary
objects. These sets are infinite in extent. Boolean algebra
takes for its elementary objects a set of just two elements,
which may be called (depending on the context) true and false,
one and zero, on and off, or any other dichotomous pair of
names. In this algebra, the relation that has always existed
between intellectual operations and the objects of those
operations was stood on its head: before, we were faced with a
vast, infinitely varied world (set of elementary objects) and
could perform only relatively simple (in intellectual terms)
operations on it; now, the world is so simple, there are only
two sorts of objects in it, and to make anything interesting
out of them, we must (and with the new algebra, can) perform
vast numbers of infinitely varied operations on them. The world
is reduced to a minimum, and intellectual operation on what is
left takes its place. And in fact it turned out that one could
produce equivalents of the original variety of the elementary
objects by means of complex manipulations of the binary
elements of boolean algebra.
As a result of
the practical necessities arising from the design of computer
circuits, a similar process of analysis and reduction has
occurred within the realm of the operators on numbers. It was
discovered that all operations could be built up out of a
combination of a single kind of operator or “gate,”
namely the not-and or not-or operator. The not-and operator,
for example, produces a result of zero or false if and only if
all of its operands are one or true; otherwise, it produces a
one or true.
In producing a
practical binary logic, Boole not only explored the number and
logic system on which computers would be based, but he also
completed the process of emptying out the content from numbers
and making them into arbitrary signs. The earliest known number
systems have a high number as their base (the number beyond
which one begins to use a place system and repeat the number
sequence from the beginning), as high as sixty for the
Babylonians. Reducing the base reduces the number of
individually characteristic numbers which have their own
existence, rather than one constructed out of more primitive
entities. Although numbers are inherently discrete or digital
(as opposed to continuous or analog), within a given number
system, the numbers themselves represent the more analog end,
while the place system is more digital. As one counts up the
numbers, the marching is smooth and regular, but there is a
sharp break at the highest number, when one changes the form of
the number's representation, and the final digit leaps from the
highest value to the lowest. In the binary system, counting
involves as much place system manipulation as simple
replacement of digits, and so the digital element, which is the
hollow or intellectual end of the polarity, is at a
1879 was
mentioned by Rudolf Steiner as having particular significance
in the history of Ahriman and most specifically November of
that year. [32]
At that time, a battle between the being Michael (the
countenance of the Christ) and Ahriman, begun in 1841, ended
with Ahriman being cast out of the heavenly spheres to the
earth, specifically into the heads of humans. Direct results of
this event were experienced by Thomas Edison and Hermann
Hollerith, and will be described shortly.
In the field of
politics, Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin were born. (Lenin was
born the same year as Steiner, 1861) They exemplified the
bright (such as it is) and dark sides of Ahriman; Trotsky, for
example, was a passionate believer in the virtues of
technology, and felt that a communist society was naturally
also a highly technological one. In printing, Merganthaler
invented the linotype machine, which opened the door to modern
printing technique. In heavy industry, Bessemer introduced his
process for producing hard steel, which greatly expanded the
possibilities for use of this versatile metal, and laid the
groundwork for many future devices.
In our field of
interest, the significant event was the hiring of Hermann
Hollerith by the U. S. Census Office in October of 1879. This
brought him into contact with John Shaw Billings, who was in
charge of the work in vital statistics for the 1880 and the
1890 census. Billings made a suggestion to Hollerith about how
the work might be made more efficient, and Hollerith responded
by inventing a system of punched cards and tabulating
In its modern
form, the Hollerith card is a rectangular piece of heavy paper
marked into eighty columns and twelve rows. One uses the card
to store information by punching holes in it according to a
consistent coding scheme. Machines can then be built which
sense the presence or absence of holes in certain locations on
a set of cards, and respond in various useful ways. For
example, one could encode a card with a person's name, salary,
marital status, sex, and town, and then automatically cull out
from a huge set of cards the names of all single women over 50
living in Yonkers making less than $5000.
system was first applied to the tabulation of the 1890 census,
and met with great success. [33]
Hollerith established the Tabulating Machine Company in 1896 to
exploit his invention commercially. After several
transformations, this company became IBM.
