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The Coronavirus Pandemic II

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Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

The Coronavirus Pandemic II

Further Anthroposophical Perspectives

On-line since: 28th March, 2022

The Coronavirus Pandemic II

Further Anthroposophical Perspectives

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

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In this book, the main focus is not on the distressing social developments that have arisen as consequence of the coronavirus pandemic — and for good reason: Although there are already (thankfully) many quality descriptions and articles about this complex of problems and questions, at the same time on the other hand a dangerous knowledge-vacuum has arisen. Therefore in this book I will refrain from elaborating on the problems already made widely visible in favor of this knowledge-vacuum, which will be outlined as an addition to what has already been described in Volume I.

By Judith von Halle

Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

In this book, the main focus is not on the distressing social developments that have arisen as consequence of the coronavirus pandemic — and for good reason: Although there are already (thankfully) many quality descriptions and articles about this complex of problems and questions, at the same time on the other hand a dangerous knowledge-vacuum has arisen. Therefore in this book I will refrain from elaborating on the problems already made widely visible in favor of this knowledge-vacuum, which will be outlined as an addition to what has already been described in Volume I.

Gaining higher knowledge is possible for everyone. But it doesn't just fall into your lap. One must be prepared to do something for it, and also to leave something. In order to avoid spiritual totalitarianism one must first know something about what spirituality actually means. And acquiring this knowledge, the most selfless acquisition a person can make, is ultimately at the core of this book.

Originally published in German in 2021 under the title, Die Coronavirus-Pandemie II: Weitere anthroposophische Gesichtspunkte by Verlag für Anthroposophie, Dornach, Switzerland. Permission to publish this English translation given by Joseph Morel, representing Judith von Halle: visit their website at: https://www.v-f-a.ch/

This book was written by Judith von Halle, translated by Frank Thomas Smith, and edited by James D. Stewart. It is published here with the kind permission of the Verlag für Anthroposophie, Dornach, Switzerland.

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 Cover Sheet  
Part 1: The Fundamental Problems of the Present Situation from a Spiritual Viewpoint  
Part 2: About the Spiritual Character of the Sars-Cov-2 Virus  
Part 3: The Consequences of a Covid-19 Infection  
Part 4: Psychical-Spiritual Path of Schooling and Its Effects  
Part 5: The Black Lodges and the Soul's Training  
Part 6: The Plan of the Black Lodges About Vaccinations  
About the Author  

Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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