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The Coronavirus Pandemic II

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Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

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The Coronavirus Pandemic II

Further Anthroposophical Perspectives

On-line since: 28th March, 2022

The Plan of the Black Lodges About Vaccinations

I will only mention a few points that I consider to be essential in the present context:

Humanity as such is on a path of development which leads to materialism in the form of technology, including the human organism itself. To this last point, technology and mechanization, “machinization” of human forces, Rudolf Steiner said that one should not handle these things “by fighting against them.” This is “a completely false view. These things will not fail to happen, they will come. It is only a question of whether they will be staged in the course of world history by people who are selflessly familiar with the great goals of the world, and who will shape these things for the well-being of humanity, or whether the scenario is staged by those groups who exploit these things only in an egotistical or in a group-egotistical sense.” (GA 178) Dornach, p 218f. )

It is therefore not to be denied that humanity is in a phase of development directed towards the technological domination of the world, including even the forces which lie in the spirit, soul and physical body, and will continue to be so in the next centuries and millennia. But on this path of development, in the present and in the near future, it will not be so clear where exactly the activities of the “White Lodge” and where the activities of the “Black Lodges” are, whether what is accomplished in the field of natural science is staged by the Black Lodges. For even if natural science at present is still little instilled with spiritual impulses, or even works completely towards materialism, this does not mean that its work is in the service of a Black Lodge. And in the future this will also be true, that is, not automatically and comprehensively (as can be seen from Rudolf Steiner's statement above). It depends upon whether the natural scientific achievements are used in the sense of the good-divine world plan. If they are carried out in the spirit of the beings who organize this good-divine world plan for the benefit of humanity, then such actions in the sensory world (as those indicated above) will also be sacred services (“sacred” not in the sense of traditional rituals, but as visible testimony to the conscious, freely chosen commitment of the individual human being to the living spirit, to the spiritual knowledge of the world and responsibility for the developments taking place in it).

However, since both sides are still in the process of gathering their spiritual forces for what Rudolf Steiner described above for the future, much is still in the “draft stage,” and one and the other are undulating into each other. The spiritual paths have not yet separated much from each other, for today people are still beginning to consciously and freely walk spiritual paths in the true sense. Black and white are not yet clearly separated from each other. Instead, there is a wide palette of shades and tones. For this reason, and because the spiritual means are still scarcely available, it is extremely difficult to point the finger at certain events or circumstances and identify them as clearly “black” or “white” in origin. Everything is still in the initial stage of the development mentioned here. And everywhere the freedom of the individual I runs through the web of existence, which is continuously woven and can reveal a pattern at the next moment, which was not to be reckoned with at all a short time ago. (For this reason and also because of the fact that the virus as a bearer of the always rigid and constant Soratic impulses — as well as everything else related to it — reacts with great flexibility to human behavior, especially to human spiritual activities, the following is not the final result that is applicable at all times and all places.) It is to be noted that those spiritual forces which oppose the world development plan shaped by the good-divine side in favor of humanity, and which the black lodges serve in one way or another (today the “western” black lodges have a certain preponderance over the “eastern” ones), try to prevent realization of the true human essence by which man would be able to escape their influence and their desire to subjugate. But this happens in a much more sophisticated and ingenious way than could be revealed today to large groups of people who hardly know or even want to know anything about the possibilities and methods of development of the human soul and the human spirit, and about the Christ-impulse and the spiritual science penetrated by this Christ-impulse. If the plans of the counter-spiritual forces, or the Black Lodges, were really so easy to see through, namely by people who, in group-soul-like contexts, let themselves be carried away by a more than dubious “we-feeling” and a resulting extremism towards the supposedly “gullible sheep” or the alleged representatives of evil, if the machinations of the Black Lodges could be stopped by picking out pieces of truth from somewhere and building house-of-cards theories from them, which are then spread by means of “social media” with snowball-like speed — or in other words: viral (sic!) — then humanity would hardly have anything to fear from the Black Lodges. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

With regard to the coronavirus problem, the same phenomenon is present and the Black Lodges, because of their basic intention to prevent man's knowledge of his true nature, consequently also want to counteract the development of a medicine that is right for human beings. It is their endeavor to gain control over conventional medicine and other natural-scientific research. Also, to gain control not only over the physical processes, but also over the psychical-spiritual forces of man, which are given to him for the potential control of the physical processes or for further development of them.

