is surely unusual for the author of a study such as this one to
reveal her feelings while writing it; and the reader may
consider such private disclosures as inappropriate in such a
With this in mind I request your understanding, for I find no
other way than to openly express my own feeling of
oppression as I write this book. Actually, my foremost
intention is to work with people who are prepared to enter into
a significant spiritual task full speed ahead and without
detours, into a work that is focused on the setting of
spiritual foundation stones for the soul's future higher
development. It is, after all, the kind of work which is
presently so urgently needed everywhere!
an obstacle stands in the way of this step. And it is clear
that this work cannot begin until that obstacle is removed.
obstacle is basically that I consider a fruitful spiritual
working in community against the background of the heated
debates about the “right” way to handle the
corona-virus problem to be impossible. For something has
entered the anthroposophical movement with “corona”
which in form and magnitude has, in my opinion, never been the
case before. And what is happening in the anthroposophical
movement in this respect is no different than in society as a
whole. The populace is deeply divided across all its different
social, economic, political, cultural, religious, educational
and age groups. And the tendency toward radicalization that
becomes apparent when one's own opinion about this subject is
expressed compared to that of others, has increased to a
worrying extent. One often observes that people have suddenly
forgotten their ethical principles and ideals when dealing with
others. A moral amnesia seems to have broken out. These
developments are catastrophic for people in everyday social
life. For a spiritual community they mean, in
effect, death.
course a spiritual, anthroposophical working community should
be the appropriate space in which people with different
opinions can nevertheless come together, because they know
themselves to be united in a higher spirit and strive together
for it. If, however, doubts arise among them as to whether the
other person truly strives for this spirit because he has a
different opinion about the coronavirus question, then such a
community is threatened in its very spiritual foundations.
Furthermore, in this case a “live” event taking
place depends on whether all can agree about how to act in
respect to the protection or non-protection from infection.
Since I naturally cannot ensure that before every working
meeting the participants reach such a formal as well as
spiritual agreement among themselves, I see no other
possibility than that those people who in the future wish to
share a common working group with me reach a basic consensus to
accompany the course leader's contribution and participate in
the event without “stomach aches,” without inner
Originally I wanted what follows to be directed only to the
members of the anthroposophical working group of the Free
Association for Anthroposophy in Dornach, the Lazarus-John
Branch (as well as to those who register for my events) — just
as I intended to do with the contents of volume 1. But it's
probably an illusion to think that these words will remain in
the circle of those for whom they are intended. And I would
like very much to avoid a piecemeal way of passing them on,
especially in this case. So I have no choice but to attempt to
remove the above-mentioned obstacle by means of an official
Although my book is now a public one and therefore accessible
to every interested person, I cannot do so except with the
background of anthroposophical knowledge of the world and
humanity, and the use of certain applicable concepts and basic
knowledge. This means that the reader who has not yet come into
contact with Anthroposophy may not necessarily find it easy to
follow my explanations correctly. This is pointed out here in
advance. For this volume also deals with anthroposophical
Although these words are of course directed at everyone who is
open to a somewhat different consideration of outer events, and
is basically prepared to accept the reality of a spiritual
sovereignty of consciousness as a causally inherent creative
force of all things and beings, as well as the importance of
the Son of God for the development of the free human being, I
am writing mostly for people who, because of being aware of the
contents of anthroposophical knowledge, already possess a
certain insight into the world and the human being.
what follows is not only directed to that group of persons
because due to their previous knowledge of anthroposophical
terminology and contents they will more easily understand, but
also because the conditions now seem to be such that among
those people who count themselves as members of the
anthroposophical movement, it is precisely the
“knowing” of certain spiritual facts, or the
handling of this (mostly read) knowledge, which at an
earlier point in time had been provided by a third party
(mainly by Rudolf Steiner), does not have to lead directly to
enlightenment, but — on the contrary — carries the danger of
missing reality by a hair's breadth or even by miles (for
which, however, the provider of this spiritual knowledge,
Rudolf Steiner, is not to be held in the least
here lies the obstacle of which I spoke, not in its essence,
but in detail: that within the anthroposophical movement it is
precisely because of knowing certain statements once
made based on spiritual-scientific research that it becomes
clear in the present situation what such knowledge is worth if
it alone is used to judge the present situation, that
is, if we confuse certain spiritual-scientific learning with
spiritual insight, if we consider what has been acquired by
study to be valid spiritual-scientific knowledge. It is
apparent in this situation, which has been caused by the
coronavirus, that knowing such things can, under certain
circumstances, lead in a completely different direction than
the one leading to direct, living knowledge of the spiritual
This has — as is evident to me from letters, various internet
contributions and articles in anthroposophical journals — led a
large (perhaps predominant?) part of anthroposophical oriented
circles to adhere to a view of things and events surrounding
the coronavirus that not only seems to be almost unprovable,
but also makes it clear to me that I am alone out on a limb in
my spiritual-scientific consideration of the coronavirus
problem, which will be outlined below.