The invention
of the Hollerith card and the machines to process it was a
breakthrough out of the realm of the calculator and into the
realm of the computer. The difference lies in the location of
the direct control over the machine's operations. A machine
like a calculator is directly controlled by its operator; even
though the result of a command may be elaborate, there is no
qualitative distinction between a pencil and a typewriter from
this perspective. In a machine like a computer, at least some
of the control over the operations passes into the machine
itself; even though the operator retains ultimate control, he
takes a step back, and the machine acquires a degree of
autonomy. The Hollerith card machines are in fact very simple
computers: one wires them up, loads in a stack of cards, and
then stands back while the machine carries out a sequence of
operations on each of the cards.
With the advent
of this first computer, the autonomous will of Ahriman first
appears on earth in an independent, physical embodiment. Like a
swimmer slowly entering the water, who does not feel
“in” until his head is wet, so is Ahriman's body in
the earth while he himself looks on from outside during the
calculator phase, until the development of a machine with the
technological equivalent of will makes an actual identification
possible. We can look with impunity on a calculator; its
autonomous nature allows the computer to look back at us,
albeit weakly in these first instances.
The difference
is also shown in this: a damaged tool is simply broken; a
damaged control-bearing machine may be simply broken, but it
may also continue to perform its intended function perfectly
well, while ignoring our commands — if the control
mechanism is broken, it may run amok.
Between the
wars, elaborate special purpose calculators were built, mostly
to solve military ballistics problems. A “differential
analyzer” was built around 1930 at MIT, which was a
mechanical analog computer which could solve systems of
differential equations. Commercial electro-mechanical
calculators were also developed and saw widespread application
in business and science.
Now, at the
brink of the appearance of the first truly modern computer, we
will have to introduce several new streams of development which
had been at work for some time, and which merged with the
direct evolutionary line we have been describing to produce the
next great advance. One of these streams is a line of physical
development, and the other is a philosophical and mathematical
development; these will incidentally provide examples for
theoretical points to be made about the formal progress of the
Although fully
satisfactory mechanical calculating machines were eventually
developed, their powers were greatly limited. The crucial
factor which allowed the inherent limitations to be overcome
and made further developments possible was electricity. Now
electricity had been known by the Greeks; moreover, it is not
such an unusual thing, being found in all animal nerves. But in
nature, electricity plays a subsidiary function, one that is
completely buried in the structure of things (inter- and
intra-atomic binding) or secondary to a more basic phenomenon
(the electrical impulses in the nerves come from differential
migration of ions across the axon membranes).
Early in the
nineteenth century, the properties of electricity as an
isolated, primary phenomenon were explored. A key development
was the invention of the electrical generator in 1831 by
Michael Faraday. The invention was soon exploited in the form
of the telegraph, which led to electricity-bearing wires being
strung between all centers of commercial activity.
However, the
turning point in the appearance of free-standing electricity on
earth was October 19 to 21, 1879, when Thomas Edison made the
first successful trial of a practical light bulb for the home.
The announcement of the discovery on December 21 created a
world-wide sensation, which led to Edison's being dubbed the
“wizard of Menlo Park.” The invention of the light
bulb led to the construction of electrical generating stations
and distribution systems.
The appearance
of electricity as an independent, free-standing phenomenon may
be regarded as the beginning of the incarnation of the
substantial body of Ahriman, while the calculator or computer
is the formal or functional body of Ahriman. It is interesting
that these two aspects first appeared independently of each
other but at just the same time.
The incarnation
process proceeds from the spiritual towards the material. At
any one stage, the more spiritual a stratum one considers, the
more advanced the process is, just as the process is more
advanced in leading individuals or groups. Furthermore, the
“advance guard” of incarnation, the first
appearances of the process at a given point in the
spirit-matter continuum, can seem disconnected from the
movement of which they are a part; but this is only because the
unity of the process lies well below the surface of things, and
in any case, further development brings the advance guard into
explicit connection with older, more evident manifestations of
the process.