With this background, it is impossible to avoid speaking about the most sensitive topic of all, which so heats up the tempers in connection with the coronavirus: vaccination against Sars-CoV-2, which promises to protect against falling ill with Covid-19.

It can be determined by means of spiritual observation that with the Sars-CoV-2 virus infection the I of the human being would have to encounter this virus from within the physical body, that is, with the full force of consciousness. In order to completely neutralize the Soratic impulse attached to this virus, we would have to be able to control with full powers of consciousness what is now called the immune system (to control and to direct it), just as we are aware in daytime consciousness of the perceptions in the sensory world. What has occurred by the neglect of the I, and due to the fact that this neglect falls temporally in the third impact of the Soratic entity in the development of humanity, could only be reversed or made completely harmless through the control of certain vegetative processes of the physical organism. But at the present point of development of humanity this is not possible. In addition, man has put a gigantic obstacle in the way of spiritual knowledge by his neglect of his I (which has been the cause of the pathogenic effect of the coronavirus). Additionally, humanity has weakened, reduced its chances of reaching higher knowledge and abilities as quickly as possible. Moreover, humanity experiences today the rapid growth of all sensory processes, a time-shrinking so to speak, while its spiritual development does not keep up with this process of acceleration, but rather stagnates, or is lamed. In view of this as well as the fact that the infection with Sars-CoV-2 and its fatal consequences for the physical, mental-psychical and spiritual organism of the human being is a pandemic event, also from the spiritual point of view, that it therefore represents a karmic concern for the whole of humanity, the few who have actually already set out on the path of soul-spiritual development, or have even progressed further along, must now also recognize that their possibility for fulfilling their spiritual task for humanity is threatened. Like any other human being who has to fulfill their karmic task in life, an infection with Sars-CoV-2 would also put a huge obstacle in their way toward fulfilling their karmic task. If the karmic task of those few individuals already extends to not only advancing their own development, but also as an “instrument” prepared by the higher spirits to give decisive spiritual help to humanity, could not come to humanity, however, and would be bitterly missing if their component members — physical-body, life-body, astral body, I — organization is impaired by the consequences of the infection.

So what can be done?

At this point, it is only possible to speak of something that can only be of value if it is received with the necessary impartiality and peace of mind. It is the intention of the so-called Black Lodges to strive as quickly as possible and ever more “perfectly” for the command over those processes, those forces, which are connected with the birth of man, with the maintenance of his physical organs' activity and with death. Very special attention is paid to the command and specific manipulation of the mysteries of the genetic structure of the physical body, in which the whole karmic plan of humanity is worked into by the prenatal I and by the spiritual hierarchies standing alongside this I; this means the immoral manipulation of the prenatal and postnatal human DNA.

It is the case, however, that what is envisioned has not yet been achieved. It is true that much has already been achieved today towards this development. But it is still far from Rudolf Steiner's relevant remarks or — clothed in mystery language — in the Revelation of John.

This is because the corresponding natural-scientific branches, whose expertise is needed for such undertakings, are by no means fully under the direction of the Black Lodges. It would not only be naive and inaccurate, but also slanderous to accuse natural science per se of being influenced by the Black Lodges. In the future — if mankind does not completely erase spiritual knowledge — more and more of the morally good impulses of a spiritual science will shine on the natural scientific fields of research — even if only selectively or in smaller areas.

The Black Lodges do not yet have science at the point where they want it to be in respect to DNA manipulation in order to impede the “Lord of Karma,” Christ, from doing his selfless and loving work on the development of the individual human soul. But they are getting close.

The mRNA vaccination, especially criticized by the anthroposophical side and regarded as a pathogenic or even deadly work of the devil, differs essentially from the earlier, classical vaccinations in that the human organism is not brought into contact with the virus itself or with parts of the virus, but only with the “blueprint” for the distinctive viral envelope, that is, for the so-called surface, in this case the “spike” protein. This is considered to be a major advance by conventional virology because — in contrast to live vaccines — the human organism is not exposed to the onslaught of the actual pathogen.

The principle of immunization itself, which, by the way, does not in principle speak against the anthroposophical view, is based on a careful acquaintance of the human being with the pathogen or with parts of this pathogen. So it can be assumed that by vaccination the human being goes through the natural infection on a small scale, so to speak. He is then already forearmed for a possible encounter with the pathogen. If today some voices from the circle of the anthroposophical movement claim that only a direct infection with a pathogen can be of value for humans, it must be countered from a spiritual-scientific perspective that in the case of the Sars-CoV-2 virus this, however, leads to catastrophe. (What is coherent and justified in itself is now, as said before, turned upside down by a “change of signs.”) If one lets it come to an infection with Sars-CoV-2, not what would have been expected earlier happens. The “peripheral” I is deceived, as it were, and at some point begins to fight its own organism — the physical as well as the psychical organism.