since the viewpoint that is obviously predominant in large
parts of the anthroposophical movement, and which is held with
breathless emotion and propagated with an almost missionary
zeal, I have little confidence that this book will ultimately
lead to anything other than its defamation or the questioning
of my spiritual-scientific competence. For a not insignificant
number of the letters addressed directly to me contain the wish
(or the demand) for agreement by me with their own opinion
rather than open questions about understanding of the situation
based on spiritual science.
therefore consider the chance of opening a small door for a
different perspective on things through a book like this to be
very small. For there is already a certain gate within the
anthroposophical movement that is wide open, and through much
banging of drums and trumpets apparently many people have
already passed through this gate, which opens in only
one direction.
I feel obligated, in the best sense of the word, to those who
have waited for many months for a statement from me on the
present situation and who are really open to considering my
answers, although I would like to emphasize that I do not have
“the” answer to all your questions! So on one hand
there are those whose souls are not yet completely hardened in
their conviction, as well as those who have turned to me with
the request for an answer, which give me the reason to write
and publish this book. And last but not least, as I said,
reading this book may help to ensure that the work I actually
have in mind can take place in an atmosphere cleared of any
ill-feelings, because those who have a strict contradictory
view of the sketchy explanations presented here will not want
to join (any longer) working groups with me in the future —
which is deplorable, but would probably be the only sensible
thing in the end.
these introductory remarks indicate, however, how complicated
and deeply regrettable the situation has become.
are really living in a time in which every individual has
fundamental decisions to make — whether they want to or not,
whether they are aware of it or not.
However, and this is one of the things that causes me such
great distress in writing these thoughts, that at the moment
one can actually only identify two major camps of opinion, that
tend to be suspicious of each other: for one, that of the
“classical,” scientifically oriented, essentially
un-or-anti-spiritual worldview, the camp in favor of all kinds
of exterior protective measures against the coronavirus, who
consider it dangerous, and also of those in favor of general
regulations and laws and basically supporters of vaccination;
and for the other the “alternatives” and otherwise
vague definitions or categories, of partly a spiritual, but
also a not-at-all spiritual worldview, the position of those
who consider the coronavirus harmless, comparable to the
influenza virus, the position of supporters of individual
freedom of choice in every respect and categorical opponents of
vaccination. These two positions accuse each other, sometimes
more or less reticently, of fundamental errors and intentions,
so that gradually a world appears that seems to be drawn in
black and white.
is indicated in this book, the situation in which we currently
find ourselves is not, however, one in which
“black” and “white” are as easily
distinguishable as many voices today suggest. That this is
still widely believed, however, makes it so difficult to
untangle the knot, and also to introduce
“appealing” evidence for the points to be made,
although this in itself is an indication of the nature of the
spiritual test we are facing as humanity and as
would like to also state now that with this book I have no
intention of convincing my readers to change their opinion.
writing down of the following remarks is not due to a
missionary impulse. (In fact, I must admit that I am repelled
by writings based on such an impulse.) It is done out of an
effort to investigate and deal with the questions brought to me
and the cause of the present conditions which have arisen in
various areas from the coronavirus problem by means of
anthroposophical spiritual science — whether a certain
opinion is thereby strengthened or weakened.
a real anthroposophical investigation it cannot be otherwise
but that no attention is paid to personal opinions, because
it's not a question of personal opinions when we are following
the track of spiritual realities. It cannot be understood and
operated in any other way than that the personal opinion of the
one who undertakes the spiritual-scientific investigation plays
such a minor role that — if in the end it proves to be
completely insubstantial in relation to reality — the person
concerned is prepared to abandon the effort without
otherwise, in such a super-sensible endeavor, one tries
(consciously or subconsciously) to confirm his or her own
opinion by means of the super-sensible investigation, they may
as well not have bothered to undertake such a super-sensory
investigation, for it will in fact not be one. Everyone should
know this fact who has had first experiences on the path of
spiritual training, and is courageous and sincere enough to
admit their initial unfortunate errors in this respect.
it should be clear that this exposition does not present my
personal views regarding political, economic or external
social events. It addresses the spiritual challenges
which exist for general humanity, and thus within the
anthroposophical movement, with regard to the coronavirus
issue. It makes no claim to completeness and no claim to
complete correctness. But it is the result of a
spiritual-scientific investigation carried out to the best of
my knowledge and belief and according to the possibilities
available to me.
What is therefore explored in this book is considered
exclusively according to its spiritual content — according to
spiritual-scientific perspectives alone. (This fact may help to
answer the question about participation in my events).