Thus, Leibniz
was able to develop a full philosophical picture manifesting
the advanced state of the incarnation in the conceptual
stratum, evidenced also by concurrent developments in physics,
astronomy, and the other sciences. But he was only able to
build a machine embodying a tiny part of these ideas, and even
then, one could not say that the machine in its evident
physicalness embodied Ahriman, only that the machine in its
functional working imitated (in a limited way) the form of
Ahriman; it did what Ahriman does, but was not yet itself a
member of Ahriman. Leibniz could do nothing in the final
A century
later, the incarnation had proceeded far enough so that the
body of Ahriman could make its first appearance, in the form of
free-standing electricity. It was important at the start that
this embodiment simply appear, so that it might enjoy a period
of development and refinement; the relevant analogy is to the
appearance on earth of physical forms like the apes and
proto-humanoids, prior to human incarnation, to make possible a
purely physical line of development resulting in bodies
suitable for incarnation by humans. In the same way,
electricity appeared and went through a period of preliminary
development resulting in a suitable “body” for the
progress of the incarnation to the stage of the incorporation
of substance. The achievement of this stage was marked by a
merger of the functional embodiment (calculators) with the
substantial embodiment (electricity), the result being unified
objects (electrical calculators in particular,
electro-mechanical devices in general).
During the time
when electricity was still undergoing its pre-incarnation
evolution, the uses to which it was put were highly prophetic.
These uses were communication (telegraph, telephone) and light
(light bulb and all its applications). These applications seem
natural to us because we are used to them, but they could
hardly have been predicted. Both uses serve and embody
Ahriman's chief characteristic: intelligence. In the
communications applications, this is seen from a human point of
view, since when we talk, we convey concepts to each other. It
may be argued that in human conversation more is exchanged than
concepts, but this only makes the point stand out more clearly,
since the devices communicate by reducing what is said to an
ordered sequence of signs, to “information”; they
eliminate or greatly distort everything but the clear, cold,
quantitative intellectual content. Light is the occult version
of the same thing; that is, what underlies what we see as light
is thought. We recognize this when we draw a light bulb over
the head of a cartoon character to signify that he has had an
idea. And just as the pane of glass that best lets the light
into the room is “clear,” so is the head that best
lets in the ideas. Future developments brought the human and
occult aspects of thought together in a remarkable
In this
century, especially since the first World War, the incarnation
process seems to have advanced very rapidly. We can see this in
the time separating the appearance of a new stage in the
conceptual stratum from the appearance in more material strata.
The first appearances of a true, modern computer on the
conceptual and then on the functional levels demonstrates this
quick succession. I will trace the development on the
conceptual level, which culminated in the 1930's, and which was
rapidly followed by the first functional computer. The
equivalent appearance on the fully substantial level is very
much in progress, but is not yet complete.
Leibniz' notion
of a universal calculus was applied and developed in myriad
ways, but the advance of imparting to it a kind of mechanical,
autonomous life appeared only in this century. So long as the
calculus remained eternal and timeless, it would be unable to
sustain the pseudo-life which was necessary as a manifestation
of the incarnation. The limitation came from the fact that
humans are best able to think the pure, empty, lifeless
thoughts of Ahriman in the form of mathematics; when they think
about nature, these thoughts are not so easy. Even though one
talks of time in mathematics, and even though certain
mathematical formulations can be made of processes occurring in
time, in the mathematics itself (as opposed to what we imagine
it to be about), time appears as the variable “t”,
a variable like any other, qualitatively indistinguishable from
space. We model time as a dimension in a multi-dimensional
space, and a process that occurs in time is simply a functional
relation with time as the independent variable. Time is modeled
in mathematics, but does not appear as such in it.
Efforts to
overcome this fundamental barrier, to learn how to infuse a
real time-existence into mathematical form, were undertaken in
many fields. Of course, finding ways to express in mathematical
terms processes observed in nature was part of this effort, but
notice that the greatest progress was made in physics, in the
treatment of lifeless nature. The philosophical and
astronomical theories of Laplace represented an advance over
those of Leibniz, in that they were more explicit and
worked-out, and were based on observed processes in nature
Attempts were
made both to bring the ideas closer to observed processes and
to broaden their sphere of application. An outstanding figure
in broadening the applicability of these notions was C. S.
Pierce, who made the first systematic attempt to apply the
notions of logic to a full-fledged philosophical analysis of
the problems of reality and knowledge. Similarly, in
mathematics there were efforts to establish a foundation for
all of mathematics in a fully axiomized system of logic,
represented by such figures as Frege, Peano, Russell and
Whitehead. This effort resulted in advances in the technical
apparatus of logic which made possible the real breakthrough in
the central line of evolution.