Could vaccination against the coronavirus (especially with the mRNA vaccine), which is introduced by an element which does not want to know anything about spiritual knowledge of the virus and also of the human being, which looks at the problem materialistically and not holistically, be “coincidentally” the solution to the problem?

Certainly not!

To be sure, it should not and can in no way be claimed that all those people who were and are involved in the development and deployment of a vaccine against the coronavirus are working on behalf of the Black Lodges. Most of them are undoubtedly animated by the honest desire to help and to bring with their activity something good for humanity, through which a “normal” life can again be possible. (It is needless to mention again here that a “normal” life, as people knew it before, will no longer exist — neither by means of such a vaccination nor some other preparation or “natural” miracle remedy.) But even if today many people in the corresponding research areas have good intentions, it is nevertheless true that the Black Lodges clearly intend to achieve their actual gambit by means of the mRNA vaccination against the coronavirus.

Based on extrasensory perception, as well as sensory observations, I conclude that I cannot confirm the catastrophically negative effect on the human organism that some anthroposophists, and others, have attributed to this vaccination against Sars-CoV-2.

Due to the short time-span of just under one and a half years that have passed since the first clinical studies, it is not yet possible to say conclusively from a natural-scientific point of view whether, and if so, how the vaccination will affect the human organism in the long-term in respect to any undesirable side effects. From the spiritual-scientific side, taking into consideration the possibility of an imperfect or incorrect extrasensory “seeing” of these connections by me, and the events being still in development, it can be stated that in any case such side effects as those that occur as long-term consequences of a Covid-19 illness, namely a physical and psychical-spiritual impairment, or even that a manipulation of the psychical-spiritual organism were intended through this vaccination, neither occur unintentionally as an unknown side effect or long-term side effect, nor are they currently intended by the Black Lodges. — And according to my spiritual observation of the state of affairs, the perfidious plan of the Black Lodge consists of just this! I will describe it here now in few words.

Even though, as previously mentioned, it has only been a fairly short period of time since the first tests of the vaccination, it must already be admitted that a widespread catastrophe in terms of negative after-effects due to the vaccination has failed to materialize. By today's date (8.15.2021), just under two billion people have been fully vaccinated. Almost 4.7 billion vaccine doses have been administered in total. If the vaccination had resulted in the consequences that were feared by the anthroposophical side, it would not have been possible to prevent this from becoming known, no matter how closely the press was controlled. Because by now almost everyone knows someone who has already been vaccinated, and they can see from their own observations that the great catastrophe has not materialized.

As with any other vaccination, there are also with the coronavirus vaccination so-called vaccination harm, serious illnesses that have clearly occurred in people as a result of the vaccination, and these are in no way to be ignored or downplayed here. But compared to many other vaccinations that have been carried out for a long time, such problems occur relatively seldom in the case of the vaccination against the Sars-CoV-2 virus.

Even before the first vaccines were approved, my spiritual research led to what is now generally confirmed, also by my “sensory” observation: that this mRNA vaccination, in which the entire information is not transmitted by the virus which, as a bearer of the Soratic impulse, has the previously described fatal consequences for the human being, but only a copy of the blueprint of the viral envelope (so that the human immune system builds up a defensive phalanx against the garment of the virus in which it wraps itself, preventing an absorption of the entire viral information into the human cell, without the human being having to come into contact with the entire virus beforehand) prevents the main spiritual damage that occurs as a result of an infection, and therefore does not lead to such consequences as were to be feared or are today cited by certain people as having allegedly occurred. In observing many people in my own environment who have been vaccinated twice (approximately 100), they have had no difficulties, if we exclude the initial reaction to the vaccination, which can occur due to the successful activation of the so-called acquired immune system, which can sometimes occur after the second vaccination (such as temporary fever, chills or aching limbs). I could not find any other changes in the human organism (neither physical nor psychical-spiritual), that could lead me to agree with the opinion that spiritual activity is no longer possible after vaccination or only limited due to its terrible side effects.