The penultimate
step was the development of the predicate calculus, especially
Church's development of the lambda calculus. This enabled for
the first time a complete separation between the objects of
intellectual operations and the intellectual operations
themselves. It gave in fully developed form what was
potentially established by George Boole. Boole had reduced the
objects of the calculus to,
the simplest
possible form, while the lambda calculus showed how to create
worlds of intellectual operators standing in vast, intricately
interconnected structures, ready to go into action, lacking
only the final push out of a universe of structure and into a
world of process.
This final push
was provided, in a primitive form, by the creation of a theory
of finite state machines, and in fuller form, by the theory of
Turing machines. A Turing machine is an intellectual object
that may be pictured as reading a tape of infinite length marked
into squares which may be filled with either X or O. The
machine may read from the tape, write onto it, move it in
either direction, and changes states depending on what it
For example,
the following Turing machine determines whether the sequence of
X's on the tape is odd or even in number. The machine starts in
the state marked A, in which it reads the tape. If the tape
holds O, the machine halts and reports that there are an even
number of X's (zero of them) on the tape. Otherwise, it
advances the tape and goes into state B, in which it again
reads the tape. If the tape holds O, the machine halts and
reports that there are an odd number of X's (one of them) on
the tape. Otherwise, it advances the tape and returns to state
A, having passed over two X's. The process continues, with the
machine passing between states A and B and advancing the tape,
so long as there are X's on the tape. As soon as an O is
encountered, the machine halts and, depending on the state it
was in, is able to report whether it halted after an odd or
even number of X's.
Although Turing
machines are very simple, it is possible to construct universal
Turing machines which read their programs from a tape, just
like a computer; and it can be shown that a Turing machine can
compute anything computable, that is, that (theoretically
speaking) all computers are equally powerful if they are as
powerful as a Turing machine, and that no computer is more
powerful than a Turing machine. [35]
Even in the
conceptual realm, realizations of these ideas which were less
definite were more universal. The outstanding example is the
logical positivist movement in general, and Rudolf Carnap's The
Logical Structure of the World in particular, which was in
effect an attempt to devise a system of logic capable of
expressing a human's entire experience of the world. Here, the
relevant expression is: capable of sustaining a comprehension
of the world as pure intellect, that is, capable of serving as
the vehicle of the incarnation at its stratum. Work to complete
Carnap's program has continued up to the present; witness
Nelson Goodman's The Structure of Appearance. While it is the
intention of this line of work to produce logical structures
which are as transparent as Turing machines and as obviously
mechanizable, the vast scope of their application has so far
precluded any real pretensions to automatization.
Around 1930,
building on developments from several years before, two events
took place which, while not part of the ahrimanic incarnation
process, had a decisive impact on it. One event took place at
the frontiers of mathematical logic and constituted one of the
greatest conceptual achievements of our time, while the other
event took place at the frontiers of the solar system, and
crowned the efforts of the greatest astronomical discovery
program undertaken up until that time. The first event,
Gödel's incompleteness theorem,
put an insurmountable roadblock in the path of the incarnation
process, and forced it either to halt or to redirect its
momentum into paths in which its true nature was more evident.
This event was a direct result of the new coming of Christ
“in the clouds.”
The second event, the discovery of the planet Pluto,
mythologically lord of the underworld, expressed the appearance
of a new figure on the scene, whose impact on world events was
immediately evident.
Taken together, these two events represent a polarization of
humanity into radical groups, small in membership at first,
aligned with the forces of transcendent good or transcendent
Gödel's result,
which was anticipated by several years (but without all the
technical baggage) by Paul Finsler, was a full working out of
the implications of the paradox of self-reference. Russell and
Whitehead had stumbled on the paradox in working out their
Principia Mathematica, in the form of “the set
which contains all sets which do not contain themselves;”
they did not solve it, but shunted it to the side by means of
the theory of types. Gödel did not shun the paradox, but
grasped it firmly, and drove it through the heart of the
development of nontrivial, complete systems of mechanical
logic. His result showed that they could not
This result had
two major implications, in this context. The development of the
simple mechanical automaton was halted through the introduction
of an analog of a thinking which thinks about its thinking,
that is, it was halted through the power of the self-conscious
knower. This was an act of redemption. However, it made
possible a new and far more powerful perversion: the
mechanization of the process of self-knowing. Whole theories of
recursive, self-modifying, and self-reproducing
automata [39]
have developed from that seed, which lay the conceptual basis
for the incarnation of a self-knowing entity into a machine.