(I would like to mention, however, that one of the few people I know and whom I trust to make a spiritual assessment of the current situation, namely José Martinez, who, by the way, shares my assessment of the Soratic nature of the Sars-CoV-2 virus, has told me of other observations. He had encountered people who, after vaccination — whether after an initial vaccination or a complete vaccination remained unclear — experienced a wide range of side effects, such as disorientation, equilibrium problems, concentration difficulties or panic attacks — all symptoms that are characteristic of a long-covid or post-covid syndrome. José Martinez, based on his own observations of those so affected, is convinced that the vaccination leads to similar problems as an infection with the virus itself. Because of my great respect for the results of José Martinez's research and success with diverse action in other fields, I did not want to let this report be swept under the table. Nor do I wish to imply that there is an error in his rendering. But when I am asked about this question, I can only state what has been made known to me by extrasensory means, and what has been confirmed by my perceptions in everyday sensory life. Although I am neither a physician nor a natural health professional, people have turned to me again and again in considerable numbers with the most diverse questions about health, or rather illness, with questions about a specific health problem. Until now, however, no one has contacted me who feels that he or she has been lastingly damaged in any way as a result of a vaccination. This complements my own observations in my family and acquaintance circles, also in the anthroposophical one.)

So I can also not confirm, both from the spiritual (about which I will speak in a moment) and from the sensory consideration of circumstances, numerous deaths of people as a result of the vaccination.

It could happen, however, that with an early development of the soul-spiritual capacities one has found something that is perhaps basically correct, thus worth communicating, but one is unable to support it by current spiritual-scientific research nor by physical-sensory facts. Then one may, if not yet advanced far in higher moral maturity, be inclined, with the intention of making what is to be communicated credible or convincing, to resort to frivolous means, for example by quoting statistics that cite millions of deaths caused by vaccination.

It is almost always the case that events, which appear as facts through extrasensory vision or research in the spiritual world, only appear on the physical plane with a certain time delay. One should not, however, feel pressured to resort to dishonest sources in the opinion that they would make the actual message more credible.

In the case of vaccinations against Sars-CoV-2, it may be that some people — not because of a basic interest in mysterious stories and interpretations (it should be noted in passing by the way, that today the more unspectacular of two variants of the interpretation of an event is usually the correct one), but in a kind of semi-consciousness or “clair-feeling,” come to a certain conviction, the actual essence of which, however, they are neither able to clearly name nor to confirm by what is taking place in the physical domain, simply because what was perceived indistinctly at the spiritual level has not yet occurred on the physical-sensory level. For example, it may be that someone foresees through a kind of semi-consciousness what was the result of my spiritual contemplation as the Black Lodges' plan concerning vaccinations, but is not able to grasp it correctly as the plan which has not yet been realized at all. So that person cannot find the events expected by him on the physical domain (like, for example, the hundred-thousand-fold, million-fold deaths of people caused by vaccination). But he is so strongly convinced of his “finding,” that he invents groundless “evidence” with which he seeks to substantiate it. But one must not, not even with passion for the spreading of truth, resort to the use of untruths because of spiritual and psychical immaturity!

In addition, I would like to note that in the case of the vaccinations now under discussion, I consider it impossible that they will cause a greater number of deaths in the future. And that “mass” deaths are occurring today due to vaccinations, as is being increasingly spread around from anthroposophical circles, is factually and simply incorrect. One can make such assertions either because of a seriously unhealthy psychical-spiritual constitution causing him to actually believe unreal things to be real, and therefore live in an world of illusionary thoughts, or because, due to moral immaturity — or whatever other motives may be involved, he is lying.

And indeed these observations on a sensory level, namely that no mass deaths have been caused by vaccination, also conclusively agree with my extrasensory investigations made already before the vaccinations were beginning to be used. In this respect, I now come back to the previously mentioned perfidious plan of the Black Lodges regarding vaccinations:

Thus, the current mRNA vaccination against the Sars-CoV-2 virus is a kind of Trojan horse — not a Trojan horse in terms of what it injects into the physical body of man, but what it injects into his soul. According to the plan of the Black Lodges, the harmless vaccination against Sars-CoV-2 is meant to make humanity have confidence in this kind of therapeutic treatment. For what they strive for is the manipulation of human DNA, because they want to procure power and other advantages by carving into the karmic plan, which is embedded in the DNA in respect to the physiological characteristics of the individual human being, meaning that it is present in the physical-material domain in the form of the DNA. The intent is to instill in humanity — through this vaccination, which promises a return to life as it was “before Corona” — confidence in the harmlessness of this approach by vaccination. According to the corresponding

Black Lodges' plans, people are made to believe that: science, conventional medicine and pharmaceutical companies all care about my well-being, they make sure that I am protected from illness and death by vaccinations and applicable medications which, because of their fantastic new technology or active ingredients, cause no side effects, or hardly any, so that I can return to the lifestyle I had before.