This possibility is currently being pursued at a more primitive
level in the modern work in artificial intelligence.
The discovery
of Pluto, hailed as a textbook demonstration of the scientific
method, was a comedy of felicitous errors from start to finish,
and is a textbook demonstration of the occult guidance of
history. First of all, its position is supposed to have been
deduced from observed perturbations in the orbit of Neptune,
and calculations to that effect were in fact made which
resulted in positions close to where Pluto was found. [40]
But the recent accurate determination of Pluto's mass based on
observations of its newly discovered moon show it to have been
far too light to produce the effects which supposedly led to
its discovery. Second, Pluto appeared on at least a dozen
plates taken before the discovery plates, including four images
on plates taken at Mount Wilson in 1919 while looking for
Pickering's planet O; Pluto appears just outside the plate area
subjected to the most thorough scrutiny. [41]
Finally, aside from the necessity of coinciding with Godel's
proof, certain necessities of an astrological nature were
involved in the timing of the planet's discovery in concordance
with the destiny of the cultural impulses which would come in
its wake. By transits of Saturn and Uranus to the position of
Pluto's discovery, the timing of the explosion at Hiroshima and
of the detonation of the first hydrogen bomb in 1952 were
determined with great accuracy. [42]
This coincidence also makes clear the nature of at least part
of the forces introduced through Pluto.
Now let us
return to the main narrative, where we are on the brink of the
invention of the first modern computer. There are several
machines which vie for the designation, all built within a
decade. The most primitive one, the Mark I, was conceived by
Aiken in 1937, and finished about 1944. It was built at Harvard
with IBM for the Navy, was completely electro-mechanical, had
730,000 parts, and could perform three addition operations per
second. The famous ENIAC was also funded by the military. It
was built from 1942 to 1946, contained 18,000 vacuum tubes, and
could perform 5000 additions per second. Note the increase in
speed, three orders of magnitude, won by replacing mechanical
components with electronic ones.
John von
Neumann, the great mathematician who joined the ENIAC project
as a consultant, is usually credited with the decisive
development which marks the difference between a calculator
(however huge and capable) and a true computer: the concept of
the stored program, in which the sequence of operations to be
performed by the machine is not wired into it, but is read into
the memory in numeric form, just as though it were data. Since
the machine's program is data to it, it can operate on its own
program with just as much facility as it can operate on
ordinary data. This simple invention created a division between
machine development and program development; programs would
have to be written so that a certain machine could execute
them, but this practical consideration could be delayed to the
last moment. So long as synchronization was maintained,
machines could pursue a separate line of development in which
their general virtue as machines for unspecified purposes was
improved, while programs that applied the machine's
non-specific capabilities to particular problem areas were
developed in synchronization but not strict conjunction with
the machines. From then on, (machine independent) program
development was one thing, and (machine dependent) program
conversion and installation another. The first machine fully
embodying the stored program concept was the BINAC, completed
in August, 1950.
significance of this development at a deeper level is revealed
by the striking parallelism to the relation of humans to the
lower animals. In primitive animals, the neuron nets can be
shown to act like simple hard-wired calculators, each circuit
with a highly limited, fixed function to perform. Given certain
inputs from the sensory nerves, the nerves will “fire''
in certain ways, resulting in a characteristic patterned
response. In humans, attempts to tie down the function of a
given set of neurons in the brain typically fail, either
because no specific function can be found, or because the
function can be performed elsewhere if damage to the neurons
usually responsible for the function requires it. The human
“biocomputer” is always running a program, but the
program is not part of the biocomputer itself (although it
seems to be “stored” there), and is subject to
This is a
dangerous point. When this analogy is mentioned, it is usually
taken to mean that humans (which we find difficult to
understand) are like computers (which we think we understand,
even though the people who make this point are rarely actual
computer experts), and so we can understand people by imagining
them to be computers. Carrying such a picture in one's head
creates a spiritual impulsion: “may the world be true to
my vision of it”; the sincere belief that the vision is
already true only adds to the force to make it so. This
meditation and its effects are destructive.
The point being
made is the reverse: with the separation of control of function
(like thought) from performance of function (like will or
muscle), the computer has taken a giant step in furthering its
ability to imitate the human being. In particular, the
technical basis for a separate, incarnating consciousness has
been laid — but a consciousness of a purely intellectual,
mechanical (albeit self-aware) nature. With the achievement of
the stored program computer, it begins to be possible to talk
in terms of a (macrocosmic) incarnation vehicle capable of
sustaining the being of Ahriman. We are not reducing the human
to the level of the computer, but describing how the computer
attains (in a narrow, highly particularized fashion) a level of
development analogous to the human.
The first
commercial computer, the Univac I, was used in the census of
1950. By 1960 there were 5000 computers in the U. S., about 350
of them very large ones. Those numbers then doubled every two
to three years.
The discovery
of the semiconductor phenomenon, marked by the invention of the
transistor in 1947, made technically possible the tremendous
advance in speed, miniaturization, and cost-effectiveness that
have characterized the development of computers. Transistors
bring together those two aspects of (the physical things in the
world which are specifically polar to) thinking, namely,
electricity and light. The vast majority of a transistor is
made out of a silica (silicon dioxide), familiar to us as
simple glass. Glass is the thing in the world which is
transparent — it shields us from the world but lets the
light through, just like our head which (one hopes) lets the
thoughts stream in. Now silica, when properly manufactured and
when inoculated with certain minute impurities, responds in
very useful ways to the passage of electricity. In the
transistor, it is electricity (ahrimanic light) instead of
light which passes through the tainted glass — pure glass
will not work. Because of the qualitative agreement of the
material substrate used with what was incarnating, the way was
smoothed, and the advances came breathtakingly quickly. There
were major technical hurdles, but they fell so quickly that one
lost respect for how awesome (abstractly speaking) they
I will pass
over the many fascinating developments of the last two decades,
including the entire field of artificial intelligence, and
consider one last line of development in the most concrete,
physical aspect of these machines. This will show how the
qualities of Ahriman are finding concrete, physical expression
in the very materials chosen to build computers; how the
internal momentum of the field, consciously directed by no
person, out of the necessities of the technical tasks leads by
seeming happenstance to machines which contain more and more
that is consonant with Ahriman's nature, and less and less that
is not.
transistors are superior to vacuum tubes, which in turn were
superior to electro-mechanical relays, they still
“resist” the passage of electricity through them.
Technically, the resistance of a wire to electricity passing
through it results in the kinetic dissipation of some of the
energy; not all the electricity comes out the other end of the
wire, and the wire grows warmer. The wire, insofar as it is a
“neutral” part of the world, expressing neither the
qualities of Lucifer or Ahriman to an unusual degree, responds
to “ahrimanization” by 'luciferizing;” in
becoming warm, it becomes luciferic, and thus rights the
balance that the electricity upset. The wire is not Ahriman's
own; it is only used to an ahrimanic end, and at a price.
Moreover, the wire will only put up with so much abuse; pushed
beyond its limits, it will melt in an excess of luciferic
passion, and render further abuse useless.
This problem
led to efforts to reduce the amount of material (thus also the
resistance and heat generated) in electronic components. The
ideal solution would have been tiny components connected by
long wires, so there would be lots of space between them and
they would not suffer the effects of their combined heat. But
electricity does not travel along wires instantaneously; it
travels roughly one foot in one nanosecond (one billionth of a
second), and since modern components do their jobs (have
“switching times”) in just a few nanoseconds, the
length of the wire connecting components becomes a significant
limiting factor in the overall speed of the machine. So the
ideal solution is untenable, and the components must be placed
in as small a space as possible. But then, even if you manage
to cool off the components at the outside very quickly, the
heat soon builds up in the center of a component block to
intolerable levels.
The solution to
this problem, forming the basis of the state of the art in
computer hardware, is based on the Josephson effect, which
allows the construction of semiconductors out of
superconducting materials. You should be able to guess which of
Ahriman's qualities is given physical expression in this new
advance. Already measure, weight, number, intellect, and
mechanism are expressed; but so far, no physical expression has
been given to the fact that Ahriman is cold, freezing cold.
“The more [Ahriman] achieves his aims the severer is the
frost around him ...”. [43]
The new advance is based on the fact that matter loses its
electrical resistance (capitulates and becomes of Ahriman's
nature) when it is brought to a temperature very near to
absolute zero. The extreme cold destroys the natural neutrality
of the material, and it loses its ability to generate heat in
response to the passage of electricity. This
“superconductivity1' was discovered in 1911,
but only recently was it possible to make semiconductors and
thus computers out of matter in this extreme state.