It is already being claimed that diseases such as cancer or multiple sclerosis could be prevented in the future on the basis of such vaccinations as the mRNA or DNA. It may sound tempting, and it could put whoever is opposed to such “therapy” in a dim light. But it should be clear to anyone familiar with anthroposophy that the artificial “eradication” of illnesses brings with it the serious problem of having therewith destroyed an important path which the I chooses for fulfilling its karmic obligations, also an opportunity of an awakening towards spiritual reality. So other ways must be found by the extrasensory human being, who finally descends in order to incarnate, to achieve independent and conscious higher knowledge and thereby actual freedom, independence from any god, be it good or evil, so that he is able to reach a goal, namely spirit-knowledge and to voluntarily join the covenant with the “good God.” However, paths such as an illness (not contaminated by Soratic impulses) are eliminated by such measures. This is the door through which humanity is tempted to enter by the will of the Black Lodges. And if it does pass through, if it does not recognize vaccination against Sars-CoV-2 as a means chosen by the Black Lodges to awaken unjustified confidence in the “therapies” to follow in the future, then humanity will not only deprive itself of many ways by which individual karma can be fulfilled, but it also threatens to be led into captivity by means of the prenatal manipulation of the physical seed of man, by those circles which work against the good-divine world plan for the higher development of humanity.

To conclude this essay, I will risk speaking about a very unconventional and quite precarious measure, which is open to the student of the spirit who is threatened today by an infection with Sars-CoV-2, in order to procure the time needed for higher development in order to defend himself against the accusatory attacks by the counter-spiritual powers.

Whoever has read more closely Rudolf Steiner's three lectures in Dornach from November 1917, which are compiled under the title “The Wrong and Right Uses of Esoteric Knowledge,” might have “stumbled” over a statement by Rudolf Steiner which gives cause for reflection in a special direction; the statement that in the present, fifth post-Atlantean age, humanity can develop “by the incorporation of the forces of evil in the good sense” (GA 178) to great spiritual ability, by which, as it were, evil can be transformed into good.

But I don't necessarily want to appeal to that statement. For it refers to those people who will have come to a real knowledge of Christ in the sense of Paul. But this does not yet apply to every human being who, however, with serious effort has already engaged in the soul-spiritual training path. I would like to refer instead — although I believe that Rudolf Steiner's statement may well refer to the possibility now to be mentioned — to another source, namely to the evangelist Matthew, who reproduces the words of Jesus Christ:

“See, I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” (Matthew 10:16)

The conscientious spiritual student has — according to what results from my extrasensory and sensory observation — the opportunity to gain time by means of a vaccination against the coronavirus for the intensive development and purifying of his soul on the path of training, as it is outlined in the book “How to gain knowledge of the higher worlds.” In a certain sense evil — or planned evil — can be beaten with its own weapons by the provisional protection that comes through vaccination which protects the anthroposophical spiritual student, or any human being from being robbed, by the consequences of a Covid-19 infection, of the time needed for their seriously desired and sought for spiritual development. Evil can be transformed into good if they actually use the time made available to them to do this work with unbridled earnestness, that is, to work spiritually on the development of the soul unperturbed by the Soratic attack. For in this way alone the means can grow for them, at the latest in the next incarnation, to help humanity and world existence to achieve its proper calling and mission, as able helpers of the good-divine Spirit, equipped with new abilities, not as “servants” but as “friends” of Christ. (John 15:12-15)

If the spiritual student obtains this advantage, this benefit, because of the vaccination, he or she has the absolute obligation to concentrate on this path of inner soul maturity with the utmost consistency — as does every other person. It's really not asking too much! For they are exercises that everyone can practice — if they really want to and are able to realize the extreme seriousness of the situation. But they must not want to acquire this benefit for their own sakes alone, but to acquire it with the moral attitude that they does so in order to mature spiritually in such a way that they are able to render a truly effective service to the world, and to human development as a whole, in the future!