The fact that
matter is in a peculiarly unbalanced state when it is
superconductive is shown by the details of its response to
electricity and magnetism. We know that ordinarily a fine
symmetry expressed in Maxwell's equation holds between these
two forces, just as we would expect in the sub-natural
manifestations of the polarized cosmic beings Ahriman and
Lucifer. But when matter is in this state (that is, is
unreservedly identified with the ahrimanic sphere) and a small
magnetic field is applied to it, a permanent supercurrent
arises at the surface of the material, and it loses its
superconductive properties.
IBM's most
advanced computer, which is not yet in commercial use, is
entirely contained in a cube six inches on a side, and is held
at a constant temperature just a few degrees above absolute
zero. Its small dimensions notwithstanding, it will be faster
and more powerful than any presently existing computer.
Meanwhile, large research efforts are underway to increase the
amount of magnetic flux a material can withstand before
collapsing into a more ordinary state, so that superconductive
technology may also be applied to the generation and
transmission of electric power. Furthermore, an organic
compound has been discovered which will exhibit this
phenomenon. The new stage of physical incarnation thus will
penetrate ever more deeply (as “intelligence” is
brought into it) and broadly (as widespread applications for it
are found).
At what stage
does the incarnation process stand in 1981? The formal
qualities of Ahriman have all been embodied in machines on
which the practical life of our culture depends. When the
machines first incorporated electricity, they also began to
embody the very substance of Ahriman, and when practical
computers operating near absolute zero appear, they will be
wholly comprised of Ahriman's substance; what little matter
they contain will be unreservedly (albeit not irrevocably)
given over to his domination. The penetration will then be as
“deep” as it can be, and all that will remain is
However, the
process will then by no means be complete. What we will have
will be something like retarded country cousins of the awful
figure of Ahriman himself. What is now being dreamed by
artificial intelligence workers will have to be made a physical
reality: the incorporation of “true” intelligence
into the machines. Much has already been achieved in this
direction, although the end is not yet in sight. For example,
machines have solved mathematical integration problems that no
human was able to solve [44]
; beaten the world backgammon champion; held extended
conversations in unstilted English about a severely limited
“world” of blocks; [45]
played ping-pong with itself, wielding a paddle with its arm
and guiding it with its eye; [46]
conversed with people about their personal problems cleverly
enough so that intelligent people feel personally attached to
it, and exclude others from the room for the duration of such a
private conversation.' [47]
The expert knows that these and other impressive results are
based on highly specialized mechanisms which cannot be
generalized easily. But the reactions lay people have when
confronted with achievements such as these is part of the
problem. It is proper to be respectful of the awesome technical
achievement which these demonstrated capabilities represent,
while it is also necessary to keep one's equilibrium, to avoid
anthropomorphizing the machine, to maintain the healthy
knowledge that the machines are less than they seem (a machine
which can beat you in chess cannot thereby be said to
“think better” than you), and the prudent suspicion
that they are more than they seem (they have occult effects
belied by their overwhelming ordinariness). The first signs of
“free will” can be seen by whoever knows where to
look, and beings of a higher order than elementals are
beginning to appear within the machines. In sum, the process is
rather far along, but is still decades from being complete
must & will have Some Religion: if he has not the
Religion of Jesus, he will have the Religion of Satan &
will erect the Synagog of Satan, calling the Prince of this
World, God, and destroying all who do not worship Satan
under the Name of
God.” [49]
[36] Gödel, “Uber
Formal Unentscheidbare Satze der Principía Mathematics
und Verwandter Systeme, I” Monatschefte für
Mathematik und Physik, 38 1931, pp. 173-198.
A translation appears in van
Heijenoort, From Frege to Gödel: A Source Book in
Mathematical Logic, Cambridge, Mass., 1977. A good prose
description of the proof is given in Nagel and Newman,
Gödel's Proof, New York, 1958, although the
authors tend to downplay the extent of the proofs
Revelations, 1:7. Steiner describes this event in his The
True Nature of the Second Coming, London, 1961, lectures
given January 25, 1910 and March 6, 1910.