It should be noted, however, that vaccination as such is not the solution to the problem; this should also have been clear from what was stated in Volume I. There is neither a guarantee of complete protection from an infection (even if in principle the encounter with the virus after a vaccination is mild, because then, due to the encounter not being with the harmful whole virus as previously, but only with the “sheath” of the virus, which has not yet fully awakened to the vegetative processes of the physical body, the I can become effective again in the old way from the extrasensory periphery) nor will this kind of vaccination work permanently and against all mutations of the Sars-CoV-2 virus, which will still develop if the vaccinations are utilized without any spiritual consciousness work being undertaken by humanity. If humanity does not now deign to acknowledge the threefold spiritual nature of the one Logos, if it does not seek its moral ideals at the level of living reality, then the positive effects of the vaccination will peter out. Then it becomes more like a boomerang, which loops back at us and — just as not vaccinating (and by this we see what a tricky situation we've got ourselves involved in) — leads to ever more dangerous variants of the virus, which finally achieve what the opposing sub-sensory spiritual force intended to achieve by the virus. Vaccinations will then foster the mutation and increasing resistance of the viruses, and long-term symptoms may then come after infection that have not previously appeared or have not appeared to the extent expected. And finally an awakening to spiritual realities, which include first and foremost the recognition of the human being as a pure spirit, as well as knowledge of the so-called deed of Christ for humanity. If this does not happen, the germination of pathogens will occur compared to which the destructive potential of the Sars-CoV-2 virus becomes almost unremarkable.

To the question of vaccination, the person who is burning for knowing the living spirit can actually only ask himself whether he decides for “plague or cholera” or — perhaps not quite so drastically — for plague or a sprained ankle. Because at some point he will come into contact with the Sars-CoV-2 virus. The fact that humans must deal with the viral wrapper (or sheath) protein in the course of a vaccination is a fact. I will have something to say elsewhere in detail, at a later date, about what this means. But the controversy about what constitutes the totality of the virus (there can be no question of a total “organism,” as already stated in Volume I) is, from a spiritual standpoint, a completely different dimension.

And at present we may still assume that an infection with Sars-CoV-2 after vaccination does not usually lead to (physical and spiritual) long-term consequences, as it does in the case of an infection without prior vaccination.

The spiritual student must consider whether he would rather risk meeting the opponent of the I on the level of his physical body, almost unarmed, and accept the long arm of this opponent of the I in his etheric, astral and I organism, with its devastating effects and, moreover, risk being jointly responsible for the infection of other people; or whether by obtaining some protection he runs the risk, as a vaccinated person, of giving the wrong impression to his spiritually ignorant surroundings, namely the impression that there is a security which is easy to obtain without any effort of his own. For he runs this risk if he is perceived in his circle only as being vaccinated, but not as a living example of someone who identifies with the spirit. And he must ask himself whether he even wants to risk being directly responsible for the emergence of even worse scenarios, with the most serious consequences, being vaccinated and simultaneously neglecting the necessary psychical self-education. (Those who are not vaccinated must of course ask themselves the same questions.) As far as my insight tells me, the second option can still lead to something positive, because the conditions for its favorable outcome can certainly be fulfilled by people who are seriously concerned about the living spirit, or even a spiritual student. It would require, however, a certain number of human souls, for it is a karmic event happening to humanity as a whole.

We must realize that there is no way out of this situation completely untouched. That is why a “spirituel Ratio” and a “spiritual rationality” are needed. And this does not only mean choosing to be vaccinated in order to comply with Christ's instruction to be “wise” “like serpents,” but at the same time to strive for that moral purity in one's own soul, for which the image of the dove was chosen, which in Christian iconography appears as God's messenger, as the Holy Spirit.

Humanity today must get around to basing its opinions and actions on something other than sensory-intellectual ratio — “What must we do to perform the works of God?” Christ's answer to this is, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” (John 6:28-29)

Why is faith in Christ — which today in the age of the consciousness soul expresses willingness to know Christ — necessary to do good works? It is necessary because Christ is the spirit of truth. In our thinking we must seek the connection to truth. We must give up lying, but also speculation, half-truths, hyper-rationality, intellectual as well as the unworldly, Luciferic, irrational confusion of our minds. This is achievable through the path of selflessness, on which Christ preceded us as an example. The creative “Word,” which was in the beginning and from which the world came forth, lives in the truth, which it proclaimed itself. Whoever looks to the representative of humanity, whoever hears his voice, does not find it difficult to bear the cross of renunciation of personal advantage, and will find the narrow but sure way of the middle. The connection with Christ lifts the person over his weaknesses and makes him a helper on the great work of humanity's development — What are we waiting for?

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